Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1998 Opportunity (Part 1)

"Sir, give me something to eat!"

The wind and sand blew violently, rolling up a large amount of sand and gravel. In front of him was a ruined ruin of a small town. Some places were dimly lit. Jean looked at the people gathered in front of him. The people from the 3rd special inspection team behind him were all Looking a little uneasy, they nervously held the weapons in their hands.

People who came out of the dilapidated converted residence were running towards this side one by one. They stretched out their hands to ask for food from Jean and the others. Jean looked at the people in front of him quietly, and then sighed.

"Give them something."

"Lord Jean, this."

The team leader behind him was a little surprised, but then he nodded. The team members took out some things from their backpacks. For a moment, people around them immediately gathered around, but soon with the sound of a gunshot, those who wanted to rob were all Be more honest.

Looking at the people who turned around and ran immediately after getting the food, Gene probably knew what was going on. Nowadays, barrier zones are a problem that cities have to face.

The 30 people behind him are all carefully selected elites from the 3 departments. Now Gene's job is to lead these teams out to conduct on-site mapping surveys in the barrier area.

The other teams are led by Ling Hong and some other directors from Section 3. There will be nearly 600 people permanently stationed in the barrier area to conduct all aspects of supervision work in the entire barrier area to prevent major problems that will harm the city in the future.

It's already July 3rd, and the team led by Gene this time has been operating in the barrier area for almost a month, and many of them look a little exhausted.

Jean will also go back to the city to deal with some things when the team is resting, and then return to the barrier area. During this time, Jean will work at three points and one line, the city, the prison and the barrier area, almost 24 hours a day. There will be no spare time.

The establishment of such a special inspection team has already had some effects. In a short period of time without entering the barrier area, a large number of armed forces have spawned in many places. The most dangerous among them is the number of mutants.

After nearly two months of field investigation, the number of mutants in the barrier area currently exceeds 10,000. Huashen has been coming to the barrier area from time to time recently. After studying some mutants, he found that the people who come to the barrier area have Higher levels of mutation than in cities.

Because a few months ago, several teams sent by Zijuan were attacked, and two teams were completely wiped out. Section 3 planned to pick up the march plan for the barrier area that had been abandoned in the past. Firstly, it was to contain the armed forces in the barrier area. The second purpose of the power is to train the new recruits, and the third purpose is to enable the three subjects to play their role.

The special inspectors who serve as outposts will serve as pioneers and report the situation in the barrier area back to Section 3 at all times, and Section 3 will formulate the march route and strategic direction.

What happened in Alatan Ula in the past is still vivid in our minds, and we must take action in advance to prevent similar large-scale armed forces from gathering.

In the past few years, Jean often traveled to and from the barrier area to arrest wanted persons in some major cases. The cases often involved many people. After the main suspect escaped, the conviction of other related persons was a big problem.

A few months ago, during Section 5's large-scale crime investigation, Jean arrested many criminals and provided a lot of clues and evidence.

On the surface, the criminals were arrested by Section 2. In fact, Jean went directly to the barrier area to arrest the key criminals based on the clues provided by Section 2.

The purpose of the three special inspectors currently trained is the same. The arrest of some absconding persons related to major urban cases is also part of the work of the inspectors.

The inspector will understand all the terrain structure of the barrier area, as well as the distribution of forces, including population and other issues. The most critical thing is the mutants.

After three years of research by Huashen, one thing can be determined. The mutants who awakened and mutated in the barrier zone have one advantage. They do not need regular injections of genetic drugs to stabilize the alienated genes. Their mutated genes are very stable.

Huashen said that this may be caused by the extremely harsh external environment, so the alienated genes have become very stable.

At this time, Gene took out his mobile phone and brought up a light and shadow screen.

"Come here and take a look first. If you know the people on the screen, tell me where they are. If you arrest them, you can get three months of food."

Gene's words immediately aroused the interest of many people, and they gathered around and identified them carefully.

These criminals were fugitives who hid in the city during crime investigations, but were eventually found, and some fled directly to the barrier area.

The trial in the Hall of Law requires the presence of these criminals. If there are no criminals, the trial can only be postponed.

"I've seen this person before."

At this time, a man muttered, Jean nodded, and immediately ordered a team member to directly record the inquiry.

"Will you really give me food for 3 months?"

After a while, the man who claimed to have seen the criminal asked again, and Gene nodded.

"Once an arrest is made, food will be delivered immediately."

In a short period of one hour, clues to the three criminals were found, and the team members were a little more relaxed. They encountered more than 10 attacks in a month. The actions of these attacks made the team members see the barrier. People in this area will be nervous.

These people are selected through physical and psychological tests and need to work for 10 years. After 10 years, they will be unconditionally promoted to section officers and can choose the designated section and area for deployment.

Moreover, the salary of these special inspectors is more than five times that of ordinary section officers. After becoming familiar with the situation in the barrier area, they will be stationed in an area in teams of two or three people to conduct various aspects of investigation work.

"Lord Jean, it's almost time."

The team leader came over and reminded. Jean nodded, got up and led the team towards the north. This is the north of the city. In the past, the largest Northern Red Tide organization gathered in the north. Although the Northern Red Tide was destroyed, it was only the Northern Red Tide. The core members were wiped out, and those who scattered formed their own armed gangs of various sizes.

Gene looked back at the city behind him. If it weren't for the big problem at the beginning of the year, Section 3 would have been able to start preparing for the barrier zone march plan. This plan has been postponed to next year.

During this year, Jean will bring 3 to 4 teams of people to thoroughly adapt to everything in the barrier area, and personally teach them mutant fighting methods and all aspects of knowledge.

"Let's go to where the criminal may be."

Jean said as he quickened his pace, and the people behind him quickly followed.

2 o'clock in the afternoon

"Can I have a cigarette?"

Ran Zhi smiled kindly, and several staff who followed him looked at Ran Zhi with complicated expressions. They were responsible for taking care of Ran Zhi until he could move freely.

Ran Zhi was sitting in a wheelchair. There were many black parts all over his body. The wounds were still visible, but he seemed to be in much better mental condition.

No one answered Ran Zhi's words, and everything was silent. They pushed Ran Zhi around the designated 12th floor, which was a storage area for equipment and a temporary medical cell with doctors from four departments inside.

It is still very difficult for Ran Zhi to move now, but according to Huashen's diagnosis, he only needs to complete the rehabilitation content before he can stand up again. This process is very painful. These staff will watch Ran Zhi rehabilitate every day. Jian sometimes showed a twisted expression of extreme pain, but he never said a word.

"Don't be so unkind!"

Ran Zhi only spoke to the staff recently, because he could speak normally in the past few days and his articulation became much more fluent. He immediately asked the staff not to talk to Ran Zhi.

"Stop, please?"

Ran Zhi said, when the clerk pushing him stopped, and several clerks on both sides looked at Ran Zhi doubtfully.

"This is a blind spot for surveillance. You guys bought stocks recently, right?"

As soon as Ran Zhi opened his mouth, the expressions of several staff members changed, and he explained.

"I heard you talk about it before. Can you let me read the news? I can recommend you some stocks and I'm sure you will make a lot of money. You just need to give me some cigarettes."

Ran Zhi's words successfully aroused the interest of several department members, but the department members were still reluctant to speak.

"In exchange for such a trivial thing, and you won't suffer any loss, I can guarantee that you will make money in the stock market for free."

Regarding the crime king in front of them, all the officers knew how powerful he was. He could turn the city upside down with his own efforts. More than 10,000 cases were related to him.


A clerk took out a cigarette, and several other people stopped him. Ran Zhi immediately raised a hand and took it tremblingly.

After a while, in the smoke, Ran Zhi explained some stock conditions on the light and shadow screen with a smile. He soon understood clearly that he recommended the stocks for these clerks to buy, and told them not to be greedy. At what point? When selling, the staff recorded it in detail.

“What if I don’t make any money?”

Ran Zhi laughed.

"I still have a lot of cash hidden all over the city. If I really don't make any money, I will pay you ten times the amount."

For a moment, several members of the department laughed happily, and Ran Zhi spoke frankly.

"During my recovery, I hope you can give me a little help, and I will naturally give you back in cash. Don't worry, I won't let you do anything that violates the law."

Ran Zhi raised his head, his head began to buzz and he began to feel dizzy, but this felt great because he had not smoked for a long time.

"It's almost time."

Ran Zhi nodded with a smile. He was pushed back to the cell by the staff. It was more like an indoor hospital than a cell. There were a lot of rehabilitation equipment inside. A doctor was looking at Ran Zhi on the light and shadow screen. After the door of the room was closed, the doctor immediately laughed.

"Thank you so much, wise man."

Ran Zhi hummed, and the doctor took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet below.

"You can only take a small sip, given your current physical condition."

Ran Zhi hummed and watched the doctor pour a small glass of wine with a test tube and brought it over. Ran Zhi took a sip and smiled happily. He helped the doctor the day before yesterday and made a lot of money from online gambling. Money, and the deal was for the doctor to get him some wine.

Ran Zhi was a little drunk at this time. He felt very comfortable. It was not a bad day like this. Even if he recovered in the future and was sent down there, it would be the same. People always have various preferences and weaknesses. As long as they master these You can control people.

This situation remains unchanged no matter what era, what kind of society, what kind of environment.

"Can I trouble you today, wise man?"

It could be seen that the doctor still wanted to play, so Ran Zhi immediately spoke.

"The reason why I let you choose this game is because the odds of this game are relatively low at present, and it has just been opened. It has been several days, and you can no longer play it. If you play it again, you will most likely lose everything. Dropped."

The doctor was a little surprised, but he still seemed to want to play. Ran Zhi laughed helplessly.

"Okay, just let me help you one more time."

The doctor leaned over gratefully and said.

"Don't worry, wise man. When you fully recover, I will definitely bring you good wine and delicious food."

Ran Zhi hummed and looked at the online casino on the light and shadow screen. On the right side was the actual card dealing situation. Although this kind of gambling is timely, there is a problem. Does the casino want you to win?

Every casino has a set of real-time calculation mechanisms. In order to make profits efficiently, the casino can control how much water it releases every day and how much income it earns. These card dealers are professionally trained and have a high probability of knowing what they are dealing with. What kind of situation will the cards lead to.

After looking at the gambling games in several places, Ran Zhi chose a place and spoke immediately.

"Just play in this field. Just bet when I ask you to bet. You can win 100% of the time."

After Ran Zhi finished speaking, he showed a victorious smile. Gambling is largely a matter of probability and statistics. Ran Zhi happens to be very familiar with these two points, and in the gray world, Ran Zhi knows too many tricks. .

"You can place your bets."

Ran Zhi said, and the doctor immediately bet some money, but when he looked at the cards, he felt that there was no hope. However, the next second, the doctor laughed out loud in surprise.

"Really won."

Ran Zhi hummed.

"Go on, how much do you want to earn today, doctor!"

"The more, the merrier."

The doctor said excitedly, and Ran Zhi smiled kindly and nodded.

Half an hour later, the doctor saw that he had won more than 10,000 yuan next to 1,000 yuan. He smiled ecstatically. Ran Zhi was a little tired at this time.

"Okay, don't play doctor anymore. Gambling should only be done in moderation. You will never win, as long as you start."

Although the doctor still wanted to play, he still listened to Ran Zhi's words. Ran Zhi had already noticed that the other party had changed the dealer, which meant that he had made some moves. Many people had won money just now, but now it was different. , those who continue to place bets are doomed to lose everything.

Ran Zhi lay down comfortably, then closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"The next round of gambling begins again, Mr. Jean!"

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