Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 219 Myth (Part 2) 88 more please subscribe!

Le Xiao ate the liquid food in the can and finished it in less than a while. There was still a lot of food left from the last time, and Gene was also eating beside him.

This liquid food tastes pretty good now. Maybe I got tired of eating it every day before, but now it tastes pretty good, and it has been warmed with water.

After finally eating, Le Xiao lay back on the soft bed, sleepiness sweeping over her again.

This guy.

As soon as she saw Jean's evil smile, Le Xiao sat up straight again, blinked, and rubbed her sore eyes.

"Jean, can you teach me how to make a plan bill that can pass Congress? I'm really confused."

Gene stood up with a smile, turned around and lay down on the bed, as if he was going to sleep.

"You are the section chief after all, so you can do it anyway, or have you always asked others to do it for you before?"

Le Xiao looked at Jean in surprise for a moment.

"I can indeed do it, and I can teach you step by step, but if you don't solve it yourself, it will all be meaningless."

Le Xiao pursed her lips and sat on the edge of the bed a little frustrated. She didn't understand many of the things above, as well as many relationships, pros and cons, etc., between businessmen, parliamentarians, and businessmen.

"Well, at least that, didn't you say there are some excellent department members? Our 13th department, when will they come over?"

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, I will send you to pick them up the day after tomorrow."

Le Xiao blinked. She immediately became anxious when she thought about Michelle saying that she would only be given 5 days. But when she thought about Jean lying here without doing anything, Le Xiao rolled her eyes at Jean.

"Please work hard Section Chief."

Gene smiled and said nothing, turned around and pulled up the quilt. Then the curtains closed with a thought. Le Xiao turned around angrily, opened the door and walked out.

Le Xiao decided to follow Wu Lei's instructions and go to the Business Department to find an accountant first to calculate the money required for the proposal.

As soon as he came downstairs, Le Xiao saw many people from other departments coming in and out, and the department was already very busy.

What exactly is the Mouse Hunt?

Questions popped up in Le Xiao's head. She walked out quickly, planning to go directly to the subway station not far away and take the bus to the middle floor.

I'm really looking forward to it. The staff of Section 13 will be coming to report in a few days.

He should be picked up from prison!

In the steward's office

Locke was a little restless. The documents had been processed, but Jean's explanation of going to Congress tonight was like a heavy bomb exploding in his heart. The anxiety was constantly stimulating every fiber of Locke's body. Nervous, Gene has not set foot in that place for nearly 50 years.

"Why don't you just go by yourself? You have to drag me along with you."

Locke sighed unhappily.

Michelle knocked on the door and walked in, directly opening a light and shadow screen with areas marked in black.

"Section 2 in these areas has concluded that there are suspected rioters. After all, the channels for many controlled substances have been figured out and can be obtained in these areas."

Locke nodded, and Michelle noticed that his mind was not on that at all.

"Did something happen, Your Majesty the Controller?"

Michelle asked, and Locke immediately smiled stiffly.

"It's nothing."

Locke lowered his head as he spoke and continued to glance at the three-dimensional cross-section diagram that Michelle placed on the table.

There are a total of 39 areas. Controlled items are often circulated in these areas, and there may be some in other areas, but none have been found so far.

"The quantity is so huge that it will take about three months to conduct detailed inquiries."

Michelle pointed to several slums on the ground floor and continued.

"These areas need to be strictly investigated. Controlled items are the most prevalent and are used by many criminals."

Locke nodded.

"The work has been assigned to Section 3 and Section 5. Section 3 will recruit 10,000 people to participate in the investigation. The next step is..."

"Just make your decision, Michelle, I have something to do now."

Locke stood up directly and walked slowly. At this time, Locke just wanted to go to one place, and he rushed there quickly. He probably already knew very well that since Gene decided to enter the Congress Hall, there was only one possibility. Sex, he had already obtained the Six God King Seal with certainty, so he stepped into it.

Michelle stared at Locke in confusion. Locke looked extremely abnormal today and was very worried. A man like him might not even be able to have a wife and children.

"It must be Sir Jean!"

Regarding everything about Jean, Michelle began to have doubts in her heart again. Michelle still remembers what her father Charles said to her, asking her to find ways to win over Le Xiao, and the ultimate goal is to win over Jean.

Including the ambiguous words her father said that day, Michelle took off her glasses and ran quickly to the window. She quietly stared at Locke who had walked out of the General Affairs Department Building, and walked quickly. .

Locke walked all the way, and soon he went directly to the subway station. After entering a train dedicated to clerks, it started directly. When the subway started, he quickly changed into a gray coat and a round hat. And masks.

Locke's eyes looked a little worried. He was restless and shaking his legs, eager to reach his destination immediately.

Inside the flower house

Tang Rao came downstairs yawning and smelling of alcohol. She drank a lot last night and drank with the owners of several nearby shops. It was already past 10 o'clock in the morning. She staggered downstairs slowly. Wearing only a pink gauze pajamas, she walked down carelessly.


Lin Yuan smiled happily. Although his eyes were looking at the flowers, his peripheral vision still drifted towards Tang Rao from time to time.

Tang Rao yawned and walked over, putting his arm around Lin Yuan's shoulder. He immediately turned around in embarrassment and was fussing with the flowerpot. Tang Rao smiled and leaned his head over, suddenly touching Lin Yuan's ear. Zi Chu blew a breath, Lin Yuan smiled hurriedly and awkwardly, and took a few steps forward.

"Xiao Lin, if you are so embarrassed, how will you find a girlfriend in the future?"

Lin Yuan still smiled awkwardly and started to take care of himself. Every time Tang Rao talked about this, Lin Yuan felt warm in his heart, but he always just smiled and said nothing.

Tang Rao sighed, smiled helplessly, turned and walked into the lounge, intending to make tea to sober up.

At this time the bell at the door rang.

"Guest, welcome!"

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