Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2195 Confrontation 12 (Part 1)

"Why are there these things!"

Hydera asked with a very serious expression, and Ran Zai waved his hand, expressing his helplessness.

"Mr. Jean gave this to me a few days ago. I hope I can pass it on to you."

Hydera sat by the bed and quietly looked through these diaries. They were all recorded in prison, every day. Looking at the number of diaries, there were several boxes. These were written during the years when his father was in prison. Ran Zai dug out the big box inside, opened it and said.

"This box is your father's diary after he was released from prison."

Hydera felt a little lost. She ran over quickly, rummaged through the numbers, and soon opened a diary. This was also the year Hydera was born. Although he had never seen his father, he still often met her. Ask your mother what your father said when you were conceived.

My mother also often said that my father was very happy at the time, but at the same time very painful. He seemed to be struggling with some things. As a result, his father died before Hydera was born.

"Today is a day to be happy. I have a child. A young new life is being gestated in my wife's belly. I am filled with fear and uneasiness, as well as immense joy. Maybe I will see this child born!"

It was a very short diary. Hydera turned to the last diary, which was a diary one month before Hydera was born. This diary was very long.

"Everything today will be extremely violent. If my death can make this city wake up again, I don't think death is terrible. What is terrible is the courage to face death. Everything has become a foregone conclusion. Maybe from my imprisonment From the moment I left prison, I hated this city. I wanted to change myself over and over again. Although I did it, the day I left prison, I felt extremely angry, and the flame of hatred in my heart ignited again. I admit that I have selfish motives, but I still can't face it all calmly. I will regret everything I do, because nothing I do can be exchanged for anything, but I still did it, obviously I have the ability, I have the right to change everything. Now I also have responsibilities and obligations, for my wife and my daughter who I haven’t met yet! But I really can’t do it. I feel powerless for everything I have done. , because maybe I can't change anything! Blind obedience and numbness can't be changed. No one will feel strange for the behavior of a madman. So I failed. I naively thought that I destroyed this city and a more beautiful one. Good cities will appear, but even if I really do it, a city that is exactly the same as now will still appear. It will squeeze everyone quickly, absorb everyone's energy crazily, and then continue to When I grow up, I eventually turn into a monster that will devour everything. After all this time, I still haven’t found a way to change this city, even a little bit! I am always helpless and helpless in prison. Over the years, I may have gained relief, but the stubbornness in my bones made me determined not to bow my head, because I was right, and I did not feel that I was a murderer. Most of my miserable life was caused by my stubbornness, and I even entered In the textbook, everyone often discusses whether I was right or wrong that night. Whether I was right or wrong that night, no matter which side is right, no matter which side is wrong, this debate is like an endless paradox. There is no clear day. That day will never come. I don’t need anyone’s pity, pity, or anyone to pray for forgiveness, understanding, or love.”

The text is a bit blurry, but it can be seen that this day has been wet, probably from tears. Hydera sat quietly in the rocking chair, the curtains were fluttered by the wind, Ran Zai stood up and said knowingly.

"I'll bring you some wine."

Hydera nodded, and she continued to read.

"Having said all that, I am not a strong person, but in the eyes of outsiders, I was able to live a strong life of thirty years in prison, and I came out of it openly and received treatment at the level of a scientific officer. Some people say that I have spent thirty years of youth paying for the incompleteness of the system and the law, and I deserve it. Others say that this is something that a shameless person like me does not deserve at all. I I don’t object to the two opinions, because these are just the two attitudes of right and wrong. I don’t want to discuss this never-ending issue anymore. No matter how many years have passed, there will never be a conclusion on this matter! Today, I Everything will be over. As I just said, I really don’t want to do it because I have a wife and children, and I start to become timid, but I still do it. Hand. Because now I know that nothing I have done can change this city, not even the slightest bit can shake it. Such a hard, cold and cruel city, relying on hard, cold and cruel means to change it will only make the city more stable. . In the past, I have felt warmth, kindness, and understanding. The cold and hard part of my heart melted in an instant! What a wonderful feeling it was. No words, no need to listen, no need to act, but it It exists in front of your eyes and can rejuvenate your tired body. That is sincere kindness!"

At this time, Ran Zai came back and came over with wine and some food. After putting it down, he poured a glass for Hydera. After she took a sip, she wiped her tears. She was usually very strong, perhaps as stubborn as her father, and even more stubborn. He would cry in front of others, but at this moment Hydera was in tears.

"Okay, it's time for me to go out, but there are still some things that I can't worry about. My wife, I'm sorry that these years have been short. If possible, I hope I can let you hold my hand quietly until dawn. When I was young, I strolled through the bustling streets, returned to tranquility at night, whispered together in the dark, and welcomed the morning sun together the next day. It’s a pity that I couldn’t fulfill my original promise, let alone continue to fulfill my responsibilities as a husband. , because I know very well that I have no future, and I will not exist tomorrow. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry! What can I say next? By the way, there is also my lovely unborn daughter. I am really very sorry. I'm sorry, I love your daughter very much. I think about it in my mind every day, when was the first time I saw you, what was it like when I touched you for the first time, and when will you call me daddy? , how about it, and what will it be like when I send you to kindergarten when you grow up? I'm sorry that I can't bear all these responsibilities. I'm not a good father, let alone a good husband, just a complete Madman!"

Hydera choked up. She could almost see how desperate her father was as the diary came to the last paragraph.

"The last thing I want to say is, Mr. Jean, if you think you can keep this diary in the future, please give it to my family. I am sincerely grateful for what you did for me during those years in prison. Everything, you are the most special person in this city. When you are cold, you can turn into a machine, and you will ruthlessly bury everything for the normal operation of order. When you are gentle, you can turn into the spring breeze, which can always blow people's hearts just right. I never understood it in the past, but now I know that you are the person who stands in the darkness and watches the light. I admire you very much and thank you again. But as I said before, Mr. Jean, there is such a thing as shadow It is very scary. It does not exist in the darkness or the light. It only exists behind the things that the light shines on. Sometimes the shadow will be big and sometimes it will be small, but it will never be there in a lifetime. Disappear from behind objects, and so do people! Everything in my past is cast in shadow. I really want to change everything, and want to cut off the shadow, but unfortunately I still failed. I'm sorry, Mr. Jean, I have done so many bad things, it doesn’t matter what will happen to me in the end, but I just hope that Mr. Jean can persist as always, because you can clearly see everything, but you are just powerless. So in the end, I hope that one day, Mr. Jean, you can come out of the darkness! In the end, I forgot one thing. Perhaps there is only one thing that can completely break this hard, cold and cruel city, true kindness, kindness from the bottom of my heart!"

Ran Zai handed Hydra a tissue and she kept wiping her tears. At this moment, Hydra's tears completely burst. She seemed to understand something. The tangled things in her heart disappeared. Ran Zai left. He went over and hugged Hydra comfortingly.

"It's a good thing he's not a complete asshole, right?"

Hydera covered her mouth and nodded, but she gradually understood something in her heart. Everything her father did after that was extremely sinful, but he was very aware of these sins, but he still did it because he There is nothing he can do because the shadow of his past hangs over him and binds him.

"We have to change everything. I have to atone for my father's sins. The best way is to change everything, just like what the idiot secretary said yesterday."

Ran Zai had noticed very early that Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, had qualities that no one else had. There was kindness, and that kindness from the bottom of his heart would always infect the people around him. Nowadays, many people Everything was completely mobilized by her kindness.

As a manager, Le Xiao failed, or even received negative marks, but as a person, she passed.

"It's already 12 o'clock. If those guys want to take action, they will start soon."

Ran Zai said, Hydra nodded and said.

"All of us are keeping a close eye on them. Once we find any unusual behavior on their part, we will immediately notify the people in the business department or arrest them directly."

Ran Zai hummed.


Located on a street in Area 51, Eric came out of the pub drunk with a few friends. His eyes were always fixed on Tang Ye, who was still drinking soup with his colleagues in the pub. Eric called him directly. People from the Lightning Skull Guild helped send several of his business friends back, and then dragged a member back to the tavern.

"What exactly do you want Eric."

Facing the questions from the guild members, Eric ordered some wine without saying anything and said.

"I'm happy that I won the championship."

"Didn't everyone celebrate all day and all night?"

Eric hummed, and Tang Ye got up at this time without any unusual behavior. Eric made an excuse to pick up a friend, so he got up and ran out of the tavern ahead of Tang Ye. Soon Eric fell into a The alley fell into invisibility, and he followed quickly. After Tang Ye said goodbye to a few friends, he went home directly.

Eric stared at Tang Ye all the way until he returned home without doing anything extraordinary. Just when Eric felt helpless, Tang Ye came down from upstairs again, carrying a bag of garbage. Tang Ye then threw the garbage directly into the nearby garbage disposal port.

Eric didn't pay attention, but the next second there was a violent rumbling sound. Eric was startled. A fire snake jumped out of the garbage outlet. With violent vibrations, the ground near the garbage disposal outlet cracked. , the stone flew up directly, and Eric reacted instantly, ejecting in front of several passers-by, blocking the flying explosives.

The rumble continued, a large hole was opened in the ground, fierce sirens sounded, and at this time there were violent explosions in many places in the city.

The orange alarm on the street was activated, and a large number of members of the administrative department rushed to the street. Eric quickly went upstairs and came directly to the door of Tang Ye's house. After he knocked on the door, Tang Ye looked at Eric in shock. .

"Is something wrong, sir?"

Eric grabbed Tang Ye and violently broke the door lock. A scream was heard. A woman in pajamas in the room looked at Eric in horror. Tang Ye raised his hands.

"Sir, if you want money, I can give it to you. Please don't hurt us."

"What exactly did you just do?"

Eric saw Tang Ye throwing away the garbage and walking back to the apartment before the bomb exploded in the garbage disposal. Tang Ye had no idea why, but Eric held Tang Ye down immediately and took out the bomb. The phone dialed a number.

The city was completely in chaos. Alpha was already standing on a street. There were casualties on this street. She looked around angrily, but she couldn't find anyone.

At this moment, a woman wearing a windbreaker came over. Alpha grabbed her hand. There was a note in the woman's hand. After Alpha took it, he immediately took out a pair of light and shadow handcuffs and cuffed the woman directly. , pressing her against a water pipe on the street.

"Wait here."

"Hey, I'm kindly providing you with information, Miss Alpha."

Lian immediately became anxious. Several people from Section 5 came over on the street. After Alpha explained the situation, they arrested Lian directly. Then Alpha immediately ran based on the location on the note, as well as a person's name.

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