In the distance is the endless sea of ​​stars. Jennifer is lying quietly on the bed, her profile looking a little angry. She is looking at the starry sky outside the small round window. She can clearly see the sun. It is already past 8 o'clock in the evening, and her husband is still there. did not return.

This room on the left side of the spacecraft is only 10 square meters in size. It is the space where they live as a couple. If they are single, the area will be smaller, only 5 square meters, and they can only sleep.

This spacecraft encountered a lot of problems at the beginning of its design. Putting aside the issue of energy, there were a lot of problems during the test flight alone. But in the end, with the joint efforts of most of the Mars Base's technical engineers, it was finally completed. .

The test flight three months ago was successful. According to the current speed, it will take more than three months to reach Asgard.

For that unknown country, Jennifer was both looking forward to and afraid in her heart. Jennifer immediately turned on her phone and opened the photo album. Her daughter Phila immediately came into view. Jennifer smiled slightly and was slightly angry. The expression disappeared.

Her husband's student would discuss something with her husband for hours at a time. This might not seem like much to others, but in Jennifer's eyes, it was a little uncomfortable.

"How old are you, really?"

After Jennifer got up, she pulled back the quilt and saw that the temperature in the room was 25 degrees. She grabbed the controller on the side and lowered the temperature by three degrees.

The hot mood began to disappear gradually as the temperature of the room dropped, and Jennifer gradually felt a little sleepy.


The door to the room opened gently, and Jennifer became more energetic again. She looked over, and her husband walked in with a smile on his face.

"Sorry, we talked for a little longer about energy loss."

"Now I think we should not think about this for the time being. After all, everything we can do has been done, right?"

Nais hummed, sat down on the edge of the bed, and Jennifer leaned over.

"Didn't father come to contact you?"

Ness asked and Jennifer shook her head.

"Perhaps they are busy negotiating aid deals with other Mars bases."

When this was mentioned, helplessness appeared on Ness's face.

"It's okay. After this journey is over, we should be able to learn a lot from Asgard. We will be fine when we go back."

"hope so!"

Ness said as he held his wife's forehead. Both of them knew very well that the current situation of the Mars base was very bad, and some fresh technologies were urgently needed to comprehensively revolutionize everything in the Mars base.

Ness and Jennifer have heard many voices of change over the years, but now is not the best time. They can only make changes to all Mars bases when they have more advanced technology in hand.

Nass would always quarrel with his brother Ike about his actions because he was too eager.

Didi didi

Just when the couple was about to go to sleep, a rapid doorbell rang.

"What's wrong, Ha Na!"

Standing at the door was Nais's student He Na, and Jennifer was a little angry for a moment.

"It's too late, it's not time."

"There is a problem at the Mars base. Teacher, Ms. Jennifer, the captain wants you to come over quickly."

The two stood up quickly, put on their clothes, and left the room. Outside was a circular corridor, with the captain's room directly above. After the three of them went upstairs, they saw many people coming one after another.

"There's something seriously wrong with the Mars base."

As soon as Ness went up, a man who was older than him muttered something. Ness looked solemn and wanted to ask questions, but Captain Lou Nan had already asked everyone to get in quickly.

Finally, 103 people gathered in the captain's room. For a while, the originally empty captain's room became a little more crowded. Many people were still looking at various values ​​of the spacecraft on some instrument panels.

"I just received a message from the commander of Base No. 1 that there has been a change in Base No. 1, and a group of armed forces has seized control."

For a moment, everyone looked at each other, and Lou Nan's old cheeks were filled with sadness.

"Return immediately, Captain!"

Someone suggested, and many people began to whisper for a while. Nais did not speak, but observed the expressions of many people around him. Some people seemed not surprised, as if they had known about it for a long time.

The 103 people on the Visitor come from 70 different Mars bases. Apart from working together on the spacecraft, most of them hardly speak, especially those who are alienated from the Mars base, and even have some verbal conflicts. A heated argument.

Ness noticed the captain's expression. What he said didn't seem to be the full picture of the situation, but that a more serious problem had occurred.

"Please be quiet, everyone."

At this time, the deputy captain Luo Lin spoke, and she glanced at everyone quietly.

Now everyone is having a big dispute over whether to return or continue the mission. Some people are determined to return.

"You have to say it sooner or later."

Luo Lin said, sighing helplessly.

"Please calm down, because what I am going to say next may shock everyone."

The figure of Bernal appeared in Ness's mind, and there was a trace of fear on his expression. Regarding the man who was older than himself, Ness was always wary of him, because although he seemed to support him unconditionally, Father, but in fact Ness is very clear that his philosophy is completely different from his father, but very similar to his younger brother Ike.

When leaving, Nais Qian warned his father to be careful, especially about Bernal's movements.

A pair of eyes stared at Luo Lin, and she closed her eyes.

"Bloody conflicts occurred in multiple Mars bases, and the base commanders of some Mars bases were directly impeached and resigned. Perhaps"

Before Luo Lin finished speaking, someone around him exclaimed.


Nais clenched his fists in shock. No wonder his father hadn't contacted them yet. Before leaving, Nais had already told them to contact them once today to at least let them know about his daughter Phila. After all, her daughter was too naughty.

"Please return immediately, Captain!"

A male congressman said, and the number of voices returning suddenly became louder and louder.

"Please be quiet, everyone!"

Lou Nan raised his volume slightly before the sound gradually dispersed.

"Today is the third day of the voyage. I know that the Mars base is difficult for everyone to accept, but I want to say something!"

Lou Nan said, took off his hat, and then bowed slightly.

"This trip was planned several years ago and was finally finalized two years ago. In the past two years, we have put in countless efforts. We carry the hopes of everyone at the 70 Mars bases. so."

"Please return immediately, Captain!"

With a burst of angry sounds, everyone looked over. A man had a gun in his hand and pointed it at the captain.

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