Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1970 Reincarnation (Part 2)

The sound of rumbling machinery resounded. As soon as Fry stepped out of the lift, he saw the crowds of people and densely working machinery in the farmland in the distance.

The city's ecology is gradually recovering. Over the past few days, Frye has clearly felt that the temperature is rising, especially in the east. He came here today to assist Hua Shen, the initiator of the huge riot before. , the wise man is receiving treatment here, but now the situation has become particularly critical, and which drug to use for treatment is a big problem.

Because even a minor problem would cause this fragile patient to die. Fry had read all the information on the wise man before coming here, and his vital signs were always hovering near the line of life and death.

Nowadays, Frye's opinion is basically the same as that of Huashen. The use of compound drugs for treatment is not very effective. The compound treatment method, which combines various drugs into a system, is aimed at people who are already weak and weak. The treatment process is gentle. Treatment effects are slow.

The director who sent Fry over was waiting aside. He was a new director in Section 4. I heard that this man was the best pharmacologist in the city, so I always felt sorry for him.

"Mr. Frye, why don't you come to the business department? You obviously have something better."

Frye smiled and shook his head.

"No need, because there is no one to look after those people."

The young director bowed slightly with respect. This was the first time he had seen someone who could do this. Although he had heard about Frye before, he gave up a great future and chose to become a mental hospital. doctor, but Huashen, the leading doctor in the city, would take the initiative to come to him, which is enough to prove that he is good enough to be comparable to Dr. Huashen.

Frye was not in a hurry to go down, but stood quietly on the platform at the top of the prison tower, overlooking the green farmland below. Everything would move again with the recovery of the farmland.

Everything in front of you feels like a new life. Frye also saw this situation 20 years ago. Now a new reincarnation has begun. Frye doesn't know what the future city will be like, but he doesn't know. Frye no longer wanted to see the city collapse again and again.

This time, Frye thought about many issues when he went back. Lolita's suggestion was still being considered by Frye. He wanted to build a force that could shake the entire city. Frye never considered these issues in the past, but it's different now. , from full of hope to doubt, to the devastation we see now.

The images of seven mentors flashed through Fry's mind for a moment. He didn't quite believe them. This sense of doubt began to appear after Alpha was imprisoned. Now, 20 years later, the result is still the same. .

"Doctor Huashen!"

There was a voice behind him, and Frye turned around and saw Hua Shen walking towards him.

"I'm sorry, when you are so busy, I asked you to come over and help treat such a patient."

Frye shook his head and took out a cigarette. Hua Shen raised his finger and helped Frye light the cigarette.

"It's nothing. Recently, the hospital has received a lot of material assistance from the Congress. People from Department 5 sent it yesterday."

Huashen sat on the ground comfortably, stretched out his legs, and raised his head with a smile, while Frye squatted aside.

"It's very disappointing."

As soon as Huashen spoke, Frye nodded without hesitation.

"But one thing, I saw something different. That girl Niya should be able to do it well, but I don't know how long it will take."

Huashen nodded in agreement.

"That girl came here yesterday and had a fight with Alpha. What do you think the result was?"

"Of course it was severely repaired."

The two laughed loudly, and Frye looked at Huashen and said.

"The problems in subject 4 are still as serious as ever. Teacher Lolita seems to be in poor health recently."

Huashen hummed, he knew what Fry wanted to say.

"Sorry, we have to go down now."

Didi didi

The machine on his waist sounded a beep, and soon a light and shadow screen popped up. On it were various physical data of Ran Zhi. Fry took a look and said.

"The blood pressure is still a little low, and the heart rate, although weak, looks much normal."

The two of them discussed while taking the elevator going down. A few minutes later, the elevator reached the 8th floor. Fry quickly completed the sterilization and disinfection, and followed Hua Shen into the ward wearing medical clothes. The dying old man was on the bed. Even Wise Man, his throat is still cut open, and traces of large and small surgeries can be seen.

After seeing all this, Frye was shocked. It was unimaginable for Frye to be able to put a broken person back together. This requires precise surgery with a zero error rate.

Fry called up today's medical records and looked at them, and found that some parts of Ran Zhi's bones had begun to undergo necrosis to varying degrees. It is likely that artificial bone materials will be needed to fill them in the next few hours, but for him who is already so weak A body that is just a little bit on the verge of death is not suitable for surgery at all.

Frye smiled and walked to the medicine mixing table nearby.

"I have some medicines here privately, which may be useful for some treatment, but these medicines are not approved by any means. I have used them before to treat some patients who had bone necrosis after physical diseases due to long-term mental state problems. I I have cured several cases, and I will give you the formula of the drug later, and you can study it when you have time, so that this kind of treatment drug with smaller side effects can pass the review, because the price of the drug is not high."

Huashen hummed, Frye picked up some tools and began to carefully prepare the medicine.

Ran Zhi, who was lying on the hospital bed, opened his eyes slightly and looked at the two blurry figures in front of him. He wanted to turn his head, but he felt that he had no strength at all. He seemed to have slept for a long time, and his head was dizzy. I don’t remember what I’m doing here.

But everything around him was gentle. Ran Zhi breathed laboriously. He really wanted to see everything around him and wanted to know what was going on. But his brain was a little slow and it was extremely difficult to confirm anything. It was very difficult. Kuai Ranzhi felt tired again and slowly closed his eyes again.

Frye looked back at the person on the hospital bed behind him from time to time, always feeling that it was a miracle that he was still alive. Although Huashen's medical skills were very good, 90% of his survival could only rely on himself.

"A very ordinary person, right?"

Frye hummed and thought carefully about the series of reports about the Wise Man over the years. Those reports described him as a mentally ill and extremely evil criminal. After seeing him, he was indeed too ordinary. After the Wise Man recovered, , Frye will also provide comprehensive psychological diagnosis and treatment for wise men.

Soon Frye prepared the medicine. After Huashen took it and mixed it, he started to give the medicine to the wise man according to the dosage mentioned by Frye. Then he put on the light and shadow gloves for surgery, planning to wait for the wise man's condition to stabilize before doing more. Minor surgery.

Huashen opened some information about the wise man and started reading it. Huashen was waiting for the operation, staring at Ran Zhi's body values ​​​​on the light and shadow screen, and he would start the operation as soon as he reached the standard.

After reading the reports of some wise men, Frye stopped. From some of the past experiences of the wise men, Frye could see only one problem. There was no special problem with his psychology. The biggest problem was that his origin.

Being born in a hopeless bottom class and experiencing countless hardships due to some of the problems in this society are some of the experiences of wise men before they become rich, just like most people at the bottom.

Frye took out the mobile phone he carried with him and planned to start writing some parts of the medical report, but soon Frye found that he couldn't continue writing because seeing Ran Zhi's incident reminded him of some things in the past. , these things do exist, but at the same time they are too long ago, so long ago that Frye doesn’t want to remember them.

Right and wrong have no meaning at this time, and the psychiatric diagnosis report is just a piece of evidence that proves that Ran Zhi finally embarked on the path of a criminal because of certain problems. All this needs to be put aside. Makes sense.

Frye did not intend to be perfunctory, but began to think carefully. It was just 11 o'clock, and major problems had occurred in the city because of Niya's decision, but the biggest problem today was about the trial of the wise men.

The witnesses and material evidence are complete, and all the crimes committed have been made public, but the only thing missing is the defendant who needs to bear responsibility.

"Let's start with the town where he was born."

Fry said and began to write.


A large number of reporters are in the conference hall of Section 5, constantly raising their hands to ask questions.

"I would like to ask Section Chief Niya, is there any cheating problem in the examination of the Business Department? That's why we temporarily changed the exam questions, changed the examiners, changed the order of the candidates' test numbers, and randomly disrupted them!"

Niya held her forehead. Such a question finally came. She clasped her hands together and looked at the reporters in the audience with a slightly serious expression.


The reporters at the scene were all confused and looked at Niya, as if waiting for her to give a specific and logical answer.

"It's like this. The exam questions this time caused problems in the handover due to the previous chaos in the city. Specifically, there was a problem in a certain link. As a result, many questions used current events for more than three years, so the questions may cause Many candidates who did not pay attention to things three years ago encountered problems during the exam, so they temporarily changed the exam questions. As for disrupting the exam number, it is because this will be done in future exams in the business department. The purpose of this is In order to make the candidates more adaptable, so that they don’t have to spend time investigating some examiner’s information, so they are afraid of being assigned to the corresponding examiner. If everyone is the same, there is no need to investigate.”

Nia said and stood up.

"Okay, everyone, there are still a lot of investigations to be completed today, so I have to leave first."

But the reporters continued to ask questions, especially about changing examiners.

"There have been too many things going on recently, and all subjects are very busy. In the past, these examiners were responsible for many other things. When they came here, these things have been shelved. These shelved things have led to many problems at present. The best way is to replace some directors who will not affect the current affairs in the city. The result will be the same. Above!"

Niya almost answered all the reporters' questions fluently. As soon as she walked into the special passage of the business department, she saw King Xue waiting at the side.

"Excellent ability to adapt to situations, Chief Niya, thank you for your understanding."


Niya took off the built-in earphones and threw them directly to King Xue. After the reporter raised the question, King Xue immediately told Niya briefly how to deal with it.

"I'm really disgusted with this approach. Seriously, just tell it like it is."

King Xue said with a smile.

"Family scandals should not be made public, Chief Niya, don't forget that there are also congressmen. They are just temporarily slowing down some things. It does not mean that they will not seize this matter to make a big fuss. Many people will be implicated by then. Come in, I just hope that the economy can recover smoothly now, okay, Chief Niya, I have to go to the Law Hall."

After Niya turned around, King Xue gestured at him, and King Xue stopped.

"Don't be nice when you get an advantage, Section Chief Niya. After all, I am of the same generation as your sister."

Niya didn't answer and watched King Xue leave. She sighed helplessly. She knew about the cheating a long time ago and asked Tamai. The answer he gave was to involve the children of these wealthy businessmen and celebrities. There are only benefits and no harm to Xingke.

Niya was also very angry at the time. After all, this was a naked deprivation of other people's opportunities. But at that time, Niya was nothing, just an ordinary clerk who loved to cause trouble. She even passed the clerk exam with great difficulty. of.

But Niya is different now. She looked at the hat in her hand and everything started again. The city is currently stable. What should be done in the future to prevent the city from having riots of the same scale as before? It’s a big problem. Problem.

"There is nothing we can do for the time being. Just take it one step at a time. If you can't do it anymore, you will have to resign."

Niya said and ran quickly.

A lift slowly rose from the top of the 5th Section Building. King Xue took off his glasses and tilted his head to look at the city below. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised. King Xue still agreed with the matter of cheating. After all, if useless garbage comes in, it will lower the overall standard of the department. Many problems that have arisen in the past 20 years are due to the fact that people in some key positions are just garbage.

Although most of the core members of Section 1 are from all-field colleges, they have still been infiltrated. King Xue has also considered this issue, but once this is done, it will cause many problems, but it is better now , someone is willing to do this kind of thing.

"It's still passable, just a little bit on the passing line!"

Niya yawned and held up the phone and said.

"Just send some people over to help me, little lazy guy, it'll be no problem."

"This is Niya you are talking about. Don't blame me when the time comes. People in our department are very strict."

Niya sat down on the chair and said.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and remove the people from subject 2 and come over to preside over the exam. If there is any problem, I will be responsible."

A crisp gurgle sounded, and Mo Xiaolan said.

"Then don't blame me. How about I come here in person? There is basically no big deal in Section 2 now."

"It's up to you."

Niya hung up the phone, turned her chair to look at the sunshine in the distance, and smiled happily. She felt no different from the past. The only difference was that now she didn't need to listen to anyone's words, even if they were God couldn't control what she did.

Thinking of this, Niya pressed the number 0013.

"We have made an agreement first, Jean. What I will do in the future is an internal matter within Section 5. I alone have the final say. If anyone interferes, I will stop doing it."

"Do your job first. If anyone interferes, I will stop it this time! Do it well and let me see something different."

Niya was about to say something and the phone was hung up.

At this time, Jean was standing on the top of a tall building, smoking a cigarette comfortably, overlooking the city. Everything became prosperous again, and everything started again.

"Hope something good will happen!"

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