Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2159 Making Changes (Part 1)

The wind gently blew through the sea of ​​​​flowers, and the flowers were swaying. At the end of a path, there was a small pavilion. In the pavilion was Freya's grave. Charles walked quietly, and Alpha followed beside him. There were no two people along the way. speech.

Charles knew that Alpha came here for the construction of the agricultural base in the barrier area. On this matter, Charles was still hesitant, because if he was not careful, he would drag the Abron family into dire straits.

Over the years, Charles has witnessed the rise and fall of countless families, most of which were due to temporary imprudence, changes in congressional strategies, the decline of the market economy and other factors.

This is where Charles hesitates the most. In the previous large-scale investigation by the 5th Section, more than ten companies under the Ablon family were affected to varying degrees. Now what Charles feels most worried about is the issue of the family heir.

Charles is getting old. In recent years, he has become less and less interested in participating in the family business. He only contributes to the general direction of the family and the maintenance of various family relationships. Miguel and Milu He is currently the actual operator of the family.

In the early years, Charles considered letting Miguel inherit the family business, but he gave up this idea ten years ago. The second son was too mediocre. If a mediocre person is allowed to lead the Ablon family, the Ablon family will not succeed in the future. The Lun family may be declining, and the third daughter Milu, as a woman, is too emotional when dealing with many things, although she is very smart.

The youngest son Michelle has no intention of being a business owner and hangs out every day. Charles has talked to him many times, but he still has no intention of looking back. Instead, he is now working part-time in a cake shop. It has long been spread in the family.

Charles was very angry and could only talk seriously to his eldest daughter Michelle. The younger son only listened to Michelle's words. However, after Michelle went to see him, she did not persuade Michelle to go home, but acquiesced to his current situation. Behavior.

After thinking about it, Charles felt that the most suitable person to inherit Abron was Michelle. Many years ago, when Charles was too busy with some things, he would ask Michelle to help. She would help at home, and she would help with the scope of the business. He has unique and novel ideas in terms of business policies and management policies, and he handles things like a machine without any mistakes.

Charles has already talked to Michelle, but Michelle refused to inherit the family business. She is very busy at work now. Charles knows very well that the position of general manager of the general affairs department in the future will definitely belong to Michelle, but the entire family has now At this embarrassing moment, it is difficult to make progress in business operations. Instead, many industries are showing signs of decline.

Currently, the Charles family is fully investing in the waste recycling and reuse bill in the gully area. Miguel and Milul have both gone to the ground floor. They will stay on the ground floor until the Abelon family completes the investment in the bill and the other items in the bill. We will come back after the construction work is completed.

The upper-level business of the Abron family has been handed over to others, and now Charles is a little weak mentally. He really wants someone to solve his problems, but it is a pity that his eldest daughter will not listen to him at all.

The two came to Freya's grave. Alpha closed his eyes in silence. After a while, Charles sat aside and Alpha lit a cigarette.

"What exactly do you think, Mr. Charles?"

"The risk is too great, Alpha. The investment in this proposal is likely to put our entire family into a very dangerous situation."

Alpha nodded. She knew it would be difficult to convince Charles to invest, but without the investment from the Abelon family, the Su family and the Angus family would certainly not be able to sustain themselves for a long time.

"It only takes two years at most, and you should be able to see results."

"Two years?"

Charles fell into deep thought, and after a while he spoke.

"How much investment do you think is needed?"

"At least 2 billion."

Charles swallowed. Although the Abron family could come up with the money, there would be no return for such a large amount of money in a short period of time, and there might be a steady stream of investments in the future.

"Sorry Miss Alpha, our maximum investment amount is only 500 million."

Alpha nodded, stood up and bowed.

"Thank you Mr. Charles."

Charles smiled and nodded.

"If the follow-up goes really smoothly, our family may make additional investment."

Alpha knows very well that as long as the bill is passed, there are still two months in the future. Alpha plans to complete everything in the information that Jean gave him, so that the bill will definitely be passed. Let’s start with the family members. Then go to the congressmen. Once the bill is passed, everything will go smoothly.

"I'll go first Mr. Charles, thank you very much for today."

Charles hummed, not leaving Alpha behind, and looked at Alpha who was going away. Charles thought about the past. Alpha would come to the house from time to time and talk to his wife about some things. His wife also often mentioned Alpha. When Michelle was just sensible, Her wife often told her about Alpha, and Michelle followed Alpha as an example.

"It's been so many years, Freya."

Charles looked at his wife's grave with emotion. Before his wife left, Charles thoroughly reflected on himself. He knew very well that some of his actions during those years were wrong. He really wanted to have a good talk with Freya. I apologized for some of the things I had done, but I just never had the chance again.

Charles knew very well that Michelle and Michelle were the most like Freya. What these two children showed were the two qualities of their former wives, rigorous and serious yet free and easy. Unfortunately, it was impossible to go back. .

Before Charles saw Alpha coming, he had thought about investing in the agricultural base in the barrier area. This was the first time he tried to do something that might not be beneficial to him. These things often changed the city, Freya All she had done in the past were similar things. These things were obviously of no benefit to the family and Freya, and would even bring great risks, but her wife did it resolutely.

Charles still remembers that what Freya said to him the most was that if you don't want to change anything, and you don't even want to change yourself, then don't stop those who want to change themselves.

Charles stood up and smiled. He was in a very calm mood at this moment. Many things in the family had been forgotten. Charles knew very well that after witnessing everything about Alpha yesterday, he had already made a decision in his heart. To make a decision, you need to change some views. Today's times have changed and are moving towards a new era.

"If you continue to be conservative, nothing will change."

4:28 pm

In the large courtyard of District 53 Public Security Management Office, all the people who were investigated for raising prices gathered, nearly 500 people. At this time, everyone's expressions were solemn, because they didn't know what would happen to them next, and no one could I don’t want to go to the Agriculture Department for labor punishment, and I don’t want to go to jail.

Everyone is waiting for Le Xiao to come out, and everyone feels uneasy. The fine may be a small thing, but working in the agricultural department for half a year or a year is unbearable for many people, and it will completely disrupt their original lives. trajectory.

At this time Le Xiao walked out, followed by several local section officers. The two director officers of Section 5 had relaxed expressions. Le Xiao walked to the stage and looked at the people with their heads lowered below.

"Keep your heads up, everyone."

Le Xiao shouted, with a worried face, Le Xiao said with a smile.

"Don't worry, everyone. The reason why I'm angry is just because have you ever thought about it? If you do this every time, I'm afraid that after the fruit is officially launched in the future, people in the middle and lower classes will not be able to eat it, and the fruit will only be available. Have you ever thought about why we should push this bill to the upper level and why we should start from the middle level?”

Lexiao said and glanced around. At this time, she saw Alpha coming in from the courtyard door. Alpha nodded at Lexiao and Lexiao waved.

Alpha stood aside slightly embarrassed. Many people looked at her. Alpha didn't know how Le Xiao was going to deal with these people. After all, a new round of investigation on Qinglong Street had begun again. It could be seen that everyone at the scene was very panicked. .

"I won't send you to the Agriculture Department to work."

As soon as Le Xiao opened his mouth, many people in the audience showed happy expressions. Many department members present were stunned. Several department officers and two director officers who knew the situation were smiling.

"I won't send you to jail, and I won't prosecute you this time."

Everyone in the audience showed happy expressions, and Le Xiao continued with a smile.

"But! Your actions have hindered the implementation of the bill and the normal sales of fruits, so you still need to accept punishment."

Many people looked at Le Xiao in confusion, seeing that her expression was very gentle, so the fear on many people's faces was eliminated, and Le Xiao stretched out three fingers.

"When I was a child, if I made a mistake, my mother would always punish me by cleaning up some nearby streets and alleys, so this time your punishment is three months. The three-month period of cleaning the streets in Area 53 will be organized by Section 5. Cleaning utensils and utensils are provided, and what you need is to take your break time and clean the streets every day.”

Many people cheered. They didn't expect that the punishment was so light. There was no need to go to the agricultural department or go to jail. This was already a very good solution for many people.

"Starting from tomorrow morning, please follow the arrangements today. Please get up an hour early in the morning to clean the streets. Everyone needs to come out to clean in the morning, noon and afternoon."

More and more people stood up and clapped their hands constantly. Le Xiao looked at them with a smile. Many of them did not have any criminal record. According to their circumstances, the least serious ones would have to go to Section 12 to work for half a year as punishment. Maybe even jail time.

Several section officers began to ask the people present to take notes seriously. Some section officers went over and issued number tags to these people. From tomorrow morning, they will need to clean up the entire Area 53 as a group and will check their addresses. Carry out detailed verification and division.

Alpha walked over. She didn't expect Le Xiao to make such a decision.

"Is their punishment too light?"

Lexiao asked, Alpha shook his head and said with a smile.

"Everything depends on you. You are the secretary and acting section chief of Section 13."

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly and said.

"I think this is fine. What I heard growing up was that if you make a mistake, you have to go to the agricultural department to work. It feels very scary, Sister Alpha."

Alpha hummed, and Le Xiao kept talking about his previous experience working in the Agriculture Department. For people who have never done this, it is really worse than death.

Many people who have committed crimes are likely to lose their original jobs because they have to go to the agricultural department for long-term disciplinary labor. When they come back, they have nothing except the meager income they received after working.

Alpha remembered that she had made a plan in the past to let the women in District 29 go to the Agriculture Department to do light work. After taking them back, they did not change their careers. Even if they did, they could only return to their old careers in the end. .

Although Le Xiao's method of handling the situation was not very good, it was quite suitable. Seeing someone crying, Alpha also realized that maybe it was time to make a change.

Reporters came over one after another, planning to interview Le Xiao, and Le Xiao spoke.

"Everyone makes mistakes. It would be too cruel to make life difficult for the next few months or even years just because of one mistake. We are all human, so we will definitely make mistakes, so I I hope they will not make the same mistake next time, and if they do it again, they will be severely punished.”

Alpha reminded immediately.

"You can give them uniform work clothes, so they will be more eye-catching."

"That's right."

Le Xiao thought for a while and then said.

"The Su family should be able to give birth immediately."

Alpha nodded, and Le Xiao took out her cell phone. After thinking for a while, she called her niece named Su Ying, who was almost 20 years older than her. After explaining the situation, Su Ying said that she would let the following people know immediately. People can do it, and the design drawings can be sent over in two hours at the latest. As long as they are satisfied, the punishment-style uniforms can be sent over tonight.

Le Xiao quickly thanked him.

"What color would you like?"

"The color of orange."

Alpha smiled easily, lit a cigarette, looked at Lexiao at this time, and nodded in agreement. She was not smart, and she couldn't think of any clever ideas, but I'm afraid the first thing she thought of was It's the family of these people, so she adopts this seemingly clumsy but compromise solution.

"Sister Alpha, let's eat early. I'm too hungry."

Alpha hummed.

"Go to the office first, and I'll tell you about Qinglong Street."

Le Xiao hummed. At this time, many couples came around and expressed their gratitude. Le Xiao reminded.

"Just don't do it again next time, and be sure to clean the streets well."

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