Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2041 The fluttering butterfly 3 (Part 2)

"Be careful."

Qin Dong stood in a classroom with broken objects everywhere, looking at a pillar that had been exposed by the explosion just now. The pillar had cracks. Most of the injured people were scratched by rubble and debris. 19 people were seriously injured and required surgery, but their lives are currently not in danger.

After the preliminary judgment of the forensic team, it is certain that a disintegration bomb was placed on the outside of the wall, and the distance was measured and the thickness of the wall was taken into consideration. The impact force during the explosion even offset each other, but this is enough to give the experience The explosion left an unforgettable memory for those who suffered it.

Qin Dong clearly knew who the prisoner was, but there was no evidence. This was something Qin Dong could not imagine. At this time, in the distance, a helicopter from Section 2 came towards this direction. Qin Dong took a look. After the helicopter landed, Mo Xiaolan and Lilian, the section chiefs of Section 2, came down, as well as Xue Wang, the section chief of Section 1.

After King Xue came down, he went directly towards Niya's temporary headquarters. After passing there, Niya followed King Xue to a deserted place.

“If we can’t find evidence for this matter, we will definitely not do it.”

"I know, I will take your face into consideration."

King Xue pressed his glasses and nodded with a smile, but his smile looked a little angry. After he learned where Ran Zai was being held, he went directly there.

After entering, King Xue sent everyone away and used his authority to turn off the monitoring.

"What on earth are you doing? Classmate Ran Zai."

Ran Zai looked at the solemn-looking King Xue with a smile, and then said with a smile.

"The problem of this school foundation will be exposed because of this explosion, won't it? After all, isn't this what you hate the most? Doing non-elite things under the guise of an elite."

King Xue's eyes were slightly moved, but he still sat calmly in front of Ran Zai.

"Indeed, I really hate this kind of rubbish behavior."

"There is no proof, everything I did was perfect."

Ran Zai said and then stood up, King Xue nodded with satisfaction.

"Just think of it as something you owe me. I need you to go to this school next. You are very helpful!"

King Xue brought up a light and shadow screen, and Ran Zai nodded with satisfaction.

“Does the weekly living expense need to be increased?”

"There's money everywhere in this place, isn't it!"

Ran Zai laughed, looking a little evil, and King Xue nodded.

"Everything is business as usual, but don't use this trick next time. Although Section Chief Jean is a qualified nanny, he has no obligation to watch you every day. Remember what your bottom line is!"

Ran Zai hummed.

"If one person dies because of me, I will be killed, right!"

King Xue said nothing, showed a gentle smile, turned around and opened the door.

"you can go now."

Ran Zai stood up and walked out of the room door. Niya ran over angrily. Ran Zai looked at Niya with a smile.

"I appreciate your approach, Master Fania, please continue to do so, because you will become the most feared existence by businessmen."

Ran Zai raised his hands as he spoke, Niya clenched her fists, and with a flash of electricity, the handcuffs on Ran Zai's hands broke directly, and then fell to the ground. Ran Zai walked easily to the 4 people who were handling the wounded. Branch temporary medical area.

"You'll be busy next time, Section Chief Niya."

As King Xue said, Niya looked at King Xue inexplicably. Sure enough, within a few minutes, some problems were exposed. The entire teaching building had to be dismantled, because the use of materials and the construction permit qualifications at the time were in writing. Different materials. Although this material is good, it was used in construction technology a long time ago. The cost is sharply reduced by two-thirds compared with the current qualified construction technology, because there is a huge risk that the material will deteriorate over time. becomes fragile as time passes.

There was a burst of giggles, and Lillian pushed Mo Xiaolan over. Mo Xiaolan held up some gravel floating in purple particles on his fingers.

"What kind of magic did I use when I was Wilk? In just a few years, I built the school into a famous school, and gave the school that was originally in financial crisis a new lease of life. I also planned to move the campus to another place. ."

The most important thing is that a large amount of cash was found under the floor of a small conference room on the fourth floor that was blasted, just under the ground.

Niya looked at the information solemnly, turned around and called Baleka.

"Do you know Wilk?"

"It's true. Of course I know him. I have absolutely nothing to do with him. You also know that my casino will not accept any funds from unknown sources."

Nia sighed.

"Inform the other two guys that I will catch someone within an hour."

"We will naturally do as you ask and wait for my news."

After hanging up the phone, King Xue smiled slightly.

"As long as some things are confirmed, a lot of money will be pocketed this time, plus the administrator is selling light and shadow substances privately."

Niya smiled.

"Give us this money."

King Xue smiled.

"What do you want with so much money, Chief Niya?"

"I want to cover everything with surveillance from top to bottom."

King Xue was a little surprised. This was indeed a very big deal. Now King Xue knew why the dowry money that came with Niya when she took office remained untouched.

"I understand. I will discuss it with the other section chiefs."

King Xue said with a helpless smile, and Niya walked quickly.

At this time, Ran Zai was in a medical room, looking at his classmates who were looking at him in horror. The doctor was treating his scratches, and Ran Zai kept smiling.

As soon as he came to this school, Ran Zai felt disgusted. The word hypocrisy always accompanied Ran Zai every day. Every student and teacher in the school was virtuous. In order to build a famous school, Wilke Take great pains.

Students and teachers are completely colluded. They are very free in school and can do whatever they want. Even if they don't study, their academic performance will still be good. Most wealthy parents are also happy to send their children here. And will participate in the school's foundation.

Wilk is just a complete liar. His so-called elite education is just a guise. Students can know the answers to test questions in advance, and teachers will manipulate them during the test.

The whole school is full of hypocrisy. Such a school that is outstanding in the upper class relies entirely on external packaging. The teachers have an easy life, and the students have an easy life. Everyone completes their studies amicably and then enters a good university. Things always work out. One day he would be exposed, but Wilk had already thought of a countermeasure.

As long as you have money, the students from your own school will be the best no matter which university they go to. In just a few years, a perfectly packaged industrial chain will be formed. Even though many students here are ignorant and unskilled, Under the glamorous elite package, they are excellent people in the eyes of outsiders and even in the eyes of their parents.

This school has a special course that every student needs to participate in, a course on how to communicate with outsiders, and add some knowledge that can arouse others' interest.

Ran Zai angered the principal because he didn't fit in with others, and he was later ostracized by many students. The school even rivaled Seungde Women's College in terms of reputation.

Ran Zai once visited Shengde, and the students there were completely different from the students here. Students who graduated from Shengde were top-notch in all walks of life, and they had a ceiling like Michelle in the power world. , and in the business world, there are wizards like Ivy.

Ran Zai felt as if he had entered a weird school. He really couldn't imagine what it was like to think that he was a genius despite being an idiot.

With the support of teachers and students, Wilke is naturally in a good position. With the support of students, parents will naturally have a good impression of the school, and money will begin to pour in. Wilke has already prepared for the future. Naturally, many parents are willing to invest.

Ran Zai has just been here for three days and already feels something is wrong. The students here are already mentally damaged.

At this time, not far away, Ran Zai saw Wilk, who had taken care of his wounds, being taken away by people from the business department. He looked over angrily, and Ran Zai laughed, and then walked over step by step.

"Remember what I once said?"

Looking at Wilk being taken away, he seemed to already know what would happen to him. If he did such a thing, he would never be able to stand up again in his life. At this time, Ran Zai showed an angry face.

"Such a despicable crime is really disgusting."

Ran Zhi looked at the blank faces. Sure enough, the people in the business department had noticed the problem. They had already sensed something strange from the conversations with the students.

A lot of this stuff is totally unlike what a student at an elitist school would say.

All the students in this school are intoxicated in this dream called elite, and are out of control.

At this time, the girl sitting next to Ran Zai ran over.

"Help me, take me there now."

"Where to go?"

Ran Zai asked. The girl looked at Ran Zai in horror and covered her mouth. Ran Zai looked at her abdomen.

"Your stupidity proves that there is still a long way to go. Either remember this lesson, or continue not to love yourself until you see hell one day!"

Ran Zai said and was about to leave, but the girl desperately held Ran Zai's hand.

"Please, help me, just."

"You figure it out yourself!"

The girl looked at Ran Zai with despair, and then said with a cry.

"I will die, and I will accuse you of everything in my suicide note, you."

"Death is terrible, but there is something even more terrible."

Ran Zai got in front of the girl.

"When people face their own guilt, they often don't dare to face it. Think carefully about your parents who would rather work day and night for you, just to give you a good environment. Talk to your parents about it. After all, God Bottom, the only people you can rely on now are your parents, not this guy with unknown origins like me."

Ran Zai walked slowly, and then he saw the female teacher who was also taken away by the staff. She screamed and wanted to rush over emotionally. Ran Zai laughed, and he just threw the female teacher's handkerchief into the small Meeting room where money is hidden.

No matter how the female teacher explains it in the future, she will have something to do with the foundation. After all, the evidence is irrefutable and she cannot explain why her handkerchief fell there.

Ran Zai has long disliked this vicious woman. At this time, many family members were allowed to enter outside the campus. After the students were investigated, they could go home first. Ran Zai saw the figure of a man, and he crowded in In the crowd, Ran Zai walked over.

"Sir, Teacher Chen Rui has been arrested, and she also"

As he spoke, Ran Zai brought up the light and shadow screen, which showed some photos. The handsome and clean man in front of him looked at the contents of the photos in horror, but soon Ran Zai put away the photos and began to explain something.

"Mr. Gate, are you okay?"

Ran Zai looked at the work nameplate on Gate's collar. Gate climbed onto the railing angrily, but was quickly pressed down by people from Section 5. He was whimpering emotionally.

Ran Zai turned around and laughed, and then his expression gradually became gloomy. He glanced at the man behind him again. He was hopeless. It could be seen from his eyes that he would still get together with Chen Rui in the future. After all, love Ran Zai has never considered or experienced this kind of thing. Ran Zai doesn't know what it feels like.

The only thing Ran Zai knows now is that he needs to cross something next, otherwise tonight will be his death.

"Hey, good morning Mr. Jean!"

With a calm expression, Jean walked through a group of Section 5 members who were bowing and saluting, and walked towards Ran Zai.

"Let's go, I'll take you somewhere."

Ran Zai hummed and followed Jean. The other department members present showed puzzled expressions. Ran Zai followed Jean. As expected, he was the center of attention whenever he appeared on the street. A large number of reporters gathered around him. He came over and started asking all kinds of questions.

Jean simply told reporters not to believe the rumors, and Section 5 would announce the results of the bombing investigation later.

"Isn't it fun to drive everyone around?"

Gene asked.

"not bad."

Gene smiled.

"as long as you are happy."

Ran Zai said yes, and the people from Section 5 came over to block the reporters and clear the way for Jean. At this time, Jean received a call from Mo Xiaolan.

"What are you going to do with this dangerous boy? I have inspected the scene. He used very clever methods that most people would never imagine. In the name of learning experiments, he obtained the raw materials for disintegrating explosives, and under the guise of cleaning, he packed the explosives. On the outer wall, the process was very smooth, and the key is that no one can find evidence from it. It's perfect, isn't it? Such talents should come to Section 2."

Gene said after being silent for a while.

"talk later."

Ran Zai followed Jean with a smile.

"Mr. Jean, where are we going?"

"I'll take you around. Sorry, I've been busy with other things lately."

Ran Zai shook his head.

"The job of a nanny is not easy, Mr. Jean. Do you need help?"

Jean looked at Ran Zai who looked serious, but immediately shook his head.

"You are not suitable for subject 13."

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