Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2177 Confrontation 6 (Part 1)

No one knows what X’s name is. The only thing they know is that some people call him Jimmy, others call him White, and there are even more names.

The mid-20th century was a difficult era. A war that spread throughout the world had just ended. At that time, factories began to sprout like mushrooms after a rain.

The war destroyed many things, and all countries were in urgent need of talents to carry out construction. X was born when everything was in ruins.

According to Tang Rao’s final verification,

This is a land without any hope. Fortunately, rare mineral deposits were discovered here. This discovery made the locals rejoiced because merchants loaded with goods came over.

People on this land survived, and the man who discovered the rare mineral deposits was X's father. People in the entire place survived because of the mineral deposits.

The mines are fully exploited, and the toxic gases released by refining the ore have caused immeasurable harm to the entire place. However, compared with the pain caused by these toxic gases, people are less willing to face poverty.

X's father was smart and capable. He quickly used some means to gain enough wealth. When A highly modernized country that was developing rapidly after the war.

X quickly adapted to everything in the local area, and his talent began to show from this time. In just two weeks after arriving in country M, X learned the local language.

I learned everything quickly for my parents who couldn't understand the language. Because they were immigrants from outside, although they had money, many immigrants from outside were treated differently due to the special circumstances at that time.

Especially when they don't understand the language, these immigrants are often deceived by some gang members in society. Once they arrived, their parents were deceived several times because they were unfamiliar with the place where they lived.

After X learned the local language, he helped his parents open a grocery store. While opening the store, X studied writing day and night.

Under the guidance of a bad teacher, X learned to write in just over a week. After the family finally completed the immigration procedures and became citizens of this country, everything got better.


Faced with this older child who didn't understand anything and the accent problem, X was not happy at school at first. But after one week, two weeks, and three weeks, this prejudice disappeared.

The learning speed of Keen understanding.

Just one year later, 12-year-old X was directly recommended by the school to a domestic institution of higher learning at that time.

X worked so hard just to make his parents worry less, because his parents were not in good health. They worked in the mines all year round and inhaled a lot of harmful gases.

X's reputation grew as he continued to solve problems that troubled professionals. Many dignitaries met with him, and many universities offered him an olive branch.


Because .

The military was even more interested in the value of this young man. In the end, X entered the military's school and was directly protected. His life was frozen at this moment.

X did not have any right to choose, because he saw people from the military coming to his home from time to time, and some authorities also began to conduct various investigations on the family. Most of the immigrants who could come over had dirty family backgrounds and could not withstand the investigation. .

After realizing that if they don't make a choice, their parents will be sad every day.

X successfully entered the military's scientific research base and became a young soldier on staff. He did not disappoint. In just two years, he learned a lot and put forward very important ideas. He has many ideas and has outstanding talents in physics and mathematics. This amazing talent has allowed X to continue to be promoted in the military.

What the people above need are results, and X will give them results. In just a few years, many ecstatic results have been produced under X's hands.

War began to spread on a small scale around the world again, and the weapons invented and manufactured by X achieved excellent results on the battlefield.

However, all this is extremely unfree for X. He can't even go home. No matter where he goes, he is always followed by a protective team. Before going, he must report it first and his boss allows him to go out.

This prison-like life made X gradually start to think about what he had done everything for. Until the moment his father died of illness, X became angry. Important research, so in order to prevent X from being distressed by this incident, his boss did not tell him about his father's death.

It wasn't until the research achieved results that X learned about his father's death, and it was already half a year ago. When he returned home, X could only look at his mother who was crying helplessly on the hospital bed. He didn't say a word and just stayed close. A few hours later, he was taken back.

Because there is more important research work waiting for X in the future, life is just a cage for X. He does not have any freedom, and even his identity information has been strictly encrypted.

Once you travel, there will be countless agents following you. Even what you eat every day is arranged according to nutritional ratios. What to eat and where to rest are all arranged properly.

The 24-year-old X has become the property of the military, and his inner anger is growing day by day. He once protested by refusing to study, but soon received a call from his mother the next day. We can only continue to research.

When X was 29 years old, his research achieved very brilliant results. At this time, X noticed a scholar named Wiener who made certain remarks.

X felt very useful to many of the things Wiener discussed. He began to think about his future, and the military also noticed X's problem. After all, he is a human being and cannot be like a machine and spend his whole life doing research for the military. .

When X was 30 years old, a woman came into his sight. Her name was Aurora. X soon fell in love with him. After a two-year relationship, the two got married.

What X didn't expect was that the military allowed them to live in the city. In a newly built metropolis, X and his wife Aurora breathed the free and fresh air for the first time.

The place where X works is not far from the garden villa where they live. The servants and bodyguards at home are all assigned by the military. Although X is still a little uncomfortable, he finally accepts it all. After all, he can spend time with his lover like this every day. For X, it's very good.

X's mother also left the world at this time, leaving Aurora as the only close person in the world.

When X was 34 years old, the military launched a research project called Cloning the Future. As the main person in charge of the research, X participated in the cloning research. It was already the second half of the 20th century.

Because the country is engaged in various aspects of games with another world superpower, and the future cloning plan will play a decisive role in future wars.

The military's idea is to clone soldiers. These soldiers can be deployed into combat in a short period of time. They are not only cheap but also easy to use. They will definitely play a key role in future wars.

At the age of 42, , it also requires a lot of money to lay the groundwork and burn.

X also proposed to the military that he was old and wanted to retire and teach students. The military also agreed. X gained a short period of freedom. He took his wife Aurora to visit various parts of the world.

This period of time was when X was happiest, but he and his wife never had children, which was X's greatest regret because his wife was unable to have children.

Then X went to the Expo at the end of the century. At the Exposition, X met Wiener for the first time, the man who influenced X's thinking. He raised the subject of living bodies at the Exposition.

It was this topic that made

There were only attacks, abuses and ridicules for Weiner, but X didn't think so. He had a faint feeling that Weiner might have held the key to the future.

After returning to China, X was quickly called by his superiors. They needed Wiener to lead a research team to conduct research on space science. This time, X refused.

In the future,

However, the boss still strongly hoped that X could participate, but also gave X some time to think about it.

When X returned home, he seemed very discouraged. His wife Aurora also gently persuaded X that he should listen to his boss. This was something that X did not expect. Then, for the first time, X and his wife had a fierce quarrel.

Then X thought about running away. Through a certain network, he contacted some people who were employed by big chaebols. These big chaebols were very interested in the gene cloning technology studied by If it can be replaced frequently, human life can be extended to a certain extent.

After preparing everything, X had a good talk with his wife, and his wife agreed to escape from the military's control with X. However, on the day of the meeting, the person standing at the door was a member of the military.

For a moment, , it is impossible for the military to detect it.

The only person who could be the one closest to him was the one he was closest to. Finally spoke.

The wife admitted that she was indeed a spy for the military. She had been trained since she was a child. The task assigned to her by the military was to get close to Collapsed in front of himself.

Such betrayal made X feel worse than death. Then he filed for divorce. He didn't believe this woman at all. He hated everything. After Aurora left, X felt that his life was over.

X, who was in panic all day long, has been living in decadence for over 50 years. On this day, Aurora came over with a birthday cake. She had been away for 2 years and now she is back.

The wife explained that she just hoped that .

This time,

The two returned to their familiar home again, but Weiner was only superficially obedient. The big chaebols really wanted to carry out biological cloning gene research. This is the only thing that X is interested in now, because X knows very well that as long as he can make himself If his thinking continues, he can see the future.

Aurora also felt it. When facing her, X seemed gentle and submissive, but it was all false.

At this time, the orders from above made Aurora panic. They didn't want The best way is to solve X, and by solving X, Aurora can retire.

The danger is approaching silently, and X is secretly preparing to escape from this life. This is not the life he wants. The anger accumulated in the past burst out. Continuing into the future, he will use the most cruel method to completely shake the world and decide everything in this world in his own way.

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