Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2088 LV0 Criminal 3 (Part 1)

The afternoon sun is a bit hot, and this is also the time when the ground floor can enjoy the sunshine, unlike the cold weather in the morning.

July 2

Lewen had just had lunch and looked at the biochemical modification people who were doing some basic work in front of him. Nowadays, some basic work in Bincai Company is completed by these life modification people.

Wearing uniform orange overalls, with a slight bulge on his back, a cold expression, and dull eyes, in Le Wen's opinion, he was a walking corpse.

The biochemically modified person does not need to eat or sleep. He only needs to regularly replenish his body's nutritional fluid from the bulge on his back. The body has been completely transformed.

There are many pustule-like hard bumps on the surface of their bodies, which are densely packed, as if they have been corroded by some acidic substance.

This is caused by abnormally active cells in the body. If this were the case, most people would already be in pain due to tumors. However, such proliferation allows biochemically modified people to have a physique that is different from ordinary people and have a very fast recovery ability.

The human brains modified by these biochemical machines have been removed and replaced by the latest third-generation biological chips. Many connecting nerves throughout the body have also been replaced with stronger biological substances.

Although these biochemically modified people are just ordinary people, they can carry 300 kilograms of objects, and their running speed and jumping ability are better than ordinary people.

The next step for Lewen and the others is to carry out biochemical and mechanical transformation of the mutants. Gu Yi and the others still come here from time to time. Gu Yi also said that the next step is to conduct a more in-depth exploration of the barrier area. The next step is to use these More adaptable biochemical machinery transforms humans to reclaim the land in the barrier zone.

This is the driving force behind Lewen's current research. He felt a long time ago that instead of investing money in the construction of some businesses and facility technology, it would be better to invest all the money in the land transformation of the barrier zone.

The past pioneer plan had failed. At that time, Le Wen originally saw great hope, because once the plan succeeded and the barrier area began to receive sunlight and crops were planted, the pattern of the city would definitely be rewritten.

However, the plan failed because of a sudden attack by armed forces in the barrier area, which resulted in the destruction of some of the experimental land that was finally reclaimed, making it extremely difficult to restore.

Nowadays, the daily output of liquid food in the city is so high because the crops grown in the eastern agricultural base are not enough to supply everyone in the city. Although the price of crop supply is very low, it is not suitable for many low-income areas at the bottom. Said that the price is much higher than liquid food.

Le Wen and Jean had discussed this matter many times, and the advocate of the Pioneer Project was actually Jean, which surprised Le Wen. The other one was Ye Chunwang, the current section chief of Section 12. I heard that he was in Land was being reclaimed before the establishment of Brilliant City.

In Lewen's view, the only way to break the current pattern is to continue to cultivate the barrier area. This problem is also said by Gu Yi once. Because of the storage capacity of mimics, if the scope of sunlight coverage continues to increase, the consumption of mimics will increase. The amount will be extremely huge.

This is also a problem, but Lewen raised the issue of small artificial suns. This issue is indeed feasible, but it needs to face more technical difficulties. The biggest problem is the uncertainty of the barrier zone.

Because the barrier area is now overcrowded, even under such harsh conditions, the population of the barrier area is always growing. This is because one more person can receive more supplies, medicines and other things.

Le Wen heard from the woman named Deguna that some armed forces in the barrier area had started planting in the cave, which shocked Le Wen.

In the eyes of the people in the city, the barrier area is hell, but in the eyes of the people in the barrier area, the current barrier area is already a paradise. Especially those criminals who have committed serious crimes in the city will choose to escape there without exception. Go into the barrier zone.

While thinking, there was a sound of opening the door, and the door to the 11th floor opened. Some people from Section 2 came in carrying large boxes with numbers on them. Guyi and Witte also came together.

Lewen stood up and walked over.

"It's been delivered."

The people in Section 2 skillfully opened the box. Inside were the corpses of mutants. These corpses were then placed on the constant-temperature worktables. A total of 20 mutant corpses were transported this time.

Next, Le Wen and the others were about to start biochemical and mechanical transformation of the mutants. Gu Yi set up a light and shadow screen, and the other eight people in the company also came over. Gu Yi began to explain to them the various physical values ​​​​of these mutants. .

Later, more detailed values ​​will be passed to them, and today Lewen and the others will start studying and establish a transformation plan based on these values.

At this stage, the research values ​​of biochemically modified humans have stabilized, which can provide great help for subsequent research.

Lewen is still confident in this technology. Although such research accidents have occurred before, this time, Section 10 has promised that if the hazards of some future research plans are not minimized, they will not start research rashly. of.


The hot breath swept through the streets and alleys, and the wind carried some debris from time to time. Many people on the streets on the ground floor chose to enjoy the coolness under the houses. Some Section 5 officers patrolling the streets sat outside a beverage shop, drinking cold drinks. of drinks.

They plan to rest for about an hour and continue patrolling. Today's patrols are not as strict as in the past, but they must be in the patrol area at the right time. Many department members are very accustomed to this patrol method, and they are also concerned about patrolling. No more rejection.

At this time, on the street, a man wearing a thick coat, with his head lowered and looking panicked, looked unkempt. Several clerks who were still chatting and laughing immediately became alert and winked at each other. Several people stood up and began to move toward The man walked over, and soon the man was surrounded.

"Please identify yourself sir and tell us your name if you don't have a cell phone."

The man immediately looked at several clerks in fear. He pressed his forehead and took out his mobile phone from his pocket with some discomfort. Soon the man's identity was confirmed. He was a resident of District 118 and worked at a nearby food store. Treatment plant work.

This man seemed to be sick, otherwise he would be wearing such thick clothes on such a hot day, but the man's eyes were obviously a little dodgeful. At this time, a staff member took out his mobile phone and brought up a light and shadow screen to confirm. The man's fingerprints.

At this time, the man seemed even more anxious. He coughed hurriedly. Several clerks also planned to let the man leave. At this time, the clerk who was going to check the man's fingerprints immediately explained the recent murder case. For anyone who behaved suspiciously, Everyone needs to be checked.

The man stretched out his hand tremblingly and pressed it on the light and shadow screen. However, at this moment, the man saw the black air overflowing from the edge of his palm. Didi passed the verification, and the man's eyes looked horrified.

"You can go, I'm sorry sir, thank you for your cooperation."

The man nodded and ran quickly. There was a murder case in District 118 recently. It was probably related to many cases of missing women. The woman who was murdered suffered a very violent attack during her lifetime. This case has nothing to do with the area. Several cases of missing women are related because the same DNA as that found at the murder scene was detected in the belongings of the missing women.

But the prisoner has not yet been identified. At this time, the man who ran away was breathing heavily in the alley. He didn't know why he was not found. In order to deal with some buried corpses, the man spent several days and nights to deal with them. Almost the same, but what happened just now made the man extremely horrified.

He knew very well that once he performed a fingerprint and DNA comparison, he would definitely be doomed, but he was fine just now. The man planned to live a normal life and work for a while before taking action.

However, at this moment, the man suddenly saw that the staff who had just tested him were panicking, and they all took out their phones.

At first the man didn't know what was going on, but after just a minute, he understood. He immediately turned around and started running. He absolutely couldn't go home now. Maybe it was because of the Internet that his fingerprints were revealed just now. Not compared.

The man quickly grabbed a drainage pipe and climbed up. Less than a few minutes later, the man was standing on a balcony. He swallowed and looked at the members of Section 5 pouring over from all directions.


The man trembled and pressed his forehead. He knew the result from the first case, but the first case was not discovered. Then the man started to do the second case, and the third case, until this case was already the sixth case. .

The man thought about stopping, but he couldn't help himself. He usually tied the victim to the cold storage where he worked, but in the sixth case, a mistake led to the man committing the crime at the crime scene. It turns out the victim was dead and the man ran away.

The man kept thinking about what to do. He looked up and saw the barrier area. At this time, a voice came from the radio on the street, and the man's appearance also appeared on the generated light and shadow screen.

"Dear residents, please pay attention. Once you discover the whereabouts of this criminal, please notify the people of Section 5 immediately. This criminal is very dangerous and aggressive. Please pay attention to your safety and be prepared for defense. Even if you kill him, you will not be killed." If you are guilty, you will receive a reward.”

The man's head was buzzing, but at this moment, a black aura appeared behind the man.

"How about I help you?"

The man looked at the black energy behind him in horror. At the moment when he didn't know why, the door to the rooftop opened, and more than a dozen department staff rushed up. In an instant, the man's body was wrapped in black energy.

The man kneeled on the ground with his head in his hands. However, what he didn't expect was that the clerks who came up acted as if he didn't exist. They couldn't see the man at all. Instead, they were looking around for something. Then these clerks left. .

"How about it, only I can save you."

"help me."

The man said in horror. Although he didn't know what was going on now, the man didn't want to be caught.

"Anything you want me to do."

The man said pleadingly. At this time, the black shadow behind him disappeared into the man's body. A figure appeared in the man's mind, which was a lively little girl who looked four or five years old.

"Kill her and you will be saved."

The man immediately took action and walked all the way. The man found that he seemed to be completely invisible. Everyone on the street could not see him. The man came to the place where the little girl lived.

"Isn't this the Lewen family?"

The man looked at the place in front of him in horror, and he immediately wanted to refuse. In the past, when the man was down, this couple helped him, and the man still remembers this.

"Hurry up, otherwise, they will see you soon."

The man swallowed and walked directly into the room. At this moment, the man found that the black air covering his body retreated instantly. The man immediately looked around.

"Uncle, who are you?"

Looking at the little girl in front of him, the man remembered that this was Le Wen's daughter, and he immediately smiled. But at this moment, there was a sound from upstairs. Su Xin came down, and she screamed immediately. The man didn't think much and rushed away. He went over and hugged Lexiao, then rushed into the kitchen, picked up a kitchen knife, and put it on Lexiao's neck.

The door to the room had been knocked open, and guns were immediately pointed at the man. The man threatened Le Xiao and went upstairs amidst Su Xin's cries. A few minutes later, the man came to the edge of the rooftop and strangled him tightly. Lexiao, he immediately started shouting.

"Help me, help me quickly."

A large number of Section 5 personnel have sprung up around him. The man knows very well that once the special management team comes over, he will have no chance. The reason they dare not shoot now is because if they shoot, they will accidentally injure the hostages.

"Hurry up and I'll help you."

A voice floated in the distance. Just when the man was about to take action, a gun rang out. The man's hand holding the knife was hit directly. The blade fell to the ground. The man roared and held the handle. Le Xiao inside was thrown directly backward.

Things changed in just a few seconds, and ten members of the special team were arriving from a distance.

"Who fired the shot?"

A squad leader roared and screamed, but what followed was bursts of gunfire, and the man was shot into a dice.

Before the man fell, he was dragged by several members of the special management team using telekinesis. Several other people had already fallen into the alley and jumped up holding the bloody Le Xiao. They had to pull Le Xiao away as quickly as possible. Take it to the hospital.

"Why didn't you wait for us to come and shoot?"

A member of the special management team asked angrily. They had been on standby since they discovered the prisoner. After knowing the prisoner's location, they arrived in only 2 minutes.

Some staff members were at a loss because just for a moment, they felt extremely angry, and suddenly their fingers pulled the trigger.

"It is not a pity for such a guy to die, but what about that little girl? Have you considered it?"

Su Xin kept crying. Several female staff went over to support her. Immediately, a lift came over. Within a few minutes of Su Xin crying, 16 doctors had prepared the necessary equipment for the operation. Everything, and Le Xiao has also been sent to the hospital.

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