Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2164 Confrontation 1 (Part 2)


Mo Xiaolan read the information on all the victims. What Billy said sounded a bit incredible to her at first, but as news of the investigation continued to come in, what Billy said was verified.

In the murders committed by Billy in the past, the victims were all innocent people, and they were all kind-hearted. In such a society, such people often have a common name, fool.

In such a cold and ruthless society, such people seem to be incompatible with such a society. They do many things without thinking of repayment, because they start from the perspective of goodwill from the beginning, and they do something that makes them look good in the eyes of others. Call it a fool's errand.

Mo Xiaolan hates such idiots very much, but at the same time she does not reject them. She knows very well that such people have the most beautiful things from the beginning of human beings. It is a pity that in today's society, these things are It is not allowed to exist, because the cold and cruel society will extinguish these lights that have guided people's hearts since ancient times.

The spiritual structure of human society is based on the dazzling brilliance of humanity from ancient times to the present, but such brilliance is always fleeting. On the one hand, people hate such brilliance, and on the other hand, they long for such brilliance and chase after such brilliance. rays of light, and when everyone possesses the rays of light, these rays of light will be abandoned.

When human society is facing collapse and human survival is threatened, people will look at the dark night sky. Even a ray of light will shine into people's hearts. All this is contradictory and unreasonable.

Obviously everything these people did, those inadvertent actions full of good intentions, were correct, but in the entire human society, the vast majority of people are filled with voices of rejection and hate.

Mo Xiaolan always believes that a society built by the majority of good intentions is far better than a society that relies on laws, systems and rules. It is a pity that humans may never see such a society in their lifetime. arrive.

Although there were some measures in the past that rewarded some warm-hearted people to encourage people to help each other in times of difficulty, however, these reward measures resulted in fraud, which was all very ridiculous in Mo Xiaolan's opinion.

Goodwill is something that always exists in human beings. It usually does not have any purpose. The moment you accidentally see it, your limbs are already in action. The reward system in the past made this kind of human kindness Good intentions turned sour.

Councilors in some areas are still offering rewards in this area, which seems incredible to Mo Xiaolan.

Even these congressmen themselves know that such rewards are meaningless to society. These people killed by Billy all have this experience more or less.

When they do good deeds, they don’t have any reasons, so they deserve to be remembered for a lifetime by those who know them, because their kindness has already penetrated into the hearts and lungs of these people like a trickle, and can even give them strength in times of despair.

Mo Xiaolan looked at the latest investigation news. The 36th person died. His neighbors still remember him. If it weren't for his kind deeds, the two children in the family might have been killed.

"There is something that uses Lewen to create what is needed, and something that uses me to obliterate these innocent people. This is my current inference."

Mo Xiaolan hummed, and now it is only reasonable to think like this. The doubts in his heart in those years are now a little clearer, but there is no evidence. Mo Xiaolan raised his hand, and a purple particle cloud wrapped around his fingertips. This kind of purple The power of God does have the ability to influence other people's brains, and guide them step by step by creating illusions, making the person do some incredible things, but it is limited to this. If you want to make a normal person with his own values ​​​​do something that goes against him You may be able to achieve what you want through hallucinations, but doing something without knowing it under normal circumstances cannot be done through hallucinations.

"So? How to find this thing?"

Billy smiled and shook his head.

"You can only do it bit by bit. I think you need to communicate with the teachers. If they never say something, it will be difficult for the people below us to deal with it. We can only rely on various The clues are enough to guess something, such as that X, what do you think?"

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"Indeed, I feel that the gods know him, and they also noticed something about that girl Le Xiao, but they never said anything."

Billy nodded and stood up, walking to a light and shadow screen with information on Zhao Zhen and Chen Zhi.

"I will go over tonight and ask Deguna directly."

"Have you ever considered where these two people are?"

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"It should be in the underground sewers that were planned when the city was founded in the past, the intricate underground waterways, and the basements that were privately repaired when the city was founded in the past."

Billy shook his head.

"I don't think so. How long do you think a person can stay underground?"

Mo Xiaolan put his chin in his hands and smiled.

"Does this mean you've found something?"

"Although I can't be sure, one thing I can be sure of is that there are these rioters in District 29."

Billy then said that he went to Area 29 for two purposes. One was to investigate the victims who had been killed by him in the past, and the other was to carry out some of the things that King Xue had told him, but he was shot by mistake. Billy discovered something by accident.

"I originally wanted to go for a drink that night. Michelle and Wu Qun were both in the block that night. I originally wanted to go to Yu Fangfang's shop to find Leng Rui, but when I went to the street , I saw a guy staring at the store opposite, and then I took note of the guy’s appearance and started tracking him.”

Billy said as he took out his mobile phone and brought up a light and shadow screen. On it was a portrait, which was almost like the photo.

"After so many years, your sketching skills are still so good."

"He's already dead, section chief."

Lilian quickly found the person in the portrait, and quickly found the corresponding person from his facial features. This person died thirty years ago.

"At that time, I followed this person to an alley, and he disappeared. I remember the location of the alley very clearly."

"DNA wall."

Billy nodded.

"That's all I can think of. Well, I have to leave now. I still have some things to do in Area 29."

Mo Xiaolan nodded. After Billy left, Lillian began to sort out the information.

"Section Chief, I see that you are always upset lately."

Mo Xiaolan smiled.

"Those bastards must be planning something."


The area planned to accommodate patients with hemangioma in the barrier area near the southern guard station is still very busy. Gu Ningning just came out of a research room. She looked at the sky tiredly. The vaccine currently made using Lexiao's cells It has had a certain effect, but the effect is not immediate.

Gu Ningning can only run twice a day now. She feels that she can't stand it any more. Except for Hua Shen coming out of the laboratory the day before yesterday, he spends all the rest of his time in the laboratory for food and accommodation.

A council officer ran over.

"The last batch of harmful liquid food has been detected."

Gu Ningning looked at the report and finally breathed a sigh of relief. It finally matched Sanlian Company's past warehouse delivery records, and the last 1,000,2548 cans of liquid food were found.

Gu Ningning took a look at the information and saw that it was stored in an underground warehouse by a small businessman. It was obvious that such a big food safety problem had occurred, but he still refused to hand it over and wanted to repackage it and sell it after the limelight passed.

Chen Qiao Group, which took over Sanlian Company, immediately withdrew all the liquid food after the incident broke out, and explained many things. The person in charge was also arrested and sentenced.

But Gu Ningning knows very well that the actual number may be higher than these, otherwise there would not be so many people sick in the city. The so-called special medicines that were just like paper can no longer be suppressed. If it were not for Le Xiao's actions at the press conference that day may have caused a new round of riots in the city.

Nowadays, large quantities of effective inhibitors are being produced, which have very significant effects on many type 1 patients. This matter can be considered stable.

As long as subsequent inhibitors for type 2 and type 3 patients are manufactured, the damage caused by these unknown chemicals to the human body can be controlled, and the tumors on the blood vessel walls can be physically removed, allowing the patients to recover.

At this time, a section officer from Department 4 came not far away with more than a dozen doctors. These doctors were all private doctors who had come to help voluntarily. Gu Ningning immediately called up the information of these volunteers. One of the volunteers made Gu Ningning a little suspicious. This man had high cheekbones and looked a little thin.

"I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Gu Ningning followed her memory, but couldn't remember it for a while. When a group of people passed by, Gu Ningning looked at the man named Tungus who lowered his head and remained silent.

"Lord Gu Ningning, your lunch is ready."

The female director in front of her said respectfully, and then Gu Ningning remembered that she hadn't eaten yet.

It was already past 2 o'clock after dinner. With doubts, Gu Ningning walked to the place where the intern doctors divided their work. She wanted to see how skilled these new volunteers were. Although she did not do surgery, she I have seen how the best doctors in the city perform surgeries, countless times.

In fact, it was with doubts about Tunguska that Gu Ningning inspected the work area of ​​the volunteer doctors. Two governing officers followed behind, still preparing the report. Gu Ningning only needed to confirm and sign later.

Gu Ningning came to the door of a ward and watched two volunteer doctors operating on a patient. After watching it for a few minutes, she already had an idea in her mind, and her skills were passable.

After a while, Gu Ningning saw Tungus, the volunteer who had just arrived. He was performing an operation alone. After watching for a few minutes, Gu Ningning was a little surprised. Tungus's surgical skills were not as good as those of the two directors behind him. Big difference.

Today's 4 departments are not like in the past. All doctors working in the 4 departments are working on the front line, and there will be no situation where high-ranking people are far away from the front line.

"Is something wrong, Lord Gu Ningning?"

Tunguska looked calm as he walked out of the temporary ward after the operation.

"Have we met somewhere?"

Tunguska smiled and shook his head.

"Have we just seen each other now?"

Gu Ningning smiled awkwardly and watched Tunguska walk into another ward. Gu Ningning still felt that she must have seen this man before, but her memory was too vague. She felt that she had seen it from a vague perspective while lying on the bed. This man's, I just can't remember where it is.

At this time, "Tungus" turned around and glanced at Gu Ningning, whose face showed sadness, but this sadness was fleeting.

"Seeing you so strong and dazzling, your mother should be very happy, Ning Ning."

Fit muttered and picked up the light and shadow scalpel. He had seen his daughter secretly countless times over the years, but many times he could only see it from a distance and on TV news. This was the first time he saw his daughter at such a close distance. once.

Feite was very grateful to Hua Shen, because Hua Shen treated Gu Ningning as his own daughter. He had taken Gu Ningning by his side since she was a teenager and took care of her everything until her daughter became the secretary of Section 4.

Feite has been thinking about a question recently, whether to continue. His heart is a little shaken, because his daughter is now standing on the opposite side of him. As a father, he did not give his daughter anything, only gave her life, and what happened next In his life, his daughter has nothing to do with him.

The operation began, and Fit took out a small black sphere. He came here to collect healing data, in order to provide very large data for the biochemical weapons he was still researching.

If that time really comes one day.

Fite smiled bitterly. His heart was still filled with anger towards the entire city. All he was doing now was just to subvert the entire city in an instant and return everything to people's hands.

Feite didn't know how to face his daughter then, but he soon laughed. Perhaps his daughter was just a pronoun in his heart. He and Gu Ningning were strangers and strange enemies.

The only connection may be blood. Feite thought very clearly that he didn't owe his daughter anything, because her daughter inherited his good medical genes and reached the top of the medical road.

"Maybe it's just my excuse."

At this time, Gu Ningning ran back again, and Feite watched silently as she ran into a ward.

"You two will get someone killed if you do this."

Two volunteer doctors who were about to operate on a patient were a little confused. Gu Ningning started to explain to them, and they immediately understood some of the key points of this kind of surgery.

Then Gu Ningning immediately ordered the director to gather all the volunteer doctors at about the same time to conduct a more detailed surgical discussion and share with them some of the successful surgical experiences of the members of the 4 departments.

Feite was a little touched. He thought of Huashen in the past. Huashen would never hide something, but would share the results with the doctors in the city as soon as possible.

"You are father and daughter, right?"

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