Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2201 Line of Defense (Part 1)

6:17 am

Tang Ye had already woken up. After a short sleep, his mind was much clearer. There was a dull pain on both sides of his forehead, but Tang Ye did not move. He maintained this posture, just lying on his stomach.

Tang Ye had already sensed the danger. The Section 2 officer who had just come to interrogate him was very dangerous. Thinking back carefully, he had just brought coffee from the coffee shop he often went to in college. Tang Ye knew that he had exposed something. .

Tang Ye still misses that coffee shop very much, but every time he wants to set foot in it, he stops because that place is an extremely sad place for him.

Tang Ye's former girlfriend worked in that coffee shop, but she died. This is the reason why Tang Ye joined the Creator.

Tang Ye, who used to be positive and optimistic, was not greatly affected by what happened in his childhood. Instead, he just wanted to study hard and become a master, so that he would not be stepped on by others and be able to live well in the world. Live in the city.

Since his mother's death, Tang Ye has basically had little contact with his adoptive father Zhu Qi. Zhu Qi is still a competent father and will come over from time to time to care about his situation. After Zhu Qi's death, his sister Tang Xiwen began to have a relationship with her. Live with yourself in society.

It's just that at that time, Zhu Qi and himself had already joined the creator's organization. Zhu Qi didn't want to join such an organization, but Tang Ye knew very well that he only joined willingly because he couldn't worry about himself, because his mother continued to do so before her death. Keep an eye on Zhu Qi and take good care of Tang Ye and Tang Xiwen.

Now when he thinks of Zhu Qi, Tang Ye can't help but feel sad in his heart. He tries his best to restrain his emotions and must not be exposed. No matter in any aspect, Tang Ye must hold on to his defense line. Only in this way can he There is a possibility of survival.

If he is really exposed now, his sister's future life will be over, completely over. Her sister will not know anything. Tang Ye knows very well that she is probably being investigated in the interrogation room next to him.

The same goes for another girl from the milk tea shop who was a witness. Tang Ye didn't really like her, he just used her as a proof of presence.

My sister Tang Xiwen may have noticed something, but Tang Ye would not say anything to her sister. What he wanted to do did not need other people to understand, because these things had to be done by someone. If no one does it, then the girl who died in the past may have just wasted her life in vain.

Tang Ye's head started to feel drowsy again. They had all gone through Frye's special sleep training method. It was very easy to fall asleep. This was all so that they could have time to rest in secret activities. Tang Ye only planned to wait for the professional training. Someone came to wake him up.

Time passed minute by minute and it was already nearly an hour. People in the interrogation office were getting a little anxious. Ran Zai took the chopsticks disapprovingly and planned to eat breakfast first. Many people were already eating, but some People look like they can't eat.

"When should we start? It wouldn't be good if you let him rest too much."

The director of Section 2 muttered something, and Ran Zai hummed with a bulging mouth, which made many people a little angry. Eric hurriedly tried to persuade him.

"Don't worry, it will be no problem to leave this matter to him. Mr. Jean has entrusted him with some things before, and he has done a good job."

"What you said is redundant Eric."

Ran Zai took a sip of the hot noodle soup and praised it.

"As expected, they belong to the privileged class. The breakfast at Shishi Branch is delicious. The soup is generally much thicker than outside, and the noodles are also top-notch."

Ran Zai's words aroused the dissatisfaction of many members of the administrative department in the room, and he hurriedly said with a smile.

"You guys are joking, I'm waiting for an opportunity."

As he spoke, Ran Zai ate a few more bites of noodles, drank soup from a large bowl, and then pointed his chopsticks at Tang Ye, who was still sleeping on the screen.

"If you want to pry open a person's mouth, it is the stupidest method to use repeated questioning. You have to give the person an opportunity to say something. Then we can figure out where the person's psychological defenses are. This is the most difficult place for people to conquer, so relying on drugs, strong methods, and other tortures may not be effective, because I doubt that these rioters are capable of restraining these things."

"There is another way to open his head and find the brain control chip."

Ran Zai laughed, looked at the officer from Section 4 who was talking, and said helplessly.

"What if it's not there when I open it? What should I do?"

Everyone in the room was stunned. This is indeed a problem, because this kind of brain-controlled chip cannot be detected by equipment. There is a protective film on the outer layer for detecting signals. If you want to confirm, you can only open the back of the head surgically. .

"The most important thing is that if you do this without evidence, it will be equivalent to ruthlessly trampling on the laws of Brilliant City. After many generations of efforts, the results will be in vain. Even if it is 2 subjects Some people are secretly arrested in Section 2 because these people have an identity. They are criminals, so they can be arrested, rather than arresting people for no reason, or people related to criminals. The guy in front of him has a clean resume. Like a blank sheet of paper."

Ran Zai said as he ate a few bites, then drank the soup in one gulp, patted his stomach and said.

"Please give me another pancake with soy sauce."

A clerk handed one over. Ran Zai took a bite and the sauce overflowed. He licked his thumb and said.

"Where is your conscience? If you attack such an ordinary person, this thing will be gone. This is the most terrifying thing, isn't it? Why have the attitudes of Section 2 and Section 5 become so gentle recently? I'm afraid everyone is I realized a problem, why do people hate the administrative department so much? Or maybe it’s because of Secretary Le Xiao, everyone is aware of something, isn’t it!”

After Ran Zai ate the pancakes, he took a cup of tea from the public dining car and took a long sip.

"There is only one thing I want to confirm now. Everyone who passed by the coffee shop was related to the soup industry, and whether any tragedy happened to any of these people in the coffee shop."

"Confirmation is underway at full speed, with nearly 6,000 people working."

Ran Zai was stunned, snapped his fingers and said.

"It's amazing. It's an extremely efficient city management machine."

Eric frowned slightly and explained hurriedly.

"Don't listen to this kid's nonsense. He was like this before and spoke without any sense of proportion."

Ran Zai continued.

"Why did he join the rioters, and why do the rioters exist? Because they want to resist something, but the resistance is fruitless. In the end, they can only take some actions through violence, and then use these actions to force you to make changes. , forcing the city to make changes to achieve what it wants to do, is mostly caused by unfairness, and extreme unfairness will make human beings become more and more uncomfortable in the social group, and become more and more uncomfortable. Repression, either death or life-threatening resistance.”

Ran Zai stood up, found a clerk to bite a cigarette, lit it and said.

"My grandfather was like this back then. He took advantage of people's psychology. In a situation where there was no hope at all, no light could be seen, and the depression was unbearable, the helpless people finally took up arms and acted in the end. What did Ke do? Block everything, and finally annihilate everything, and I'm afraid something like this will happen again in the future."

Ran Zai played the banquet and smiled.

"So now we have to find out whether any tragedy has happened to Tang Ye. If so, this tragedy is the entry point and his line of defense. Once a person's defense line is broken, he will say anything. Because there is nothing we can do and it is full of loopholes.”

Didi didi

The moment Ran Zai finished speaking, the Director of Section 2 on the side had already obtained a detailed information compiled by Lilian. Many of the information was from on-site investigations, and the owner of the coffee shop also said a lot of things. , although I couldn’t remember what Tang Ye looked like, I still took out a photo of Tang Ye and other classmates.

Tang Ye's classmates also told the people from the Business Department who came to investigate about the situation of Tang Ye in those years. Sure enough, Tang Ye was like a blank piece of paper.

Tang Ye's mother passed away when Tang Ye was still a minor. Later, Tang Ye left home because of schooling. He basically didn't go home on weekends, but worked odd jobs outside. Gradually, he became estranged from Zhu Qi. The only person she can contact is her half-sister Tang Xiwen.

After that, Tang Ye successfully entered a well-known engineering university and worked hard day and night to become an engineer. In the eyes of many people, Tang Ye was not easy to get along with because he always talked about academic matters when he opened his mouth. Basically learning.

So in just eight years, Tang Ye was hired by a large company as soon as he graduated. He performed well in the company and surpassed many older engineers. After class, Tang Ye was still studying mechanics and constantly improving himself. , so he bought his own house when he was only in his 30s, and even brought his sister over to live with him.

Looking at this guy who was only three years younger than him, Ran Zai couldn't help but sigh.

"It's really amazing. A guy like this will definitely succeed no matter what field he is in."

Ran Zai looked at a photo of a coffee shop nearby. Everyone in it had been identified and was still alive, but only one of them, a woman wearing a waitress uniform with a bright smile, was dead.

The woman's name was Cheng Tiantian. She came from a family in a low-income slum area. She had worked in a coffee shop for five years and was an old employee of the shop. She died of illness.

"Is this girl related to Tang Ye?"

Ran Zai asked, and after a while he got a clear answer from the coffee shop owner. It had nothing to do with it. It seemed to be just a regular customer relationship. Tang Ye's other classmates also said the same thing because a group of them often went to the shop. , would talk to this sweet waitress from time to time, but Tang Ye rarely talked to her.

In the eyes of everyone, she is just an ordinary girl, but Ran Zai is caught in doubt. This girl steals the spotlight in the photo. Although Tang Ye is next to her on the left edge of the camera, her bright smile and made a happy victory gesture.

Look at Tang Ye's expression again. He lowered his head, not looking at the camera, as if he was looking at something. Ran Zai enlarged the photo, but still found nothing. Everyone else was looking at photos of other people related to Tang Ye. .

"What disease did Cheng Tiantian die of? Go investigate their parents."

"It's not necessary."

As soon as the director on the side finished speaking, he saw Ran Zai's expression was smiling, but also angry at the same time, which looked a little weird.

"I know, I'll arrange for someone to investigate right away."

In just over ten minutes, they got a rough investigation report. Cheng Tiantian's parents were still there, and now they opened a snack shop on the ground floor. The business was not bad, but they cried when they mentioned their daughter. .

Because their daughter died not of illness but of an accident, the honest couple did not file a complaint against their daughter. Instead, they accepted a large sum of compensation from the party that caused the accident and reached a private settlement of 100,000 yuan. Gold, this is a huge amount of money in any era.

"Check for me immediately to find out what the accident was."

The director of Section 2 next to him took the phone and started talking. However, they did not find anything. This matter did not seem to exist, and Cheng Tiantian's information also stated that he died of illness, and the cause was heart failure and sudden death. .

This is not a rare disease. Acute sudden cardiac death occurs many times every year. However, there are special medicines. If you take the medicine within 5 minutes, you can save your life. This medicine is produced by Huashen in the fourth quarter. Developed ten years ago, it is sold in every drugstore.

Soon someone from Department 2 called and found the doctor who worked in a clinic back then. He is now retired and is 108 years old. It was he who wrote the death information diagnosis for Cheng Tiantian.

This matter also successfully passed the review of Section 4, and Ran Zai laughed.

"We have found some clues. The next step is to find the truest aspect of this matter. If we find it, we should know where Tang Ye's defense line is."

Everyone began to get busy. Although this incident seemed to have nothing to do with Tang Ye, it turned out to be an accident. No one knew what the accident was. As long as it was investigated, something might be found.

"Why are you so sure?"

Ran Zai laughed and then said.

"This girl died when Tang Ye was in his second year of college. If he really joined the rioters, there must be an opportunity and a reason. Otherwise, why would such a positive and optimistic person become worse and worse after that? He is becoming more and more silent and difficult to get along with, because he cannot express the pain in his heart, and it may not be solved by speaking out, so he chooses to remain silent. This is because he obviously has a good ability to communicate with others, but he always hides himself. This is what I saw, so no matter what happens, we must investigate the situation clearly before we can sort out this line!"

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