"What happened?"

11:39 pm

At the entrance of a subway station, many people waiting to take the subway home gathered outside. The entrance to the subway station was blocked, and many people from Section 5 were still inside to investigate.

Finally, the blockade was opened, and everyone lined up to enter the subway station. As soon as they entered the subway station, some people discovered that the subway station was brightly lit. Usually there were only dim lights, but today the light in the subway station was very strong.

Everyone is speculating on what happened, but one thing is certain, something big must have happened.

Because the administrative departments of subway stations in various places are conducting strict investigations, some people have rumors that it may be a bomb, and that a bomb was placed in a certain subway station.

At this time, in a subway station in the 45th district of the middle level, Qin Dong entered with several directors. He came to the scene in person because he had found traces that were suspected of being eaten by similar plants.

Qin Dong walked directly to the railway track, and after a while he came to a nearby drainage outlet. After entering, he saw a large hole that was discovered by more than ten members of Section 5 who were guarding not far away. The directors behind him took the After testing with instruments, the traces of this large hole were still very new, just within this month.

Qin Dong's expression was very bad, because it was now almost certain that these plants were lurking in the drainage channels under the Bright City. Things would become extremely complicated. Looking for plants in the intricate underground drainage channels was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Soon another bad news came. Another hole was found in another subway station. When photos of the scene were sent, Qin Dong was already sure that it was caused by plant-like plants. Moreover, there was a hole in this subway station this month. That's where the individual disappeared.

Soon a plan drawn up by Michelle came. It required overnight processing and transformation of the subway. Isolation guardrails were installed on both sides of the subway platform, and a strong light that could illuminate most areas was installed on the isolation guardrail. light lamp.

This will consume some electricity every day, but this is also a helpless move. The General Affairs Department has contacted a production company to start production overnight according to the guardrail drawings given by the General Affairs Department. The entire production department is on standby.

There are a total of 637 subway stations in 120 districts, and 1,274 guardrails need to be installed. The production speed of that large factory is very fast. The workers have already started work, and they should be able to meet the requirements at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning at the latest. Require.

In order to prevent the moving train from being attacked, the train also needs to be equipped with some bright lights that can be activated in an emergency. The Angus family is already changing the program settings. The changes will not be completed until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. Once the subway is attacked If there is an attack, the bright lights will be activated.

This is the maximum protection at present, and it must be done as soon as possible, because uncertain plants may eat citizens. If this continues in the long run, the city will fall into extreme panic.

The unknown is fatal to many people. Qin Dong thought about countermeasures with some annoyance. How can we accurately find plant-like plants in such a complicated underground waterway? Qin Dong thought about nano-robots, but the cost would be It's just too huge.

We can only see what method the gods will use to solve it. The key is that this kind of plant does not have any weaknesses except being afraid of light, nor does it have any biological habits.

Qin Dong immediately arranged for the on-site staff to install surveillance cameras and bright lights in the big hole, and then left directly, planning to go to the subway station where someone was missing.

In the dark night, many people on the street went home, because there were many explosions last night, and the administrative department suddenly made such a move tonight, which made many people panic.


In the basement of Frye Mental Hospital, more than a dozen members of the Creator gathered together. The clone Frye did not come down because he had already gone to the stinking area outside Area 118. He was called there by Huashen.

What exactly happened was unknown. Lolita watched the news in the city. There were many rumors on the Internet about the large-scale operation of the Executive Branch tonight.

"Start the plan, Lolita. If you continue to wait, the opportunity will be fleeting."

Zhao Zhen, who was leaning against the wall, spoke. At this time, accompanied by a burst of giggles, Crystal wearing a silver mask laughed.

"If you can't help it, just take action first. You haven't lived in that anchor's house for so long, so why not use that anchor to cause a big incident."

"What do you mean crystal."

Zhao Zhen asked angrily. Everyone else was silent. Jie Lin scanned everyone. They were still waiting for Fry to come back to know what exactly happened.

"I thought about it, maybe it's plant-like."

Claude said, and everyone present nodded. In order to complete the work of replacing new humans, it was too difficult for the AI ​​to dispose of corpses in this city, and the best way was to use plant-like ones. deal with.

This kind of plant-like plant that can instantly devour human bodies was brought back by the creators and handed over to the AIs. They made good use of these plant-like plants and successfully replaced many new humans.

It's just that these plant-like plants have not been disposed of, which can be regarded as one of the threats to the city. In order to bring back the plant-like plants, they have spent a lot of effort.

This kind of plant has a characteristic. It does not swallow things all the time, but has a certain characteristic. It crawls along the light, obviously afraid of the light, but wants to get close to the light.

This was determined after their repeated research. The most critical point was that Frye was able to control plant-like plants in the past, which neither Lolita nor Jielin told anyone else.

"How on earth did you bring the plantoids back?"

At this time, a member with a scar on his face asked, and Jaylin laughed.

"Scar, these matters are matters of the Science Department and you don't need to worry about them."

Scar laughed.

"What method did those psychopaths use to bring the plantoids back? I'm very curious about this."

Everyone is still watching the news, waiting for Dean Frye to come back. Lolita and Jie Lin are extremely worried. They are worried that there is something abnormal in clone Frye's body. If something goes wrong, the secret may be exposed.

"Let's break up now. Everyone should go back. There will be a formal meeting in a few days."

Lolita said, everyone stood up, and that was all they could do now. Zhao Zhen stared at Jie Lin and Lolita with cold eyes. He already felt that the two of them were hiding something important from them. Zhao Zhen walked out. After a few steps, he walked to Scar's side.

"They are hiding something from us."

Scar nodded. We are not fools. Lolita and Jielin have been vague about many things recently, especially when it comes to Frye. Frye's attitude is completely different from before. This is This makes many members dissatisfied.

When Zhao Zhen and Dao Scar arrived on the first floor, they saw some patients wandering in the corridor, and there was a smell. The smell was mixed with a lot of things, including the smell of feces, urine, food, and... There is a musty smell.

"The dean seems to have become a different person."

Scar said, Zhao Zhen nodded.

"Smells like this would never have occurred before."

Not only the two of them, but others also saw clues from the patient care issues in the mental hospital. Frye was no longer as attentive as before. This was the reason why everyone felt that Frye had changed.

In the past, Frye would make patients do their part of the job every day before he would do other things. He treated every patient with enthusiasm. But now this enthusiasm has disappeared, and the patients have become cold and cold. It can be seen in his expression.

Scar and Zhao Zhen did not leave, but looked in the yard for a while. Some of the wandering patients looked very dull. Their expressions were a little soft before, but now they are getting colder and colder, because Frye is just mechanical. He just completed his work, but what he was doing secretly was what the two of them were suspicious of.

"They've realized it, what should they do?"

In the dean's office, Jie Lin asked, and Lolita shook her head.

"I can only continue to hide it. I will find a way to improve everything here."

Jie Lin did not answer. Although Lolita said she would find a way, she looked like she was already unable to do what she wanted. Coupled with the fact that the creators were showing their flaws, the entire creators have fallen into an unprecedented crisis, and mutual trust is under threat. A little bit of disintegration.

In the dark night, just after 2 o'clock in the morning

Two drunk men just came out of a barbecue stall. The two men were swearing because they just met the people from Section 5 and scolded them directly.

"Really, mind your own business."

"Yes, it's not you who caused the city to become like this."

The two men planned to just open a hotel to rest. After all, it was so late and the subway had long been out of service. The two men hugged each other and sang songs as they turned into an alley. At this time, they saw someone in the dark alley. , the two of them walked over without paying attention, because they could see the brightly lit hotel opposite.

Standing in front of him was a woman with her head hanging down. She was leaning against the wall. She was still here at such a late hour. The two men laughed and leaned over.

"Miss, what are you doing alone at this late hour?"

The woman didn't reply, and the two men talked and laughed around the woman. One of them pressed the woman's shoulder. At this time, the woman raised her head with a scary look in her eyes. The man was startled, and the woman pressed her forehead. There was a rustling sound, and the two men's eyes widened in horror, no longer drunk at all.

But in the next second, the two men were unable to make any sound. Huge black and red tentacles poured out from the woman's body, tearing the two men into pieces and devouring them bit by bit. In the end, not even their clothes were left behind. Holding her head in pain, she quietly followed the wall to the roof and disappeared into the night.

3:11 am

Witte and Rose looked at Hu Xue's various physical examination values ​​​​and the brain images next to them. The plant-like plants were equivalent to being closely connected to Hu Xue's brain and could not be physically eliminated through surgery.

Even through strong light, the temperature released when plants burn without fire can kill Hu Xue in an instant. The strange thing is that Hu Xue's physical indicators are all normal, and it is parasitic in Hu Xue's body. The plants did not absorb any of Hu Xue's body nutrients and coexisted well with Hu Xue.

At a table next door, Huashen was still discussing this kind of plant-like plant with Fry. The two of them had also participated in the research of plant-like plants when they were young. Huashen called Fry over because he wanted to hear from Fry's mouth. to some different insights.

At this time, the clone Frye was still hesitating, because he knew that the reason why this kind of plant can combine with people is only when human emotions are at their most intense, which are often negative, with anger or sadness reaching the extreme. When severe, plant-like reactions will occur.

Clone Frye knew many things about Frye's past in his mind. Now the creators are about to start, and if things get messed up at this time, the future plans of Clone Frye will outweigh the gains.

After thinking about it, clone Frye decided to tell part of the truth.

"I'm thinking, or hypothesizing, I remember when I was studying these things when I was young, I had a classmate who fell out of love, and when we were studying those types of plants, those types of plants became extremely active."

Huashen looked at Frye in confusion and said with a smile.

"I wonder if these plants have something to do with the intensity of human emotions."

Huashen looked at Frye in astonishment, got up immediately, and came to the room where Hu Xue was. Hu Youran and her parents were accompanying Hu Xue. Huashen once again confirmed that Hu Xue was indeed in his heart when he passed by that town. Very sad and angry.

Huashen came directly to Werther and Rose and explained to them Frye's conjecture just now. The two were half-convinced.

"It would be better to experiment, but where can we find sad or very angry people to experiment on."

Rose asked, and Huashen laughed.

"Look for it from the hospital. After all, there are many patients in the hospital, especially those who have suffered a certain amount of abuse. They should be sad or angry inside."

There is only one way now. We must know how this kind of plant parasitizes into the human body. Only if we know, they can have countermeasures to prevent it.

"It's getting late. I have to go back first. There are still a bunch of people waiting for me to take care of."

Clone Frye said as he stood up and planned to leave. Huashen went over to see him off. Huashen still hoped that Frye could go into the medical field. After all, he was really talented.

"By the way, I have something to ask of you."

Clone Fry said Huashen nodded.

"Can you give me some A487s and A837s?"

"What do you want with this?"

Frye sighed.

"Some patients developed symptoms of atrophy, and I had to find a way to treat them."

Huashen immediately said that he would send someone to deliver some tomorrow. The clone Frye breathed a sigh of relief. Both substances were needed by the clone, but at the same time, they could indeed prepare drugs to treat muscular atrophy.

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