"Bruno, after the official start, I will come to work for you."

Qianyu was holding a wine bottle and lying on the sofa. In front of him was a tall man with a square face. He was in his 40s and was a base facility maintenance worker. In the evening, he was the owner of a leisure bar.

In the past, when Qianyu was a student, she would often come here to have something to eat while doing her homework. She was a frequent visitor here, and over time Bruno and Qianyu became friends who talked about everything.

"You're drunk, Xiaoyu, stop drinking, or you won't be able to stand it tomorrow."

It was already past 1 o'clock at noon, and people were still protesting and demonstrating, demanding that Bernal cancel such a ridiculous practice.

Supporters and opponents have been separated. The opponents are at the front of the parliament building, while the supporters have gone to the back. Because the change has begun, the parliament has called some supporters in and assigned them relevant tasks.

Everything happened so fast, and it seemed to be premeditated. What made Qianyu feel uncomfortable was that the captain of the guard, Lloyd, was also from Bernal's side.

Including some of Qianyu's colleagues who had good relationships in the past, only she and Gaibo were kept in the dark. Qianyu was very angry about their behavior, but now she had nothing to do.

"Didn't you say it before? This system has come to an end. It's just a matter of sooner or later."

Although Qianyu was a little drunk, his head was still clear.

"It's not a question of sooner or later, it's a question of what those bastards are going to do!"

"Don't think about it. No matter what happens here, we can only work hard to accept it instead of complaining, because I don't know when the voices of dissatisfaction with the existing system will begin to gather. It will be a matter of time."

Qianyu knew what Bruno said, but it was difficult to accept it because there was no warning.

"Are you really not planning to go back? I think if you were in the political system, you could at least do something."

Qianyu shook his head.

"If I go back, won't I become the kind of person I hate the most? I'm sorry, I can't be Bruno, I'm the kind of woman with a tough head!"

Bruno walked over with a knowing smile. Of course he knew that Qianyu hated those who followed others, and this change was made without her knowing it. As the secretary of the base commander, Qianyu was determined not to get along with her. He cooperates with those who have betrayed him.

2:03 p.m.

Bernal stood quietly on the balcony outside the base director's office, looking at the crowd who were still demonstrating below. However, the weather was hot and the crowd dispersed.

We have received definite news that the opponents are inciting everyone to go on strike, but Bernal had anticipated this early on. Those supporters can fully cope with the operation of the base, and there will be no problem at all for a month or two.

"Just start with those supporters first, and wait for the limited time order to be issued in a week. If you are still opposed, after the social structure is officially closed, the amount of payment will be reduced by half, and the future basic salary will also be reduced by 20%. Set A period calculated based on the production value lost during their objections.”

"I understand, Mr. Bernal, I will draw it up right away."

Bernal glanced sideways at Shirley, who had turned around and walked to the side desk to start working.

"Actually, I'll do it in a few days, Shirley!"

Shirley didn't answer and had already started to do it. Bernal knew that this girl's inner resentment and hatred for the past had not been eliminated. Shirley was once a second-class citizen.

Not every Mars base is as beautiful as Mars Base 66. In a Mars base, if you dare to disobey the base's system, you will usually be expelled, because the system of each Mars base is different.

Once you are reduced to a second-class citizen in other Mars bases, life will be very difficult. You can only become a slave tool for others and a tool for venting.

The invisible darkness has long eroded the original beauty, but this darkness has not yet enveloped Base 66, which is full of light and hope, so Bernal immediately launched changes.

According to Bernal, in most Mars bases, citizens are basically slaves to rights, and rights can get everything they need.

It was when Bernal visited Mars Base 18 that Shirley received a sweet gift from the local base director. It seemed to be a gift that had been prepared long ago, so it had not yet been opened.

Bernal knew very well what the other party wanted. Bernal had received countless gifts, but he did not open this one. All the gifts in the past tried their best to please him, but this gift was the only one. Initially, it contained fangs of resistance.

So Bernal accepted the gift and brought her back. The result was correct. This girl transformed in a short period of time and became one of his few confidants.

The turmoil should last for a long time. Bernal estimates that it will last until at least mid-August, a month and a half, which is considered the limit for opponents.

Any explanation or cover-up is feeble. Bernal knows better than anyone else that explaining this kind of thing once is enough. Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, it is useless to continue to explain it.

The question now is when the turmoil in other Mars bases will end, and the Visitor should already know the situation. During lunch, people from several bases sent contacts, hoping that Bernal would personally come forward to solve this problem.

It was necessary to not allow the Visitor to return, so Bernal made an immediate decision and asked the bases to place all the family members of the Visitor's crew members under house arrest. Bernard would contact them personally tomorrow and ask them to complete the mission.

When people are suddenly oppressed, they will definitely resist, but resistance will slowly disappear again as the oppression begins to subtly enter life.

"It's just that it doesn't matter anymore. After all, my wish for many years has come true."

Bernal showed a happy smile.

Didi didi

The phone rang, and Bernal picked up the phone. It was the director of Base 67 calling.

"Congratulations, Mr. President, we have unanimously approved that you will be the president of the United States of Mars."

The result was obvious. After talking to the person on the phone for a while, Bernal started laughing.

"Stop everything as soon as possible. An unprecedented new society is waiting for us."

After finishing speaking, Bernal hung up the phone, pressed his hands on the guardrail, and looked down at the scattered people. He closed his eyes, as if he was enjoying something, and raised the corners of his mouth again.

"Congratulations, Mr. Bernal!"

Behind him, Shirley smiled happily. Bernal did not look back. Not planning to look back was probably the most correct decision he made in his life.

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