Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2186 Confrontation 9 (Part 1)

The streets were in chaos. A large number of members of the Operations Section had rushed into the headquarters of Section 5. Not far away, many takeoffs and landings from Section 3 flew directly from the Western Security Station. Six people near the headquarters of Section 5 The district immediately issued an orange martial law alert.

The local administrative department is evacuating people urgently. The problem is no longer a trivial one. The secretary actually sent a distress signal. This is the first time in Brilliant City.

The secretary has the authority to mobilize 50,000 staff members in the surrounding areas. During such a special period, members of the staff in other areas will also receive the emergency distress signal and will immediately enter the emergency response state.

All the people in the business department started to move. Michelle, who was still sitting in the office handling affairs, immediately took out her phone, and soon a director answered Michelle's question.

"What on earth is she doing?"

Michelle stood up with an angry look on her face and walked out of the office quickly. After arriving on the roof, she drove the helicopter and flew quickly towards Section 5.

At this time, Le Xiao was dumbfounded. She was sitting in the room. The governing officers around her looked at her in disbelief. Everyone was waiting for Niya to come over. The entire area around the 5th Section Headquarters had been sealed off. Investigations within a radius of 5 kilometers were about to begin. It's time to start.

This only happened in just 20 minutes. In an instant, the administrative department blocked many places in the six districts. Streets and alleys were blocked. The officers would go directly along the street to conduct various investigations on everyone.

"What's going on?"

Niya walked in angrily, Le Xiao lowered her head helplessly and blushed. A female director from the General Affairs Department whispered something in Niya's ear. Niya grinned slightly, then covered her stomach, haha Laughed loudly.

"I was really hungry, so I sent a distress signal. Your little brain and your brain circuit really surprised me."

Niya laughed loudly. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps. Michelle had informed other section chiefs and secretaries of everything. The martial law in other areas would be lifted soon.

But creating such a big sensation cannot be explained clearly and convincingly in a few sentences, because the members of the administrative department on the street are investigating, and many people think that something big has happened. This kind of oolong incident , if the public knew about it, it would not be as simple as a joke.

"Secretary Le Xiao."

Michelle shouted as soon as she came in. Lexiao jumped up mechanically, stood up straight, and did not dare to speak. She almost cried.

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded. Niya was still laughing. No one knew how to respond to the situation in front of her, because such a large-scale operation by the Business Department had actually affected the normal work of millions of people. Rest and eat.

This cannot be excused with temporary exercises or other excuses. The people are already dissatisfied with the administrative department. Now if there is such a commotion, even if public opinion is blocked in the future, the overwhelming voice will not be suppressed.

Michelle was still thinking about how to solve it, when Niya spoke.

"Let's just let the people from Section 2 take the responsibility and just plan an explosion together."

"Chief Niya, please pay attention to what you say."

Michelle said sternly. The other directors also felt that this was a bad idea. If they did this, the problem might become more serious.

"Or let the people from Section 2 dress up as rioters and stage a big battle with the Executive Section?"

Everyone looked at Niya, who was sitting on the sofa. Le Xiao didn't know what to say at all now. She originally just used the little power left to activate the emergency distress signal and turned on the phone panel, but she didn't know. Somehow, I clicked on it by accident.

Now it's not something that can be solved simply by saying sorry. The 10th Division has even dispatched fighter jets. This is no longer a small problem.

At this time, Locke's phone call came. After Michelle picked up, she nodded.

"Yes, Your Excellency, the manager, the matter is just as I sent you, and I am handling it now."

"What's wrong with that girl? Can't she remember such a simple permission code?"

At this time, Niya also explained that this kind of rest room cannot be opened with the permission code of the General Affairs Section, because she updated the permission code within the 5th Section a few days ago.

Le Xiao looked at Niya dumbfounded, feeling that this matter was not her problem alone, and Niya, who was sitting next to her and laughing, must also bear part of the responsibility.

Le Xiao clearly remembered the permission code of the General Affairs Department, but still couldn't open the room.

After all, it was still Li Dan who brought him into this room, but now the deal is settled, and how to solve the current problem is the key.

People in the room are sitting or standing, all thinking about solutions. After all, if it continues, the anxiety caused by this unknown will continue to expand, because some of the problems that have occurred frequently in the past few months have left everyone with no solution at all. .


The martial law had just started for 27 minutes. At this time, Purcell, who was sitting in the room, was sitting on pins and needles. He didn't know why the administrative department suddenly launched such a large-scale investigation and blocked so many streets.

What Seer is most worried about now is the people who are monitoring everything outside. Their identities may be exposed, and once their identities are exposed, it will be over.

Seer just walked out of the room and found that people from Section 5 were all outside the room, and they were searching everywhere. Not to mention the headquarters of Section 5, the scrutinizing staff were on alert.

Seer was completely panicked. He knew very well that if this continued, it would only be a matter of time before the people who were interrogated in the closed area outside would be exposed.

It's just that there is no way for Purcell now. He can't leave the room, and it's even more impossible for him to do anything or contact anyone. Once the orange alert state is reached, the network in the area is normal except for the dedicated network of the administrative department. The network is cut off directly.

If contact is made at this time and an unknown radio wave appears, it will be detected immediately and the location will be exposed.

Just as Sel was thinking, the door to the room rang, and he was startled. It was Li Dan who opened the door, and Li Dan walked in directly.

"Really, I'm starving to death. What's going on?"

Seer smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Maybe the people in the business department took the wrong medicine."

On the street at this time, a man was pushed to the ground by several officers. Just when he was undergoing an identity check, he suddenly wanted to run, but was immediately restrained by members of the nearby special management team.

After DNA testing, it was discovered that the man was a fugitive who had been wanted for two months but was still active in the city. The man was quickly arrested.

People on the street lined up in long lines waiting for identity checks. People from Section 5 will directly conduct a comprehensive comparison of the identity certificate holder's information, especially DNA information.

The DNA information cannot be wrong, and another criminal was caught at this time.


Le Xiao finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

"It's all me, I'm sorry."

Michelle didn't scold Lexiao, she was still thinking about the possibilities of this matter.

King Xue has just called. Just ask them to conduct a temporary exercise. But obviously this method will not work. If it is a temporary exercise, the operations department will definitely inform the public. Although the public does not know the time of the exercise, I was somewhat mentally prepared, but now it has caused panic.

The reason for a temporary exercise was obviously unacceptable, so Niya suggested again.

"How about saying that Secretary Le Xiao discovered a rioter hiding in the crowd, and the rioter was hiding?"

"When will it be found?"

One of the council officers said, and Niya laughed.

"I said it early on, let people from the 2nd subject take the lead."

However, just when a bunch of people were completely helpless, a phone rang, and everyone present looked at Le Xiao.

"There are really rioters."

Niya had already rushed out first.

Right at the gate of the 5th Section headquarters, a large number of 5th Section personnel looked at the coffee shop opposite with loaded weapons. There were frightened people everywhere, and a man stood inside, smiling excitedly.

"I'm not joking with you. I say it again, let me go and let me leave this city safely. Otherwise, these hostages will be buried with me."

After listening to the words of a squad leader, Niya learned that the rioter had said that there was a bomb in his body, and that the bomb would explode immediately if he died.

"Okay, we agree to your request. We will find a lift and I will take you off personally."

Niya said, but soon the man in the store laughed.

"I just need an ordinary clerk to take me out of the city. Of course I will take a few hostages with me."

The man knew very well that if the section chief of Section 5 sent him away, he would definitely be doomed. Even if he died, he would not be able to cause any harm to her.

People in the store were lying quietly, they didn't dare to move, because the man said that if they dared to move, it would explode.

More and more people from the business department gathered over. In the distance, dozens of snipers were already targeting the man. They could beat the man to pieces in an instant, but their thumbs were far away from the triggers.

Things became a little difficult, Michelle, Le Xiao and others also came out.

Le Xiao swallowed. She didn't expect that she would actually find the rioters after making such a fuss, and the helicopter from Section 2 was coming this way.

The current situation was no longer within the control of the Operations Department. Soon a lift from Section 5 came over and landed at the door of the coffee shop. A smiling Section 5 member stood up.

"Okay sir, I'll take you away."

Sitting in the cab was R. Section 2 had already reacted instantly, and Mo Xiaolan was already hiding in the cabin. She was ready to take action at any time to control the man's body and consciousness. Once the man was arrested, A breakthrough can be found immediately. No matter what method he uses, Mo Xiaolan will know something from the man's mouth.

At this time, the man was hesitant. He looked at the squinting member of the department. He looked ordinary and a little older. Immediately, a member of the 2nd department wearing a uniform of the 5th department explained that this member of the 5th department He was an ordinary clerk who had just responded to the sign.

The man hesitated a little. He took a step forward, but when he came to the door of the store, the man suddenly pointed at a member of Section 5 on the street.

"I want him to send me there."

"Sir, I don't know how to fly a lift."

The man then picked several Section 5 members on the street, but they all said they didn't know how to drive a lift.

Seeing that the man was becoming more and more impatient, Niya suggested that the hostage could accompany him, and she would personally send him away to ensure that he would not be pursued immediately after he escaped to the barrier area.

"Your Majesty Niya, just because you said you won't pursue me right away doesn't mean you can't catch me after I've escaped for a while."

The man clearly knew how powerful Niya was. He already knew how powerful Niya was before she became the section chief. The man used to be a member of a gang in the lower-level area, and he used to take revenge on the gang members in Niya's crazy way. She was beaten by her.

"My patience is coming to an end, everyone."

On the periphery of the scene, people from Section 10 have arrived. Using remote detection equipment, they found that the man's body was indeed equipped with high-energy reaction equipment, which was genuine.

Once it detonated, the consequences would be unimaginable, and everyone at the scene tensed up. At this time, Le Xiao walked over. Although she was very scared, she still spoke.

"Sir, your behavior has seriously violated the laws of Brilliant City. It's better to surrender."

When Le Xiao said this, the man became excited.

"Law? Haha, that's ridiculous. I am like this today all because of your so-called law."

The man became hysterical, his mood became more and more unstable, and at this time a purple particle floated towards the man.

"Your Excellency Mo Xiaolan, I advise you not to move. Although you may use your ability to control me, I have a way to detonate it."

Purple particles scattered in the air, and the scene became stalemate for a while.

The current situation is painful for everyone. The man doesn’t want to die here. There are many secret bases in the barrier area. The man can return to the secret base and be safe and sound. He must not die now. I didn’t see it. The future men of this city must survive.

As the shadow of the creator, the man was staring at Purcell, but he did not expect that he would be found out by this sudden interrogation. He himself did not have any identification. Once he encountered the interrogation, he would be finished, but the man himself was just a very good person. An ordinary person, so for so many years, he has been hiding in the city without being interrogated.

Time passed by, and finally a general clerk from Section 5 walked over and was willing to send the man away. Mo Xiaolan also came out of the lift, and it was obvious that the man was also a mutant.

The man started to walk towards the door of the store, but at this moment the man stopped because he felt a strange breath coming from the opposite side. Just when the man was about to walk out, Le Xiao looked expressionless. come over.

"What do you want, girl?"

Niya asked, but looking at Le Xiao's expression, she seemed to be a different person.

"Solve the problem."

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