Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 201 Plan (Part 2) 70 more updates please subscribe!

Chense lay quietly on the bed, with images of torture in her head that had just made her almost collapse. Tears had overflowed, but Chense cleverly buried her head on the pillow and did not dare to lift it up. She remained calm. .

Chen Se, who was already suffering so much in her heart, could only stare blankly at the person she loved, being tortured constantly. She could do nothing or say anything. She could only continue to endure. This was the only way to save Mansha. Methods.

"But this woman has a really tough mouth, and she's still using her acting skills to support it. She really fits the selection criteria of rioters. After all, many guys have really tough mouths."

Mo Xiaolan said, recalling the interrogation process of C121. After going through a lot of trouble, he finally pried his mouth open. However, C139's pain-sensing nerves had been cut off, and neither his body nor his mind were of any use to him.

"The next stage of the plan is called betrayal."

Jewell was shocked and wanted to leave.

"Mo Xiaolan, let me go back. I will start investigating when I get back and I will definitely give you a satisfactory result."

Mo Xiaolan looked at Jewell sideways, and then said with a wicked smile.

"I think you are a woman addict. Well, go back and investigate, so as not to waste your time when you go out to walk the birds at night."

Jewell stood up, put on his hat and hurriedly walked out of the conference room without saying a word. Many people in the room laughed.

Jewell didn't think about anything anymore. He just wanted to quickly return to the prison tower and ask the wise old man to come over and help him find a solution. If there was even the slightest flaw in the matter, he would be finished, completely finished.

This time it's not that simple. He is not Ji Mo, and he doesn't want to be that kind of lunatic. What happened at Ji Mo shocked everyone in the industry, because he was on the throne but didn't know it. In a strict sense, It is said that at the end of the season, it is not the executive faction, but the parliamentarian faction. For the executive section chiefs who have climbed to the throne, consolidating their thrones is the right behavior.

"Lord Jewell, let me see you off."

Qin Dong followed, but Jewel was very impatient at this time. He planned to jump directly from the city wall, reach the edge of the ravine directly east of the prison tower, and then return to the prison tower in a straight line.

"No, I'm in a hurry."

Jewell said, and with a swish sound, the person turned into a red light and flashed out. The light was a little red.


Jewell had already jumped off the city wall, and he fell down instantly. In just a few seconds, Jewell was close to the ground. With a bang, there was a loud noise in front of Jewell, and the hard concrete ground instantly A big pit sunk into the air. After a brief moment of lag in the air, he did a somersault and landed firmly on the path between the farmland.

Jewell started running anxiously. He didn't know whether Mo Xiaolan had thought that he had helped the rioters, but various signs made Jewell feel extremely uneasy. This was the first time in so many years.

"Looks like I have to cancel my work tonight."

Tianai put on the special leather jacket again, and the interrogation scene that had just been filmed for more than an hour did not make Chense relax.

"Miss Tianai, please be prepared."

Lillian changed to a new instrument of torture, and Tian Ai sat helplessly on the chair, and then began to show a painful expression as if she had been subjected to humiliation.

"Don't forget, Jean, you said you would take me to play."

Jean smiled and nodded, light blue light particles flickering in his eyes.

"I said I don't know Chense, I really don't."

Mansha's voice in the video seemed pale and exhausted, with a hint of begging for mercy. She was still lying on the bed in the morning light, with Gene sitting beside her.

Chense's performance was still the same as before, without any change. She was still struggling to support herself. The torture began again, and Mansha's voice became hoarse.

After nearly an hour of torture, Mansha had no strength and fainted several times.

"It's morning color"

Accompanied by a low whimpering sound in the screen, the sound was like a sound from hell, causing Chense to tremble all over in an instant.

"I don't know anything. It was the morning light that instructed me to complete everything."

A drop of hot tears fell from Chense's eyes. It had reached its limit. Gene turned his head and stared at Chense.

"It's over. Next, we will start to get to the bottom of it, let her explain everything, and then confront you face to face."

Jean stood up and walked slowly to the door. The door opened, and two female members of Section 2 came in and set up the morning light on the bed. She kept shaking her head, tears rolling down her eyes. I was already desperate inside.

"Now there is a way to save you two. Help us find the person behind the instructions for you, and then we can give you immunity. You can still live in the sun and continue your original life. This is the last step. Opportunity, otherwise you will be working in the bottom tunnel of the prison tower for the rest of your life.”

Chen Se was carried out with a dead look on her face, Mansha's constant accusations could still be heard in her ears, and everything was shied away from her.

Chense was driven limply, almost dragged away, while Gene was still staring at Chense.

Mo Xiaolan, who was looking at Chen Se, was already covered in sweat. She grinned. Everyone in the conference room was surprised that at this time, Chen Se didn't refute anything.


A door opened, and Tian Ai stepped out. For a moment, Chen Se's eyes widened, and his mind recalled everything in the past, including the several times he had cooperated with Tian Ai, and the things he had done with Tian Ai Mansha.

"I told them that your relationship with Mansha is unusual. What's wrong?"


Accompanied by a burst of heart-rending shouts, Chense's long-suppressed anger finally broke out. She roared and shouted, but the ball had already been stuffed into her mouth, and she could only look in front of her with wide eyes and tears. Tian Ai with an evil smile on his face.

"You deserve it. I didn't expect you to have such a relationship. It's time for Mansha to retire. What should I say then? She colluded with the rioters. I will take over everything she has."

Tian Ai walked slowly to the emotional Chen Se and smiled proudly.

"Let me tell you secretly, the bottom floor of the tunnel is mixed, and that place is wonderful."

"take away."

At this time, Mo Xiaolan came out of the door and looked at the morning scenery with a cold smile.

"Mansha has accepted our conditions and helped us connect with the creators behind you. You are no longer useful. Because of your stubborn attitude, I will send you to the bottom of the prison tower now. Tomorrow You have to work from the beginning until you die.”

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