Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1968 Reincarnation (Part 1)


The lights came on one after another, and in a metal room, liquid culture chambers were placed on the four walls. Inside were clones of different sizes, with exactly the same appearance, all sleeping, except that their limbs were all food. Completely incomplete, even physically deformed.

X quietly held Hathaway in his hand, and he quietly looked at the clones around him. When they mature, they only need to remove their brains, and then transfer their memories to fresh brains through quantum signal transmission and transformation technology. , you can let X continue to extend his life.

It's just that X will seal up the memory before coming to Brilliant City and let this memory wake up at a specific time, so as not to let the past memory shake his plan.

Witnessing everything from birth to destruction is not a pleasant experience for X, who still has human emotions. These things will greatly affect a person's decision-making.

The original intention of

Many past events continue to appear in X's mind, both happy and unhappy. Many of people's decisions are slowly accumulated from the past. Those past fortunes and misfortunes shape a person's decisions.

X doesn’t want everything from two centuries ago to affect the decisions he makes now. At this moment, X is still brooding about something in the past. If he hadn’t made several decisions in the past without considering his own personal Everything, maybe his plan would have been successful long ago, and the planet might be safe and sound.

The past cannot be returned, and the future cannot be assumed. A new identity will be obtained. The AIs have reached an agreement with themselves. Hathaway's information will be slowly and quietly generated in the city.

Brilliant City has begun a new cycle of reincarnation. This cycle may be 20 years, or it may be 30 years, but it will definitely not exceed 40 years. Such a small amount of time is nothing to X.

The eyes of .

Looking at Hathaway in her arms, The procedure is slightly different, except that Leng Shi is just a helper, and Hathaway is the real power.

Personalized AI programming does not rely on huge data to evolve AI, but like human growth, it gradually evolves itself. Huge data is just the icing on the cake.

The embryos created from the genetic material of the two people will also be activated at the appropriate time. They contain the key to the evolution of Prometheus. As long as they are used correctly, Prometheus can become the most powerful AI.

The founder of Bright City's AI is Li Chu. He was a genius mathematician in the past era. This AI system has reached the pinnacle that was once seen in the world. The larger the data, the higher the accuracy, and the more accurate it becomes.

The success of the plan only takes a moment, and it only takes a moment to seize everything. The past few plans have failed due to various reasons, but it is not these reasons that caused the plan to fail, but that the times have not fully developed and matured, especially Now that AI templates have been terminated, many AI-related industries have stopped.

But in the future, the gods will definitely start the Utopia Plan, and human beings will be reincarnated again and again uncontrollably. This is inevitable. No one will be spared the next collapse of the era.

Everything in the barrier area is like a time bomb. There is no way for Bright City to deal with the barrier area. Even if it can be dealt with, they cannot deal with the barrier area because the city needs to develop.

This is a very obvious question. Gas, the mechanical hatch closed little by little, X turned around and slowly walked out of the metal hall.

The lights went out, and the room door behind him closed with a creak. X walked to another room where Hathaway lived before, and another cloned cyborg Hathaway was waiting.

"Everything that follows will require you to be precise, AI12."

"Understood, everything has been determined."

X nodded slightly. At this time, the light in AI12's eyes went out. It had temporarily entered self-sleep. X walked to another room. He planned to continue to wait and see for a few days, then planned to seal the past memories and replace them with fresh ones. brain.

But there is only one thing that X can't worry about now. The thing that once easily broke through his defenses and invaded his brain is that it forced him to hand over all the criminal evidence of the Hillman family, causing Hill to... The Mann family's plans collapsed prematurely.

The existence of that guy is what You can feel the deep malice.

It's just that that guy shouldn't affect his plan. X can feel that the guy's purpose does not conflict with his own.

"Times always repeat themselves."

On a light and shadow screen, X clearly saw Niya surrounded by reporters. At this time, the only person X thought of was Jean. Jean's behavior was still the same as it was 200 years ago. There was almost no change. He had always been there. Searching for answers, never stopped.

Weiner once handed the key to the future into Gene's hands. This key has successfully opened an era of doomsday, and the door to the next era can still be opened.

"Don't you think it's great? Being the initiator of an era!"

X once asked young Jean this question.

"No, the person who started the era only exists in the future! I am not one."

At that time, Jean denied what X said. It was not like he said it casually. Now, The future is difficult to see clearly.

Constantly cultivating the people of the next era and letting them start the next era. This is what Jean has always done. No matter whether the times are good or bad, he just silently guards him, but this time Jean seems to have A little bit of change, because the people he sent to the wave of the times this time were completely different from those he sent in the past.

Looking at Niya on the screen, It's a world of difference.

It seemed to X that something was wrong with such a person being sent to the wave of the times. He had never had such a sense of uncertainty. X didn't understand why Jean would send Niya to the wave of the times.

Because in X's view, Jean is a very rational person, and the current chaos in Brilliant City cannot be dealt with by someone without talent like Niya. Choosing Michelle as his secretary is the best decision.

"It just doesn't matter anymore. No matter who it is, this era will eventually come to an end!"

9 a.m.

In the examination room located behind the headquarters building of Section 5, many candidates looked at the examiners who came in from the door. Two young women among them made many people look questioning.

"Lord Leona, does this exam require temporary inspections?"

Leona smiled.

"No, it's all arranged."

Looking at Leti, the young director of Section 8 next to her, Leona smiled with an awkward expression. She was the examiner this time.

Apart from Michelle, these two people are the two people who have been promoted the fastest. From the grassroots clerk to the current position, it took less than 5 years, and both of them had the best results in the business examination that year. people.

Leona seems normal to many people because she does not have a prominent family, but Letty is different. Her father is Pullman, the president of the Bar Association. Many candidates are worried about the fate of the two young people. Can you host this exam well?

, "I think it is still necessary, Lady Leona. After all, there have been several cheating incidents before. We must ensure that this exam is fair and fair. We must not allow these criminal behaviors hidden in the exam to affect take an exam."

Leona found it difficult to deal with this girl, so she could only nod and say.

"You take charge, Letty."

After Letty bowed slightly, she glanced sharply at all the candidates and said in a loud voice.

"Please be sure to abide by all the regulations of the exam and please do not cheat. Cheating will not only disqualify you from the exam, it is against the law and requires criminal liability."

Leti's words made many candidates feel pressure. At this time, Leona also noticed the slight changes in the expressions of some directors behind her. Cheating has not happened once or twice. Leona probably knows those life experiences. Candidates with better backgrounds will use some means to go through the back door.

They even tampered with which subjects they were assigned to. This was very rampant in Tamai's era. Those people were usually assigned to better subjects in the middle and upper classes, or to the place where their family's industry was located, and then the family would Use more connections and money to find ways to quickly promote your children to key positions.

This practice is very common. Although Leona has thought about paying more attention to this exam and has also thought about dealing with similar problems, this is too troublesome for Leona, and she has just become a secretary. After a while, it was better not to provoke these complicated problems, because Leona really didn't want to deal with other problems besides the work of Section 6.

The work in Section 6 is already heavy enough. If this kind of thing happens again, Leona really doesn't have the energy to take care of these things anymore. Letty next to her is still talking non-stop. Leona has already considered these things. It has passed, but if it is really implemented, the workload will increase five times.

Looking at the candidates in front of her who kept getting out of the way, Leona was still thinking about how to deal with it.

"Lord Leona, I think it is necessary to reorganize the exam groups and announce the exam venue before the exam. This can greatly curb cheating. As well as the content of the written exam, more than 10 sets can be prepared so that the test papers can be distributed immediately. If so, that’s fine.”

At this time, Leona saw a candidate who looked a little embarrassed and seemed a little slow. She saw that the mark on her admission ticket was that it was the third time to retake the exam. The candidate was about to avoid it, but was stopped by Leona. He grabbed it.

"By the way, Letty, why don't you just ask this person who has taken the exam three times? I think I might be able to know something more specific."

"I know Lady Leona, this is indeed a good idea."

Yincai looked at the secretary in front of her at a loss, and Leona smiled and patted her shoulder.

"This is the third exam. Please come on. The director lady behind me has some questions to ask you."

Yin Cai groaned, lowered her head, and watched a bunch of examiners walking by. The director in front of her, who was about the same age as herself, seemed to be very enthusiastic and pulled her to the examiner's office nearby.

Yincai knew this girl. When she took the exam for the first time, she was the first among the candidates in that class. Three years is not a long time, but it is not a long time. She has become a director.

A somewhat embarrassed Yincai always lowered his head and just waited quietly in the office.

"Sit down and you're welcome. I want to ask your lady, did you ever see cheating when you took the exam before?"

When Letty asked, Yin Cai panicked a little. She had indeed seen cheating blatantly in the examination room many times, but these things were unspoken rules among all candidates. Rich people would naturally be able to Get good scores.

"Yes? Miss Yincai."

Yin Cai hummed, and Letty looked overjoyed and came over with a smile.

"I will never let this happen again."

Yincai was a little surprised. She didn't know what the director was going to do. Letty immediately took out the phone. Yincai glanced at it and saw that it was the number 0005.

"Ms. Niya, I'm sorry to disturb your work. I hope you can come to the examination room. It's about cheating in the examination. I think it is necessary to postpone or change the examination system."

Letty kept nodding and then hung up the phone and looked at Yin Cai who was at a loss.

"I hope you can assist us. How did they cheat? I hope you will tell me what you saw, Miss."

There was a trace of fear on Yincai's face, and she didn't know what to do. After all, if this kind of thing was exposed, she would definitely be criticized in the future.

"What's wrong, miss? Is there something wrong?"

Yin Cai stuttered a bit.

"Sir, I...I don't know."

Letty's originally smiling expression turned serious in an instant.

"Tell me the truth, Miss, you have to do this, otherwise I will arrest you directly for concealment."

Yincai froze, her eyes widened, and she looked at Letty in disbelief. Her eyes were filled with fire.

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