Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2025 The Lost Land 4 (Part 1)


8:14 am

Niya looked at an assistance document from Section 3, which required Section 5 to send a lift to assist Section 3 in transporting some supplies. Niya quickly signed it, and then Niya took out her phone and directly pressed the number 0003.

"Osman, is everything going well?"

"There have been numerous conflicts."

Niya lit a cigarette and her expression became slightly serious.

"Blank purges are never a long-term solution."

"I know Niya, but the current situation is like a knot that has died."

Niya sighed and didn't plan to ask any more questions. She knew very well what the situation was like in the barrier area. She had gone out in the past. Although the bastard Jean dragged her there forcefully, Niya saw the barrier at that time. After studying the situation in the district, I know what the future will be like, and I have learned too much after becoming the section chief. There is a reason why the city's medical care has developed so fast in such a short period of time, and low-cost medical care for all has been achieved.

Although Niya doesn't agree with this approach from the bottom of her heart, after seeing everything in the city now, she can't do anything about it. This is not a question of human rights or not, but the destiny of everyone living on this land. community.

"This can only go so far!"

Niya does not intend to continue to delve into this huge and unsolvable problem. If Bright City has a death penalty system, many criminals will be executed, and there will be no barrier zone. However, the development of the city will stagnate, and the medical industry and The supply and demand driven by Section 3 occupies a very important position in the city.

Niya stood up, turned around and looked at the sunny world outside the window, and in her mind was the cold and dark barrier area, the light wrapped in darkness.

"Is that boy Tianhen okay?"

Niya muttered, exhaled a puff of smoke, and then laughed.

"it should be no problem!"

Now Niya is worried about one thing. Some council members proposed a food waste recycling bill at the city meeting. Nowadays, all food waste in the city is put directly into the designated recycling bins and recycled by Section 12. It is then made into biological nutrients for irrigation, which will also be mixed with some feces and urine.

But now some lawmakers have proposed that opening up food waste recycling can create more jobs. This is a better proposal, allowing individuals or companies to recycle food waste, and recycling can also allow some restaurants and individuals to get additional With money in the books, this proposal should pass soon.

Niya closed her eyes. Nowadays, as the population of the barrier area increases, the demand for liquid food in Section 3 is increasing. Instead of using these food residues as biological nutrients, it is better to make them into food for the barrier area.

Such voices appeared during the last city meeting. It is indeed a better method, but it is too cruel.

Niya feels a little weak now, and it is difficult to do many things. Michelle has also encountered more resistance after taking office. The business department still needs to continue to reform. The problems left over from the past are still there. a lot of.

Annoying things happen every day, and Niya feels a little tired, and this kind of fatigue is something Niya has never thought about in the past. In less than a year, Niya is exhausted both physically and mentally.

"Lady Nia!"

At this time, a director officer walked in at the door of the office. Niya turned around. The director officer immediately submitted a document. After Niya glanced at it for a few times, her face instantly became angry.

"Didn't I say it before? If anyone causes another fucking problem, I'll investigate the entire district."

Niya walked over angrily. It was an arms trafficking incident, and the time was more than ten days ago. After the incident became fermented, during the arrest process, she encountered a counterattack from gang members. More than 10 people were here. Two people were injured in the incident and two died.

"Why did you tell me now?"

The director in front of him looked solemn.

"Seal down District 87 immediately. Don't let a single fly out. I'm going there in person. The section officers and all the team leaders in District 87 should all get out of here. The same goes for you."

So far, the gang members have not been arrested. Niya took the phone and pressed a number directly.

"Balaika, I want you to inform everyone at the bottom. If I don't find the person I want after I give them one day, you won't have to live in the future."

A burst of helpless laughter came from the phone.

"I know Niya, I will inform everyone."

The director in front of him stood there numbly. He felt a little embarrassed about his face. This matter had obviously been dealt with, so he reported it to Niya after it was dealt with, but now Niya was angry with him.

Niya immediately sent the list of the nine fugitives on the document to Baleka and walked quickly.

"Lord Niya, I dare to ask, I will handle this matter."

"What about the people? Have they been caught?"

Although the director was dissatisfied, he had no objection.

"You just told me today that such a big thing happened. If it were me, we would have to turn over the street on the ground floor to find the person."

And the most hateful thing about this incident is that these weapons are currently used by Section 3. Niya immediately thought of an attack on the training of Section 3 in the barrier area last year. At that time, a large number of Section 3 personnel died and the supplies were directly destroyed. Robbery, but these materials actually flowed back into the city.

As soon as Niya came to the door, a phone call came over.

"People have found Lady Niya and she is hiding in Area 101."

"Now that I know Baleka, I will go there in person."

8:21 am

Jean once again set foot on the land of the barrier area. He did not contact anyone from Section 3, but headed directly to the northwest quickly. Jean did not talk about this matter with anyone.

In the end, no matter what happens to the B1189 team, this matter can only be completely buried in darkness. Jean is very clear about everything in the past in Black Mountain, and without Black Mountain, human society would not have developed so far.

In the past, there was a limit to human lifespan. 30 years of work was already the limit for humans, and 30 years was just the blink of an eye for a civilization, making it difficult to achieve substantial development and progress.

Since the establishment of Brilliant City, it has completed countless technological leaps and bounds. This has a lot to do with the fact that humans can work for more than 100 years. Human beings work more than three times as long as in the past.

At this time, Jean's thoughts were very confused. He stopped. Tianhen and the others had entered the territory of the Northern Crimson Tide for more than a day, and it was impossible for them to live in peace.

In the past, no one set foot on this land after it was abandoned. With the development of the city, a large number of criminals were born. The death penalty may be the best way to deal with these criminals. However, after several other guys discussed it at that time, , decided to abolish the death penalty and replace it with deportation.

Jean did not object or approve at the time, because he did not know what to do. The emergence of the barrier zone did bring a very large living space to the city. It is impossible for any society in any era to pull everything up from within. , because this is a material world, and material determines many things. Capital is born because of material, and the meaning of the existence of capital has only one meaning, which is to continuously gather capital.

Like a huge rolling snowball, it will only keep moving forward and never stop, until it finally collapses due to its own audience. This is true for all societies. In the end, there will always be someone to bear the consequences of capital.

This kind of thing has happened countless times. Gene walked slowly, with these problems that have been bothering him in the past in his mind. He has tried many systems to build order and law, but everything that should happen still remains. happened.

Because there will always be existences that no one knows about in the city, and those people and things that no one knows are often the most dangerous. After a long period of accumulation, due to the influence of these people and things, the city will begin to have problems.

The existence of the barrier zone has helped the city solve too many problems. Employment and medical care have gained a lot of space because of the existence of the barrier zone, but the price is the cruelty of everything in the barrier zone.

With the establishment of the Agricultural Experimental Base in the Barrier Zone, Gene's mind flashed through the entire Pioneer Plan. If successful, this was the only way for the city and the Barrier Zone to reconcile. However, when the dawn of light appeared, this plan was Ruined by those with ulterior motives.

What should be done? Jean has been thinking about this problem all the time, but there is no answer. It is impossible for the administrative department to be like a machine. Even if it manages everything in the city like a machine, there will still be things like this. question.

"What am I running from?"

Jean smiled to himself and lit a cigarette. At this time, the wind and sand began to become violent. As the city heated up, the wind and sand in the barrier area would be extremely violent. Jean looked in the distance, everything covered by the wind and sand. , it was a gray day, nothing could be seen.

As for the matter of Montenegro, Jean is still hesitant. He doesn't know how to tell Tianhen, or what Tianhen will think of it. Regardless of whether Tianhen has another piece of information about Montenegro, everything in Montenegro It must never be exposed.

In Jean's view, the huge public opinion is a very scary thing. This kind of ethereal and incorporeal thing, but very powerful, will destroy many things. Jean has seen too much over the years, countless " A tragedy caused by kind-hearted people.

Gene looked to the northwest. He closed his eyes and was still thinking. Countless questions came together at this time. Gene threw down the cigarette butt, arched his body, and ejected again.

Jean couldn't think of any way to deal with it, but there was only one thing. He promised Tianai, so Jean planned to go there, find Tianhen, and then make a decision based on the situation. However, what to do, before Jean came to the barrier area Just think it through.

Once again, only in this way can the barrier area be temporarily stabilized and the armed forces can be quieter.

"This time it's not a man! It's a god!"

Along with a burst of intense blue light, Jean's figure instantly submerged into the dust.

8:39 am


With the sound of a gunshot, Tianhen angrily blocked the attack of a mutant and looked at a team member more than ten meters away from him. His head was shot through and blood splashed in the air. The S-class mutant in front of him People immediately attacked, and Tianhen didn't have much strength anymore. There were gunshots everywhere, and the situation was very chaotic. The enemies had already attacked in a large area.

Xima led the remaining team members to resist on the ruins of this broken ridge.

Tianhen's hands had begun to become numb, and the pain was almost unfeelable. With the cooperation of him and Xima, the mutants who came up killed two, and they also paid the price.

"Haha, boy, I advise you to surrender, otherwise"


Tianhen seized the opportunity and punched the mutant's body, knocking him away directly. The next second, Tianhen ejected into the middle of a bunch of enemies climbing up, and the light red particles covered a large area. After releasing it, Tian Hen manipulated the particles with all his strength and directly broke the necks of several people. He immediately picked up the enemy's weapons and fired at them wildly.

The mutant who was knocked away attacked again. Tianhen threw away the weapon in his hand and took a defensive posture. With a loud bang, Tianhen flew back and slid and rolled on the ground. Finally, the other party came to him like a shadow.

Tianhen doesn't know how many people are left. The only thing he can do is to kill as many enemies as possible. This is the only thing he can do at the moment.

At this time, there were many fewer enemies coming up. Only the mutant in front of him was still attacking relentlessly. Tianhen was still looking for opportunities. Once he found the opportunity, he would use all his strength to kill the mutant.

At this moment, the mutant in front of him stopped and retreated quickly. Tianhen understood immediately. He ejected over. The mutant wanted to run. The mutant in the barrier area had the biggest threat. The flaw is that they cannot fight for a long time, because they have not received systematic training on alienated genes, so the accuracy of controlling alienated particles is relatively poor, and they will make a large number of meaningless attacks, resulting in wasted Too much energy wasted.

Tianhen chased after him in an instant. As expected, the number of red particles released by this mutant was pitifully small, and even the speed of condensing scabs was much slower. Tianhen found the right moment and punched the mutant. Ribs, he flew out in pain and bumped into several enemies who were still waiting for an opportunity. Tianhen rushed over quickly, and the enemies began to retreat.

Tianhen, who landed on the ground, pinched the mutant's neck and pressed hard with five fingers. The mutant struggled and released a lot of red particles, but the number was less than before. So pitiful.

With a click, Tianhen killed the mutant, and then rushed towards more than a dozen enemies who were trying to escape without stopping.

The battle was over. Tian Hen pressed his chest in pain. He had reached his limit and all the strength in his body had been drained out. But they had no way to resist the next round of attacks.

Tianhen looked up in despair and looked at the dark sky. Then Tianhen laughed, picked up a gun that fell next to him, and stood up.

"Everyone gather together first!"

Tianhen said and looked towards a dead female team member not far away. He walked over tremblingly and placed one hand on the dead team member. Her body was covered with bullet holes and the blood had not yet dry up.

"Owen is injured! Our captain is here, you come here first."

Tianhen heard Xima's voice and felt a little more relaxed. He stood up and walked towards behind him.

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