Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2174 Confrontation 5 (Part 1)

Under the hot air, a demolition, dismantling and recycling site near the southern guard station on the ground floor was in full swing. Just after 9 o'clock in the morning, densely packed workers were carrying out demolition, construction and dismantling.

People from Department 5 immediately set up a temporary medical shed in the vacated area. After the construction was completed, people from Department 4 immediately carried out disinfection, and the patients admitted to the southern guard station were immediately sent over.

This process is very fast, but even though it is so fast, patients are still being sent in like water every day. Many people have not had a good rest for several days and nights. The 3 departments have urgently removed nearly 80,000 people to help clean up. Demolition and construction, and the erection of temporary medical sheds.

Not only patients in the barrier areas, but also patients in the city who have begun to show mild symptoms. Most of them are people at the bottom, and this harmful liquid food has been on the market for only a few months. , if it lasts longer, bigger problems will arise.

Xima was standing on the roof. She had just finished ten hours of work and planned to go to the city wall to rest for half an hour before going back to work.

There are constantly taking off and landing, and they are all loaded with newly produced light and shadow medical equipment and simple light and shadow medical houses. They can take in patients immediately after they are set up. The number of doctors is too small. Even some military doctors from the 3rd Department They all went over to help.

At present, nearly 1 million patients have been admitted, and less than 100,000 have been cured. This ratio is too exaggerated. According to calculations, these liquid foods may cause more than 10 million people to become sick. This is an overload for the city’s medical system. Fortunately, Huashen has established a complete emergency disaster medical system in the past.

People in the 4th Department can meet the medical needs of more than 2 million people in an extreme time. Nowadays, the medical pressure in cities is huge. There are not many doctors in the hospital anymore, and patients often have to wait in line for several hours every day. Teams are needed to see the doctor, and almost all the people from the 5 departments are helping near the hospital.

The manpower cannot be mobilized at all, and the business department has canceled all holidays. Everyone must be on call 24 hours a day, whether they are resting or working.

Xima turned on the light and shadow screen, and the number of patients diagnosed with hemangioma increased again. Now Xima is most worried about the situation in the city. If the rioters do something at this time, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the city. .

Nowadays, the more than 20,000 people left in the 3 departments are distributing food outside the four warning stations. One can of liquid food and some water a day. Pregnant women, infants and some elderly people with underlying diseases can get more food. s things.

Distributing food once a day like this is tiring, but it won't cause too much panic. Currently, Chen Qiao Group and Su Family are the main suppliers of liquid food. Every day, the factory produces it day and night, and then delivers it to the four guard stations.

In such a difficult period, we must hold on. Almost all businessmen have turned their attention to the bottom, hoping to seize more markets by taking advantage of the changing times. This approach has advantages and disadvantages, but there is also a problem. If the future is stable, the situation at the bottom will be even worse.

Xima looked at the dull barrier area. Now the only way is to reclaim the agricultural base in the barrier area. As long as the reclamation can be successful, many problems in the future will be solved.

A helicopter flew slowly in the sky. Xima looked up and saw that it was a helicopter from Section 10. She smiled knowingly. She really admired the old man Ye Chunwang. He had been working in agriculture for more than a century. Busy work is still the main force responsible for the construction of agricultural bases in the barrier area.

"We have to work harder."

Seema looked at the dense crowd of people below. She turned back to the elevator and soon returned to the office.

10:28 am

Ye Chunwang walked out of the lift, surrounded by some people in the barrier area. They were busy. The same wind isolation wall as in the past had been erected. This agricultural experimental base of more than ten acres had been initially set up.

Ye Chunwang didn't expect it to be so fast. It was built in less than a week. This was all thanks to some armed forces and some young adults in the barrier area. They all participated in the construction. The business department only provided them with food and drink every day.

Seeing Ye Chunwang looking down, several bosses ran over. They didn't say anything, they just watched Ye Chunwang lying on the ground and conducting soil data surveys.

More and more people are coming around, and it can be seen that they are praying in their eyes that the land can be planted immediately. This is hope for many people in the barrier area today and is the only way out of this severe cold.

Seeing Ye Chunwang smile and the expressions of many people around him relax, Ye Chunwang shook his head and said.

"Nothing can be grown on such land. Instead, seeds will be wasted."

As Ye Chunwang said, many people seemed a little disappointed.

"Don't be too hasty. Just do what I said before every day. One day, these lands will come to life. Once the land comes to life, we will be able to process it more quickly in accordance with the law and continue to build agricultural bases one after another. , The current situation is not too bad, but it cannot be said that it is good, so keep working hard."

Ye Chunwang said, and many people left. This place is thirteen kilometers away from the southern guard station. It was Ye Chunwang's first experimental base selected after long-term soil surveys at 30 locations.

Although a wind isolation wall has been built to allow for manual intervention, the temperature in the experimental field has increased, but in fact the temperature of the soil is the first step for soil activity and temperature. The second step is light. Slowly Slowly allow the microorganisms in the soil to recover, so that food can be grown.

After Ye Chunwang explained some things, he planned to go to another place with better soil conditions than here, but due to terrain problems, it was temporarily impossible to establish an agricultural experimental base.

Many people started to move, and they were not upset because the land was still unable to be planted. Ye Chunwang knew very well that the people in the barrier area had been waiting for more than half a century, and now they were waiting for a while longer. For them, There is no difficulty. After living in the dark for a long time, many people seem to be very resilient.

The helicopter flew towards the dark place further away, and soon landed on the edge of a mountain col. When the wind howled by, loose rocks kept sliding down. This was the biggest problem.

People from Section 12 took out equipment and started testing. The soil here is the best, but there is a problem. Because it is in a mountain depression, the mountains on both sides may collapse easily.

After a while, Ye Chunwang looked at the mountain cols on both sides. The only solution for now was to flatten the peaks on both sides and then quickly build wind walls. This required a lot of manpower.

The most indispensable thing in the barrier area is manpower. Ye Chunwang plans to go as fast as possible. This place is located in the southwest of the barrier area, more than 40 kilometers away from the southern guard station. Some things can only be transported by air. The ground here is relatively undulating.

The difficulty of building an agricultural base is huge, but the rocky soil nearby is very suitable for planting, and it can only be cultivated by a mixture of manpower and machinery.

After finalizing the idea, Ye Chunwang immediately asked the director on the side to record some data. After returning, he directly started arranging manpower. The nearby mountains must be flattened as soon as possible, and then an agricultural experimental base could be established.

Nowadays, many people in the barrier zone are very enthusiastic. If it is just an experimental base, the hope and enthusiasm expected by the people living in the barrier zone today will be too small.

Although there are certain risks, Ye Chunwang does not plan to hesitate any more this time. If he continues to hesitate, the little sense of trust he has finally established will disappear. Even if there is a shortage of manpower now, Ye Chunwang plans to stay in the barrier zone. Establish ten agricultural experimental bases, each with at least 10 acres, so that this bill can be successfully passed in the next one or two years.

Over the years, Ye Chunwang has been committed to establishing an agricultural base in the barrier area. Many varieties of crops have been carefully improved, but there are still some flaws. However, Ye Chunwang has now abandoned the crops cultivated by the AIs.

Because it is completely unknown what kind of problems will occur after human consumption of these crops. Although it does not seem to have any side effects, the incident of harmful liquid food this time gave Ye Chunwang a wake-up call.

There were no problems with the liquid food when tested, and there were no chemical substances added to it. Although there were some unanalyzable chemical components, this was a chemical reaction occurring in the sealed jar, and it was a normal scene.

But in fact, after eating these seemingly harmless liquid foods, they cause irreversible damage to the human body, causing genetic lesions and the emergence of difficult diseases such as hemangioma.

The crops actually cultivated by AI calculations are indeed very suitable for the barrier zone, and their cold resistance and survival are much better than those studied by artificial intervention.

Nowadays, there are opposing voices in Section 12. Many people feel that the crops cultivated by AI should be calculated by AI, so that the plan to establish an agricultural base in the barrier zone can be launched as soon as possible.

Ye Chunwang directly rejected such a proposal, because the crops developed through manual intervention have been put on the market in small quantities. After several years of events, there have been no harmful problems, while the crops calculated by AI have not yet been put on the market. Go to the market.

Crops cultivated by artificial intervention can be controlled, but crops calculated by AI are uncontrollable. There are too many unknown genomes that have not been analyzed.

This is the result of Ye Chunwang's careful consideration, because no one can guarantee that these crops calculated by AI will not cause harm to the human body. Many harms of food can only be highlighted through long-term consumption.

In the end, Ye Chunwang chose stability and directly discarded the crops calculated by the AI, but still appointed a research team to continue studying and analyzing the unknown genomes of these crops.

The lift slowly rose, and Ye Chunwang took a look at the land below. He was now very confident that as long as 10 agricultural experimental bases could be established, this land would become fertile fields in the future, and the city would no longer be the same. There was no need for liquid food, rice and bread were available to everyone.

Ye Chunwang planned to return directly to the research room and ask the director on the side to speed up.

In just 20 minutes, the lift landed next to the research base of the Department of Agriculture. After Ye Chun looked down, he led people directly into the research room. A large number of genetic fruit trees have been prepared and can be put into the market at any time. Now, if we only need to fix the pricing aspect, many people in the city will be able to eat fruit soon.

"Section Chief."

A director officer ran out. He looked ecstatic. Ye Chunwang looked at him suspiciously, and then followed the director officer to the underground research room.

As soon as he entered, there were a bunch of directors and section officers from the 12 departments. Ye Chunwang looked at the value of a crop on the light and shadow screen with confusion and some surprise.

"The section chief should use the crops calculated by the AI."

Ye Chunwang continued to look at it. This experimental crop was much better than the results predicted by the AI ​​calculations. This crop could still keep growing even at minus 10 degrees. This is indeed extremely amazing and the most important thing. Yes, the coating of this crop can lock in moisture and nutrients to the greatest extent, allowing it to survive in extremely harsh environments.

Several rounds of testing have been carried out. This crop is indeed very practical. If it can be planted in a large area, it can solve many of their problems. Large-scale seed cultivation can even begin tomorrow, and barrier zones can be established in a few days. agricultural base.

Ye Chunwang hesitated, and the firm thoughts in his heart began to waver. He thought of the people he saw today who had been busy in the barrier area for half a month. The desire in their eyes was urgent.

"Section Chief, I don't think we should hesitate any longer. Let the crops grow on that cold land first, so that the plan for the agricultural reform base in the barrier area can be passed. Once passed, the barrier area will soon be a fertile field."

It can be seen that everyone is anxious, because this is the hard work of all of them for more than ten years. After the first plan failed, this plan has been shelved, but more than ten years ago in Jean Under his suggestion, Ye Chunwang started research again, and now it was time to make a decision.

The crop in front of us is like a shining sun. Once large-scale planting begins, there is hope that the ten agricultural experimental bases will be filled with crops, and the next step of the plan can be started immediately.

"Better wait."

As soon as Ye Chunwang opened his mouth, everyone in the room looked slightly disappointed. This was a kind of torture for them. There were obviously crops in front of them that could be planted immediately, but Ye Chunwang still didn't allow it.

Ye Chun looked at the plant in trance, and then at the people who were whispering. He didn't know how to convince them.

"Now we can only wait for the land to be improved."

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