one day ago

Early morning of June 30th

Fila pressed her head in pain and climbed up from the bed. Then with her scream, Fila hurriedly pulled the quilt over. She found that she was sleeping in a strange room, naked.

Fila knocked on her aching head and then remembered some fragments. This was Qianyu's home. Fila breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the water storage machine on the table, walked over and poured a glass of warm water. After drinking it, A little more comfortable.

"We have to find Rika quickly."

Fila had a great time last night. Although the drink was terrible, the three guys didn't expect it to be so interesting. Usually, they are basically taciturn, except for Sean, who is a guy with a problem with his head. It is recognized by the whole school, and in fact it is true, there is really something wrong with his head.

It's just that she talked a lot with him last night, and Fila was relatively happy. Fila looked at the time and saw that it was already 10 o'clock in the morning. She got up quickly, planning to rush to Ren Wen's bar immediately, where Ren Wen was... Wen had agreed to give them a communication party last night.

Fila looked at the clothes she had put aside, pulled them up and found the key. After she walked out of the bedroom, she saw food in a thermal box on the table and a note. Fila went straight over and ate the food before reading it. After receiving the note, Qianyu asked Fila to stay at home honestly.

Fila pouted, and after thinking for two seconds, she opened the door and went out.

But when she got downstairs, Fila realized that she didn’t have a scooter and it was at least 10 kilometers away from here. Fila had no choice but to go to the bus stop and planned to wait for the bus, but she didn’t know why the streets were almost empty. .

Sounds of people could be heard in the distance. Occasionally a car passed by. Fila waved her hand, but the car immediately sped past and seemed to be going to the center of the base.

Fila's raised hand could only be put down helplessly. In this place, it is common sense for everyone to help each other, including food, clothing, housing, and transportation. So even if you are a stranger you don't know, if you ask for help, if the other person is not busy, , will help you.

From a very young age, Fila realized that this approach was not very good because it felt weird. It was good to accept help from others, but most of the time others were reluctant.

Because of the Help Act, no one is allowed to ignore others' requests for help if conditions permit. I feel that this kind of help is a bit blunt.

There was no one at the bus stop. Fila felt strange. She took out her mobile phone and found that there was no network.

Fila pressed Siyan's number angrily, but strangely still couldn't get through.

"What happened?"

Fila stood up and looked towards the distance. The noise continued to come from the distance.

It had been nearly 20 minutes, and the bus still hadn't come. Fila stamped her feet and could only continue walking. Normally, there would be a bus within 10 minutes. After all, this was a residential area for singles.

At this time, in the distance, a scooter was speeding towards this side.


Fila looked at the people coming over in shock.

"How did you know I was here?"

"You drank too much last night. I sent you here. Get in the car."

Fila hummed and sat behind Lika.

"By the way, Lika, you said last night, my uncle."

Before Fila finished speaking, Lika shook her head.

"Your uncle should be released soon, things have changed!"

Fila groaned and looked at Lika completely at a loss.

"As expected, you didn't watch the news this morning. Your grandfather has been impeached by 8 members of Congress and has been forcibly removed from the position of base director. With Bernal as the acting base director, most citizens have now gone to the parliamentary building. Protested.”

Fila looked at Lika in shock. She blinked and couldn't believe what Lika said. This was like a dream, which made Fila exclaim.

"How could that happen? Where is grandpa?"

Rika shook her head.

"It's really simple, they initiated change."

"What's the meaning?"

Rika grinned slightly.

"In the future, our social structure will undergo earth-shaking changes. In the future, everyone will no longer share everything, but will become a society where money and rights are intertwined."

"Isn't that the same as what uncle said?"

Fila remembered what her uncle said, letting money determine the value of labor and output is the correct direction for society to develop.

"This utopia has finally come to an end."

Lika said and started the scooter very fast. Before Fela could react, she almost fell back and hurriedly grabbed Lika's chest. Lika looked back with some embarrassment.

"I didn't expect you to be quite big here, so soft!"

Lika coughed, and Fila hugged her waist with a smile. The scooter started speeding on the road, and the sound in the distance became louder and louder.

Within a few minutes, Fila saw the crowds crowding the streets, and the huge ocean of sound seemed to overthrow the entire base.

Dense crowds, as well as vehicles and scooters parked outside the main roads entering the center of the base, all gathered towards the center of the base.

Lika stopped the car. After the two got out of the car, they saw He Yu, Sean and Luo Jian from a distance.

No one joined the crowd of citizens, who were all discussing the news that Bernal had announced that morning.


Fila looked at the news posted by Bernal this morning on He Yu's phone in disbelief. In addition to her grandfather being impeached and removed from office, the system of the Mars base has undergone earth-shaking changes.

First, 70 Mars bases will be connected through maglev trains in the next two years. Each citizen will receive a basic money of 10,000 Mars coins. Land and housing will be accounted to a certain extent in the next few months, and then strictly included. into property in one's own name.

In the next three months, rectification plans for various industries will begin. Basic pricing for food, clothing, housing and transportation will be announced in the next week. From now on, all citizens will only be able to make transactions through money.

The sharing system no longer existed, and the special feature was the abolition of the Helping Law, which surprised Fila.

The citizens who were used to all this seemed extremely angry at this time, so they headed towards the parliamentary building.

"It should be certain, Fila, that your uncle was framed to impeach the base director. He is most likely the current acting base director."


Fila shuddered and looked over. She felt a hint of fear at this time.

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