Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2189 Confrontation 10 (Part 1)

Le Xiao looked at the man in front of her quietly. He lowered his head and remained silent, as if he was thinking about something. However, the man soon stood up. Without saying a word, he urged the five subjects he had just chosen to study. The clerk immediately sent him away.

Le Xiao's words did not make the man surrender, because Le Xiao knew very well that her words might not be able to change the man's mood, but she had said everything she wanted to say. No matter what the outcome would be, she could only Do what you can do now.

Le Xiao also knew clearly that no matter how much she said, she could not change the misery in the man. It was precisely because of these miseries that the man had reached this point. As the man stepped forward step by step, the reporters quickly left. In the shop, the elevator has slowly lifted into the air. The man swallowed and continued to look around.

"Secretary Le Xiao, if you had been here earlier, maybe there would have been some changes in this city."

The man stepped into the lift and left these words. After closing the door, the lift slowly took off.

"Move quickly and reach the barrier area as quickly as possible."

The 5th Section member next to the man immediately adjusted, but he quickly thought that he had just learned how to drive a lift, and there were still many places that he was not familiar with, so the man did not pay attention. At this time, Michelle showed a smile.

"Your Excellency Niya."

"I am willing to admit defeat."

The reporters immediately began to report, and the hostages were also rescued. Many people from Section 4 began to enter, asking the hostages to stay, to conduct examinations for them, and to provide them with a certain degree of psychological counseling. At this time, the lift headed towards Went far away.

Le Xiao stood there lonely, her heart was very calm at this time. She just saw the man's heart loosen for a moment, and the man showed a regretful expression.

At this time, the lift was heading towards the dark barrier area in the distance of the city at a constant speed. The man lowered his head and thought about what Le Xiao had just said. The man himself knew it very well. He knew very well that if he had not taken the initiative to think about it back then, If you try your best to join a gang, the result may not be like this.

The man thought of the gang member who led him into this world of gray and black. He clearly saw the fate of that gang member but still joined without hesitation.

The man raised his head after reviewing everything in the past. At this moment, when the man was not paying attention, the clerk beside him suddenly opened the door and jumped out.

For a moment, the man was stunned. Countless flying mutants appeared all around. There was a bright red aperture behind them, and the helicopter was also hovering in mid-air. The man took a look at the values. He didn't know. Controlling the lift, I don’t know what the technician just set.

"Sir, please surrender immediately. If you are willing to surrender, we will dismantle the bomb in your body after anesthetizing you. If you do not surrender, we will eliminate you immediately."

The voice came in clearly, and the man shook his head with a smile.

"Sure enough, I keep my word, but what about you?"

The man didn't want to argue anymore. He knew what would happen to him next. Even if he confessed, he would be questioned day and night, and his life had no future. The man pressed the place on his chest. .

The special forces members who saw the man pressing his chest immediately dispersed. They continued to warn the man, open the hatch, and then they would use tranquilizer bombs. The man did not do so, but at this time the man was still hesitating.

"I have no future, what on earth am I still thinking about?"

The darkness in the distance made the man wake up. He glanced out the window, then pressed his chest, anger emerging.

"That's it."

The man closed his eyes as he spoke, but the next second he suddenly opened his eyes. He stared blankly in front of him, feeling a stinging pain on his back, and then the man's consciousness began to blur.

Soon a member of the special operations team entered the lift and drove the lift directly towards Section 2.

"Just now we have captured the rioter and have escorted him to Section 2."

As soon as Michelle received the news that the arrest was successful, her expression became solemn, and Niya came over and patted her on the shoulder.

"Miss Secretary-General."

"I am willing to admit defeat."

Niya breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm not asking you to give the people in the General Affairs Department more rest time every day. At least one day to let them relax, one day a month, okay?"

Michelle nodded. Unexpectedly, while Le Xiao was talking, Mo Xiaolan and R had already arranged everything and put a drug that can instantly anesthetize people in the passenger seat. As long as the timing is right, Just do it.

Many people from Section 4 have already gone to Section 2 to wait. Once the man arrives, they will immediately check the man's body comprehensively, and then remove the explosives from his body. Huashen has also gone there in person, because there should be something in this man's head. There will be brain control chips, which must be removed.

The city's network was completely disconnected at this time, and the height of the lift has also risen directly to a place where the signal is difficult to transmit. It is necessary to arrive at Department 2 as soon as possible to perform surgery in a fully enclosed underground to remove the bomb from the man's body. and brain-control chips.

"This time we won."

Niya lit a cigarette, took a gentle puff, exhaled the smoke, and then Michelle spoke seriously directly in front of the reporters.

"Warning to rioters in the city that if you do not surrender within twenty-four hours, you will bear the consequences."

After Michelle finished speaking, the network was directly connected within a few minutes.


Le Xiao was lying on the table tiredly, waiting for the meal. She was so hungry that she couldn't bear it anymore, but she was very happy today. Michelle and Niya in front of her had joy on their faces, even though Le Xiao had done such a thing today. Something went wrong, but by mistake, a rioter was actually discovered.

"Finally won for once."

Niya was lying on the sofa exhausted physically and mentally. Michelle was still dealing with some things in the General Affairs Department. Niya glanced at her.

"are not you tired?"

Michelle did not answer, but continued to work, but at this time both of them found Le Xiao asleep, and the food was served. The three of them did not go back to Section 5, but directly found a shop opposite Section 5. , intending to eat it directly, and then start dealing with today's problems.

The interrogation on the street continued, but everything returned to normal. Niya looked at the large number of Section 5 personnel guarding outside.

"You guys can sit down at a table and order whatever you want to eat."

Niya said, and many people in Section 5 started to move.

At this time, Department 2 sent a message that the operation had begun.

Niya looked at Lexiao beside her, already drooling from her sleep.

"Don't you think it was this girl's words that touched the man's heart, so he didn't choose to blow himself up, otherwise the man would have exploded long ago."

Michelle still didn't answer. She glanced at Le Xiao, turned off the light and shadow screen, and then started to work.



Huashen looked quietly at the opened back of the man's head in front of him. He saw a black thing stuck near the nerve center. It was determined to be a chip. Huashen carefully manipulated the light and shadow scalpel.

Everyone in the operating room was nervous. This kind of chip was easy to place but difficult to take out. If there was even the slightest mistake, the man would be dead.

Huashen is still thinking about the plan, because this chip is in an extremely sensitive area of ​​​​the nerve center of the human brain. A slight vibration will cause problems.

The bomb has been successfully taken out, as has the controller on the man's heart. People from Section 10 are detecting the bomb. It is a hybrid highly intelligent bomb. The ratio and everything else are unknown, and it cannot be in a simple environment. It can be done in China.

R and Mo Xiaolan were watching Huashen's surgery. They felt most at ease leaving the surgery to Huashen. Now Section 10 is constantly transmitting back some of the things detected by the bomb.

"Finally caught a fish, but maybe it was a small one."

Mo Xiaolan said, and R smiled easily.

"Small fish can also catch big fish. Now the surveillance in the whole city has been activated, and all the administrative departments in the city have taken to the streets. Once the rioters show up, the only thing waiting for them is destruction."

An alert order issued from the General Affairs Section has been passed to every member of the department. Reporters are reporting on this matter vigorously, and many people who were taken hostage today are also being interviewed.

The words Le Xiao said to the criminal were played over and over again, full of passion, and could make many people feel that something in their hearts had been touched when they heard it. CBV is cooperating with the vigorous publicity.

Although there are many different voices, these voices are not accusing anything, but are debating some issues. This phenomenon is generally good.

At this time, the people in Section 10 seemed to have made some important discovery. Mo Xiaolan immediately looked at a component built into the bomb. There was a series of numbers on it. This was not produced by an ordinary company, but came from the Chen Qiao Group. Chen's Chemical Components Company.

"Check it for me right away."

As Mo Xiaolan said, R immediately took the phone and quickly told Niya the news. Niya became inexplicably excited when she heard it.

Recalling that the man who manufactured this kind of heart controller in the past was Zhao Zhen, Mo Xiaolan knew very well that Zhao Zhen must still be alive. The label of this component was immediately revealed. It turned out to be Chen Qiao's chemical components company five years ago. It was produced, but why it ended up in the hands of criminals, Mo Xiaolan had to figure it out.

But Mo Xiaolan and R both knew very well that this component was an important component used to control chemical conduction. It could accurately control the conduction reaction of chemical substances because it was the amount of chemical substances that was controlled.

Such precise components are necessary for many factories to produce raw materials, but these things are all recorded. Seeing Huashen's delay in taking action, Mo Xiaolan became anxious. At this time, Huashen moved, and everyone They all stared intently.

"Took it out."

In an instant, everyone's hanging hearts were relieved. Hua Shen breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, other doctors went over and started suturing. Hua Shen sat on the chair tiredly. He kept feeling the man's heartbeat. And blood flow, because these things will affect this difficult brain surgery.

Fortunately, Huashen seized the opportunity and took out the brain control chip. The brain control chip was immediately sent to Department 10 next door.

Mo Xiaolan asked R to push him directly to the scene. After preliminary testing, it was found that this brain control chip carried some units of energy and could complete chemical fusion in an instant, generating high energy and causing an explosion.

This series of operations requires control signals, and the control signal receiver is nanoscale. This surprises many people in the 10th department, because this nanoscale signal receiver is not like any other in the city. A company can do it.

"That bastard Akimi!"

Mo Xiaolan blurted out, and R also thought at this time that it could only be Akimi, the former chief of Section 4. He had been vigorously promoting nanotechnology when he was in office, but in the end because the cost of nanotechnology was too high, In the end, not only was it unsuccessful, but everything in Section 4 was criticized, and finally Akimi stepped down.

After retiring, Akimi chose to leave the public eye and work as a temporary doctor in the city. However, as early as twenty years ago, Akimi completely disappeared. The 2nd Department has also been investigating this matter. Just like Marcus, he completely disappeared into the city.

Mo Xiaolan gritted his teeth and looked at the chip in front of him.

"I'm sure Marcus and Akimi are related."

R nodded.

"Now that we have found the direction, the next step is how to solve it."

Although the technology possessed by the enemy cannot catch up with 10 Cores, some technologies do not even exist in 10 Cores.

Over the years, countless problems have occurred in the city, but no trace of this group of people has appeared. They only began to appear in the past few years. It is certain that this group of people has long been entangled in the city, and it would be too difficult to completely uproot them. Too difficult.

At this time, the man in the operating room regained consciousness, and Hua Shen walked over directly and told the two of them.

"how long will it takes."

"It will take a month to fully recover, but you should be able to get out of bed and walk around in half a month."

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"Don't worry, the rioters who were finally caught will not be tortured."

"I don't know why, but I keep thinking about Archimi and Marcus lately."

Mo Xiaolan chuckled and nodded.

"What a coincidence, I am the same way. Those two bastards, if they are really involved, I will definitely kill them with my own hands."

R nodded.

"I hope it's not them."

Although Huashen said this, he was already inseparable in his heart. Some things are difficult to change. After seeing the location of the bomb implantation, the surgical sutures, including the placement of the chip, etc., Huashen immediately I thought of Akimi.

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