Water drops slowly dripped from the shower kettle, gathered on the leaves of the flowers and fell into the soil. A beautiful woman with a smile and an elegant temperament squatted in front of a small flower bed, smiling gently.

The woman is wearing a light blue one-piece uniform, with light brown hair arranged in a petal shape. She looks elegant and decent, and every move she makes appears gentle, just like flowers in a flower bed.

This is a small semicircular metal room. Outside the translucent glass wall is the endless space. You can see a huge light point in the distance, which is the sun.

"Jennifer, why don't you go take a nap?"

A gentle male voice sounded from behind.

"How do you know I'm here, honey!"

A handsome and tall man came over with a smile and held Jennifer's waist from behind when she stood up.

"The meeting is over?"

Jennifer asked, and the male hummed.

"I wonder how Fila is doing now."

The man's name is Ness, and he is Jennifer's husband. The two are Phila's parents, and they are engineering scientists at Mars Base 66.

"Don't worry, she's already at Ike's house at this point."

As Ness spoke, the couple looked at each other and laughed a little helplessly. They knew that Fila hated their uncle, but in the entire family, only his uncle could control the naughty guy Fila.

Fila has been naughty since she was a child, but the couple believes that as long as she is kind-hearted, they don't have many requirements for Fila. They only need her to grow up happily.

This plan to visit Asgard has been in preparation for two years. Basically all the top scientific researchers in the base have participated, which is why the spacecraft named Visitor was able to be built in such a short period of time.

"How did the meeting go?"

Fila asked worriedly, and Ness shook his head helplessly.

"It's still the same, their tone is a little aggressive."

Jennifer puffed her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Why do we still choose the imperial system in the 22nd century?"

Ness hummed.

"I think the catastrophe that happened on the earth that year had a devastating impact on human civilization. In order to survive, we can only centralize power without democracy. This is also something we can't do. This visit is extremely important to us. meaning!”

Jennifer nodded, and the two of them stood in front of the starry sky, leaning against each other, facing the sun, quietly enjoying the tranquility of the afternoon.

This trip brought together outstanding scientific researchers from 70 Mars bases, bringing with them most of the technologies in the Mars bases and the new energy materials discovered, hoping to conduct technical exchanges with Asgard.

In nearly half a century of communications, it can be determined that the technological level of Asgard is an extension of the crystallization of human technological crystals in the past, and is far higher than the technological level of humans on Mars.

After all, being able to establish a space station cluster in extraterrestrial space and allow humans to survive is something that scientists at the Mars base cannot imagine.

"I think their attitude is not very good. How should I put it? I feel they are too arrogant."

Jennifer said dissatisfiedly, and Ness snorted.

"There is nothing we can do about it. After all, powerful people will naturally be arrogant. Civilization and civilization are like this. No powerful civilization will be courteous to a backward civilization. Although it is more difficult, inviting us to visit is a good start. , as long as they are still human beings and can still communicate verbally, I think we can still have friendly and peaceful communication."

It took nearly a century for the Mars base to move from the surface into space before it finally successfully launched the observation satellite and successfully re-launched the spacecraft that had carried humans in the past.

All this is too difficult for the humans on the Mars base. Even in the era of relying on robots, operating on the surface of Mars is extremely difficult. If you are not careful, you will die.

According to Ness, the residents of Mars are fighting against the extremely harsh nature of Mars. In order to survive, the existing habitats were finally established after two centuries of hard work.

In Ness's view, humans on Mars bases still have a long way to go. Now they are working on studying the construction of the atmosphere. They want to gradually use a large number of robots to spray the gases composed of the atmosphere day and night. To build an atmospheric environment similar to that of the earth.

Finally, oxygen is slowly produced and the water source on Mars is used to allow plants to take root on the surface of Mars. In this way, a stable ecosystem can be established on Mars in a few decades.

Therefore, this technical exchange is very important. As long as they can learn some more advanced technologies from Asgard, Ness believes that they can start to transform the atmosphere of Mars after they return.

"By the way, dear, I actually think that the monetary policy proposed by Ike, although not very friendly to many people today, can actually solve some of the problems."

Nais' originally gentle expression suddenly turned serious, and he shook his head.

"Once the output has value, obvious strata will appear, which can indeed solve the problem, but everything existing will be completely broken. In this era, once strata appear, the harm to the future will be endless. endless."

Jennifer once heard the two brothers arguing about this issue. The future of mankind and the present of mankind are the two major problems in the current Mars base.

Whether to solve the immediate problem or consider the long-term future, the younger brother Ike chose to solve the current problem, while the older brother Ness, like his father Gabe, focused on the future.

The relationship between the two is quite intense. In Ness's view, if there is a clear class, it will easily increase human desires, because people with more money will definitely live better than people with less money. Comfortable.

Humans are creatures that can make analogies, and this kind of analogy will be infinitely amplified with the emergence of money. This is what Nais is worried about.

Even in today's world without money, class analogies like this often come up.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought this up."

Jennifer leaned into her husband's arms, and Ness closed his eyes and sighed helplessly.

"The conflict between idealists and realists!"

At this time, a young woman walked in from the passage behind the two of them.

"Teacher Ness, can I ask you some questions?"

Jennifer frowned slightly and stared sideways at the 21-year-old young woman behind her. She was her husband's student, she was young and beautiful, and she respected her husband very much.

Seeing her husband turn around and walk over with a smile, jealousy appeared on Jennifer's face, and she glanced at the dark starry sky.

"I just hope it goes smoothly!"

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