Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2083 LV0 Criminal 1 (Part 2)

9 pm

The streets are full of people soliciting customers, most of which are food and lodging shops. Many shops are behind this main street, and there are many places for food and accommodation.

Many businessmen will come here to trade, and many vendors will come here, but they can only set up stalls and sell in some prescribed places and are not allowed to affect the traffic on the street.

For several consecutive hours, no further cases occurred. At 12 o'clock tonight, the first phase of the research will be completed. Next, the numerical values ​​will be adjusted and the machinery will be debugged in all aspects.

Lewen stood in front of the screen holding a glass of water. He looked slightly tired. He had been busy with mechanical debugging and evaluating the values ​​of biological substances all day today.

Time passed by, and there were some disputes on the street. People from Section 5 immediately went over to stop them, but nothing major happened.

At 0 o'clock, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The first day's research was very successful. At this time, accompanied by bursts of flashing light, the surrounding spherical machinery began to glow with a faint white light. Some biological materials had already It doesn't work anymore and needs to be replaced.

This research has very high requirements for materials. Many materials have begun to show performance degradation, and new materials must be replaced for the next research.

There were still too many problems with the research hardware. At this time, the large light and shadow screen in the middle also disappeared, and Le Wen and others began to get busy.


Several people from Section 5 were patrolling the streets. One of the female officers seemed to be feeling a little uncomfortable, and her face looked bad. She was holding her dizzy head.

"Is everything okay?"

A male clerk asked, and the woman shook her head.

"Maybe it's because my nerves have been tense all day today and I'm too tired."

At this time, there was an exclamation on the street not far away, and several staff members immediately went over, but after running a few steps, the female staff member sat on the ground exhausted, feeling weak in her limbs, and An elderly woman fell to the ground on the street, foaming at the mouth. Immediately, several department staff called people from Department 4.

One of the male staff members hurriedly carried the woman on his back. After all, it was very close to the hospital. A staff member with medical knowledge came over to check it out. In less than 2 minutes, a lift from Section 4 had arrived. It stopped overhead, and then the people from Section 5 evacuated the surrounding crowd.

The lift landed, and several people from the 4th Department came out. The current 4th Department has been carrying out such a course of action since Huashen took office. There will be 4th Department members on duty on the roof of every hospital. As long as When we receive a call for help, we will go there immediately.

After a quick diagnosis with the instrument, the woman showed symptoms of epilepsy, but it was not epilepsy. She needed to go back for a specific test. The oxygen content in her body was very low. It seemed that she had done something unusually exhausting before she collapsed. .

Many people on the street feel a little tired. Such fatigue makes many people look depressed. The female clerk who just felt dizzy was sitting on the side of the street. She was breathing a little fast, although she was indeed feeling dizzy today. The workload is relatively large, but not so tiring.

The matter was quickly settled, and several people from Section 5 found a place to sit down. Not only this female section member, but also several other male section members felt unusually tired.

At the next table, there was a man who was snoring and fell asleep with a glass of drink. The people at the other tables looked very tired.

At this time, the clerk came over. He yawned and put down the items ordered by several clerks. Suddenly, the clerk staggered and fell to the ground. The fall was very painful, but it was difficult to get up.

A person from Section 5 went over and helped him up. He said thank you and his head was broken.

Someone has already noticed that something is wrong. Tired people can be seen everywhere on the street. A restaurant that is still open at night is closing. The boss is sweating and directing a few lazy clerks to clean up. He sat down and was done. Too lazy to move, he fell asleep within a few seconds with his head tilted.


At this moment, a man who walked into the store suddenly fell to the ground unconscious. Someone immediately went to check and called the number of Section 4. After a while, a lift came over and several people from Section 4 came over. When he came over, he found that the man was no longer breathing, so he immediately took first aid measures.

After 1 minute of first aid, the man had a little heart rate, but it seemed it was too late.

"What happened?"

At this time, two men sitting in a barbecue restaurant across the street felt very tired and wanted to lie down and sleep, but they had just ordered something. They were here to do business today, and they didn't travel much and didn't do much. .

"Is there any infectious disease?"

Another man looked at the diners around him who were weak and exhausted. A woman who was still eating barbecue suddenly tilted her head and fell to the ground foaming at the mouth. For a moment, everyone got up and hurriedly dialed Section 4. number.

However, people from the 4th Department came after five or six minutes. The woman stopped breathing and died after resuscitation failed.


Huashen stood on the roof of District 33 Hospital. He had just gotten off the lift. Gu Ningning beside him was still talking about the reports submitted by the staff at District 33 Hospital.

"Immediately give an order to mobilize 5,000 members of Section 4."

Huashen said that Gu Ningning had issued the order. More than 200 people had been admitted to the hospital with unexplained fatigue, and 5 people had died.

This is no longer a small problem. Huashen felt that it was related to the research in this area. He didn't know what the research was, and the gods didn't tell them.

The people admitted to the hospital are not just ordinary people, but also a large number of staff working in the area.

Huashen must find out what is wrong with the patient as soon as possible.

Soon Huashen came to the ward of a critically ill patient. Looking at the values ​​​​on the light and shadow panel, it was obvious that the patient had done some strenuous exercise. The values ​​of endocrine substances in the brain were too high and had caused organ failure.

In the end, Huashen quickly determined that these patients admitted to the hospital all suffered from excessive brain secretions to varying degrees. They looked extremely tired, as if they had been working for several days and nights. The previous deaths had all occurred suddenly. Sudden death.

After looking at the urine tests and blood tests of several patients, Huashen immediately determined a set of medical plans. Normally, the secretion of brain substances is naturally based on human mood swings, or through drugs, which is obviously not the case. On both sides, it is due to some unexplained stimulation that causes an excess of these brain secretions, causing symptoms of poisoning and a certain degree of failure of body organs.

"Ning Ning, when you use H387A here, be sure to control the dosage and put the brains of these patients to sleep first."

This is the only solution, because the brains of these people are still secreting substances, and the situation will become more and more serious if this continues. This kind of hypnotic drug will have certain side effects after use, but saving life is more important now, and in addition to letting the brain In addition to dormancy, there must be external treatments to stimulate the body's organs to ensure that the body's organs do not stop functioning.

The third point is to supplement these patients with enough trace elements to prevent cells from starving to death.

After establishing the medical plan, Huashen immediately began to mobilize personnel. At 1:13 in the morning, more than 200 people were admitted to the hospital in just half an hour. Huashen also asked personnel from five departments from other districts to come over to help with the investigation. A door-to-door inspection is necessary.

"Ning Ning, I leave this to you, I have to go somewhere."

Huashen said, turned around and jumped to the window, jumped down, and ran quickly. The situation on the street was very chaotic, a large number of lifts fell, and people from Section 4 were treating people who fell to the ground. Carry out rescue.

Along the way, Huashen saw the newly installed machinery for the experiment. He ran to the Civic Square. In the outer area, many personnel from Section 5 were being treated by people from Section 4. Huashen walked up to a director and said, He walked directly into the Civic Square, and Huashen immediately went over. After identifying himself in front of a mechanical gate, the gate opened.

It was very busy inside and seemed unaware of the external situation. Hua Shen was about to go there when Li Chu came over.

"Don't say anything, just handle it."

Huashen said with a solemn expression.

"Stop the research immediately and tell me what kind of research it is."

At this time, several other gods also came over, and Gu Yi asked.

"What's the situation?"

"Widespread unexplained fatigue."

Hua Shen said and explained to the gods that the brains of these patients are all suffering from unexplained stimulation and cannot control themselves to secrete a large amount of substances. Excessive secretion of these substances can lead to poisoning, and then organ failure and death. , Huashen glanced at the screen, and saw that the death toll had risen to 23.

"You don't need to know what the research is, we will stop the research."

Li Chu said, turned around and walked towards Noah, Tang Rao frowned slightly, Hua Shen looked a little angry at this time.

"Handle it properly."

After Deguna said four words, she turned and left.

"This is no small matter."

At this time, Huashen noticed a large number of Section 3 takeoffs and landings appearing in the sky behind him. He did not enter the research hall that was temporarily generated with a light and shadow generator.

"How do you want me to handle it properly?"

Rose smiled.

"That boy King Xue is here, he will assist you."

Huashen clenched his fists, turned around and walked away.

The harm will continue to increase. Many patients said that they were in great spirits and had a good appetite all day today, but at night, they began to feel unusually tired, as if they had done something very tiring.

Some patients are in an abnormally excited state. They are very excited physiologically and cannot calm down at all.

"What exactly is this research?"

Huashen saw the situation inside, and he already guessed that it was probably a follow-up to the previous human brain wave research in the prison.

Noah, who was standing on the stage at this time, announced the end of the experiment. The people in Section 10 began to dismantle the equipment. Lewen, who was standing near the stage and was adjusting it just now, had no idea what was going on. A member of Section 10 The person told him that because the research values ​​​​were almost collected this time, the loss of the equipment was too great, and the burden on the core components must be reduced before the research could continue.

This reason makes sense. After all, it is impossible to produce biological substances on a large scale. In many cases, only 20% of the production is done by machinery, and the other parts can only be done by people.

Le Wen and several other colleagues talked about how exciting this kind of research was. At this time, several people from Department 2 came over and said they would send them back. Several of them planned to go out to the street to have a drink.

In the end, Lewen and others decided to go back to the company to have a drink, and then continue to take a closer look at some of today's mechanical usage values.

However, the streets at this time were filled with temporary medical rooms. A large number of personnel from Department 5 were constantly carrying people who had passed out one by one, and people from Department 3 were constantly sending some corresponding medical equipment.

Niya stood quietly on the street, looking at everything in front of her. She held up the phone and pressed the number 0013.

However, Niya immediately discovered that there was no signal, and even the number of their section chief could not be dialed. Niya crushed the phone in anger.

"You bastards, what are you doing sneaking around again?"

Niya rushed towards the Civic Square with great momentum, but Tang Rao stopped her halfway.

"Little girl, what do you want to do?"

"What am I going to do? I ask you what on earth are you doing."

Tang Rao didn't say anything, he just looked at the office staff coming and going on the street, and a Section 1 takeoff and landing aircraft coming this way.

"Paper can't keep fire. Tell me what is going on, and I will announce it to the public."

Tang Rao's expression changed in the next second, and she laughed.

"There is no need to tell Jean about this. As for you, you should go back and deal with other things in Section 5."

Niya clenched her fists furiously, and red lightning flashed around her fists.

"Tell me what's going on."

A few minutes later, a helicopter landed, and Huashen also came to the rooftop. Niya looked at Tang Rao angrily, and Tang Rao's clothes were completely burnt, but she was still smiling.

"How to discuss the solution? The three of you will discuss it and we will have a result before sunrise tomorrow."

"Where do you want to go?"

Before Niya could finish her words, Tang Rao had already left.

"This matter can only be suppressed."

Huashen and Niya both looked at King Xue with a smile on his face.

"You bastard."

Niya tugged on King Xue's collar, and he raised his hands, still smiling gently.

"If word of this got out, it would have an immeasurable impact on the city."

Huashen came over and pulled Niya away, looked at King Xue seriously and asked.

"You know exactly what the research is."

King Xue nodded without hesitation.

"How about we just use the excuse of a new type of spreading virus?"

Niya lit a cigarette and sneered.

"speak English."

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