Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2039 The fluttering butterfly 2 (Part 2)


Ran Zai stepped into the door of the dormitory. When the administrator saw Ran Zai, he immediately showed a suspicious expression.

"Come here first to register Ran Zai."

Ran Zai walked over and checked in directly. It was exactly 0:30. He glanced at the administrator and said with a smile.

"Some things can't be hidden no matter how hard you hide them."

This sentence made the administrator instantly show fear, and he immediately said with a complimentary smile.

"Classmate Ran Zai, if you need anything, just ask."

"I would like to give you a personal suggestion. It is better to stop such behavior, because it is easy to be detected. Who is more important, such a small profit or a job? The accumulation of quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes."

The administrator naturally understood what Ran Zai was talking about. He had felt before that Ran Zai knew everything he did in the dormitory.

"I'm not the only one who noticed this."

Ran Zai said, the administrator nodded, and then took out 1,000 yuan from his pocket.

"Take this and buy whatever you need."

Ran Zai smiled and accepted it instead of rejecting it.

"You have already made enough, haven't you? If you continue, you will be exposed."

The administrator hummed. After Ran Zai left, the administrator breathed a sigh of relief. He used his position to go out and buy cheap materials when some facilities in the dormitory needed to be replaced, and then repaired them. Materials are resold, and even light and shadow materials are quietly obtained and resold every day.

This kind of thing has been going on for almost 3 years, and the administrator has made a lot of money. He was still hesitating what Ran Zai said, but after seeing the 30,000 yuan transaction money just received under the table today, the administrator revealed Some complicated expressions.

Ran Zai took the money and returned to the empty dormitory. After turning on the light, he casually took the money in the bathroom, lit it on fire and burned it, and then rushed it into the sewer.


Ran Zai laughed. He knew that the administrator would not give up such a good way to make money. The administrator would be arrested this month at the latest. The reason why Ran Zai noticed was just because he found a certain senior student. He had been staring at the administrator, although he seemed to be indifferent, but after seeing him coming into contact with the principal, Ran Zai immediately understood.

On the condition of recommending this student to a good university, he asked him to find evidence of the administrator's crime. The reason why Ran Zai did not intend to accept the money was because he did not want to be found out in the future. Once he was found out about the "good things" in this school, "Life will end. The principal is very smart. Although he cannot forcefully make up any reason to leave the school, once he has any criminal behavior and is directly arrested and investigated by Section 5, he will have reason to kick Ran Zai away.

It's impossible for the administrator to listen to what Ran Zai just said, because people like this often won't give up when faced with vested interests.

Ran Zai knew this very well, so it was impossible for him to take the money given by the administrator. The reason why he took it was just to prepare in advance to make the principal give up on kicking him out of the beautiful campus life next time.

Ran Zai's weekly living expenses are only 50 yuan, which is enough for all his expenses. If the principal uses certain conditions as a temptation to ask the administrator to say something, he will definitely not be able to get away with it, because he took the administrator's money. Ran Zai laughed loudly when he thought of this.

"Mr. Wilk, it's true."

The principal's name is Wilke. He is an elite in the education field and is impeccable in his work. After becoming the principal of this school, he has transformed the school into a famous school in the city in just ten years.

Many children of powerful and wealthy people are trying to squeeze their children in. Ran Zai doesn't know why Jean sent him here, and he has never had any objection to any of Jean's decisions. The thought of defiance, because the unknown is the best for Ran Zai.

Ran Zai, who was lying down, took out a bottle of wine from the bedside, unscrewed it, took a sip, and then laughed, thinking of Lian.

Now Ran Zai can be sure that Lian and his gang are habitual criminals. Ran Zai knew it when they were in the alley. After that, Ran Zai went to pay people to eat and asked a lot of questions. Ran Zai has also decided on tomorrow. the way they act.

Their method was too simple. In Ran Zai's opinion, although it could succeed, the probability of failure was very high. Ran Zai had already seen the situation in that supermarket in advance.

As well as the situation of several bodyguards escorting cash, it is about 3 kilometers away from the management office of Section 7 and will pass through a relatively lively area, but Ran Zai knows that they will not take action in that place, and they will be even less likely to do it once they do. Escape, they will do it when the revenue comes.

Ran Zai planned to wait until the day they took action, because he expected that their plan would fail.

"It should be exciting!"

2:09 am

Lian stood quietly outside a work shed. The construction site in the distance was still under construction. The night shift workers had all gone out. The soundproofed work shed allowed the workers to have a good rest. Lian continued to wait. After a while, Robert came over with two other men. After the four of them looked around, they entered an empty shed.

After entering, Lian took out her light and shadow phone, opened a light and shadow screen, and called up a cross-section of the supermarket.

"One last check tonight. Everyone just needs to complete their respective tasks tomorrow. Is Robert okay? Those six bodyguards."

Robert said raising his hands.

"There's no problem at all, it's easy to deal with them."

The division of labor between the four people has been very clear. Robert is responsible for finding the right moment to take action directly, while Lian is responsible for on-site response, and after getting the money, hide it in the designated place. The other two will cause problems when the supermarket is making revenue. .

When they start working, they will do the shift handover in Section 5. Once successful, they will return to the construction site first, and then wait for the completion of the construction period before leaving, so as to minimize suspicion.

The place to hide the money was also chosen long ago. It was a dilapidated hut rented by Lian. It would take three months for their construction period to end, but after three months they would be free, and they would never need to do this kind of thing again. , there is only one reason why they would choose this supermarket. The owner of the supermarket was once a sinister businessman.

At this time, Lian felt a little uneasy. She thought of the boy she saw last night who claimed to be the grandson of the wise man. What he said made Lian a little uneasy. She didn't know what the boy's purpose was, but she often asked The specific thing is inferred from the things of a beggar.

After reconfirming their respective tasks, the four people went back. They will all take a vacation tomorrow and will keep resting in the work shed to recharge their batteries. They will start to work after the sun goes out tomorrow.

Generally, supermarkets will count the money at around 5:40. 20 people will do the counting. It only takes about 20 minutes to complete the verification and counting. Then the mutant bodyguards will escort the manager to take the money to Section 7 for deposit. .

The robbery time is after 6 o'clock, when the city goes dark, they will start. The six bodyguards and the manager will leave through the back door, and Robert will be waiting at the back door to start.

The two people who were prepared before taking action will cause problems in the supermarket. One of them will break a highly volatile and toxic industrial agent, which can cause a commotion in a short time, while the other will take the opportunity to cut off the power. All this happened before the bodyguards got their turnover and planned to leave.

Robert did not plan to fight with the six mutant bodyguards, but aimed at one of them. He was confident that he could steal the money from the bodyguards in an instant, but this required two things at the beginning to attract the attention of the other bodyguards. Let their attention be distracted. Robert will run after getting the money. He can't run far with the money.

The box containing the money should have a signal tracking function. The reason for creating chaos is to give Robert time to hand over the money to Lian. Lian will wait at a nearby location. Once Robert drops the money, he must run as fast as he can. Escaped from the pursuit of the mutant bodyguards behind him, and the chaos in the supermarket was concealed, which gave Lian enough time to open the box and take the money. It only took 5 minutes for Lian to sneak into the street with the money and then disappear.

This plan is very perfect. The four of them discussed it for a long time before deciding. Lian returned to the work shed and kept searching in his mind. Ran Zai said that there was a loophole in their plan. Lian didn't know what the loophole was, and It is likely to cause the plan to fail.

After thinking about it carefully, Lian gave up thinking about what Ran Zai said would lead to failure, because they had been preparing for so long and had done everything very carefully, so it would not fail.

Tomorrow, Lian will be observing and groping around after resting all day long. As long as they are sure that Ran Zai has not told others about this matter, they will still implement the plan.

After thinking clearly, Houlian fell asleep, and it was already dawn in a daze.

Lian opened her sore eyes. The two-day holiday today and tomorrow should go very slowly. Lian went to the supermarket early in the morning to buy things. Sure enough, she saw the beggar begging at the door. He came over again. .

"Miss, can you give me some more."

"Why did you tell others about me without permission?"

The beggar was stunned for a moment. Lian didn't give the beggar anything this time, and turned around and left indifferently.

Although Lian knew a lot of things from the beggar before, which were very important to Lian and the others' plan, Lian also gave the beggar a lot of things, so Lian didn't feel that she owed the beggar anything.

"Oh, my sister just came back!"

8:19 am

Just as Lian was about to walk into the work shed area, she saw Ran Zai waiting outside. She immediately walked over quickly with her head lowered, and Ran Zai followed.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"I suggest you, sister, change the date of the operation. If you still insist on carrying out the plan, you will be caught this time."

Lian ignored Ran Zai and ran away quickly. Ran Zai looked around. He came to the supermarket and went in to buy some things.

There are 26 checkout counters in such a large supermarket. The bodyguards will wait for the revenue to be counted and then put the money into the box, and then leave through the back door with the manager. Last night, Ran Zai thought about the methods they would use to create a commotion in the east and west, so as to watch. Strike at the right time, hide the money directly, and return to the construction site as if nothing had happened.

It seems to be a very good plan, but they ignored an extremely important point. No matter how fast they are, they can't get past the criminal department. There was a robbery recently, but the criminal was quickly arrested. After watching the news After relevant reports, Ran Zai discovered that their methods were very skillful, but they were still caught.

Ran Zai had paid attention to this case that happened in November last year. After questioning, he found out that after they succeeded in the robbery, they were surrounded by the administrative department. They could only take hostages, but in front of the special management team, they could only raise their hands and surrender. .

After reading some fragmentary reports, Ran Zai found that such a plan was almost seamless, but the mistake was that they regarded the current business department as the past business department.

The key lies in the box containing the money. Ran Zai checked this box and found that it was produced by a certain technology company, and the technology behind it was authorized by Section 10. Ran Zai could imagine how they were caught.

Once the box is robbed, the alarm will sound instantly, and all the administrative departments will be dispatched immediately, not just 5 departments. The administrative departments in a district may have more than 2,000 people, or as few as 1,000 people. They can instantly determine the location of the incident. They would conduct a blockade and then investigate one by one. Even mutants would not be able to escape.

The special management team will arrive within 5 minutes. The high-altitude monitoring robot equipped with heat-sensing equipment will quickly locate the invisible mutant, so that the special management team can directly arrest him.

No matter where such a huge robbery occurs, it only takes less than 2 minutes for the crime department to weave a network.

This was the fundamental reason why the previous group of people were arrested. According to Lian's plan, Ran Zai thought that the money should disappear completely and return to the construction site without anyone noticing. The whole process would take at least 20 minutes, and at this time they had nothing. Chance escaped.

Section 3 will definitely come directly to assist in the blanket search. This is the reason why the robbery in November last year was solved in a short time. The Section 3 was vague on the surface and only disclosed some insignificant details.

Although this is a somewhat clumsy method, it is practical and effective. After so many months of street patrols, Section 5 can seal off a small area in a short period of time.

"Criminals nowadays are having a hard time. They are really helpless. This era of relying on planning and brute force to commit crimes is coming to an end."

Ran Zai stood at the door of the supermarket. Once the box containing money was robbed, the business department would receive the news immediately. In just 2 minutes, the 5th branch team, which was still patrolling in its own area despite planning to change shifts, would immediately conduct a blockade. Other teams will arrive within 5 minutes, and other departments will start to assist. By the time Section 3 arrives, this group of people will be completely finished.

Just when Ran Zai was about to go back to school, Lian ran over and entered an alley with Ran Zai.

"Tell me, what did you say we ignored?"

"You can think about it yourself. I have to go back to school. After all, today should be extremely exciting!"

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