Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2069 House of the Sun 1 (Part 2)


Lewen ran quickly. In front of him was a quiet street in District 44 in the southeast. It would be extremely lively during the day, but at night there was almost no one around.

There are high-rise buildings on both sides. Almost all the technology companies in Bright City are stationed in District 44. At the end of the street is the Public Security Management Office. People from Section 5 will patrol day and night, and this street is full of people. Thermal monitoring has no blind spots.

Since a technology company was robbed a few years ago, Section 5 has now monitored this street very closely. If there is any movement, the entire street will be blocked immediately.

In the past, there were alleys running through this street, but now many of the alleys are blocked and cannot be easily passed through. Lewen ran a little out of breath. His lottery company is at No. 308 in the middle of the street. building.

The 10th, 11th and 12th floors all belong to their company. The company covers an area of ​​nearly 3,000 square meters. The 10th floor is the product testing floor, and the 11th and 12th floors are the corresponding research laboratories.

The rent in this place is not cheap, costing 5,000 yuan a month, but fortunately, Section 10 directly pays the rent. Basically, scientists who have made achievements in scientific and technological research can receive free funding from Section 10.

Now Lewen is very relieved, because Jean has promised him that he can independently choose the company that licenses technology. Lewen originally planned to go home with his wife after watching the movie, but he received a call. The substance had a new reaction, so Lewen had to rush to the company.

Today, Section 1 has completed all qualification reviews, and the company will be able to operate normally starting tomorrow. Now their company mainly helps some companies manufacture high-precision components. The manufacturing of such core components requires very professional mechanical technology.

Therefore, there is no problem with the company's profitability. The company has already received a large number of orders before it is operational. The orders may have been scheduled for three years. Many production companies rely on these high-precision components. The market is very big, but there are not many companies that can do it. There are nearly hundreds of technology companies on this street, and there are not more than 10 companies that can do it.

Moreover, the performance and price of the components produced by each company are completely different, and the quality can only be judged based on the actual mechanical operation.

Le Wen's company is very advantageous. There are 9 people in the company, and they were all members of the club in college. At that time, everyone decided to make a career, but in the end it was nothing.

These years of wasted time have made everyone grow up too much. Then, like Lewen, others left the company and became independent engineers. After taking some jobs to make a living, they spent the rest of the time researching. In these years, everyone has been After constant exchanges and research, we are finally able to come together and make a career.

Finally arrived at the door of the company. After Lewen scanned and recognized the door of the building, the door of the building opened. He ran directly to the elevator. Soon the elevator reached the 10th floor. Lewen ran into the company and then came from the stairs. Arrived at the 11th floor.

As soon as he entered, Lewen saw eight other people gathered around the No. 13 Bioreactor, looking at the values ​​on the screen.

"Lewen, come here quickly."

A man wearing glasses, a little chubby, and with broken hair shouted excitedly. Le Wen immediately went over. The man's name was Chen Zhi. He was his former roommate and classmate. Although the others were not In the same class, but from the same department.

The nine people were all like-minded friends, studied and learned from each other, and spent a fulfilling and promising university life together.

Le Wen opened a light and shadow screen and looked at some fresh values ​​​​appearing on it. In an instant, Le Wen was as happy as a child and jumped up excitedly. Others also smiled happily.

As the leader of biological matter, Lewen saw that the research for so many years had finally succeeded. The new reaction meant that this new type of material was feasible. This kind of biological matter between biology and machinery can be used in the future. Bringing innovation to the entire industry, especially the medical industry.

Looking at the values ​​in front of him that were infinitely close to the previous simulation values, Lewen's eyes filled with tears and he couldn't help but tremble with excitement. At this time, a tall and thin man smiled and took out a drink from the tavern nearby.

"Let's all have a drink and toast to this historic moment."

The tall and lanky man was named Toriel. Like Chen Zhi, he was a scientist in the field of medical machinery. After graduation, the two studied medicine together and stayed in some large hospitals for a relatively long time.

Soon the 9 people were toasting directly. Someone took out food from the refrigerator nearby. Everyone planned to eat barbecue and discuss slowly while drinking wine.

The reason why Lewen had the concept of biological matter was due to the mysterious mechanical engineering drawing he saw back then. To this day, Lewen still doesn't know who put it in his home. Maybe that person did it intentionally.

The engineering drawings that had achieved the ultimate in mechanization, as well as many new mechanical technologies, shocked Le Wen at the time. However, with the development of urban mechanical technology over the years, cities with that mechanical technology at that time can now do Arrived, even better than it was back then.

At that time, Lewen often wondered, if there is a kind of substance between machines and living things, then whether this substance can be used as a conductive conversion link between the two, so that mechanical creatures, which used to only exist in The technological realization of fantasy.

This concept was planted in my heart after seeing the near-perfect mechanical technology decades ago, but now it has finally been realized.

"By the way, you should obviously take a vacation."

At this time, Chen Zhi said, Le Wen smiled helplessly, and others also agreed. Le Wen had not had a good rest for almost a whole year.

Firstly, it was for company matters, and secondly, it was for research. A group of people began to discuss the newly changed values, and started different topics from the fields of chemistry and biology.

The discussion lasted until late at night, and the changes in the reactor continued. At this time, Toriel mentioned a certain project in Section 10, the virtual reality project.

This project uses this biological substance to connect human nerves, so that information can be directly transmitted and implanted into the human brain through this substance, and it can even control human consciousness and thinking.

This research is top secret, and Section 10 has already provided something. Such research made 9 people a little embarrassed, but in the end 9 people agreed.

Because this research can be applied to medical treatment, especially mental medical treatment. Today's cities are too heavy, and if there is anything that can make a physically and mentally exhausted person feel a little comfort, then it can only be a sweet dream.

And those patients suffering from mental illness no longer need to suffer the devastation of drugs, and can directly use this technology to treat human psychological problems. This is good in the eyes of 9 people, so they agreed to 10 subjects.

The discussion lasted until about 5 o'clock in the morning. Everyone was tired. Le Wen planned to go home directly when it got light, while everyone else returned to their rooms one after another.

6 o'clock sharp

Le Wen stepped out of the company, the sun lit up in an instant, Le Wen closed his eyes, and at this time a voice came from his ears.

"Can we talk about it? Mr. Lewen, it was the technology I gave you back then."

The sun illuminated the surroundings. Lewen turned around, but there was no one around him. Lewen immediately touched his pocket, and sure enough, someone stuffed a note with a time on it, and the location was the second floor of his home. , preparing the room for the unborn child, at 9 o'clock tonight.

Le Wen didn't plan to tell anyone. He was really curious about the person who gave him mechanical skills over the years. After hesitating for a moment, Le Wen planned to talk to this person at 9 o'clock tonight.

Le Wen naturally knew that he was being watched by people in the field, so he happily returned home. Su Xin had already gotten up and looked unhappy.

"What, are you having a nightmare?"

Su Xin nodded, Le Wen laughed, hugged his wife and kissed her cheek comfortingly.

"Who makes you want to look at these things all day long?"

Su Xin smiled playfully, and after the two talked for a while, Le Wen went directly to the bedroom to sleep.

At around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Lewen got up and went shopping with his wife after dinner. The couple went to the next area because a new supermarket opened there.

It was already past 5 pm when we got home. After preparing dinner together, Le Wen did not go out anymore, but went directly to the house, while Su Xin planned to go to the nearby neighbor's house to chat. Normally she would chat to He came back after ten o'clock, and Le Wen had been waiting in the room on the second floor early in the morning.

Le Wen didn't know what the guy who stuffed the note for him wanted to do. He still had to be a little on guard. Le Wen set the phone to call for help. As long as there were any problems, in 1 second, 2 Those who know the subject will break in from the outside.

And Le Wen didn't know how this person who planned to come to his home to see him came in.

Lewen did not tell his wife about being directly stared at by the business department. After all, this kind of thing was very annoying.

Time passed by minute by second, until 8:59 pm, Le Wen looked at the window, but there was nothing. At 9 o'clock, Le Wen suddenly felt that the air in front of him was faint. There was a fluctuation, and then a man wearing a hoodie appeared. Lewen became alert, and his thumb was already pressed on the phone.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Lewen, there is no monitoring or monitoring equipment in this room."

"How on earth did you escape?"


Before Le Wen finished speaking, he looked at the zipper the man opened in shock. The body was mechanical. It was exactly the same as the mechanical engineering drawing he had seen in the past, including large and small gears. , the tube is just under the translucent shell, rotating quietly.

"My body temperature is the same as the ambient temperature, so the thermal function cannot capture me."

Le Wen looked at the man with a mechanical structure in front of him with some emotion. He didn't know whether he was a human or some kind of AI, because it was too hard to imagine.

At this time, the man in front of him pulled down his hood and said in a somewhat playful voice.

"So do you think I'm a human or a machine?"

Lewen swallowed and looked at the brain soaked in some liquid, feeling very incredible.

"Just call me X, Mr. Lewen."

X said and bowed slightly, Lewen walked over in shock.

"Have you already studied biological matter?"

X shook his head.

"This is not technology in this city, but technology developed in the country where I used to be."

Le Wen looked at X even more shocked, and X laughed.

"Although it may sound unbelievable, I can tell you for sure, Mr. Lewen, that I was not a human born in Brilliant City, but came to this land after the disaster and before preparations for the establishment of Brilliant City began. Human beings, the technologies I possess are technologies that humans had 200 years ago."

Although Lewen sounded incredible, he still nodded.

"I won't mention those things in the past. Mr. Lewen, I'm here to help you today. Although I can't study the biological matter, I can provide some effective ideas to help you complete it faster. Research and develop this biological substance as soon as possible."

"what is your purpose?"

Lewen asked with a serious expression.

X laughed loudly.

"One day in the future, there will be big problems in this city. I am just a fanatical scientist who has been observing everything secretly. I will not do anything to harm the city."

Le Wen didn't answer, just looked at X blankly.

As he spoke, X took out a draft diagram from a small bag behind him and handed it directly to Le Wen. There were many chemical equations on it that Le Wen had never seen before.

"At least these things can be of some help to your research. Mr. Lewen hopes that you will keep it secret about me. I will not ask you for anything, because I also want to see this epoch-making technology. accomplish."

After saying that, under a faint white light, X's figure disappeared. As soon as Le Wen looked at the window, he saw the slightly moving curtains, and soon everything calmed down.

Le Wen hesitated at first, but after a minute, he turned on the light and began to read the manuscript.

Until Su Xin returned home and even entered the room and came behind Le Wen, he didn't realize that Le Wen was completely immersed in the manuscript.

"Really, didn't you say you should have a good rest for a few days?"

Su Xin slapped the manuscript. Only then did Le Wen come back to his senses and smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry, my old habit happened again."

Su Xin pinched Le Wen's nose.

"Okay, go to bed."

Le Wen glanced at the manuscript next to him, and finally put it away. He planned to go to bed directly, study it slowly when it was time to work, and then discuss it with others. After all, he should spend these few days with his wife.

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