Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2090 LV0 Criminal 3 (Part 2)

January 18, 2254


Located on a crowded street in District 3 of the upper level, Chen Zhi was waiting quietly. He had already settled in the upper level last year, and today he came here to meet the X mentioned by Le Wen.

Chen Zhi seemed very nervous during this meeting. He didn't know what to do. Originally, Chen Zhi didn't want to come over, but Le Wen was being watched so closely that he couldn't get in touch with X. Chen Zhi didn't know where X stood. In what position.

The only reason why Chen Zhi wanted to contact X was that their research had stalled, but X had an extremely critical technology in his hands, which could be given directly to them.

Chen Zhi speculated that the purpose of X giving them technology was not because he wanted to see the technology take off, but it was purposeful.

And recently, Chen Zhi found that Le Wen had changed, and the smile on his face had become much less. He had talked to Le Wen several times, but Le Wen was still the same as before, and there was nothing unusual about it, but Chen Zhi was I feel that Lewen's whole aura is completely different from the past.

If you could always feel happiness and vitality around Lewen in the past, now when you work with Lewen, you only feel bitterness and an indescribable powerlessness, and Lewen has become radical in some things. .

This is reflected in research. In the past, Lewen was very cautious and would conduct more detailed research on some things before proceeding to the next step. But now, Lewen is different. He does not worry about certain things and only wants to See results quickly.

This is why Chen Zhi feels that Le Wen has completely changed. Chen Zhi recalled that this change began when Le Wen's daughter Le Xiao recovered and was discharged from the hospital after falling from a building.

To be more precise, Chen Zhi felt a trace of malice from Le Wen. He didn't know why something had changed in his heart. He interacted frequently with this guy named X.

"Sir, can I sit here?"

A female voice came, and Chen Zhi nodded immediately. In front of him was an ordinary woman wearing a windbreaker. Chen Zhi didn't pay attention. He was still watching. There was a parasol in the corner outside the drink shop. It was him. Where it connects to X.

"Hello, Mr. Chen Zhi, my name is X."

The woman in front of Meng suddenly spoke, her voice was very low, but she turned into a man. Although he knew from Le Wen that Even though he only caught a glimpse of it, Chen Zhi was still stunned for a moment.

"Take this thing and you can make breakthroughs in research when you go back."

As the woman spoke, she inadvertently handed something over from under the table. Chen Zhi took it in his hand, and X's voice returned to that of a woman.

"What exactly are you studying now?"

As X said, Chen Zhi shook his head. He was not going to tell The key to a breakthrough in biological matter. Once a breakthrough is achieved, they are very likely to change the human world again and push mankind in a new direction.

Le Wen is extremely fanatical in this research, which is why Chen Zhi currently feels something is wrong, and others, for some unknown reason, are starting to become more and more fanatical.

Every time he was doing research, Chen Zhi felt extremely excited, and after the research, Chen Zhi felt extremely tired.

Although the Executive Branch is still tracking them in all directions, it is much easier now than before. The mechanical prosthetic limbs that were originally going to be released were also canceled due to the intervention of the Executive Branch. The reason given by Section 10 is that the technology is not yet mature. .

In fact, everyone knows that this is not because the technology is immature, but because Section 10 has no plans to release the biomass technology now.

What they are currently studying the most are biochemically modified mechanical mutants. These modified mutants are very powerful in combat. Section 10 even conducted combat tests on these biochemically modified mechanical mutants and mutants, and obtained very good data.

A creepy feeling arose in Chen Zhi's heart. He felt that these biochemically modified humans would not be used for work detection and the like, but would be used in war.

Chen Zhi and the others have assembled weapons on ordinary biochemically modified humans. Although everyone had some objections to the installation of these weapons before, under the leadership of Le Wen, everyone has changed.

Chen Zhi didn't know what such a change was for everyone. It was very strange. All of this started with Le Wen's change, and it might have something to do with the X in front of him.

"Mr. X, what is your purpose?"

Chen Zhi asked, and X chuckled.

"There is no purpose. I told Lewen from the beginning that I am happy to see the further development of technology, that's all."

Chen Zhi didn't plan to ask any more questions. He knew that X wouldn't tell the truth. At this time, He didn't plan to go back yet, so he just sat there for a while before leaving.

There were people from Section 2 not far away staring at him, and the woman who just sat down seemed to be also being targeted, but it was obvious that they found the woman's information and did not follow her.

After a while, Chen Zhi went home and had to go back to the company. Regarding Le Wen's changes, Chen Zhi always felt that something was wrong.

3:19 p.m.

Chen Zhi stepped into the company. He came to the research room on the 12th floor, only to find that the 60 biochemically modified humans in the laboratory had disappeared.

Instead, a large number of corpses were transported and processed through condensation. Lewen and several other people were looking at the data of this batch of corpses, and the people in Section 2 continued to transport them.

"what happened?"

Chen Zhi walked over and asked. At this time, Le Wen stared blankly. For a moment, Chen Zhi felt surprised. Le Wen's eyes changed and became something he almost couldn't recognize. He had only gone back for a short week. That’s all.

"There will be a practical experiment in Section 10 soon."

Chen Zhi felt a chill in his heart, and Li Chu immediately came over and explained directly.

A group of armed forces in the barrier area raided a material distribution point outside the northern guard station a few days ago, robbed most of the materials and fled. The scope of their activities has been determined. This time, the acting department did not take action. Reassign these biochemically modified humans who have been equipped with light-killing weapons to deal with them. Among them are 5 biochemically modified mutants.

Chen Zhi was shocked. This sudden experiment caught him off guard. By collecting brainwave signals from mutants when they used alienated genes, they had successfully created a mutant controller, which could allow mutants transformed by biochemical machinery to use telekinesis. Power, their physical strength is much stronger than ordinary transformed people.

"Such an experiment"

"No problem. We have repeatedly confirmed the values ​​in all aspects, and have conducted actual simulation training with these reformers and members of the special management team."

Le Wen spoke directly, and Chen Zhi found it hard to accept it for a moment. Le Wen's tone was very cold, and he seemed not to feel anything wrong with such an experiment.

Soon Li Chu brought up a light and shadow screen, and everyone stared at the screen for a while. The screen had several separated viewing angles, and a fixed viewing angle. The other viewing angles were presented through the first-person viewing angle installed on the modified man. of.

The battle began. After an explosion, five mutants rushed in. Their hands were equipped with the most cutting-edge light-killing knives. They could easily cut through low-density mutant scabs, even if they were A The scabs produced by level mutants can be cut.

In an instant, the battle turned into a one-sided massacre after the first round of attacks. Chen Zhi covered his mouth. He didn't know what happened to Le Wen. He was a completely different person. There was no trace of wavering on his face.

Other ordinary cyborgs were equipped with penetrating automatic weapons and light-killing weapons. As soon as they broke in, the entire gathering place of armed forces was reduced to a slaughterhouse.

In just 20 minutes, the battle was over, and there was applause from all around, but some of the cyborgs were still damaged. More than 10 cyborgs had been damaged in the fight with the enemy's mutants.

The video ended. At this time, Lewen immediately called everyone over and began to prepare to produce the second batch of biochemical mechanical modified humans.

Taking advantage of the gap, Le Wen called Chen Zhi to the bathroom, and Chen Zhi handed the things he got from X to Le Wen.

"Lao Le, what happened to you?"

Le Wen looked at Chen Zhi doubtfully and said with a smile.

"I'm fine."

Chen Zhi stood in front of Le Wen.

"What on earth are you thinking about?"

Chen Zhi didn't know that Le Wen, who had been so repulsive to these things in the past, was now taking the initiative to participate. Le Wen shook his head.

"Chen Zhi, I will definitely make the criminal identification system successfully applied."

Chen Zhi grabbed Le Wen.

"after all."

"I have helped many people in the past, but what will happen to those people in the future? Do you know?"

Chen Zhi didn't know what Le Wen wanted to say.

"In the end what happened?"

Le Wen walked past Chen Zhi with a smile.

"Nothing at all."

Chen Zhi has been observing Le Wen all day long. Now Le Wen seems to be a different person inside, which Chen Zhi cannot understand.

Le Wen returned to the research room, with a chill in his eyes and a slight grin on his lips. He went directly over and started to prepare for research with others.

9 pm

When Le Wen returned home, Su Xin immediately greeted him happily. However, Le Wen's expression was a little solemn. He just casually said a few words to Su Xin and then went directly into the basement.

Su Xin also felt that something had changed in Lewen. She didn't know what it was about. In the past six months, after her daughter recovered and was discharged from the hospital, Lewen began to change and became extremely strange.

Le Wen came to the basement and quickly took out some research equipment. Under a faint green light, Le Wen had a ferocious expression and raised the corners of his mouth.

"It will be soon."

Lewen said, laughed, and continued to study.

Su Xin returned to her daughter's bedroom. Her daughter was already asleep, but she didn't know why. Her daughter was always talking to someone recently, but most children would talk to themselves, and Su Xin didn't care. , but there was always a gentle atmosphere in the room. As soon as she entered, Su Xin was able to get out of her anxiety about her husband's changes.

Su Xin sat next to her daughter and looked at the lights outside the window quietly. She had tried to talk to her husband several times, but every time they talked, her husband was unwilling to say anything and would always avoid him because he was too busy at work. Start a topic.

Su Xin felt comfortable sitting next to her daughter, and she decided to have a good talk with Le Wen tonight.

At this time, there was a noise, and Su Xin hurried out, but Le Wen had already returned to the room. Su Xin went over to open the door, but found that the door was locked, and Le Wen's voice came from inside.

"I'm very tired. Let's talk about tomorrow."

Su Xin did not continue to knock on the door and could only return to the room.

Lewen closed his eyes in confusion.

However, at this time, in a deserted land, Le Wen sat quietly on a black stone, with wind and sand raging around him. Le Wen looked at everything in front of him with a calm expression. He didn't know how long he had been here, an hour. Or a day, or a year, or even longer.

The longer he stayed here, the more Le Wen saw. His heart was extremely painful at this moment, and Le Wen couldn't remember why he was here.

Ever since his daughter began to improve, Le Wen has been in immense pain. The pressure to move forward, the fear of the unknown, and the disgust of human nature have made Le Wen increasingly uncomfortable.

Le Wen remembered the person who hurt his daughter in the subsequent reports. He still remembered that it was an unusually cold morning, and a boy huddled on the street corner with his body wrapped in some garbage. He looked at it in horror. around.

Le Wen reached out to the boy, bought him clothes, took him to Section 5, and then sent him to an orphanage. However, he has not seen the boy since then. It was more than ten years ago.

It's just that this boy came to see him once after working, and Le Wen just told him that he didn't remember much, but at that time, the person he helped had already committed a crime.

What is the meaning of such warm-heartedness? I once felt that helping others was useless, and I hoped that this kindness could be passed on to more people. However, the reality is often cruel.


At this time, a wisp of black smoke jumped out, forming a human figure next to Le Wen, and Le Wen looked at it.

"Life is meaningless from the beginning. Only death is the real meaning of life, and only life with death can be eternal."

Le Wen didn't know what this guy was talking about, but this guy made him see everything clearly over the years. He saw countless things, bloody facts.

"I am tired."

Le Wen raised his head with a sad expression, and at this time, a slow cloud of black air surrounded Le Wen.

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