Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2152 Successor (Part 2)

12 o'clock sharp

The news interview that lasted for nearly an hour was over. Le Xiao returned to the room on the fourth floor tiredly. She had obviously eaten so much this morning, but now she was very hungry. Alpha had already gone to the cafeteria to get food.

In just one morning, Le Xiao felt the true meaning of the word "difficulty in life" again. She had just experienced what it meant to be difficult in life a while ago, but now she was once again in such a predicament.

Le Xiao grinned, looking a little dazed. Soon she jumped up, took out the badge from her arms, and looked at it carefully.

"Tens of billions, I am a little rich woman."

The joy disappeared immediately. Le Xiao put away her badge and sweat evaporated from her back. God really made a big joke to her. Her head was knotted when she thought about these things in the business department, and now she was made to change. After becoming the patriarch of the Su family, Le Xiao's twenty-six years of life seemed to have come to an end.

"What should we do? What should we do?"

Le Xiao pressed her forehead in distress, the door to the room opened, and Alpha came in with lunch, and Le Xiao happily greeted him.

"Sister Alpha, what should I do?"

Alpha could tell that these things were not something a 26-year-old girl who knew nothing and was not very smart could bear. She smiled relaxedly and patted Lexiao on the shoulder.

"We have to do things one by one. We will start after dinner, sort out all the things, and then complete them one by one. Let's start with the simple ones."

Le Xiao regained her confidence, opened the meal and started eating in a good mood.

"Sister Alpha, do I need to handle many family matters personally?"

Alpha smiled and said.

"You don't have to deal with it, but if you don't deal with it, you will have the title of clan leader for nothing, and it will have no actual meaning. Over time, everything you say will not be convincing enough, and no one will listen to you."

Le Xiao choked and beat her chest hurriedly. After she recovered, she seemed even more anxious. Alpha handed over a glass of water, and Le Xiao felt relieved after drinking it.

"Just set aside 1 to 2 hours a day to deal with some things in the Su family. The key is whether you want to do it or not."

Le Xiao thought for a moment and then nodded with a smile.

"I do."

Alpha nodded. After the two of them had eaten, Alpha opened Le Xiao's phone and entered a bunch of permission codes. Le Xiao had a headache. Although there was a comparison table for these things, she couldn't remember them at all.

When she thought of memorizing things, Michelle ordered her to memorize the internal management regulations and laws of the practice department. Le Xiao had just started to memorize them when Alpha pointed to the authority code and said.

"These codes are all basic. There are 10 sets in total, and the composition of each group of numbers, letters and symbols is also regular. The core part of the basic code that the section chiefs and secretaries know is not difficult. After I deal with some things first, I will change these things into something that is easier for you to accept and remember."

Le Xiao happily thanked her again and again, as if she was looking forward to what method Alpha said was easier for her to accept. Alpha opened his phone and quickly called up a chart.

Le Xiao was dumbfounded. These were some characters from "Little Animal Paradise". After Alpha was slightly modified, they looked similar to those numbers, letters and symbols, and each had its own expression.

"so good."

Alpha smiled.

"This thing is only for you. Don't take it out and show it to others. After all, it involves design infringement."

Le Xiao hummed and looked at the cute little animal character that had been changed more than ten times.

"It's better to start with things you like, so you can remember a few more."

Le Xiao hummed and the two continued to eat. After eating, Alpha began to take out all the work that Le Xiao was currently doing and divided it into several light and shadow screens.

"The first is this 10-subject experimental proposal. The current comparison has produced results. The mechanical ball has extremely obvious advantages in terms of physical strength and protection. It can work 24 hours a day and follow the employer, and it has the latest photoelectric conversion of high-quality energy. The coating, the fast-charging energy storage battery, the high-precision identification, and the connection with the city’s monitoring system are all forward-looking and foreseeable and can eliminate many industries.”

Le Xiao swallowed. This was what she was most worried about. Once this thing was put on the market, many people would be unemployed. The only drawback of this thing at present is that it is too expensive and maintenance is a big problem.

"Then what should we do, Sister Alpha?"

Alpha asked with a smile.

"The key is why should this thing be put on the market for testing?"

Le Xiao thought for a long time and shook his head.

"This is a stepping stone to the next era of the city."

Le Xiao groaned, not understanding at all, and looked at Alpha in confusion.

"The next era?"

"Why do you think people accept certain things, such as ideas or new technologies?"

Le Xiao pressed her forehead and spoke after a long time.

“I heard it from other people and thought it was right, or some merchants promoted new products, and it turned out to be pretty good when I used it.”

Alpha smiled and nodded.

"It's good that you know this. You don't need to think about the things behind it. If mechanized products begin to flood the city in large numbers, people will naturally accept it over time, and issues such as cost and maintenance will gradually disappear. of being ignored.”

Le Xiao stood up in shock and said.

“Then wouldn’t everyone be even more unable to afford food?”

Alpha snorted and looked at Le Xiao's disgusted look. She seemed to understand the danger behind this. The reason why Section 10 proposed such a motion was to prepare for the next era of mechanization. First it was the mechanical ball, and then From mechanical balls to robots, and home systems powered by AI as in the past.

Probing is the best stepping stone. Alpha knows this very well. Once people accept the benefits brought by machinery, they will ignore many things, and these things will be ignored little by little.

And people's thoughts will gradually become closer to the new era as they are constantly exposed to the innovation of these products that guide people to the next era.

After people get used to these mechanized products, the real mechanization era will come. Once the city is fully mechanized, survival will become people's problem. And if people who have problems with survival find a way to solve their survival, then everything will be will all start.

We only need to launch free mechanized transformation from Congress at that point in time. Except for the brain, all other parts of the body are mechanical, so that we can survive by consuming extremely low energy every day. Such a choice is a little trial and error. Pressure and then promotion can also lead to the transition to the mechanization era in a subtle and natural way.

This is a very scary thing, as is the case with experimental bills. The connections behind this bill are too complex and complex for Le Xiao to understand now.

As long as people accept mechanization through a series of transitions, the era of real mechanization will not be far away. Once the body has been transformed, and there is no need to worry about being hungry every day, the next step is to live better. .

If you want to live better, you can only master more and richer knowledge than others. And when this knowledge can be easily implanted, the real mechanization era will come.

The entire human society will be like a mechanical factory. People no longer need to get married and have children, because at that time human reproduction will be controllable.

There are three levels of humans, high-end humans and low-end humans. High-end humans are synthesized with the best genetic material ratio, mid-range humans are synthesized with the next-level ones, and low-end humans are synthesized with the worst genetic material.

It only needs to be completed mechanically after the human brain matures, implant the knowledge that his intelligence can accept, and put it into society.

Human beings no longer need to have a variety of voices. They only need to continue the "human" race as a machine of human society.

Such a cold-blooded and ruthless society is the future. Alpha figured it out when she saw this bill, so she beat Noah hard last time.

"What do you think? About this bill."

Le Xiao immediately replied.

"We can't let everyone lose their jobs because of this thing."

Alpha patted Le Xiao on the shoulder with some emotion. Sure enough, the first thing she thought of was those who lost their jobs. Indeed, if those people were squeezed out of the market by the mechanical ball, their only destination would be Section 12 or the barrier. District.

In this city, there is only up, not down, or you have to maintain your current position. Once you go down, it will be very difficult to climb up.

"My suggestion is to delay this motion. The longer it takes, the more accurate the data will be. The more accurate the data, the more straightforward it will be, and the easier it will be to find shortcomings."

Le Xiao hummed and rolled up her sleeves.

"That's what we do."

Alpha pointed to the next issue, which was the establishment of a movie theater on the ground floor.

"The problem now is that businessmen are eager to invest and get a piece of the pie, and the decision-making power is in your hands."

Lexiao felt panicked when she mentioned this. Thinking about how many small gifts her mother received every day, she felt a little scared. Alpha smiled.

"If it's just a small gift, it's nothing worth paying attention to."

Le Xiao looked at Alpha in shock.

"Can you read minds?"

Alpha smiled and said nothing.

You were so good at guessing!

"By the way, Sister Alpha, Section Chief Xue Wang asked me to attend some important international exchange conference on behalf of Bright City. What should I do?"

Alpha was confused, but she figured it out immediately. She operated the light and shadow screen on Le Xiao's phone and quickly found the information given by King Xue. Once she opened it, both Le Xiao and Alpha looked at it in detail.

The above records in detail the half-century-long exchanges with the Sky Space Country, as well as the origin of the Sky Space Country, etc.

Le Xiao felt very excited when she saw it. Although she had studied the history of world destruction before, basically it was difficult for other civilizations to exist in the world except the Brilliant City.

After watching it for a while, Le Xiao happily looked at the ceiling.

"Skyland is so wonderful. You can see the sun, stars and moon every day."

Alpha smiled and said.


According to the data, the Sky Space Nation was officially established in 2051. It was composed of a group of top scientists in the world at that time. A rich man from O State funded the establishment of an Earth-circulating space station outside the Earth.

After several years of construction, many citizens were recruited, and the number of space stations became more and more, forming a space station cluster. Later, in the catastrophe of 2076, the Tianji Space Country survived and brought the past human civilization to It continued.

This is an imperial country, now ruled by a queen named Katerina. There is a complete picture of Katerina on it. She looks very beautiful, with elegance and seriousness, and a charming smile.

"Wow, what a beauty."

"She's over 60 now."

Le Xiao blinked.

"You are still very young when you are over 60."

Alpha pressed his forehead.

"They don't have a lifespan vaccine, so they have the normal lifespan of humans in the past. Two hundred years ago, the average human lifespan was only 77 years."

Le Xiao suddenly realized it and smiled awkwardly.

Alpha knew very well that this meeting was not simple. The other party would definitely want to test something. It was easy to understand why the gods would choose Le Xiao as their representative. It should be the idea of ​​King Xue.

Since Section 10 can communicate with the Sky Space Kingdom, then the guy in the city who recorded the criminal evidence of the Hillman family to himself and instigated the wise old man in the city may also be able to contact the Sky Space Kingdom.

Everything in Brilliant City may have been exposed long ago, so asking such a simple secretary to talk to the other party can cause confusion in the other party to a certain extent. After all, the other party will visit Brilliant City in January next year.

Le Xiao looked at it with great interest. It seemed that she was quite curious about these things. After a while, Le Xiao looked at Alpha distressedly.

"Sister Alpha, how should I talk to them and what should I talk about?"

Alpha thought for a while and then said.

"You can speak freely, but you must remember the etiquette. I can list some places. Just remember them clearly. After all, the other party is the queen. You must pay attention to your tone when you speak. This is the most basic etiquette and respect. When the conversation between the two parties begins, If it's based on respect and etiquette, there won't be much of a problem."

Le Xiao hummed, and Alpha pointed to the information on the light and shadow screen and began to tell Le Xiao about some human history that she had never paid attention to.

Le Xiao was very interested because she felt that Alpha talking to her about these things was as easy as chatting with a friend.

"Of course, if the other party's attitude is arrogant, you must not back down. After all, we are also a powerful civilization."

Alpha looked very uncomfortable when he saw the word "aboriginal" on the information. The other person's tone was often frivolous, giving people a condescending feeling.

Alpha knows very well that when many things are unknown, ignorance will make pride and prejudice particularly serious. Judging from their vague desire to know about lifespan, they should know that the people in Brilliant City have broken through the original human ability. Lifespan is limited.

"Okay, let's talk about this later, the next motion."

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