Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2139 Ending the Past 1 (Part 2)

Chapter 2139 The End. Past 1 (Part 2)

Le Wen looked at his daughter quietly, Su Li hugged her, and many people gathered around her. This was something Le Wen had never thought of before.

Over the years, what Le Wen owed most was his family, especially his daughter. Everything was fine before the age of 5, but for more than 20 years, Le Wen could not be with his daughter.

Noah's scarlet eyes looked at Le Wen. He was slightly helpless at this time. He had started investigating Le Wen's matter ten years ago.

During the gradual investigation process, Noah discovered that Levin's incident was very similar to an experimental accident that happened in the city in the past.

Although many people may not remember it well, Noah remembers it very clearly because he led the experiment half a century ago, when they obtained a fully mechanized body.

After that, the mechanical technology of Brilliant City began to advance by leaps and bounds. Because of this opportunity, Noah and the others wanted to start experiments.

AI12 was implanted into the body of a robot named Anna. The initial experiment was good, but after Anna was beaten by a customer, everything began to change.

AI12 wrote a set of protection mechanism programs on its own in a short period of time. After that, Anna went berserk and started to commit many murders. In the end, she was stopped by Alpha.

And Anna's body contains a message from an unknown source, the Hydra from hell.

Noah later asked Witte for a lot of myths about past human society. After many investigations, he was able to determine that this was a smoke screen released by the enemy.

There is a certain connection with the subsequent series of Hydera incidents, but there is no direct connection. The enemy's purpose is very simple and easy to understand, and they want to direct the investigation of the administrative department to Hydera.

The city created Hydra, and Hydra destroyed the city, at least making people in the era of explosion panic extremely afraid of Hydra.

And because of the series of tragedies caused by Hydera, they finally spread in the city, causing everything to become extremely chaotic.

Only then did the wise men have the basis to plan the riot, and in an instant seized control of the city's optical nuclear weapons.

These are all done with the help of AI. Noah has felt this way very early on. AIs have evolved self-awareness.

Although it is just speculation, it is not impossible, but no matter how Noah studies it, he can never find any evidence that AI has self-awareness.

But what is certain is that Anna's failure was deliberately done by someone. After this failure, although the research on AI robots was still underway, it was only carried out within Section 10.

All of this is in preparation for mechanization, so after Bincai Company's biological technology was completed, the AI ​​robot plan began to shift from machinery to the combination of machinery and biology.

Great progress has been made now, and Noah himself is an example. He is a very successful AI mechanically biochemically modified person. Except for the brain, his body is entirely composed of mechanical and biological substances, and a large number of controllable alienated cells are cultivated in his body.

After the accident between Bincai and Deep Sea Company more than ten years ago, Noah did not participate in the direct investigation and was only responsible for analyzing some data because his body was still undergoing transformation at that time.

After the complete transformation, Noah began to participate in the investigation of these two cases. After the investigation, Noah found something from the data redundancy.

After redundant comparison with the data found in Anna's body half a century ago, it can be determined that it is the same kind of data. In other words, the AI ​​control system that caused the accidents at Bincai Company and Deep Sea Company has the same language that caused the problem. .

After more careful interpretation and analysis, Noah discovered that these data were sent through some kind of source. In other words, there was a physical substance carrying the data source that destroyed everything. After entering the terminal, control replaced everything, which ultimately triggered ACCIDENT.

This was already known from Le Wen's mouth, and Le Wen also admitted that it was indeed him who got two black crystal blocks from a guy named X.

In the end, Noah peeled off the terminal where the accident occurred at the atomic level and found the two crystals integrated into the terminal. After combining them, they found that they were a third type of biological material that they were not aware of at all. Lewen obviously did not have such a Technology, whether in hardware or information technology.

What struck Noah most strangely was that Lewen clearly remembered that he put the crystal into the terminal machine, but he didn’t know why he did it, and the contents of the two black crystals of biological matter , Lewen is even less clear.

According to the testimony of Le Wen's wife Su Xin 20 years ago, Le Wen's personality changed drastically in the year when Bincai and Shenhai Company happened. He became completely different from before, extremely indifferent and not caring about family affairs at all.

From the combination of the two, Noah inferred that there was something hidden in the city that they didn't know about, which could control and change people's consciousness, and this consciousness was changed bit by bit.

Su Xin's testimony Noah has already seen it very completely, and Lewen's change started little by little.

From the beginning I lost patience with Su Xin and my daughter, then gradually became indifferent, and in the end I basically treated him like a non-existent member of the family.

There is a reason why a person becomes like this. Although Le Wen suffered from tremendous pressure and inner uncertainty and distrust of the research direction indicated by the 10 subjects, he was essentially a kind person.

"Don't you regret it? What if we use what you provided and do it?"

"Is regret useful?"

Noah nodded. Lewen has now given the research on the location of the second type of organisms to 10 subjects. It is very interesting. After Noah conducted research, he found that this second type of biological material is very interesting and seems to be able to It generally brings hope to people.

Especially in medical treatment, it has a very powerful healing effect, but whether all this should be used in medical treatment is currently under the control of Huashen.

But at present, all this is just speculation. Noah can't find actual evidence, but he is inseparable because the reaction of the gods was beyond Noah's expectations.

Noah once had a serious discussion with Mo Xiaolan about this matter, and Mo Xiaolan concluded that the gods knew the guy named X who was hiding in the dark.

The most direct evidence is that the wise man explained everything that happened back then, and it was not his technology that enabled him to seize control of the optical nuclear weapons.

But he got it from the guy named X. Noah once asked the gods about X, but the gods never said anything about it.

At this time, in the doorway on one side, Lilian smiled and pushed two wheelchairs in. One sat the wise man, and the other sat Mo Xiaolan.

"very painful."

Ran Zhi looked at his hands as he spoke. The chance of recovery of his hands was extremely zero. If they could not recover, they would have to be amputated.

Many people looked at the wise man, and Le Xiao looked over in astonishment.

"Why did the old man come here?"

Le Xiao looked confused, and Zi Yuer frowned slightly.

"I don't want to explain anything to you idiot anymore."

Le Xiao hurriedly shut up and stopped asking any more questions. It seemed that the wise man and Mo Xiaolan, the chief of Section 2, were old acquaintances. Le Xiao couldn't help but be curious about what crimes the old man had committed in the past. Many people at the scene seemed to have know him.

After Huashen adjusted everything, he went directly to Lewen and Noah who were sitting at the top.

"Doctor Huashen."

Le Wen said hello, Huashen smiled and sat next to Le Wen.

"I used to think that the values ​​in your daughter's body were different from ordinary people's. It's a pity that the values ​​were tampered with by someone later."

Noah on the side added.

"I have already investigated and it is true that Lexiao's medical values ​​have been tampered with in the past."

Everything is very clear. Some people know that Le Wen has researched the second type of biological substances, but they don’t want anyone to know. After his daughter Le Xiao fell from the building, Le Wen told Le Xiao when she was admitted to the hospital. The second type of biological substance innovation that is not yet mature is used.

As a result, Le Xiao miraculously survived. Huashen now examined Le Xiao's body cells and found that her body cells were completely different from ordinary people. They were very active and had great vitality.

This is beyond Huashen's understanding of medicine. Le Xiao's ability to recover quickly after injury does not rely on the second type of biological substances produced by Le Wen, because the recovery ability of this kind of substance is in line with Le Xiao's body's internal performance. The gap in resilience today is too great.

The only thing Huashen can be sure of is that due to the influence of Lewen's second-type biological substance, Lexiao's body has undergone some amazing changes.

What makes Huashen most strange is that such an amazing change is not surprising in the eyes of the gods. They seem to have seen such recovery ability a long time ago.

The gods are still hiding something. This is the biggest secret in the brilliant city. It is the ultimate secret of human beings' ability to extend their lifespan and the birth of mutants. Hua Shen has not continued to explore. Nowadays, medicine is at an extremely obvious fork in the road. superior.

Huashen didn’t know what impact the cells extracted from Le Xiao’s body would have in the future, but in the end, Huashen could only use Le Xiao’s cells to fight against vascular cancer caused by harmful chemicals. Vaccine development.

The research and development is still in its preliminary stages, but if it doesn't happen soon, very serious hemangiomas will break out across the city.

After long-term consumption of toxic food produced by Sanlian Company, unknown chemicals enter the body and undergo unknown chemical changes with the body, leading to hemangioma.

After conducting more precise anatomical studies in Huashen, it was discovered that there are many types of hemangioma, not all of the same type, and each type may cause death in different circumstances and at different times.

This is a very difficult disease. Physically, the only way to remove the tumor on the blood vessel wall is to use a light and shadow scalpel, and to use nutritional supplements to prevent the human body from dying due to lack of nutritional supply.

But many people still die from secondary organ failure. Huashen is powerless in the face of all this. The only way now is to use Lexiao's cells to develop a vaccine against this hemangioma. The development work is still continuing. , certain results have been achieved.

"The results will be available within a month at most."

Huashen said and Lewen nodded slightly. He did not expect that the cells in his daughter's body could save these patients.

Looking at her daughter now, the past haze in Le Wen's heart has been swept away. Le Xiao is in the crowd, smiling happily. Looking at her smile, Le Wen knows that his decision this time is the right one. Yes, because it was good from the beginning.

"If you are worried, Mr. Lewen can participate in the whole process."

Huashen said, Lewen shook his head.

"The only thing I can do now is continue research."

Huashen raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance. Although the white sky was fake, Huashen was in a good mood today.

Huashen invited Frye, but Frye refused. His answer was that it was over and they were all fine.

"Yeah, it's over."

In the distance, opposite the entrance stand, the gods gathered together. Except for Tang Rao, all the other gods were there.

Deguna's expression was slightly serious.

"Could X be that X?"

Deguna muttered, and Werther looked into the distance with some nostalgia. The X in his memory who had taken him in for a while and saved him from being killed should have turned into the dust of the universe.

But as things gradually became clear before their eyes, everyone had to suspect that this guy hiding in Brilliant City was Professor X, the chairman of the past science and technology seminar.

The past asteroid landing and detection plan was led by X, and Rose smiled helplessly.

"It's true, we actually thought of the old man at the same time. If it was really the old man, he shouldn't have been hiding forever."

Gu Yi was not sure whether their guess was correct, but the current situation was indeed reminiscent of X.

Li Chu laughed heartily.

"If it is really that old guy, I will definitely catch him and torture him severely to make him pay for everything he did to me in the past."

Witte patted Li Chu on the shoulder.

"Have you not let go of the past?"

Li Chu asked rhetorically.

"If we really let go of the past, everything might go much smoother. The key now is that little girl."

The five gods all looked at Le Xiao, and Deguna chuckled.

"In fact, it did happen. It seems that luck is on our side. We can give Gene some more time. At least it looks good now."

Rose took out a cigarette and ran quickly to Jean in the middle. After walking over, she handed it to Jean and took out one to light.

"I haven't seen you smile like this for a long time."

Gene smiled and blew out a puff of smoke.

"Keep good records of everything. Instead of worrying about this force in the future, it is better to stabilize it and make it controllable. After all, uncontrollable force will only bring fear."

Rose hummed.

"Are you sure?"

Gene flicked the ashes from his cigarette, sparks flying, and he shook his head.

"I'm not sure this time."

Rose sighed helplessly.

"Just fight with all your strength."

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