November 12

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the blank demolition and construction zone located in areas 115 to 117 on the ground floor was in full swing, and a large number of heavy machinery had already started work.

Huge hanging towers are being transported in an orderly manner, and material production factories are being built. This is preparation for the waste recycling proposal in the gully area.

All raw materials needed in the future will be produced in these factories and transported directly to the construction site, which can save a lot of money.

At present, all the expenses are funded by the guild, and many businessmen are still waiting for the investment qualification review of the business department. Once this huge project is completed, there will be very efficient resource recovery returns in the future.

And with current technology, it is not difficult to build such a large and complex industrial building. Geological surveyors have begun to strengthen the geology. Nowadays, a large amount of rock coagulant is needed. This technology has been licensed to some companies in the past. Soon large-scale rock coagulants will be produced and transported here. After the formal reinforcement is completed, light and shadow construction machines will begin to be built.

According to the value of solidified waste in the ravine currently investigated by the detection robot, it can be determined that the waste in the ravine can provide Brilliant City with a large amount of effective resources.

As long as the recycled materials are broken down to the particle level, the maximum resource recovery can be completed. There are even a large number of mimic particles that can be recycled. According to the current calculation results given by Section 10, Brilliant City can be recycled in a short time Hundreds of tons of mimics are obtained and can be put into the construction of waste recycling particle machines immediately after recycling.

The speed and volume of waste recycling will continue to increase. Many businessmen are very optimistic about this proposal, so they hope to invest and hold shares in this waste treatment plant, so that the money invested can continue to flow in the future. get payback.

Several workers who were waiting for the condensation of the erected pillars were chatting happily. They looked very old and had been working at some construction sites for many years, because the construction of the city almost stopped ten years ago, so It is difficult for them to have something to do every month.

It is difficult for many construction workers to find jobs in factories because many factories no longer require a large number of manpower. However, after the start of this bill, they have all obtained stable jobs and will have endless work to do in the next four to five years. , and the standard salary offered by the Congress is very high, you can get more than 2,000 a month, and you don’t need to spend money on accommodation.

More and more workers will enter the construction site, and the consumption at the bottom level has also begun to rise in a short period of time. Various food stalls have been opened on the streets outside the construction site early in the morning. Many vendors on the ground floor came over.

Nowadays, this place is the most lively place on the ground floor. Such liveliness was formed in a short period of time. Several design engineers just had breakfast outside and went directly to the factory.

Tang Ye was among them, and the team leader beside him looked very happy. Their company had won the design and construction work for two production plants. The address has been determined. They need to carry out measurements and planning on the spot, and then submit the construction of the factory within three days. The plan must be started within a week.

The work task was very heavy. Tang Ye's team had a total of 25 people, all of whom had participated in many large-scale design and construction projects. Tang Ye quietly observed everything around him.

In just a few days, the situation in Bright City has undergone earth-shaking changes. Such changes are most obvious at the bottom level. There were many riots at the bottom level in the first half of the year. In the end, the riots escalated into even bigger riots. This riot made everyone Three hundred thousand people were expelled, leaving the two districts almost empty.

Although everything seemed to be over, there were constant riots on the streets every day, and several large-scale incidents occurred among the middle and upper classes. Seeing that the city was on the verge of collapse, Tang Ye and the others also prepared a plan. .

However, a month later, all this changed. The bottom class became prosperous, the economy of the middle and upper classes was growing faster, the businessmen who had been waiting and watching started to move, and the whole city became lively.

It all started after the secretary of Section 13 took office. In just a few months, everything she did changed the city. Tang Ye didn't believe that guy at all. Under her innocent appearance, there was nothing but lies. There is nothing outside.

It's just that this lie is so powerful that it cannot be exposed in a short time. Especially yesterday, the secretary actually inherited the position of the head of the Su family. This undoubtedly added another explosive news to the city. Early this morning , Tang Ye found that there were obviously more businessmen at the bottom.

Most businessmen seem to be planning to come to the bottom to seek development, especially the plan to establish an agricultural base in the barrier area. This plan is impossible to realize in Tang Ye's view because there are many obstacles in reality.

The congressmen will definitely be the first to stand against it, because once this plan starts, there will be great investment uncertainty, and it may even cause businessmen to lose their money. Businessmen will only stay away from such a bill, and businessmen are currently most reluctant to do so. What I am interested in is the waste recycling bill. This bill is the hot potato in the eyes of businessmen.

A clear-minded person would make the right choice between this kind of sure-profit proposal and the extremely risky proposal in the dark and lightless land beyond.

A bunch of people were still discussing. Tang Ye looked at the first draft of the design on the light and shadow screen. Basically, their team had finalized the design plan for the factory. The key was on-site measurement, and what tricks they wanted to do could only be done on-site. Measured.

Tang Ye planned to tamper with the field measurements first, so as to slow down the factories. These two material production factories were very critical to the proposal in the ravine area.

There are two factories that produce bearing materials. Later, during the construction of the factory, you only need to adjust the values ​​​​of some materials. During the construction, find some guys who want to make money and leave this part to them. They will definitely do it. Making profits from it and adjusting a few numbers in the actual operating values ​​can cause major problems to occur when the factory operates in the future.

A series of plans have been designed by Tang Ye. Among the creators, he neither agrees with the approach of the militants like Zhao Zhen nor the conservatives led by Jie Lin and Lolita.

Things should ferment slowly over a long period of time. This is a very good process of creating collapse. Poison that penetrates deep into the bone marrow is the best. By the time it is discovered, there is no cure.

Tang Ye has always felt that this way of doing things is the safest, but Frye, the leader of the organization, is always hesitant and unable to make a decision.

Recently, Tang Ye has always felt that something is wrong. This is not the situation in the city. No matter how good it becomes now, once the lies are exposed, all the good things brought by Le Xiao today will turn into an even more intense situation. The anger, the situation in front of me is only temporary.

The measurement has already begun. Tang Ye followed the clan leader and took out the measurement equipment. People from another group also came over. The measurement requires two groups to measure on the spot and eliminate all factors and make it as accurate as possible. Construction will begin at that time. You will be able to have the most accurate equipment and personnel support.

The construction period is extremely important to the company. The construction of the two factories requires about 500 to 1,000 workers. The shorter the construction period, the greater the profit and the faster the profit. This is the essence of businessmen. They can make a lot of money in a short time. Using capital to make money is the favorite of businessmen.

Tang Ye looked at some of the values ​​​​on the measuring machine and planned to start tampering with it. It was very easy to tamper with this kind of machine, and it was also very easy to tamper with it in full view of the public.

Because no one cares too much about the correctness of an initial value, field measurements are usually seven or eight times, and then the average of each measurement is used as the criterion. This is more accurate, but these tasks are basically done by some engineers in the group. They don't know how to do it, they will just leave it to the engineering assistant to do it.

Tang Ye is an engineering assistant, and there are only four engineering assistants in the two teams. The other three are novices. Tang Ye has already figured out the personality characteristics of the three people. If there are problems in the construction, he wants to solve the problem again. It is quite difficult to find the problem, because as long as the measurements are almost the same, the drawings produced will be wrong. In the basic link, a lot of things can be done.

Sure enough, the other engineers were talking about how to increase the construction speed in the future. Three other novices came over, and Tang Ye directed them to start measuring.

Soon the first measurement was over. Tang Ye checked some values. Just as he thought, the floor area had indeed shrunk. The land planned for them had already been marked with calibration lines, but later in the old With the help of pigs, these calibration lines were moved a little after the buildings above were demolished.

This kind of thing can only be done during dismantling. At this time, a newcomer came over and raised questions. He felt that something was wrong.

This was just a simple first measurement. Tang Ye told him directly, quickly dispelling the newcomer's doubts. After the second measurement, Tang Ye quickly measured directly outside the tampered calibration line. The second time The measurement is the correct value.

However, the difference from the first time is not too obvious. In this way, the actual area measured will be smaller than the planned area. If the blank area is mixed in, there may be a certain degree of distortion in the future construction process. The problem of material length mismatch.

The construction of this kind of factory, which is quickly built using a steel frame structure, is not complicated. What is complicated is the arrangement of the internal facilities. As long as the exterior is finalized, the internal operations can only be arranged within this finalized framework.

Now these building materials have been arranged, but if they are built according to the wrongly measured construction design drawings, problems will definitely occur. When problems occur, the construction speed will be slowed down. After they find the problem, the entire The divided factory areas will all fall into such a small trouble.

Just when Tang Ye was secretly happy that he had succeeded in tampering with the values, the staff from the administrative department who were looking at him from a distance came over. They were the secretaries of departments 6, 7, and 8, several directors, as well as local department officials and members.

Tang Ye stood behind a group of engineers, and the leaders of the two groups passed directly over. Tang Ye's expression was slightly complicated. He did not expect the secretaries to come so early.

Although Tang Ye couldn't hear clearly what they were saying, the expressions of the engineers looked very serious. After a while, the three secretaries left, while some people from Section 6 stayed.

"What's the meaning?"

Tang Ye looked at the team leader with a slightly complicated expression. The construction base measurement of each factory must be planned and designed strictly in accordance with the specific values ​​​​given by the business department. This was something Tang Ye did not expect at all. He started from the basic measurement values. The plan no longer works.

Tang Ye found out that everyone was relieved. Everyone knew that if something went wrong in the future, they would be responsible.

Looking at the three secretaries walking away, Tang Ye looked a little angry. He looked at the people in Department 6 holding the latest measuring instruments and making field measurements. These values ​​cannot be changed and will be transmitted to Department 6 as soon as possible. Section, and then the manuscript writers of the 6 subjects will record it immediately and store it in the manuscript library.

The plan failed before it even started. Tang Ye was furious at this time. In order to ensure that this plan was foolproof, he and Lao Zhu prepared for a long time and selected many plans. As long as they were on some construction facilities, Just try every means to ensure that these buildings will have problems in the future.

The two team leaders began to assign tasks, because they no longer need to measure on the spot. The field measurement data should be transmitted in a few hours. They need to start designing as soon as possible and communicate with a team leader. After that, they decided to go back to the company directly and start designing day and night.

The linkage plan in Tang Ye's mind failed. Now he can only place his hope on the next plan, which is to kidnap Locke's daughter through his sister Tang Xiwen's relationship. This plan has been in preparation for more than a year. In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, everything has been done Many changes.

After a while, Luo Ziyun will come to play at home, and Tang Ye will plan a kidnapping case. Although people from the business department may follow, Tang Ye will have a chance as long as they take to the streets.

It only takes a moment to achieve the plan. Once this plan succeeds, it will definitely set off a very big wave in the city. What they need to do now is to hinder the progress of two very large bills at all costs, as long as they continue to create small problems That's fine. These small problems will drag down the two bills. Once the bills slow down, the businessmen will definitely be unable to sit still, and the businessmen who can't sit still will definitely create something.

The foundation of this city is too weak. In Tang Ye's view, many problems that were not solved in the past have begun to emerge now.

While passing by a construction site, a mutant worker who was carrying goods stared at Tang Ye.

Robert stared blankly at Tang Ye, who was walking away. He started staring at this young man a month ago because he was the child of someone involved in the past mining incident. His adoptive father, Zhu Qi, had died of a heart attack.

Although she couldn't see anything wrong with this kid, Hydera, after analyzing all aspects, still asked Robert to keep an eye on this kid for at least a year.

"Really, you keep throwing shit like this at me."

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