Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2184 Confrontation 8 (Part 2)

The battle was still going on. The four-in-two fight in the ring had lasted for 15 minutes. Eric was still unable to find any further means. Sel's reaction speed and strength exceeded Eric's imagination.

Eric was unwilling to increase his strength because he could not increase the strength of his blow without maintaining his body's speed. Eric knew very well that he could not rush now and could only rely on his amazing endurance to find breakthroughs bit by bit.

Now if he gets impatient, he will be embarrassed, and he doesn't want to be embarrassed in front of Niya. If the opponent in front of him is in front of Niya, he probably won't be able to survive for a second.

Looking at Purcell in front of him, Eric stopped first, and Purcell did not take the initiative to attack. After all, Purcell knew very well that the mutant in front of him had not yet shown his true strength. That day, he and his secretary Le Xiao Battle Cell has seen it, Eric is indeed a powerful mutant.

It's just that the alienated beast gene implanted in Purcell's body has a perception beyond that of mutants and can accurately predict the opponent's attacks, so Purcell can easily block all Eric's attacks and fight back at the same time.

Dr. Marcus, who implanted this power into himself, has already said that it cannot be used too fiercely, so Sale is currently just defending and intends to find an opportunity to kill Eric. If he attacks rashly, this power will be exposed. Danger in public.

Seer's purpose is just to get in touch with Li Dan. After all, Seer and the others really want talented people like Li Dan.

I have investigated Li Dan's background. He himself was sent to work in the Agriculture Department because of many fights. I asked the neighbors near his home. Li Dan hates people from the Agriculture Department. He once fought with people from the Agriculture Department in the street. , but he was quickly put into the agricultural department for labor punishment.

That was six years ago, when Li Dan was just 24 years old. Li Dan also said some things that worried his family. Sel also watched the video of Li Dan’s previous fight. He almost killed a man by mistake. People from 5 subjects.

But it was indeed because the people in Section 5 were wrong, so Li Dan took action. He was only punished and worked hard for a year before returning to the city. Many people knew that Li Dan was dissatisfied with the Business Section, and the owner of the tavern often also Listen to him chatter.

Many people from Purcell and the creators have mentioned Li Dan. Many people are very interested in him and hope to absorb Li Dan to become a fresh force.

Li Dan used to work in a factory. Because he had the lowest mutant qualification, he could only get the minimum standard salary of 2,000 yuan. He also had to deal with the family's debt. Li Dan's life was unsatisfactory every day.

Seer saw Li Dan in a bar half a year ago. After that, he often saw Li Dan in that bar, very drunk.

The most important thing is that a girl Li Dan liked also broke up with him. It was heard that she had cheated on an officer in the business department. The fire in Li Dan's heart had reached its peak.

Seer knew very well that at this time, all he had to do was ignite the flame. Li Dan's dissatisfaction with the business department would become his new generation of outstanding talents among creators.

Sel looked at Eric on the other side, still attacking tentatively. He responded easily and then smiled.

"Mr. Eric, can you be more serious?"

Eric attacked with gritted teeth and anger, but Seer was still dodging. He also planned to use the same method as Li Dan. After all, continuing to stalemate was not an option. The power hidden in his body might be able to compete with Eric. A battle, but Seer was not confident that he could defeat this experienced mutant.

As time went by, Sale found that the backhand attack that could threaten Eric before was no longer effective. Eric had adapted to his own fighting rhythm. It was only a matter of time before he would lose if this continued.

At twenty-four minutes, Purcell raised his hands and admitted defeat. The whole audience was in an uproar. Purcell sat on the ground and raised his head tiredly.

Eric stopped and walked up to Sel.

"Young man, you are very powerful. Why don't you continue? If you continue, I may not be your opponent."

Seer laughed and shook his head.

"Don't be ridiculous Eric, you didn't fight seriously from the beginning to the end. Your speed and power when you fought Master Le Xiao that day were far above this."

Eric said frankly after nodding.

"Indeed, whatever kind of opponent you encounter, you just need to use whatever kind of fighting strength you have."

Purcell then stepped down. Faced with the interview, he spoke relaxedly, and then returned to the lounge.

Soon Saier knocked on the door of Li Dan's room.

"I lost too."

Li Dan was lying on the bed, watching a movie. The movie was a slightly ironic title "Time Managers". Although it is a science fiction film, this film has always been controversial because there are many People think this movie is a satire on business.

Although the director has repeatedly emphasized that it is just a satirical story based on the framework of world cinema and has nothing to do with reality, many people still like to take the lead.

"If you lose, you lose."

Li Dan smiled disapprovingly, and Saier closed the door.

"But I was lucky enough to last longer than you, so I am third and you are fourth."

Li Dan snorted coldly, then yawned and said.

"What are you doing? Don't interrupt me watching the movie. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Don't you think the business department is a bit annoying?"

Li Dan was stunned immediately, but immediately blurted out.

"It's all a piece of shit, bah."

Seer immediately walked over, sat next to Li Dan, and continued.

"I think so too. How about we have a chat when we have time?"

"No time."

Seer smiled awkwardly.

"I hate business, and many of my friends here are the same. This is what we have in common. It's more interesting to chat and have fun with people with similar interests."

"Let's talk about it again."

Looking at Li Dan, he was still not interested, and then Saier spoke.

"Your girlfriend Zhang Qi was actually deceived by that scumbag."

Li Dan looked at Saier angrily and grabbed his collar.

"Really, I have inside information."

Then Seer explained that he had a businessman friend who was very familiar with Ma Long from Section 7 and revealed that when Ma Long deceived Li Dan’s girlfriend with sweet words, he had already been dating two other women at the same time, and even they His name and address were stated.

Li Dan had no intention of watching a movie and said irritably.

"Asshole, how do you know that?"

"If you don't believe me, how about I tell you something when we have time to get together."

Li Dan nodded, and said it was a deal, and we would make an appointment tonight.

Sel actually likes Li Dan's straightforward character.

After Seer left, Li Dan trembled with excitement. He touched his hair, then grinned and covered his stomach with laughter.

"Some fish really got the bait."

Recalling that a few months ago, on the night after the turmoil at Le Xiao's inauguration ceremony, Li Dan and more than ten people from the same department were called to the office by Mo Xiaolan.

"Section Chief, did you take the wrong medicine? I'll give it to you if you want me to pretend to be this idiot's girlfriend."

A beauty with dignified and beautiful appearance, blonde hair and blue eyes said angrily, and Li Dan sighed.

"Zhang Qi, a guy like you who only thinks about shit wants to be my girlfriend? I'm not happy yet."

The two looked at each other angrily, and a man with a burly figure and although not handsome appearance persuaded them.

"Stop talking nonsense Malone."

At this time, a sinister-looking man wearing plain glasses said.

"Stop arguing. If you want to be punished for exercising all night, just keep arguing."

Mo Xiaolan smiled evilly, and Lilian's smile on the side also looked a little scary, and several people did not dare to make any more noise.

"Listen clearly, the script has been sent to you, and the identities will be assigned quickly. I need you to hone your acting skills day and night in Section 2 this month. I have invited professional directors from the film and television area to come over. He will teach you how to act, so please keep your ears clean and listen clearly."

Several people quickly became serious, and Mo Xiaolan continued.

"Li Dan and Zhang Qi play a couple with frequent problems, Ma Long plays a scumbag with a powerful background in Section 7, Li Sina and Qu Jiajia play Ma Long's cheating girlfriends No. 1 and 2, and Love I will play the sinister businessman, and the others will play the bar owner, senior company officials, etc. Anyway, the thirteen of you will act for me according to the script."

After the thirteen people stood at attention and saluted, they carefully looked at their respective identities and backgrounds on the light and shadow screen. Thirteen of them were all secret newcomers without any intelligence information in Section 2. Even some people in Section 2 did not know their information.

Mo Xiaolan decided to make a web, using Li Dan's identity as someone who was extremely angry with Xing Ke and had many conflicts with Xing Ke to fish. Those who were willing to take the bait would amplify the conflict between Li Dan and Xing Ke.

Most people in Baozhun City know that the people who play the roles of these core family members are experienced Section 2 officers who have been lurking many times.

These old clerks were walking around the city. They all had their own professions and backgrounds. Mo Xiaolan couldn't bear it anymore. These rioters who had been operating secretly over the years must be completely eradicated and uprooted.

"Lillian, take a few minutes every night to watch them perform. If that doesn't work, let me let them practice all night."

"I know, section chief."

After Mo Xiaolan left, several people looked at each other helplessly.

"If there is any intimacy then, please rinse my mouth clean and wash my body with fragrance."

Li Dan looked at Zhang Qi unhappily, and they began to discuss and study what their respective roles should look like, especially in the eyes of the other party.

Although they feel a little helpless about such a task, they will definitely obey the section chief's orders.

"Let's work hard and never let down the trust the section chief and others have placed in us. Once we find him."

Before Li Dan finished speaking, Zhang Qi smiled.

"Tear them to pieces, not even the dregs will be left."

time back to now

Li Dan got up and walked out of the lounge. He didn't plan to participate in the night's action. He had to follow his personality. Zhang Qi and Ma Long were also here. Li Dan called Zhang Qi directly and made it clear on the phone. Come here, I have something to tell her.

"What else is there to say? I have nothing more to talk about with you?"

"You idiot, this is about Malone. I have to tell you face to face. You and he should have come to watch the ring match, right?"

There was a gurgling sound.

"I don't care about you."

"Forget it if you don't come. Anyway, when you suffer a loss, I won't care if you come to me crying."

Finally, Zhang Qi agreed and made an appointment to meet at the cafe opposite.

The conversation between the two was clearly heard by Seer who was in the next room. Sure enough, people with Li Dan's temperament are irritable and impetuous. Although this is a shortcoming, as long as he can be successfully persuaded to join the Creator, he can Improve slowly.

Soon Li Dan waited for Zhang Qi at the door of the cafe. As soon as the two met, their eyes widened and they were completely absorbed in the drama.

The two entered the cafe and asked for a single room on the second floor. As soon as they entered, Li Dan closed the curtains. Then Zhang Qi quickly took out the detection equipment. After repeated confirmation in all places, there was indeed nothing. After removing the eavesdropping equipment, the two smiled at each other and held their hands together.

"Our efforts over the past six months have finally succeeded."

Zhang Qi said, Li Dan nodded excitedly, and directly told Zhang Qi that Seer had installed a listening device in his room. He had checked that it was a device with a very low signal frequency and was not produced by any company. of.

This kind of equipment cannot be detected at all without the professional equipment in their hands. It is only as big as a human hair and is on the nanoscale.

"What should we do now?"

Zhang Qi asked and Li Dan said.

"You go back to find Malone right away, and then report the situation directly to Lady Niya during the exercise. I will inform Lady Niya in advance. You guys have a big fight directly where Lady Niya passes by. Be fierce, and you must make a fuss. Everyone knows it.”

Zhang Qi made an OK gesture, because Ma Long is now a squad leader in Section 7, and he also assisted in this exam, and the most important thing was to investigate cheating in the exam.

After discussing everything, Li Dan was about to leave, when Zhang Qi spoke.

"Don't be too reluctant if you encounter danger. After all, although you are very strong, there are many people stronger than you."

Li Dan said confidently.

"No problem. If we are really in danger, I will definitely notify the administrative department and completely expose my location. It depends on your speed to catch them all."

Zhang Qi looked at Li Dan who was leaving. Although she wanted to tell Li Dan to run away if he encountered danger, it seemed that Li Dan would not do so. Members of Section 2 who had been secretly investigating incidents over the years often died. Zhang Qi actually still Very worried.

But when the words came to her lips, Zhang Qi swallowed them back because she knew very well that Li Dan's belief in fighting crime was the strongest among them all.

Except Li Dan, who was in the cafe, immediately had an angry look on his face and kicked the electric pole on the street, then went to the alley and vented his anger against the wall, while Zhang Qi covered her mouth and ran towards Section 5 while crying.

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