"Mr. Ike, we will support you in the next parliamentary election!"

There is a street full of metal houses, all of which are mechanical products being manufactured. This is a machinery manufacturing street, and all of them are mechanical engineers.

The mechanical items in Mars Base 66 are all produced on this street, ranging from some large-scale carrier vehicles to some small mechanical supplies in daily life, all are produced here.

Ike walked towards a group of engineers with a smile and started talking with them.

Every base on Mars basically adopts a co-production system, and development decisions are made by members of the parliament elected by the people in the base.

Each Mars base has 10 council members, plus the base director, a total of 11 people have decision-making power. Each person has one vote, and the base director has two votes.

Now that Fila's parents have gone to Asgard on behalf of the base, the two vacant positions of parliament members require a new round of selection. The general term is four years, and Ike is currently the most popular candidate.

Because Ike is the son of the base director and the brother of one of the congressmen, people who supported the base director and Fila's parents in the past all turned to Ike.

However, there are also many voices against Ike, because Ike wants to implement a currency system in Base 66, which makes many people dissatisfied.

On the Mars base, the system of co-production has existed since long time ago and continues to this day.

Everyone is born to serve the base. The base will cultivate talents in whatever areas are lacking. All output needs to be supplied to the base unconditionally and is allocated by the parliament.

Although there will be lazy people in such a system, if they do not participate in any base work and cannot provide any output, they will be included in the base's key education list and will accept forced labor until they can participate in labor output normally. .

Nowadays, every family’s backyard is their own planting ground, and they can produce their own food, and the fields are all taken care of by robots.

The most important job for people is the maintenance of the base. This is the necessary guarantee for people to survive on Mars. Some high-precision technical work robots are not competent and can only be replaced by humans.

Although it is possible to build corresponding mechanical production factories, this is prohibited in all bases. Industrial production will emit a large amount of waste gas, consume a large amount of energy, and will seriously damage the human ecosystem.

Although the resources on Mars are endless for existing humans, the tragic experience of only 70 bases remaining out of hundreds in the past 200 years has made many people realize that humankind’s Once the living environment is destroyed, there will be very serious consequences.

The demise of more than 30 human bases has sounded the alarm to everyone in the bases. In the future, while humans are developing industry, they will also pay attention to changes in the living environment.

This is on Mars. Once exposed to the outside air, it can be fatal in just a few minutes. Once the living environment is damaged, only a slight mistake is enough to destroy a base.

Although there were previous plans to build factories outside to discharge harmful substances, this was not realistic. The environment without oxygen, low atmospheric pressure, and toxic ultraviolet rays all prevented humans from doing too much work outside the ecological circle. s reason.

Although large-scale machinery can solve the problem, it is impossible to create such machinery and robots that can work in the external environment of Mars with the existing resources and resource allocation issues.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, the existing system and living environment are already quite good, and there is no need to take risks to pursue more things.

The citizens of the Mars base all feel that everything is equal now, but Ik doesn't think so.

The quality of the things produced is different. This is the greatest unfairness. The engineers on this street work hard day and night to build machinery, and the output of those who only need to take care of flowers, plants and trees every day is completely different. of.

Especially nowadays, the material exchange between various bases is often at a disadvantage. Even some bases with poor management and development need joint assistance from other bases. This is no longer the case twice.

Recently, engineers on this street have been busy manufacturing some parts for three bases in need of assistance. This is very hard work, but they can't get anything, and many people are a little dissatisfied.

Ike wants to promote Mars currency and use currency as a stimulus to comprehensively improve the production capacity in the Mars base and differentiate the quality of work output items to meet everyone's demands.

It is only fair to use currency to measure the value of output. Many people are not optimistic about the currency plan proposed by Ike, but there are also some people who support it.

"Thank you for your hard work. I hope you will be more decisive in your choice in the next few days."

As Ike said, the engineers all nodded and everyone cheered. Ike smiled and turned around and walked slowly. Soon Ike left the street. Most of the people were now at home or in some farmland.

In Icke's view, this kind of leisurely life is a failure for the future of the entire Mars base group.

So change is necessary. However, both his eldest brother and his father are strong supporters of this kind of undisciplined life. Ike has had a very bad relationship with his brother and father in the past few years because he wants to promote currency and increase the value of what is produced. Really visible.

This selfless lifestyle is based on harming personal interests to maintain overall interests. Such an approach will only intensify the contradictions.

If effective actions are not taken, war will break out, a war between bases.

Once a war breaks out, humans on Mars bases will have no future. Among the 70 Mars bases now, there are many bases that are at war with each other. Mars Base 66 has basically been assisting and supporting other bases in recent years.

This practice of not asking for any compensation has an end, because quite a few people in the base are already dissatisfied.

Ike walked along a busy street and felt the malice of many people gathered around him.

For Icke, human beings are selfish, and your selfless dedication cannot be exchanged for gratitude, which is often the case.

People should be divided into three, six or nine grades. This is the correct approach. If this social form continues, it will definitely cause disputes.

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