Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2007 Principles (Part 1)

People were coming and going on the street, and many places were filled with a pungent smell, which was the smell of soil, some spoiled items, and feces and urine. Ye Jiao was more than 20 meters away from Li Ang, and she followed leisurely.

The situation in front of us can only be roughly understood through observation. There are 9 members in the gang, one of whom is the leader. Ye Jiao is a little surprised by the woman who is close to Li Ang.

The woman following Li Ang looked very frivolous. Ye Jiao was a little suspicious of the industry this woman was engaged in. Watching the group of them enter a 5-story building with Junfeng Investment Co., Ltd., Ye Jiao immediately shrank into an alley. .

Ye Jiao quickly brought up a light and shadow screen and checked the company's qualifications directly in the 7-section system. The results soon came out. It was a private investment company with a legal person named Li Jun. The registered capital is 500,000. After glancing at some of the main projects of this company, Ye Jiao felt that this was not a serious company.

Maybe it was serious when it was first established, but in Ye Jiao's opinion, many business projects could not exist at all, because many of these projects are already on the verge of being eliminated. Only fools will continue to engage in this kind of business that has been marginalized and is about to be eliminated. industry.

Ye Jiao took another look at the time when the company was established. It was ten years ago. It has normal tax records, but most of the time the profits and losses are just balanced, so the company taxes paid are very low. This approach can avoid taxes very well. , and it is convenient for some gang members to launder money.

There are many companies of this size at the bottom. This one is relatively small. Ye Jiao doesn't know what happened to Li Ang and whether he would be related to the gang members. Ye Jiao is waiting outside. She wants it very much. I asked Li Ang in the past, but gave up in the end.

Ye Jiao could only continue to wait. She had to understand the situation clearly before making plans. She felt the danger, which should be related to the friend Li Ang mentioned before when he went to the bottom to meet his friends.

Ye Jiao did not have the authority to check the citizenship status, so she had no choice but to dial Jean's number again. After a while, all the information about Li Jun came over. After looking at it for a while, Ye Jiao found that Li Jun did not Nothing out of the ordinary.

At this time, Li Ang smiled, looking at some of the financial status of Li Jun and his company, and was giving Li Jun advice. It was not difficult to win the three high-quality assets at the auction. In addition, Li Jun and the others were investment companies. What would happen next? Just need to find the key people.

For the auction of real estate in each area, Section 7 will appoint someone from the headquarters, usually a section officer. Li Ang can know in advance who will host the auction.

The principle of the auction is not that the highest bidder wins. There is also a set of qualification checks for buyers, which are more relaxed for individuals. As long as the personal assets have no liabilities and the financial status is good within three years, only those who meet these conditions can participate in the auction.

The company will be more troublesome, first of all, the company's main business and the company's revenue status in the past five years, including the company's financial statements, member structure and whether there are liabilities and assets.

Li Jun's company seems to meet the conditions, but its revenue has been too bad in the past five years. The points increase has only been a minimum of 3.5% and a maximum of 9.9%. Li Ang knows that this is because the company has falsified its financial statements in order to avoid taxes. This is a more troublesome point nowadays, but as long as you find someone to smooth the relationship, this will not affect it.

The most critical thing now is the business we operate. In Li Ang's view, these businesses are all a bunch of marginal sunset industries that are about to come to an end. All the projects they operate must be stopped and replaced with ones that are beneficial to this auction. Li Ang has already selected several businesses and can start working on them tomorrow. However, changing businesses requires a certain degree of review. This is not difficult. It only requires a review by the local Section 9 Management Office.

"Don't worry, I have a good relationship with the people in Section 9. We can solve it over dinner tonight."

Li Ang hummed and looked at the selected new businesses that needed to be replaced. He was still thinking that he could only make everything the best before the auction, so that he could at least have a more advantageous position when encountering competitors. s position.

The most critical issue now is the funding issue. For inferior assets, in principle, the starting amount for the auction is within 50% of the original loan value, which means that a principal of nearly 800,000 to 1 million is required. After talking about this, Li Jun felt a little confused. It's hard to show off.

Li Ang smiled helplessly.

"I have 90,000 here, I can lend it to you."

Li Jun sighed immediately.

"No need Li Ang, I will find a way to get the money. Thank you."

Li Ang was a little helpless. He had never participated in this kind of black gold transaction, so what he received was basically a dead salary, a standard salary of 2,000 per month, plus various subsidies and benefits, as well as working-year subsidies, including position subsidies, for Li Ang a month After deducting welfare benefits, the salary received is only about 2,800 yuan.

The reason why the administrative department has good welfare benefits is that all food, accommodation and transportation are free, and the Congress will bear the money. Basically, if you don’t go out to eat, you can save all the money in a month. 90,000 is what Li Ang has saved over the years. money arrived.

"But there is still a problem, there may be competitors."

Li Ang said, and Li Jun immediately laughed.

"I will take care of everything. As long as we capture these three places, our days will be easier in the future. Keep an eye on me."

The subordinates next to them immediately said that they would keep an eye on them all day long. After all, as long as these three places are run better, they will no longer have to get up early and work late at night, fighting for the right to clean the streets with other gangs, and fighting every day. Maintain order in some underground casinos.

This is where most of the gangs at the bottom can make money. It is very tight in a month. Most of the gangs make money by borrowing money. However, if the loans cannot be recovered, they may be completely destroyed.

Li Ang was still thinking carefully when Zhang Ting next to him asked.

"Li Ang, can these plans you have planned really pass the review?"

Li Jun was also a little surprised, because Li Ang had planned many new industries for their company, and Li Jun didn't like them at all. He felt they didn't make any money and didn't understand much about them.

In particular, the investment in monitoring installation technology, investment in lighting production, investment in furniture production, and investment in concentrated electric heating panels made Li Jun look a little numb.

Because surveillance is installed in many places, but it has been damaged and aged. It is impossible for the Department to install it because there are many problems on the ground floor. It is impossible for them to spend a lot of money to install it. In addition, there are problems with the electricity on the ground floor. .

As for lighting, although there is a certain demand in the market, there are a lot of people making it. As for families, it is true that there is a huge demand for physical furniture at the bottom, but it is currently a bit difficult to get raw materials. , because the mining black market has been eliminated.

As for the last investment in concentrated electric heating panels, Li Jun thinks it is even more unreliable. There were such new industries in the past, but they closed down later. Unlike many areas in the middle and upper levels that have photoelectric conversion coatings, this kind of Photovoltaic panels are devices that generate electricity by absorbing thermal energy. Indeed, they are very suitable for places where the bottom layer cannot be equipped with a photoelectric conversion coating. However, the biggest problem with the bottom layer is that the temperature difference between day and night is quite large.

This will cause the failure rate of this kind of power generation board to be very high. Although Li Jun is a gang member, he has known it from all walks of life. He explained his thoughts in detail, and Li Ang smiled.

"Let me talk about the last one first. It is true that the large temperature difference between day and night will cause problems with this kind of power generation panel, but it only needs to be covered by a thermostatic jacket. It can be matched with the auction of the garment factory."

Li Jun was a little surprised. Li Ang told him that in some areas in the north, many families did this. After the sun went down at night, they would put covers on the energy-concentrating panels, and then take them apart early the next morning. The board will not cause material problems due to excessive temperature differences between day and night, and ultimately lead to failure.

Li Jun suddenly realized, and Li Ang started to talk again. Monitoring and lighting can be linked to the auctioned parts factory, because the installation of monitoring and lighting requires suitable machinery, and Li Ang has seen the equipment of that factory, and it is completely possible. Meet the installation needs of both.

As for furniture production, parts are also needed, and family production is inseparable from thermal energy technology. Biogas filling does have risks due to the upper limit of technology and material problems, but it only needs to use biogas as a fuel required for furniture production and parts production. As for thermal energy, it is not only convenient to store and use, but also can greatly reduce labor costs, and instead invest labor costs in technology, because it no longer needs to serve residents, but serves production companies.

Li Jun raised his thumbs, because what Li Ang said would clear up those doubts. He only needs to acquire these three auctioned assets to gradually connect these industries, and then find some companies willing to inject capital. It will be easier if you have investors or cooperative companies.

"Thank you Li Ang!"

Li Jun happily held Li Ang's hand, and at this moment there was a noise downstairs. After a while, a man who looked tall and thick with a sinister face came with some subordinates who looked like mutants. He entered the office on the second floor roughly.


Li Jun and his men immediately approached and bowed and shouted.

"When are you going to pay me back the money? And the place you rented has not been paid rent for three months."

The man pressed Li Jun's neck, then glanced at Li Ang on the sofa and said with a sneer.

"We have a guest, sorry guest."

Li Ang shook his head, and the leader walked directly to Li Ang and sat down, looking at what was on the eyeshadow screen.

"Hey, sir, what are you talking about with Li Jun? This guy looks so happy."

"Just some investment stuff."

As Li Ang was about to stand up as he spoke, several mutants behind the leader came over, and the leader immediately raised his hands to stop their rough actions.

"You idiots, get out of here."

The leader smiled and asked Li Jun to go get some food and drink. Li Jun looked embarrassed, and the leader roughly took out some money from his bag and threw it over.

"Sir, if you want to cooperate with that guy Li Jun, why don't you cooperate with me? If you have money, we can all make money together. You don't have to do anything to get 3, how about we get 7?"

Li Ang probably understood what this leader meant. He seemed to have received some news, and he should have asked people from Section 7 to investigate him.

"What if I say I don't want to?"

As soon as Li Ang finished speaking, a mutant next to him immediately raised his hands angrily, but the next second Li Ang had already stood up, faint red particles overflowed from his eye sockets, and for a while, several mutants around him stopped moving.

"If you want to fight, that's fine with me, but if you do, I have the right to kill you depending on the situation."

The leader's original arrogant attitude disappeared, and he hurriedly said with a smile.

"That's not what I meant, sir. How about we talk about cooperation?"

"No need, I have already negotiated with Li Jun."

The leader was a little angry, and then he could only get up and leave with his men. He was not a fool. Now is different from the past. Once he attacks the people in the business department, the local 5th department will not let them go. They are left There is only one way, escape to the barrier area.

"Hmph, Li Jun, that brat, tell me to go down and keep a close eye on him. If he goes to borrow money, tell me who he is immediately."

Li Ang looked at the leader who was leaving and knew it well. After a while, Li Jun came back, but the leader had already left. After hearing what Li Ang said, Li Jun instantly became angry.

This leader was completely different from what he is now. He was a brother-in-law when Li Jun and the others were still making money, but after several subsequent loans could not be recovered, he began to make things difficult for them and even shot and wounded Li Jun.

"What should I do, Li Ang?"

Li Jun knew very well that if he borrowed money, his boss would definitely intervene, and it would be impossible for him to borrow money.

"Where does he live? Let's go directly to him tonight and negotiate. If he is willing to clear your loan, give him those things."

"No, Li Ang, I've had enough of this kind of life. If you wait any longer, I will definitely find a way to borrow money."

After saying that, Li Jun put down the food and drink and left with the people. Although Li Ang wanted to persuade Li Jun that holding these things in his hands was not good at the moment, Li Jun seemed to be determined.

"I feel the same way about Li Ang. After all, this is something that can be used to make money. Why give it to them?"

Li Ang could only smile helplessly. He could only do his best now. For everything at hand, he could only continue until Li Jun successfully bought three assets and then got on the right track. Li Ang You have already done something that violates your principles, and you can only do it successfully.

"Miss, what's the matter?"

"I'm looking for the people inside."

Li Ang stood up in shock and looked at Ye Jiao walking in from the door. He instantly looked extremely embarrassed.

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