Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 212 Busy Night (Part 2) 81 more please subscribe!

"Section 13 is originally the covert operations section, so I do this."

Niya came closer to Jean.

"It's not a secret now. Really, I guess that girl must be having a hard time these days, with such a big burden to bear."

Gene smiled disapprovingly.

"Didn't you also carry the burden that was ten times heavier than this before?"

Niya sighed, recalling the past days, which were really fun. Most of the time, Jean would take the blame for her, and she could live freely in the East, South and North Districts. But now it is different. When Jean Niya was pleasantly surprised when the other section chiefs recommended her as the section chief of Section 5, but when she actually took the position, it was different.

"The motions used to be really long, but unlike now, the entire department is becoming more and more like a machine, with precise efficiency, but the reputation is getting worse and worse."

Didi didi

Niya answered the phone angrily, and the food had just been served.

"What's going on Qin Dong?"

After listening for a while, Niya's face became serious.

"Michelle is really efficient. She just finished speaking, haha."

Niya said as she grabbed a large piece of meat on the plate, stuffed it into her mouth, and drank the wine.

"Idle man, you eat slowly. I have to go back to work. The General Affairs Department has sent a large number of documents. We have to go back and review them, and then send the appropriate personnel to participate in this mouse-catching plan."

After saying that, Niya stood up and wiped her mouth directly, picked up her uniform and put it on her body, then walked out quickly and disappeared into the night streets.

Gene sighed.

"There are pros and cons."

As the initiator and planner of the uniform bill 50 years ago, Gene still remembers the great resistance he encountered at that time. He traveled to many places alone before finally getting such a bill passed. It took ten years. , It’s not too long to say it’s long, and it’s not too short to say it’s short.

1:23 am

Lin Yuan was tired and prepared to lock the door. Today, the boss Tang Rao went out dressed very formally early in the morning. It seemed that he was going to meet someone. He didn't dare to ask. Many flowers needed to be watered at night, so Lin Yuan I can only go home at this hour today, and I have to come back at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning.

At this moment, a pungent smell of alcohol came, Tang Rao's face turned red, and she walked in unconsciously. Lin Yuan hurried over and helped her.

"That big bastard Jean is like this every time. It's better to find it yourself, but he insists on letting me find it. It's the same with those bastards."

Tang Rao complained as soon as she came in. Lin Yuan helped her to the lounge. Tang Rao took off his clothes and pants, covered his mouth and lay on the sofa, and fell asleep soon after.

Lin Yuan swallowed a sip and looked at the sexy black lace pants. He shouted a few times and looked around for a moment. Evil thoughts arose in his heart, but he suppressed them soon. Gene's shadow appeared in his head. He sighed, honestly found a blanket, wiped Tang Rao's face and body with hot water, covered her with a quilt and left quietly.

After a while, Tang Rao smiled, and the cyan particles were slowly released from the skin of her body. A strong smell of alcohol floated in the air, and she suddenly woke up.

"Quite honest."

Tang Rao raised the middle finger of his left hand, and colorful light particles appeared on it. Then the light particles began to gather and turned into a beautiful seven-sided gemstone ring, as big as a pigeon egg, with red, orange, yellow, green and green colors. Seven colors of blue and purple, with Tang Rao's thought, a faint blue light shot out from the blue part of the gem in an instant, forming a light and shadow screen.

One minute later, Gene's image appeared. He was rising and quickly landed on the top of a dark tall building. He was holding up a colorful seven-sided goose egg ring like Tang Rao in one hand, but Gene was wearing it. on the thumb of the right hand.

"You're busy, come and drink with me."

"Don't call me Tang Rao all of a sudden like this, I'm still in the store."

Tang Rao pouted, then sat down and stared at Jean quietly, who was sitting on the rooftop.

"I've already said hello to two guys for you. If you are included, the four of us should be enough. I don't want to go looking for the other three guys. It's quite troublesome after all."

"Thank you Tang Rao. If you want to drink, wait for another day."

Jean didn't wait for Tang Rao to continue speaking. With a thought, the gemstone ring turned into colorful light particles and merged into his thumb, disappearing.

For a moment, Gene looked towards the distance with a heavy heart, the most dazzling Congress Hall on the top floor. He sighed and jumped up from the top of the building, and quickly disappeared into the night.

On the streets with street lights on, the ground is paved with gray-black textured small stone slabs. Under a winding path, the morning light slowly walks up. In front of you is a round high-rise building, built very stylishly. , sunlight can be received from all directions, just adjust the light and shadow walls at home.

Winding up the path paved with different-colored cobblestones, Chense walked a little tiredly. Just now, Section 10 sent her back here and gave her back the equipment she used to cross the ravine. Everything was agreed. The conditions have been signed, and then she can only help Xingke find the guys behind Mansha.

Chense regretted falling for Mo Xiaolan's trick. She had actually betrayed Mansha. She didn't know how to face Mansha. And if Mansha was really arrested one day, she would explain the whole process. There is a video of the confession, as well as evidence.

Arriving at the door of her home on the 5th floor, Chense shed a tear in frustration. She didn't know whether Mansha would be tortured and really betray her like in that video, or she would grit her teeth and persevere to the end. She didn't know. I dare to think about it, but I don’t want to recall the 30 hours of huge ups and downs in just two days.


The door opened, Chense stepped in, and suddenly a hand gently hugged her in the darkness, and then the other hand was placed on her body.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and came over. Chense's mouth was blocked, the wound was tearing, and his whole body was extremely hot.

Chense turned on the light in a panic. The woman in front of her was Mansha. She had short flowing hair and a beautiful face right in front of her. Mansha, who was only more than 10 years younger than her, still maintained good health at this age. Good figure and good looks.


Mansha put a finger into her mouth and took a sip.

“Already a little bit”

For a moment, Chense couldn't control herself, she hugged Mansha, and the two quickly embraced each other.

An hour later, Chense was panting, and Mansha next to her was smoking a cigarette, gently stroking Chense's hair with one hand.

"You're injured, what's going on?"

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