Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2170 Confrontation 3 (Part 2)


Hu Youran smiled and raised his hands.

"Eat whatever you want."

Duke on the side moved his chopsticks with a smile. Sitting in front of them were two people, Sophia, the team doctor of the 144 team, and Yu Dan, a member of the team. They both came to visit Hu Xue. More than ten days have passed since the incident. I heard that Hu Xue's condition is very bad.

If everyone had listened to Hu Xue from the beginning and directly controlled Sun Lu and stopped marching, such a tragedy could have been avoided. There are only 5 people left in the 144 team. In addition to the three of them, the other two are still there. In the hospital, one of them was seriously injured and may not be able to move for the rest of his life.

Hu Xue still didn't go downstairs. Hu Youran also told the two of them about Hu Xue's situation. They also expressed their understanding and just hoped to talk to Hu Xue. Yu Dan had been shopping, eating, drinking and having fun every day during this period, and felt a little relaxed. Some.

They didn't know why this happened. They were just the lowest-level department staff and had no authority to know the true nature of the matter. In more than ten days, they would have to go back to Section 3.

Hu Xue's condition is what they are most worried about. Sophia knows very well that Hu Xue should be suffering from PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. Judging from Hu Youran's oral condition of Hu Xue during this period, it can be determined that Hu Xue suffers from PTSD. Got PTSD.

This disease is a type of mental illness and is very difficult to cure. It is likely to stay with a person for a long time. If she cannot get out of the haze on her own, these dark facts will erode this person little by little. The human spirit, until it crushes him.

Sophia was a little hesitant whether she should speak directly. Hu Youran saw the helplessness in her eyes, and then spoke directly.

"Miss Sophia, my granddaughter seems to be suffering from PTSD."

Sophia nodded.

"Now you should immediately apply for a professional 4-subject appraisal, and then go directly to long-term training, if that doesn't work."

Before Sophia finished speaking, Hu Youran had already understood what she meant. Leaving the business department was the best way at the moment. After all, it was quite difficult to overcome this kind of psychological barrier.

"Eat quickly, ladies."

Duke said, Sophia and Yu Dan moved their chopsticks. Hu Youran glanced back at the corridor on the second floor. He didn't know what Hu Xue was thinking. Two of his colleagues came over at noon. Hu Youran went to call Hu Youran. Several times, she didn't respond.

In the dim room, Hu Xue huddled quietly in the corner. Only a glimmer of light coming from the crack of the door made it possible to see something clearly in the room.

Hu Xue trembled slightly and looked at her hands. She didn't know what the thing in front of her was. The back of her white hands was full of dense black and red substances. These things were like hair. Hu Xue only needed to move her thoughts. Something like red hair would come out of her skin, and she was very scared.

This change started a few days ago. Hu Xue didn't know what happened to her. She just felt that her head was dizzy and very tired during this period. Her memory was not complete. She couldn't even remember what she had eaten the day before. What, where did it go? Everything in my head was extremely confusing.

Hu Xue did not dare to mention this matter to anyone, not even her parents and grandfather. She only felt the danger. She knew very well that if she really went to the hospital or told the people in the business department directly, she would definitely be investigated. In this way This happened countless times in the past, and Hu Xue didn't know what to do.

Hu Xue was extremely frightened in her heart. Recently, she had only one thought in her mind: she wanted to destroy everything in front of her. She was very scared because it was becoming increasingly difficult to restrain such an impulse.

There were already two chairs missing in the room, all of which had been swallowed up by the tentacles crawling out of the body. Hu Xue could hardly resist the urge.

"Zhenzhen, what should I do?"

Hu Xue whimpered. She felt an unusual itching. These black and red tentacles crawled out around her eyes. Hu Xue covered her mouth. The thing in her body was scurrying around restlessly, and Hu Xue could feel it. Growing continuously.

Hu Xue glanced at the window. She walked to the window and looked at the ground below. This was the third floor. Hu Xue suddenly jumped down and ran extremely fast. She quickly climbed out of the courtyard wall and disappeared. In the dark alley.

Staying away from her family was the best choice. Hu Xue didn't know what to do. She was naturally afraid of light and could only move in the shadows. Soon Hu Xue came to a subway station. She was panicking among the crowd. He shuttled and submerged into the dark subway at an extremely fast speed. He quickly found a past sewer entrance and ran in.

The surroundings were completely plunged into darkness. Hu Xue felt relieved. The irritability and anxiety in her mind began to disappear. Hu Xue raised her hands, and the black-red tentacles slowly extended out and wrapped her body. Hu Xue felt A little tired, I closed my eyes.


The police lights flashed, and people from Section 5 set up a cordon at Hu Youran's house and began to investigate. Hu Xue was missing. Twenty minutes ago, after Hu Youran opened the room, his granddaughter disappeared. They searched all over the house. The house still cannot be found.

The nearby surveillance cameras were called out, and no records of Hu Xue's travels could be found. There were only records of her return home from shopping with Hu Youran one day ago.

Hu Youran was very worried, and Hu Xue's parents were crying because it was a special situation and people from Department 2 came over.

As a large number of high-precision DNA material detection equipment was used to check Hu Youran's house, they discovered something extremely difficult to understand. There was no DNA residue of Hu Xue in Hu Xue's room, not at all.

This is the most incomprehensible part. Hu Xue’s DNA residues can be found in other places in the house, but not in her room.

Several people from Section 2 were asking Hu Youran something. Hu Youran said with a solemn expression. Yu Dan and Sophia were also assisting in the investigation.

Many people on the street were watching because they didn't know what was going on. After all, this is the home of economist Hu Youran, and there are people from 2 subjects here. This is no longer a trivial matter.

The last few team captains of Section 2 and Section 5 decided to report this bizarre disappearance. After all, it was beyond the scope of their investigation. Regardless of whether Hu Xue left on his own or was kidnapped, it was still There would be some traces left, but Hu Xue seemed to disappear into the house out of thin air.

Among the crowd of onlookers, a woman and a man stood together, holding hands. They looked like a couple. Both of them looked expressionless, and a large number of words crossed their eyes from time to time. Number symbols.

In a digital space intertwined with black, white and green

AI12 and AI7 stand side by side.

"According to calculations, in the next three months, plant-like plants will sweep over the city."

AI12 said, AI7 grinned slightly.

"I have deleted all monitoring data related to plant-like plants. The accuracy of the plan is as high as 99.99999992%, and it is still rising."

At this time, with a glimmer of light, a hole opened in the space, and X walked in.

"Part of the subversion plan has been confirmed to have failed. People from Section 2 have already begun investigating the media reporters."

AI12 replied.

"I have arranged for people to be prepared to ensure that Section 2 will find conclusive evidence."

X hummed.

"I can only find a scapegoat."

What X was talking about was the case that happened at the upper level yesterday. The man named Sun Yang should have confessed everything. He went to the scene as soon as possible after learning about Le Xiao's itinerary from others in advance.

The person who provided information about Le Xiao knew Sun Yang, a CBV anchor, Pan Hua.

Pan Hua has cooperated with Sun Yang many times, relying on some inside information he obtained to hand over some investigation work to Sun Yang. If Sun Yang does investigate and find the evidence that the client needs, he can get very high rewards.

Many of the people Sun Yang followed and investigated were people from the business and power circles. Although this kind of investigation would be hated by others and even sued for illegal investigation. Sun Yang had also been involved in it, but in today's Brilliant City, if it really If someone dares to kill Sun Yang, Section 5 will definitely investigate to the end. If Section 2 is involved, those who killed Sun Yang will definitely be arrested.

Nowadays, it is even more impossible to leave the city and flee to the barrier zone, so the two use each other's resources to unscrupulously help some people in the business and power circles find dirty information about their competitors.

This kind of thing has not happened once or twice. They made millions from it. Pan Hua himself behaved inappropriately and needed a lot of money. After all, he had a family and many women outside. The one who has become popular in recent years Taotao, the female anchor, is one of them.

This plan to track and secretly photograph Le Xiao was based on countless screenings before selecting these two people. Because both of them have criminal records, and Pan Hua is also a media person, he naturally has a way to get Le Xiao's formation, and everything is done. It has been completed by a new human being who has been replaced by a certain CBV internal staff.

It only requires an in-depth investigation by Section 2 to confirm that Pan Hua revealed the information to Sun Yang. As for who instigated it, Pan Hua definitely doesn’t know, but it’s best not to know. The two of them share the same There are so many criminal records that no matter how many times they open their mouths, they cannot explain them clearly.

In the end, they even got involved with the rioters in the city, because one of Pan Hua's lovers, the anchor Taotao, had already gotten involved with the rioters, and now Zhao Zhen lives in that female anchor's home.

This is a time bomb that X has planned long ago. It only needs time to detonate when the time is right.

More people must be involved. The more people involved, the more powerful it will be in detonating the city.

"So according to your calculations, when will our plan be successful?"

"It will be before January 1, 2279."

X laughed excitedly, and it was not enough to rely on internal detonation. It must be used to use external ones, because there is a long -lived medicine that human beings dream of in this city. Will take action.

"I'll take it all."

X haha ​​laughed. Only by grabbing everything and controlling everything can we realize the inner plan. Although it was controlled by science and technology research and development in the past, it failed in the critical links.

Obviously, the special material on that asteroid can only be in the hands of the science and technology seminar, and the future world will be in the hands of the science and technology seminar.

Once he obtained those special substances, Weapons that will appear in the world.

No matter how many nuclear warheads those countries possess or how advanced laser weapons they possess, they will be swallowed up in a black hole in an instant.

And Nanobiological weapons can destroy humans in an instant.

All of this was done to perfection before the natural punishment in the past, but in the end, because of that bastard Li Chu, an asteroid collided with this planet. The reason why this planet can be saved is because of the life on that asteroid. body, turning the asteroid into a matter of light and shadow in an instant.

Otherwise, this planet will have turned into dust in the universe, and the long-cherished wish will finally come true. In a few years, this city will belong to you.

Although the AI ​​has not mastered the secret of the life-span vaccine, they have made calculations and inferences based on the various data synthesized by the life-span vaccine. One day, a life-span vaccine will be created. After all, there are as many people as there are people to experiment with. The 5 stored in the 10 departments The genetic material of ten thousand people can perfectly solve the difficulties of future biotechnology research and development.

X glanced at the two AI who was still exchanging data. He knew very well that these AI would definitely kick themselves away after the success of the future, but although they were powerful, the weaknesses were too obvious. Energy was the only one of them. weakness.

There is also a life form that exists in the city and possesses incomprehensible power. Although X does not know its intention yet, it is certain that it is a higher life form than Jean and the other seven gods, a ninth level life form. .

Everything that Gene's teacher Weiner said in the past has become a reality, and the reality spanning more than two hundred years is about to unfold before our eyes.

Next, X plans to provide the creators with more perfect cloning technology, so that they will speed up the progress of the creators. As long as the time is right, the city will be in their hands in an instant.

The year 2279 will come soon. When the AI's calculation plan reaches 100%, everything will start to turn. In only thirty years, the city will completely enter the mechanization era.


"I was indeed right. You indeed have more outstanding talents than your husband."

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