Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2086 LV0 Criminal 2 (Part 2)

January 2, 2253

2:19 am

In a celebrating street on the ground floor, X stood quietly at the entrance of an alley, waiting for the arrival of a man. Wait and see.

Soon a man walked in quickly. The person who came over was Tom. He looked very anxious, and X hurriedly came over.

"How did things go?"

Tom nodded.

"Very successful, but are you sure you really want to do this?"

X hummed and nodded.

"There is nothing we can do, we must confirm it as soon as possible."

X has only one purpose here, to connect with the one-eyed fox, and Thom will act as X's client to find the one-eyed fox. After Thom tells X the location and time, X plans to leave.

"If he betrays us, it will be over."

X was stunned. Indeed, as Tom said, if the one-eyed fox really betrayed them, X himself might be exposed.

But this kind of thing can only be done by asking the one-eyed fox. The next transaction is the top priority. X is carrying a small suitcase with 3 million in cash.

"I have to go back to the hospital, it's almost overwhelmed."

Tom said and jumped onto the roof. There were too many. In order to confirm these surveillances, X spent nearly two months on the ground floor.

Soon, In this area that does not require any rent at all, most of the old houses in it have no ownership rights.

X walked through the dilapidated streets, and soon finally stopped outside a house with lights on and a metal plate covering the holes. He looked at the time and it was 3 o'clock in the morning.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and X looked over. There was a thermal reaction, and the one-eyed fox appeared in front of X.

"What kind of deal is it that takes so much trouble?"

X said with a smile.

"Mr. One-Eyed Fox, I only want you to know about this transaction. Do you have the means to contact the prison directly?"

The one-eyed fox looked at the ordinary-looking young man in front of him and the box he was carrying, and smiled coldly.

"If it's something too dangerous, I won't do it."

"It's very simple. I just need Mr. One-Eyed Fox to help me get something from the prison."

The purpose of

It is almost impossible to get this kind of substance in the market.

The only way is to get the finished product and then make it according to the gourd's drawings. X is confident that he can make this kind of thing, because Le Wen has said something to some extent in his several contacts with Le Wen.

Seeing the one-eyed fox hesitating, X spoke.

"It's absolutely safe. It's just a simple transaction. Money is not an issue."

"It's not a question of how much money, answer me honestly, what do you want from prison."

X said directly.

"Neck rings worn by prisoners."

The one-eyed fox immediately became confused, but still said.

"Isn't this thing made by Dongyang Company? If you want it."

"What I need is not the ones made by their company, but the recently replaced batch of neck rings. I only need one."

Such a thing is not difficult to handle, and the one-eyed fox was a little moved.

"This kind of thing is a bit difficult to handle, in terms of price."

"Is 1 million enough?"

The one-eyed fox was a little surprised, but he immediately felt the danger. This matter should be related to the business department.

"I will if I'm discovered"

"No, right? Aren't some of the things currently circulating in the prison coming from you? And the people in Section 11 just turn a blind eye."

"I want 2 million."

The one-eyed fox spoke directly. X nodded and opened the box, which contained neat stacks of banknotes.

"Don't worry, the serial numbers and production dates of these banknotes are different, so they won't be noticed."

The one-eyed fox laughed, and then took out an old-fashioned black phone from his body.

"Come with me to a place where you can speak directly to someone in prison."

X was a little surprised, but couldn't help but ask.

"Who exactly is it?"

"The wise man."

For a moment, Weiss, one of the one-eyed fox's confidants, brought people over. After the one-eyed fox handed them the money, he took X to the edge of Area 101, close to Area 100.

The one-eyed fox walked into a basement. As soon as he entered, X noticed that there was a signal station hidden underground. However, what surprised X even more was that the signals were connected through wires.

“Where do these wires go?”

The one-eyed fox said with a smile.

"All the way down to the side of the prison tower, it took us ten years to lay it."

"Really smart."

X praised, and the one-eyed fox began to skillfully debug these old-fashioned communication equipment.

Although there are prisoners in prison, it is profitable, as long as the prison can communicate with the outside world, and through ordinary officers in the prison, many secret transactions can be completed.

This has been an unwritten rule in the past. After all, the welfare benefits of the prison officers are the worst in the entire department. It is not surprising to make money like this.

Soon the equipment was debugged, and the one-eyed fox was still waiting for the time. He glanced at the time.

"It takes at least 5 a.m. to make a call."

X said he would wait quietly. During this period, the one-eyed fox asked what X wanted to do with the neck ring. X also bluntly said that he was from a technology company and wanted a technology that could only be used within the company. It will be promoted externally, and this technology is included in the neck ring.

"This is a serious crime, if you get caught."

"Isn't it okay if you don't get caught?"

X laughed, and the one -eyed fox was known. The 10 subjects in the prison did some inhuman research, and the neck ring they wore was studying machinery. Something always makes my head feel uncomfortable for no apparent reason.

Not everyone is like this, so the one-eyed fox can definitely have two kinds of neck rings, one is for normal restrictions on the prisoners' freedom, and the other is for conducting some kind of research on the prisoners.

It is not difficult to get the kind of research neck ring. Anything can happen in prison, and there will always be places that cannot be monitored.

Time passed minute by minute, and X was still waiting anxiously. Finally, at 5 o'clock in the morning, Finally, a familiar voice came from the phone.

"What, what's the matter? One-eyed fox?"

"Good morning, wise sir."

X was a little moved, and the one-eyed fox began to talk to the wise man about what the customer needed this time.

"Is that client here?"

The wise man asked, X shook his head, and the one-eyed fox said that the customer had left.

"Then how much is this transaction?"


The wise man laughed loudly, and X also knew it well.

"I don't think it will be less than 2 million."

The one-eyed fox laughed, and X was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this old man was still the same as before, and his mind was still so alert.

"Sir, you are really not lying."

"Don't tell me whether to lie or not. I'll never be able to get out. No matter how much money I ask for, it's useless. I just want to remind you, don't lie to me."

The one-eyed fox hummed and said that he had indeed received 2 million.

"Let the customer wait. It will take at least a year before I can get a complete new neck ring."

The one-eyed fox looked at X, he nodded, indicating that it was absolutely okay, and then the call ended.

The one-eyed fox stretched out his hand to X.

“A pleasure to work with.”

X refused the handshake.

"I never shake hands with others, sorry."

The one-eyed fox also nodded. He didn't expect this guy to be so cautious. As long as he shook hands, the one-eyed fox could immediately check this guy's information based on the DNA remaining on his hand.

After leaving,

X felt it in the accident the year before last. 10 Branch has fully started to implement virtual reality technology, and Deep Blue Company launched the test of virtual reality technology again at the end of last year. No matter what happens, 10 Branch will definitely complete this technology. of.

X felt that the time had come, and his next plan was about to be launched. Hathaway, who was sleeping underground, would wake up again, and the AIs had already helped him implant everything about Hathaway into the city in advance. in the population system.

When Hathaway wakes up, she will have an experience of growing up from childhood to adulthood. Although these experiences are false, X's next step is to construct Hathaway's growth experience and the two people cultivated by Hathaway and Leng Shi. As a child, X also plans to start them.

X never believed that there was any complete plan in this world, because those seemingly complete plans all went to destruction unknowingly. The only thing that X believed in was time, and time is the most complete thing in the history of mankind.

As long as you have nearly infinite time, you can seize everything and finally achieve everything.

7:31 am

Lewen had breakfast at home.

"Dad, you are going out!"

Le Xiao hurriedly chased after her, Le Wen hugged his daughter, and her daughter nuzzled over affectionately. Le Wen patted her daughter's little cheek.

"I'll bring you candy when you come back."

Le Xiao laughed happily. Le Wen turned around and opened the door. The sun shone in. Le Xiao stood by the door and waved goodbye to his father.

"Mom, that sister is here again last night."

Su Xin, who was still cleaning up in the kitchen, smiled. She didn't know what her daughter could see. Maybe it was a certain inheritance, because both she and Lewen had seen extremely beautiful light when they were young, but now they can no longer see it. , so she was not surprised that her daughter said she saw the sister who often came to see her.

"So what is that sister like?"

Le Xiao was thinking about it, but immediately started laughing.

"I don't remember. Mom, I went out to play."

"Can't be too far from home."

Le Xiao ran out, and Su Xin breathed a sigh of relief. This child was born to be noisy, not like a girl at all.

After Su Xin packed up, she went out directly, intending to chat with her neighbors for a while. As soon as she went out, she saw Lexiao and several children of similar age making a fuss.

The clothes she had just put on were already dirty. Su Xin was very satisfied with everything now. After the birth of this child, the last trace of anxiety in Su Xin's heart disappeared.

"Lele, come here quickly."

Su Xin shouted, but Le Xiao, who was playing crazy, was playing with a few boys and didn't come over at all. Su Xin smiled and talked about recent events with her neighbors.

Neighbors kept praising Lewen, because Bincai company recently launched a prosthetic limb plan, and many disabled people in the city have expressed their support for Bincai. Especially after several practical tests, some disabled people felt that The missing parts of the body are back, and this kind of prosthetic limb is not expensive, which is why everyone calls for Bincai.

Su Xin's hanging heart was relieved, and Le Wen picked up some things again, as if what happened before had disappeared.

With a sound of wow, Su Xin looked over. Le Xiao had fallen to the ground and began to cry. Su Xin hurried over and pulled Le Xiao up. She saw a large bulge on her forehead. She hugged her comfortingly. Le Xiao, she was still crying. Several neighbors also came over. Everyone said it was okay, and Su Xin also thought it was okay.

When Lexiao returned home, she was still sobbing. Su Xin took out the anti-swelling spray, and then held Lexiao to the mirror.

"The eggs are big, Lele."

Le Xiao stopped crying at this time, looked at herself in the mirror, and giggled again. Su Xin sprayed on the anti-swelling spray. After a while, Le Xiao wiped her nose and tears, and rushed out happily. In front of the house, I ran over and started playing again.

Su Xin felt very relieved. Although this child was not very smart and even slowed down a lot of times, one thing that made the couple feel good was that this child was very optimistic and lively. No matter whether she was injured or beaten, she always showed up. It can restore your smile quickly.

Neighbors nearby loved this child who was full of joy from head to toe.

When Lexiao turns 4, Su Xin plans to send her to a nearby kindergarten.

"It would be great if her IQ could be inherited from her father."

Su Xin smiled helplessly. At home, both husband and wife would teach Le Xiao something, but her little mind was a bit stupid.

"What will I do when I go to school in the future?"

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