Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2093 LV0 Criminal 4 (Part 2)

In the darkness, a fishy smell woke Lewen up. He reached out and touched the desk lamp on the side. After turning it on, the room lit up. Lewen took a look at the leftover bacon he had eaten before going to bed. He straightened up. Staring at the ceiling blankly.

He couldn't remember how many days he stayed there. Lewen took an old-fashioned watch Ran Zai gave him and took a look at the date.

April 13, 2254, 5:31 am

It had been nearly 10 days. Lewen picked up the bucket beside him and poured himself a glass of water. After drinking it, most of the heat in his heart disappeared.

Ran Zai will not come in directly, he will only put down water and food at the designated place, and Le Wen needs to go out to get it back. Every day Le Wen thinks about what happened in the past year.

Except that I don't remember how I got the black chip and the function of the black chip, I remember other things very clearly. This feeling is extremely uncomfortable, as if my consciousness has been controlled by something in the past year. Things that seemed normal but went against Lewen's wishes.

What Le Wen is most worried about now is the situation outside. He doesn't know what happened to his wife and daughter. Le Wen wanted to call Jean, but as Ran Zai said, no matter who he called, it wouldn't help. .

At this time, Le Wen stood up, opened the entrance below, put down the rope ladder, and climbed down. He took the lighting equipment and walked in the twists and turns of the underground passage. This was the sewer in the past. After walking for a while, Le Wen came to Ran He went to the place where the food was placed, but found that there was nothing there. Lewen walked a little further, but found that there was still nothing. He was a little frustrated.

Because he didn't want to eat the bacon anymore, and he had almost eaten all the other food. After returning, Levin lay on the bed, turned off the lamp, and the whole room fell into darkness again.

Le Wen couldn't figure out how he could do those things. He really had never done it, but he couldn't explain it now.

All this may have something to do with His tired heart found some solace.

After a while, Lewen turned off the desk lamp again and closed his eyes. Now he could only sleep, and his stomach began to growl again.

7:21 am

Ran Zai yawned and looked at a large number of people from Section 2 searching his current residence. A large cemetery near the edge was being renovated. Of course Ran Zai knew what they were going to do.

These people in Section 2 have been staring at him for more than a day or two. In the past ten days, he has been here supervising work and making design drawings. He has not gone out to deliver food to Le Wen at all. He knew this result early in the morning, so Everything has been arranged long ago, and Lian will be responsible for delivering food to Lewen.

However, Lian should also be targeted now, and it is impossible for the other three to show up. Once they show up, they will most likely be arrested. After all, Ran Zai never believes in the words of those in power.

"Is there any result? Secretary."

Ran Zai asked, and Lilian said with a cold smile.

"If you are found to be harboring criminals."

"Of course I wouldn't dare."

Ran Zai smiled and raised his hands. Now everything that happens in the city has been pushed to Le Wen. Ran Zai believes more and more that Le Wen cannot do this.

Because in Le Wen's heart, his wife and daughter are more important than anything else. As long as this remains unchanged, Le Wen would not be able to plan anything on his own. The news could not be suppressed on the fifth day.

All problems led to Bincai. Congress directly claimed that it was caused by Bincai's private experiments, and the core technology of Deep Sea Company's virtual reality technology research was also provided by Bincai.

Le Wen has been directly identified as a LV0 criminal, with a reward of 3 million, and even the barrier area is the same. As long as anyone can provide information and catch Le Wen, not only can they get 3 million, but they can also enter the city unconditionally.

It can be seen that the business department is very anxious. What they are afraid of is that the technology in Le Wen's hands will be leaked to some rioters currently looming in the city. Ran Zai also noticed that a small group of rioters was planning something.

Perhaps the next shocking conspiracy is brewing, or perhaps it is preparing for the next urban collapse.

No matter how they searched, they could not find the connection between themselves and Le Wen, because Ran Zai had not had direct contact with Le Wen for more than 4 years. The investigation was soon over, and the people from Section 2 left, and Ran Zai sent them off with a smile. After leaving, he continued back to the studio.

Ran Zai has now begun to help people dispose of corpses. The corpses of some people who suddenly died of normal deaths were handled directly by Ran Zai. If they want to be buried in the cemetery, they have to pay an annual management fee.

At around 9 o'clock, Ran Zai walked to the street and gave a child some money. He immediately laughed, and then Ran Zai planned to go to the subway station. Today he was going to discuss an important business, and he happened to pass by a certain place. subway station.

The child just now will help Ran Zai buy some things, and then take them inside in batches with other children. Ran Zai will put the things in the place where Lewen gets food within those 2 minutes while waiting for the subway.

This is how we have delivered food these past few times. Three days' worth of food was bought in batches by the children, and they were delivered to children from different areas.

Especially for the children in the orphanage, it is impossible for the administrative department to investigate such a detailed place, and it is impossible to imagine. Ran Zai glanced at the time on the street pole from time to time as he walked.

At 10:33, Ran Zai entered the subway station in District 101. Sure enough, it was already crowded with people. After Ran Zai squeezed in, he disappeared and ran to the left while no one was paying attention. He walked over, picked up a bunch of things, and immediately entered the sewer. After running quickly for a while, he put down his things and turned around immediately.

Sure enough, when we returned to the subway station, the subway came. Ran Zai took advantage of the pushing of the people on the train, squatted on the ground, untied the thin belt, and then tied it up. Several men with sharp eyes came over, and they After seeing Ran Zai, he got on the subway.

Ran Zai smiled slightly and entered the subway. When he walked in, he had already found a position where he would never be seen. Then he used the flow of people to perfectly cover himself. After delivering the food, he squatted down , Sure enough, they came closer, and they couldn't be suspicious within two minutes.

Ran Zai knew that with the character of Section 2 Chief Mo Xiaolan, these Section 2 people would probably follow him for two to three years, or even longer.

Le Wen's case is completely hopeless. In order to appease the agitated people, the Congress directly released a lot of information. These information do not seem to be synthesized and fabricated. Le Wen is indeed the instigator. Le Wen cannot explain clearly, because people The evidence is all there, these published factual evidence, as well as the identification of Le Wen's colleague Chen Zhi.

The only thing Ran Zai was thinking about now was what controlled Le Wen. The subway arrived at the station soon. After Ran Zai got off the train, he left the platform and headed towards the ring street on the middle floor.

Ran Zai found a coffee shop, went in, sat down, and called his counterparty. The other party told Ran Zai to wait for an hour and he would come right away.

Ran Zai ordered a cup of coffee and drank it leisurely. Ran Zai continued to think. Based on everything Le Wen explained that day, Ran Zai carefully thought about the points.

Among them, Le Wen mentioned that all this started when he asked Chen Zhi to contact a guy named An explanation was given, but there was no way to verify who X really was.

Le Wen will not be able to come out of the underground in a short time. He has technology in his hands that can threaten the city. The administrative department will spare no effort to hunt down and investigate Le Wen. The most uncomfortable person now is probably Le Wen's family.

Ran Zai smiled and stood up. He no longer planned to wait any longer. Such a business partner was not trustworthy and could not keep up with the most basic punctuality.

After drinking the coffee in the cup, Ran Zai left. At this time, a man of various shapes ran in in a hurry. Ran Zai was sure that this was his business partner. He was still looking for the appointed seat everywhere. Soon he When he found it, he ran over. Ran Zai had already left the store. He yawned and planned to go and watch a movie leisurely before going back.

Sure enough, the call came and Ran Zai picked up the phone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ran Zai, where are you now?"

"Sorry, the cooperation is terminated."

Ran Zai said and hung up the phone, and soon Ran Zai entered a movie theater, and the personnel from Section 2 who followed Ran Zai immediately followed.


The sun's rays were a little dim. Su Xin sat quietly in the living room with red and swollen eyes. Every day she would cry uncontrollably. The family members of the victims came over. Although the 5th department stopped them, their emotions Excited, they surrounded the home.

"When will dad come back?"

Le Xiao stood by the window with a solemn expression. Su Xin waved and Le Xiao ran over. Su Xin hugged her and couldn't help crying again. She didn't know what happened, but she firmly didn't believe that her husband would do this. Something like that happens.

Nowadays, Su Xin is being scolded all day long. She can hardly stand it anymore. People from the business department ask them to go there regularly. People from the 2nd department come to the door every day.

The originally happy and stable home has become torn apart. Su Xin doesn't know what happened. She asked the people in Section 2, but these cold-blooded guys didn't care about their feelings at all, as if they were treated as if they were the same. Same as criminals.

"Why do mom's people always come here?"

Le Xiao asked something unclear. Su Xin said nothing and Le Xiao stopped asking. Soon Su Xin got up and planned to make dinner. Le Xiao walked to the window and looked at the sun that was about to set. Staring in the distance, she hoped that her father would appear on a familiar street corner and come with a smile.

It had been ten days, and Le Xiao felt a little uncomfortable. At this time, a bright white hand gently stroked Le Xiao's head. She raised her head and looked to the side, and Ellie sat quietly aside.

"It's fine."

Le Xiao hummed and smiled. Although she didn't know exactly what happened, she believed in her father just like her mother.

Ellie smiled slightly and floated gently into the air.

"Remember Le Xiao, one day we will meet again. If we meet again, can you promise my sister something?"

Le Xiao hummed, trusting her sister Le Xiao who often accompanied her, even though no one could see her.

"Let the whole city be filled with sunshine and smiles. This is what my sister hopes you can do in the future."

Le Xiao was a little confused, but nodded anyway, and Ai Li gradually disappeared.

"See you in the future!"

Le Xiao kept waving her hands until the sun set and the surrounding area fell into darkness. At this time, some people in uniforms came over again. This time they came from the 2nd Department. Le Xiao watched them violently open the door to the house. , and after entering, he began to rummage non-stop.

Le Xiao was a little scared before, but not anymore.

"Why do you come here to look through our things when you have nothing to do?"

No one answered, no one stopped, only my mother's roar came from the kitchen.

"I've told you all I can say, I don't know his whereabouts."

Her mother cried again, but Le Xiao didn't cry this time. She looked at the lights outside the house.

"It's fine."

Time flies, June 1st

Today is Children's Day. All the children are looking forward to the gifts prepared by their parents. Le Xiao is standing quietly by the door. None of the neighbors will come over now. Le Xiao is standing alone on the street. The sun is about to As the mountain sets, Le Xiao still can't see his father's shadow.

On the busy street, Le Xiao felt a little hungry. At this time, the familiar people in black uniforms came over again. Although they didn't come every day, they came every three to five.

Le Xiao hurriedly ran home. When she returned home, her mother was sitting in the somewhat dilapidated living room and was being questioned. At this time, her mother was in a trance. She just smiled bitterly. Le Xiao couldn't bear it anymore.

"We didn't do anything bad, why are you doing this to us?"

Le Xiao's call did not make these people stop, but at this time a hand gently pressed on Le Xiao's shoulder. Le Xiao turned his head and immediately laughed with joy. The white-haired man standing behind him was very handsome. mild.

"Lord Jean."

Everyone in the room stood up.

"From now on, you are not allowed to harass them again."

Le Xiao watched her mother cry in surprise. Gene walked over and hugged Su Xin comfortingly. Many members of Section 2 were a little overwhelmed, but they soon received the order.

Didi didi

Gene answered the phone.

"Jean, I think about this"

"If anyone harasses them again, no matter who it is, let him come to me and if he can beat me, I won't say anything."

Mo Xiaolan was in a bit of trouble, Gene said with a smile.

"It won't be a problem."

Jean looked at the little girl behind him and knelt down in front of her gently.

"It's okay. It will get better. Everything is over. The sun will rise as usual tomorrow morning."

Le Xiao turned around and glanced at the dark street outside the house, and immediately grinned happily.

"Well, the sun will rise."

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