Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2052 The fluttering butterfly 7 (Part 1)

September 11

The afternoon sun was a bit dazzling. Yincai stood quietly in the queue, waiting for the people in front to apply. This was the 95th district on the ground floor. She glanced back at the alley not far away, where Jean was leaning against the wall. Go up and wait for her.

Recently, Jean will come over from time to time to tutor Yincai on some matters related to business. Yincai also found that many parts that were difficult for her to understand in the past have become extremely clear under Jean's guidance. In the past, Yincai was not able to understand many things. It's a bit confusing. Some of the training courses I went to for the professional examinations taught basically the same content.

In the past, there were textbooks for the business department, but the textbooks were abolished a few years ago. Economy, rights and laws are all based on the actual content of the city. This requires those who want to participate in the business department to have a wider range of knowledge. Especially in the subject of law, although many of them are basic legal questions, there are also practical questions.

This time, Yincai was more confident. She felt that she could pass the exam. Under Jean's guidance in the past few months, Yincai successfully connected everything in the past, and her mind was extremely clear.

Finally it was Yincai's turn to sign up. After taking a look at Yincai's information, the other party looked at Yincai in surprise, and then smiled.

"You are really persistent, miss."

Yincai smiled awkwardly, and soon the registration was over. Yincai returned to the alley and bowed to Jean seriously.

"Thank you very much for your teachings over the past few months, Master Jean."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Let's go, I'm treating you today."

Yincai was a little embarrassed, but she still followed Gene. Recently, Yincai has gained a lot. She and Selina often talk on the phone. Although she rejected the job offered by Selina, Selina was not angry. I would often call Yincai and chat with her about some things.

At this moment, Yincai feels that she is lucky. Good luck has finally arrived. For Yincai, everything she sees now is bright. In the remaining six months, Yincai plans to go all out to prepare for the exam. I went to some construction sites to do temporary work, and the rest of the time I devoted myself to learning more.

Gene planned to take the audio and video to the Ring Street in the middle floor. The shopping there was not expensive and there were a lot of delicious food. Gene also planned to stop by to see the robbery.

In the supermarket robbery that happened just a few months ago, the robbers failed but escaped. The identities of the three people have been found out and they are being wanted throughout the city. According to some things left at the scene, it can be determined that they and The past six robberies were related. They all robbed supermarkets or large stores of the day's sales. The techniques were very clever and the robbery was completed in just three minutes.

But this time they stumbled, because the safe they took to the bank had the latest alarm locating system, and the nearby police department was able to form an effective encirclement in an instant, and it only took more than 10 minutes to arrest the prisoner.

However, the prisoners escaped and seemed to have discovered something strange about the safe. However, their traces were soon discovered from nearby surveillance cameras. Three of them had been identified. After conducting an investigation at the nearby construction site, their identities were completely determined. , and based on the crime tools and the methods of committing crimes that the three left at the scene, it can be determined that they are related to the previous six robberies.

After careful DNA comparison, the identities of the three people were determined. They are currently on the run, and a reward order has been issued. Anyone who catches or provides clues can receive a reward of 50,000 yuan.

All the identity information of these three people has been locked. As long as they are exposed to surveillance, they will soon know where they are. Recently, the surveillance system has been implanted with a face recognition system. Although it is still in the experimental stage, It has already played some role.

The implantation of this technology is secretive and has not been announced to the public, because it may be too cruel in the eyes of many people and there is no privacy at all.

Soon Jean entered the subway with Yincai. Seeing Jean looking a little worried, Yincai asked. Jean didn't hide anything. Yincai listened attentively.

"Mr. Jean, I feel like you are working really hard."

Gene didn't answer, just smiled and closed his eyes. Yincai didn't continue to ask, and the subway started to move.

3:03 pm

Lian had just finished his work at the construction site and left the work shed tiredly. Then he casually carried a bag of things that looked like garbage and planned to throw them away, but it was not garbage, but food and water. Now The other three were already wanted, and they lived in the small apartment that Lian rented before, where the money was originally hidden.

It is a very private small apartment in an old low-rise urban area. The terrain is also complicated and there is no surveillance. However, the three of them cannot come out to eat, drink or have sex. Once they come out, they will be arrested.

As soon as he stepped into the low-rise and old area in front of him, Lian saw the wanted posters and bounties scrolling on the light and shadow screens on the street.

On the night of the robbery, if they had followed the original plan, the three of them could have left safely. But just when Robert succeeded in evading the pursuit of the mutant bodyguards and put the safe in the alley that had been discussed in advance, Lian was just about to take action when he felt Something was wrong, because this safe was completely different from what they had seen in the past, and thinking of what Ran Zai had said, Lian suddenly woke up.

Ma Lian directly informed the three of them to cancel the operation and escape if they had to. Sure enough, in less than 5 minutes, the operations department surrounded them, and the surrounding area was blocked for several kilometers.

The three people did not escape according to the established route and were exposed to surveillance. Then Lian asked them to go to the apartment they had rented before. Sure enough, a few hours later, they were wanted. If they returned to the construction site, they would have been arrested. was arrested.

Now that everything has been exposed, Lian feels a little regretful. If he had listened to Ran Zai and canceled the action that night, there would have been no need for such suffering in the past few months. Now Lian will send water and food to the three of them every few days. , now we must find a way to leave this area, but where to go after leaving is a problem. Everything about the three of them in the city is frozen, they cannot take the subway, and all the characteristics of the three of them have been published.

The only place he could go was the barrier area. Lian carefully looked at everything around him. If the three of them were caught, Lian himself would not be able to escape.

After walking through some congested alleys for a while, Lian came to a small square with some vendors setting up stalls. Lian then went to a house that looked a little crooked. After entering, he passed through the second floor of the house and then I walked directly across an iron bridge, and there was a small apartment on the opposite side. This family secretly built it on a reservoir in the past.

This reservoir has been abandoned, and the owner of the house has opened up the reservoir and built a small apartment below. The owner does not care who moves in, as long as he pays the money on time every month, because this place is an illegal building. Once discovered they will be removed.

Lian walked into the apartment above the cistern in front of her. There were tables and chairs inside, a stove, and several beds. There was a lid in the middle. After Lian opened the lid, Robert immediately poked his head out.

"Sorry, I just came over now."

Lian went down directly, and the three of them ate hungrily. It had been almost two days since there was anything to eat.

Lian talked to the three of them about the situation outside. The expressions of the three were very bad, because it was not an option to continue like this. Lian knew very well that the three of them could not be arrested. The only place they could go was the barrier area. Robbery in Bright City was a felony. Especially for robberies committed by organized gangs, once caught, the sentence will be heavy, usually starting at 20 years.

And they had robbed so many times before, and if it was discovered that they were responsible once, the sentence would be doubled, to more than 40 years.

So now the only way for Robert and the others is to go to the barrier area. The three of them have been in this business for so long, and they also know some people in the black market. There are people who help arrange for people to leave Montenegro and escape to the barrier area. They will charge a certain amount. cost of.

"Feel sorry."

Lian said something, and Robert smiled and shook his head.

"It's not anyone's fault. Sooner or later we will all fail."

At this time, the three people who had eaten and drank enough looked at Lian, the other two also nodded, and Robert spoke.

"Let's go to the barrier area. Lian, you go to the black market to find someone."

Lian hesitated, and Robert comforted her.

"Now we will be arrested if we go out, and if we are arrested, you are in danger."

The other two people looked a little embarrassed, and Lian naturally knew what Robert meant. The best option now is for the three of them to leave the city and go to the barrier area, but it is obvious that the three of them don't want to go, because once they leave, they will never be able to come back for the rest of their lives. , in today's era of such vigorous crime investigation, the three of them will still be arrested even if they come back in a few years.

After thinking for a while, Lian agreed. She left the apartment. She had to go back quickly, then continue working, and then go to the black market to find someone at night.

After Lian returned to the street, she was about to leave when she saw a familiar figure. Ran Zai smiled and waved to Lian in an alley.

"What do you want to do?"

Lian Huo walked in and grabbed Ran Zai's collar. Ran Zai raised his hands innocently.

"Didn't I advise you? Sister, why don't you listen?"

Lian let go of Ran Zai, and she put away her anger. This kid didn't report it, otherwise they would be finished now.

"50,000 per person, four people equals 200,000."

Ran Zai said, Lian became alert, but at this time Ran Zai smiled.

"I have a way to keep those three people from leaving the city, but you have to become my subordinates and help me do things."

Lian looked at Ran Zai in shock, then Ran Zai smiled and said.

"First, let's talk about the several cases you have done before."

Although Lian didn't want to ignore this kid, she could only give in now.

"By the way, this method is very difficult. It depends on whether these three people can do it. It can take as short as a few years, as long as ten or twenty years, or even in a lifetime."

Lian didn't know what method Ran Zai was talking about, but now she had no choice but to believe this kid. After all, he didn't seem to have any intention of reporting them.

"But I have a simpler way to prevent you from being implicated."

"What to do"

Lian didn't finish her words, her expression became angry again, but soon the anger turned into weakness.

"It's very simple, isn't it? If you get rid of those three people, it will be easier for you, how about it?"

Ran Zai's suggestion made Lian a little shaken, but she didn't think about it because she had already thought about it.

"The method is very simple."

Ran Zai said and took out a small tube of medicine from his pocket.

"It is colorless and odorless. It only takes a few seconds to put it into food or water. And as time goes by, it will be broken down into an enzyme by the body, making it extremely difficult to check."

Ran Zai said, taking Lian's hand and putting the tube in her palm.

"Tell me about another method."

Lian spoke.

"It may not even be enough to make them S-level mutants or above."

Lian looked at Ran Zai in shock. This was indeed extremely difficult. Robert was a mutant, but he was not even A-level. The other two were ordinary people.

"When the number of alienated genes reaches a certain level, the body's genes will be slowly reorganized, and they will be different from the past genes, that is, the DNA will change. In this case, if you don't make detailed calculations and check repeatedly, it will be There’s no way of knowing they’re wanted.”

Two options were placed in front of Lian, one was easy and the other was difficult, but everyone wanted to go easy.

"Choose, sister. No matter which method you choose, you can only work for me from now on. You have to do whatever I ask you to do."

Lian looked at Ran Zai angrily, but there was nothing she could do.

At this time, Lian was very painful and entangled. She and the three of them had been partners for many years, and the four of them had already agreed that if they were exposed or arrested, taking their own lives would be the best thing to do.

In the past, when they were still young, everyone might have had awareness, but now this awareness may have become dispensable due to reality. When delivering food to them in the past few months, Lian clearly felt that they Once arrested, he will definitely confess his crime.

And the most important thing is that the other two people obviously don't believe in themselves. They are waiting for Robert to eat and drink first, and then start eating after a while. Although they say they have been hungry for too long and cannot eat for the time being, in fact I am afraid that Lian will be poisoned.

"You're afraid they'll find out and fight you to the death."

Lian looked at Ran Zai in shock, knowing what he was worried about.

"Put this kind of stuff in ice cubes. Especially in this hot weather, it's very good to drink a glass of refreshing ice water. You don't need to wait too long, just about half an hour, when the ice cubes dissolve."

Lian turned around and grabbed the tube of potion. Ran Zai nodded and looked at Lian leaving with evil eyes. However, Ran Zai was slightly disappointed at this time. He turned around and laughed.

"You are completely unqualified as a HERO!"

After Ran Zai finished speaking, he walked away with a cold expression.

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