Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2037 The fluttering butterfly 2 (Part 1)

Near dusk


Ran Zai woke up from a deep sleep. The moment he opened his eyes, several people who were still talking in the dormitory shut up and hurriedly stood up to leave. At this time, Ran Zai laughed.

"What did I just say?"

A boy in the dormitory pointed to the table with an embarrassed smile.

"We bought it for you."

Ran Zai nodded with satisfaction, looked at the water bottles on the table, and suddenly stood up and walked among the three of them. He stretched out his hands to hold their shoulders. For a moment, the three of them looked frightened.

"Okay, you survived!"

Ran Zai's smile was slightly ferocious, and the three of them seemed to be about to cry. They were ordered by Ran Zai not to leave until Ran Zai woke up, so the three of them obediently waited until Ran Zai woke up before daring to leave.

The three of them almost died of food poisoning a few days ago, and the poisoner was Ran Zai. The three of them knew this. The teachers in the school all knew it, but there was no evidence. Ran Zai even showed it in front of them. The three of them talked about how they poisoned them by mixing some food.

In less than a year, not only the students, but also the teachers were afraid of Ran Zai. He became the most dangerous student in the school. No one dared to mess with him, and no one dared to approach him.

"Okay. Let's go"

Ran Zai looked at the classmate next to him, smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I'll give you a personal suggestion. Dori from Class 6 is a bitch. If you continue to fall in love with her, you will get hurt."

There was anger in the eyes of the boy who was held by Ran Zai's shoulders. Ran Zai leaned his head towards him. The boy was startled. Then Ran Zai let go of the three of them, and the three of them ran away quickly.

Ran Zai picked up the food on the table, took a few bites, then changed into clothes and walked out of the dormitory. At this time, there were many students in the corridor of the dormitory. Today is the weekend, some students went back and some Then stayed.

The originally noisy dormitory corridor became silent because of Ran Zai's appearance. A pair of eyes looked at Ran Zai with hostility. He walked relaxedly. Some people closed the door after seeing Ran Zai.

Most of the people in this school who showed hostility towards Ran Zai did not end well, including the teachers. Three teachers voluntarily resigned because of Ran Zai.

This school is a prestigious school, and the principal can only suppress the matter. Because he needs to take into account his face and Ran Zai's nominal guardian, King Xue, the school cannot be tougher on Ran Zhi. You can only do things by turning a blind eye.

Ran Zai went out directly after leaving the dormitory. He planned to go shopping on the street today. He had not been out of school for a long time. When he came to the school gate, several security guards who were talking about something were speechless for a while. , hurriedly came over to open the door, Ran Zai took one look at them and left.

At this time, several security guards looked at Ran Zai slightly angrily, and one of them said.

"This kid, how about us."

"Forget it, don't get involved with this kid. I'd rather pretend to be a grandson in front of him."

An older man said, and after the anger on the faces of the others faded away, they no longer cared about Ran Zai.

After coming to the street, Ran Zai pulled up his hood and walked through the crowd. He suddenly bumped into a man while walking casually. The man glanced at Ran Zai. Ran Zai said sorry, and then quickly disappeared. Ran Zai walked into a deserted alley and took out a wallet from his pocket with more than 2,000 yuan in it. After throwing away the plastic bag on his hand together with the wallet, Ran Zai took the money and left.

Ran Zai doesn't know what his life will be like in the future. He always feels bored when he looks at everything on the street. He just wants to do something when he comes out. To Ran Zai, small things like stealing are just a whim. He is bored. I looked at the money in my pocket, but there was still nothing that could use the money.

At this time, Ran Zai saw a beggar on the street. He was stretching out his hands to beg, and his legs were disabled. It was at this point that some beggars would appear on the street. Normally, they might be arrested by the administrative department. , but the patrol officers of the 5 divisions need to change shifts and eat.

Ran Zai smiled happily, then walked over with the money.

"Want money?"

One of the beggars who was begging subconsciously looked at the stack of money that Ran Zai showed out of his pocket. He hurriedly collected it. At this time, Ran Zai ran to other beggars. Soon the five beggars on the street were all begging. Ran Zai called him into the alley.

"Want money?"

Although the beggars did not speak, their eyes were fixed on Ran Zai.

"Five of you, tell me one thing each. It's an important secret you know about others."

The five beggars were a little surprised for a while, and then the first beggar spoke. Ran Zai took out 400 and handed it to the beggar. He said thank you gratefully. After a while, Ran Zai only had 400 yuan left in his hand. More than 200 yuan, each beggar got 400 yuan, and Ran Zai also got 5 secrets.

Ran Zai stood on the street contentedly. These five secrets may not be big or small, but they are worth far more than the 2,000 yuan.

"What should I do next?"

Ran Zai likes to have contact with some beggars. They are far more observant than many people because they are observing every day, what kind of people can give them money, where can they go to get money, and where can they get more money? Good life down.

Very few people will take the initiative to communicate with these beggars, because they don't know how to communicate with others, and most people are even more disdainful to communicate with them.

A few minutes later, Ran Zai came to the door of a restaurant. He looked at the customers chatting and laughing in the shop. The boss was at the counter, looking at the light and shadow screen with a smile.

Ran Zai walked over and then came to the counter.

"Sir, this place is full, we have to wait for a while."

"The things you lost have been found, and you may be going to jail soon!"

Ran Zai said something tentatively, and the boss's face changed drastically for a moment, but his smile immediately returned.

"I don't know what you're talking about sir."

Ran Zai smiled and left the store directly. Soon Ran Zai was staring at the boss from a distance. Sure enough, he lost control of his emotions and started yelling at the clerk who made a mistake in the store.

This is what the first beggar said about what he saw. Early one morning, when he went to collect garbage, he saw the owner of the store, Sun Gang, coming out of the store in a hurry, and then directly took out a large bag of things. Throw it into the garbage disposal port, not just put it aside, because the garbage will be sorted by the corresponding garbage disposal company the next day. The garbage that can be recycled will be recycled, and the garbage that cannot be recycled will be thrown into the garbage disposal port.

This is something that many districts are doing recently, and councilors have taken the lead in advocating such a thing, because over the years, a lot of recycled garbage has been thrown directly into the garbage disposal port, which will cause a huge waste of resources. .

The most critical benefit, which Ran Zai is very clear about, is that if these recycled products are remanufactured and put on the bottom floor, they can earn more, because the standards of some items on the bottom floor are lower than those of the middle and upper classes.

The beggar saw that what Sun Gang threw was a large bag of women's things. Ran Zai entered a small shop, ordered something to eat, and then started chatting with the boss.

"By the way, boss, are there any women who have disappeared here recently?"

Just as Ran Zai asked, a customer nearby started saying that a female worker was missing in the store opposite, and the business department had already come to investigate.

Ran Zai laughed while eating. After eating, Ran Zai walked into a women's clothing store and bought a lipstick. Then he took the lipstick and returned to the outside of the restaurant.

When Ran Zai heard what the beggar said, he felt that something was wrong, because judging from the description, the beggar saw things that only women would use, and the beggar said that Sun Gang was quite panicked at the time. of.

At this time, the sun had set. Ran Zai went to sit down at some nearby food stalls, ordered some things and continued chatting with people. He soon learned something about Sun Gang. He had a relatively happy family. , the restaurant he is opening now has a good business, he is a hands-on worker every day, the business is very good, and Sun Gang is very good at doing business.

Ran Zai really wanted to know what secrets such a person was hiding, but he had already guessed why he threw away some things used by women and threw them directly into the garbage disposal. He was so panicked. Throw it away and run away.

And it was early in the morning. The beggar said that it was when the sun had just risen. Ran Zai laughed. When the sun rose, the street surveillance would briefly restart because the power during the day needed to be adjusted. There was no monitoring for just a few minutes.

In just a few minutes, AI will start to schedule the city's daytime power supply and electricity storage. The most obvious thing is that the lights on the street will go out immediately after the sun rises. This kind of thing only needs careful observation a few times to know. Monitoring won't work.

As long as Sun Gang goes to throw away the garbage normally like a normal person, this will be proof of alibi. It seems that the business department has already investigated and Sun Gang should have been ruled out as a suspect. The missing woman should be It was already dead, but Ran Zai was wondering where the body would be. It was obviously impossible to throw it into the garbage disposal.

Because criminals have indeed done this before, but they will be discovered in an instant. There are a large number of scanners in the processing port. Once human tissue is found, Section 5 will immediately receive a report and start taking action.

Why must this bag of things be thrown away? Ran Zai quickly thought of something. After he found out where the woman disappeared, he went directly there. It was an apartment that didn't seem to have a cheap rent, and he worked in a restaurant. It's impossible for people like this to afford renting such a nice place.

It is too easy to manipulate the profit of a store. If you only need to calculate a smaller purchase amount every day, you can generate more revenue, which can naturally be used to support your lover.

Ran Zai checked on the Internet and saw the missing information of this woman. She was a very beautiful woman.

Later, Ran Zai read relevant reports on the case. Although the criminal investigation department had identified the suspect, they could not find any evidence. Although they did not know who the suspect was, they were sure that Sun Gang was being targeted. The current criminal investigation department They can't be that stupid. The only thing they can't do is that they have no evidence and no witnesses.

The bag of women's things that Sun Gang threw away should contain something that directly connected him with the woman, so Sun Gang disposed of it. As for the body, Ran Zai knew very well that it should have been discovered, but the situation He is still missing. It is certain that the case handling system of the criminal department is different from the past. Some smoke bombs will be released to confuse the prisoners.

Ran Zai had noticed a long time ago that the current handling of cases in Section 5 was completely different from the past, with people deliberately being stupid or deliberately letting out some information.

This has a lot to do with Niya, the current chief of Section 5. Ran Zai has seen the Lightning Skeleton incident before and thought about their behavior. After all, they have suffered big losses before.

At around 9 o'clock in the evening, Ran Zai laughed, and his suspicion was established. The people patrolling from Section 5 had obviously stayed near this store for a long time, and the people from Section 5 would also ask some people nearby. Information about this store.

Sun Gang, who knew the situation of the missing girl, did not panic at all, because he knew that the woman was dead and not missing, and he also knew what the business department wanted to do.

"If you wait like this, there's no way he'll reveal his true potential."

Ran Zai looked at a lipstick with a butterfly pattern placed in a sealed bag. This was what the beggar saw. After it fell to the ground, Sun Gang hurriedly picked it up and put it back together and threw it away.

Soon Ran Zai came to the shop again and ordered a drink and snacks. After he sat down, Sun Gang's expression also appeared strange, and he would wander around Ran Zai from time to time, as if he was observing something.

"You must have kissed her!"

Ran Zai suddenly said something, which seemed to be spoken to the air, but just enough for Sun Gang to hear. At this time, Sun Gang's forehead was already covered with sweat.

"When a woman puts on lipstick, she is really beautiful, and people can't help but want to kiss her. But after kissing, if the woman puts on lipstick again, do you think there will be any residue on the lipstick?"

After Ran Zai finished speaking, he entered the bathroom. Sure enough, Sun Gang came in within a few seconds, and the two of them stood in front of the sink.

"I want 1 million."

As soon as Ran Zai spoke, Sun Gang was dumbfounded. He looked at the boy next to him who looked only fourteen or fifteen years old in horror.

"I picked this up on the morning when you were disposing of your lover's belongings. You seemed to be in a panic and didn't even check the pile of things thrown in. It happened that the machine broke down and got stuck."

Ran Zai said, holding up a lipstick, and Sun Gang was stunned in an instant. He turned around and locked the bathroom door.

"There are a lot of things like this, so you have to spend 1 million to buy them back at once and then throw them away. With the current monitoring methods, these things will definitely contain your biological information, and this evidence points to you and The missing girl has nothing to do with it. The sentencing for murder usually starts at 30 years. As for your heinous behavior, I estimate it will start at least 45 years."

"It's her fault, it's her fault, she's an insatiable woman."

Ran Zai laughed, nodded, and put the lipstick on the sink.

"I'll give you an hour to think about it. If you think about it clearly, answer me. 1 million does not have to be paid in one lump sum. You can be allowed to buy these things back one by one."

After saying that, Ran Zai left the bathroom. Sun Gang was shaking violently. After opening the lipstick, he had already used it a lot. He clutched the lipstick angrily. Before Ran Zai left, Sun Gang walked out.

"I give."

Ran Zai hummed.

"We can talk slowly after you close."

At this time, Ran Zai had a satisfied smile on his face. The exciting experience was over. He was a little tired. He originally thought that this man would take action, but he turned out to be too cowardly.

"It's really boring!"

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