Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1972 New Generation (Part 2)

The sun's rays were a little dim, and there were constant beeps. It was almost 6 o'clock, and a large number of vehicles were waiting in a long queue to take workers back to their dormitories. People in Sections 11 and 12 were all busy.

The Eastern Agricultural Base is the only place where vehicles are allowed. In addition to transporting workers to Section 12 dormitories and prisons, they also go to the food trading station when goods are shipped out of the warehouse.

Many small businessmen did not use the underground logistics channels, but came directly to purchase and let the mutants carry them to the designated place.

At the top of the prison tower, a group of people from Section 11 are cleaning the drainage equipment on the top floor. They pour cleaning fluid into the drainage equipment, which can effectively clean away the dirt on the inner walls of the pipes and some bacteria and viruses in the pipes.

Li Ang yawned, put down the cleaning fluid in his hand, walked to a pipe, looked at Jewell who was standing by the window overlooking the outside, walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Let me tell you why on earth you entered the practice department."

Jewell took out a cigarette, lit it and smiled.

"I can't explain it clearly. How should I put it? Maybe it's because I've been able to see it since I was a child."

Li Ang hummed. In the past, when Jewel was still in the family area, it was true that people from the business department would often pass by. No matter where they were, people from the business department could always be seen.

Li Ang knew that Jewel's decision to enter the business department was probably not the reason he said. He had been like this before, hiding many worries, unlike his cheerful appearance all day long.

"I may be transferred to Section 7 in a while. Do you want to come with me?"

As Li Ang said, Jewell looked at him doubtfully.

"It's quite relaxing here. Why would you want to go to a place where it's like working at the tip of a knife?"

Jewell is very right. Section 7 is such a place. Li Ang also knows very well that Section 7 involves a very large area. As long as issues related to the economy are involved, they are within the jurisdiction of Section 7.

"I always feel that today's economic system is too outdated and there are too many loopholes for businessmen to take advantage of. If the 7 subjects continue as usual, there will still be big problems in the economy."

Jewell took off his hat, placed it on a control panel aside, and smiled helplessly.

"I almost forgot that you used to be in business. By the way, do you still have wine hidden at home?"

Li Ang nodded with a smile.

"When you get married, I will definitely give you two jars of good wine."

Li Ang said half-jokingly, but he caught a glimpse of bitterness in Jewell's eyes, and he immediately changed the subject.

"How about it, do you want to go together? The reason why I think Section 7 is better is because it is a place where you can train a person."

"It's better to go to Section 5. That crazy woman is not the section chief now, so she can still take care of her."

Li Ang shook his head.

"The 5th subject is already very good now. That guy Niya will definitely change everything in the 5th subject. But what about us? We are not young now. What should we do in the next few decades? Where should we stand? You Have you ever thought about this problem? Jewel."

Jewell laughed.

"Why are you like an old man? No matter how much you think about the future, it only exists in the future, doesn't it?"

Li Ang said nothing more, and Jewel slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"I'll just go with you. Tell that crazy woman to ask me to go there too."

Li Ang breathed a sigh of relief. If he continues to work in the prison department, his enthusiasm and willpower will be worn away bit by bit. Although this kind of place is not hopeless and can continue to improve in the management of prisoners, but Li Ang felt that there was little point in staying here.

Watching the city collapse again and again, Li Ang felt something strange. He still remembered some words that Hydera had said to him in the past. Li Ang also decided to work hard one last time. If he could climb up, he could be himself. want to do.

Recently, few people will mention Hydera, because he has died as a criminal, rather than a living wronged person. A new era has begun, and people are always forgetful, because many people see At the prospect of this new era that suddenly started with Niya, she selectively forgot everything in the past.

“Either make up your mind and do something, or live in obscurity.”

Jewell looked at Li Ang, who was looking out in trance, and nodded with a smile.

"You can do it. To be honest, I don't have the heart or tenacity like you."

Li Ang shook his head.

"It's the same with you, Jewel. If you take one step at a time, you'll often see nothing."

"Li Ang, captain let us go."

Ye Jiao came over from behind a thick pipe, and the two of them turned around and started walking. The cleaning work was completed, and they each returned to their respective teams.

February 9, 2246

Li Ang glanced at the time. It was exactly 6 o'clock. There was a faint blush behind him. He looked over and saw the city plunged into darkness.

Originally, it was supposed to be time for vacation, but because they were assigned some tasks by the directors when they inspected the 8th floor that night, now they can only wait until next month to take vacation.

"By the way, let's go to Phoebes Resort Hotel next time we take a vacation?"

Li Ang muttered, and Ye Jiao on the side did not nod or shake his head, but said seriously.

"too expensive."


Leona felt as if her body was about to be hollowed out. She looked at Michelle and Letty who were still busy. She had almost completed the work at hand, and there was still a little bit left to prepare for the exam tomorrow morning. Now she just wants to go home, lie down in bed, watch a movie, eat some snacks and have a good sleep. This is Leona's biggest wish, but at the same time it is also Extravagant hope.

"By the way, it's time to eat!"

Leona asked, and Michelle turned back slightly.

"Miss Leona, I have asked the people in the cafeteria to bring the food up. It will be here shortly."

Leona wanted to get up, but seemed a little embarrassed, and just then the phone rang.

"I'm going out to take a call."

Leona was overjoyed and ran out of the office and went directly to the bathroom.

"That's great, I called you at this time."

"I happen to be nearby, would you like to have a meal with me?"

Ivy's joyful voice came, and Leona looked bitter.

"I would like to, but there is a lot of work now. You know, Niya, that idiot, caused so much trouble for me as soon as she got here."

"I think this is a good thing. It can effectively cure your laziness."

Listening to Ivy's hearty laughter, Leona squatted down against the wall and her expression became serious.

"That's good for you. I heard that you have officially taken over the company now?"

"Not really, it's just better than before."

Leona asked after thinking for a moment.

"What about you and that guy at the end of the season?"

"I will go see him when I go back tonight. I heard that he has been banned from going out by his family and has been imprisoned for more than half a year."

Leona probably knew what happened at the end of the season. A relatively sensational incident happened at the end of last year. A woman at the bottom of the special service industry was killed. This kind of thing is not new. The key thing is that this woman and Ji Mo is in a cohabitation relationship, which caused a huge turmoil in the city. Both Ji Mo and Ivy's families suffered a huge negative impact.

Especially this year, Ivy and Ji Mo are getting married, but this matter is still being discussed by some media, and some news will come out from time to time.

Although Ji Mo's family tried their best to deny this matter, according to investigations by some reporters, Ji Mo did indeed live with this woman from the special service industry.

As for the murder of the woman, it was apparently handled by Section 5, but Leona knew that it was Gene from Section 13 who handled it.

"What can I do? I can only get married."

Ivy's tone sounded relaxed and not boring at all. At this time, there were noisy sounds around her.

"Auntie, let's go to that store to eat. That store is super delicious."

"Aunt Ivy, goodbye. I will visit you when I take a vacation."

After Leona finished speaking with a smile, she hung up the phone, reluctantly opened the door, and had no choice but to return to the office.

At this time, Ivy was standing on a street. Her niece Chloe pointed at the shop called Dobby Rose opposite. Ivy sighed helplessly. Many men on the street would stop from time to time and take a fancy to it. At a glance, this well-dressed beauty exuding elegance seemed to be alone, but no one came close to her because she had a family crest on her chest.

Ivy came here to have a meeting at the branch. After the meeting, her niece clamored to come to this store to eat, so Ivy had no choice but to bring her here.

Seeing that this shop called Dubi Rose was full of women, Ivy took Chloe and stepped in. But the next second, Ivy was shocked. She saw someone sitting at the bar with the shop owner. Laughing Gene.

Chloe couldn't wait and ran over and ordered a lot of food. Since she and her aunt went out to visit and study, it was all paid for by her aunt. Naturally, Chloe would not let go of this opportunity. She must be big Just eat and drink a lot.

Ivy adjusted her somewhat excited mood, set up a light and shadow mirror, arranged her hair and walked over.

"Mr. Jean, long time no see."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Who is this?"

"My niece."

Rose put her hand on her chin, holding a cigarette in her mouth, looking at the scene in front of her. It was originally a beautiful vision, but she could only shake her head helplessly.

"Miss, what do you want?"

Rose asked, before Ivy came back to her senses, Chloe walked over with a smile and pulled her aunt, but immediately caught a glimpse of Jean.

"You must be Gene, you are really handsome."

Chloe said and walked over directly, observing Jean closely. Jean didn't mind, but pointed to the menu next to him.

"Miss, I recommend these. They taste very good."

Chloe looked over immediately, and Gene pointed to the table not far away with a smile.

"Let's eat together, I'll treat you!"

Rose laughed.

"In your words, it's ten times the price!"

Gene scratched his head.

"It doesn't seem right, you're cheating."

"You are not a guest!"

Gene laughed.

"Remember to send the bill to the General Affairs Department."

Rose laughed.

Ivy asked as soon as she sat down.

"Are you here for anything, Mr. Jean?"

Gene shook his head.

"I'm just a little worried, so I came over to take a look. Please forgive him for what happened to that guy at the end of the season."

Ivy was a little surprised as to why Gene would talk about the end of the season.

"What happened to him?"

Gene sighed, and then started talking about the end of the season.

After a while, Chloe brought the things over, and the small table couldn't fit at all.

"Go over there and eat alone. Mr. Jean and I have something to talk about."

Chloe pouted and glanced at Gene again, who nodded and smiled.

"That rascal"

Ivy was rubbing her hands, she didn't expect this would happen to her at the end of the season.

"I'll go check on that guy in a few days. You can come over when you have time. After all, you two will be husband and wife soon."

Ivy gave a somewhat bitter hum, and then Gene stopped talking about the end of the season and started talking about other things. Ivy listened happily.

The chat continued until about 10 o'clock in the evening, when several bodyguards ran in.

"It's getting late, Miss."

Ivy hummed and Gene nodded. After Ivy got up, she looked at Chloe who was already asleep and woke her up.

"Goodbye Mr. Jean."

Gene nodded. The store was about to close and many customers had left. Rose waited for Ivy and some customers to leave before closing the door.

"You really are always flirting with women."

Gene smiled helplessly.

"It's been a long time since I've seen someone act so diligently. It seems like your decision is correct at this stage."

Rose said and Gene hummed.

"Did that girl go too far?"

"I don't think so. Some things must be handled by someone. We have also decided that the future policy is to try not to interfere with the decisions of the section chiefs. After all, your most proud students were buried for the sake of the city in the past."

Gene's expression changed slightly, and Rose spoke without any devastation.

"Find an excuse and an opportunity to let Alpha out."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"If she wants to come out, she will come out on her own."

Rose sighed.

"Twenty years is long enough Gene, a new era has begun, do you understand what I want to say!"

Gene smiled and handed Rose a cigarette.

"Once you start, you can't stop. Well, it's time for me to leave. I have to go see that kid."

Rose sighed, looked at Jean leaving, and packed up with a smile. It would be her turn to be on duty next quarter. Rose didn't really want to go there. After all, once she passed, the place would be closed again.

In my memory, my parents cuddled up to each other in such a warm shop in their later years. Unfortunately, these beautiful moments were too short-lived. Just one year later, the world was destroyed.

Too many things were buried for the sake of the city's stability. Rose knew very well that the decisions they made in the past were failures. Even if the city developed, it was the people's hearts that suffered.

Nowadays, the attitudes of several other guys have also changed. Alpha's example has reminded everyone that in this era, what is needed is people like Alpha, and the business department has become an object of hatred among the people.


There was a noise upstairs, Rose frowned slightly, and sure enough, within a few seconds, Niya came down with a smile.

"Get me some food."

"First of all, this is a restaurant. Secondly, you have to pay. You owe me a total of 3,987 yuan. Pay me immediately. Once you pay off, you will have something to eat."

Niya leaned forward with a smile.

"Don't be so unkind. You don't know that I'm very strapped for money. I haven't paid my salary yet, and my salary is so low."

Rose sighed helplessly.

"Why don't you go to the cafeteria, Mr. Section Chief?"

"It's annoying, so I won't go. If I were to give it away, there would be a lot of people talking about this and that."

Rose laughed. Because of Niya, the workload of the 5th department increased to more than 10 times than before, and other departments also had to take action because of Niya's actions.

"Let's talk first. If something goes wrong, don't throw me into jail like you did to my sister."

Rose burst out laughing.

"Isn't this great! Come on, come with me and ask for something to eat."

"Anything is fine, get me something delicious."

Nia ran into the kitchen after Rose.

In the dark night, Jean kept approaching the upper level. He had to go and see how Ran Zai was doing. He had been in school for a few days. Although the guardian was King Xue, Jean had promised the boy to take a good look at him.

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