Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1962 The overbearing woman (Part 1)

3 o'clock in the afternoon

A piece of blockbuster news once again made the already boiling city even more noisy. The Angus family and the Su family, as well as the 200 large and small families holding a bonus of 200, held a press conference to provide information on the 5 subjects. A 2 billion aid grant.

Such news made most people in the city feel incredible, but it was reasonable to think about it. After all, it was a member of the Angus family who took the position of section chief.

"Having provided so much money as soon as I took office, it seems that Section 5 will definitely become more greedy in the future."

A shop owner said as he wiped the table. At this moment, the young man sitting in the corner eating noodles alone smiled.

"Old Zhao, no, Section 5 will definitely become very good in the future."

The boss glanced at the young man and walked over, handing him a cigarette. The young man shook his head.

"Qin Dong, you are thinking too well. You just have a brain problem. You will be transferred to the bottom level next month. Hey, from today until the time you leave next month, you will not be charged. Come here anytime you want to eat."

Qin Dong shook his head and took out the money. He had a day off today. This was a rare day off. Looking at the reports on the news, Qin Dong felt extremely happy in his heart. Others in that position might feel that It’s uncomfortable, because it’s exactly what the boss said, the 5 subjects will be the same as before, but Niya is different.

Although she has been his direct supervisor for a short time, Qin Dong knows very well that Niya is very upright. There may be drastic changes in the five departments in the future, but what is certain is that it will get better and better. Those ugly and dark things in the past Things will be eliminated bit by bit by Niya.

Qin Dong then got up and the boss still chased him out and forcefully gave Qin Dong the money.

"Don't be polite to me. You helped me so much before, and I haven't even repaid you yet."

Qin Dong smiled and shook his head.

"The reason why I entered the Business Department and transferred from Department 3 to Department 5 is to be able to help people like you, boss."

Qin Dong still refused the money and ran quickly. The boss's daughter was almost sold before, but Qin Dong went directly to the transaction site to stop everything.

Qin Dong, who was running under the sun, felt that today's sunshine was particularly comfortable. He looked at a place in the distance where the headquarters of Section 5 was located. Qin Dong clenched his fists.

"One day, I will stand there too!"

3:19 p.m.

A bunch of businessmen in suits and ties gathered in the conference hall of Section 5, all talking and laughing. The heads of more than 200 insurance companies in the city who had been complained about were summoned. They knew the reason for being called, but However, it was clearly written in the contract that they had already made up their mind that they would not pay any compensation, not even a penny.

Several responsible persons are asking several well-connected directors.

"Director Liu, there will be no problem."

The director smiled and didn't know how to return. Several other directors also gave vague answers because they couldn't guarantee what the girl would do.

It's just that Niya doesn't know where she is now, and she can't be seen now.

"Where on earth are you going, Section Chief."

Michelle followed Niya. The two of them had arrived at an area on the ground floor and were jumping on a high building. Soon Niya landed on the ceiling of a building with a smile, and took out a bag happily. A cigarette later, the two came over very quickly and arrived here in less than 10 minutes.

"You'll find out later."

Michelle was very confused as to what Niya was doing here. At this moment, a woman came up from the corridor. Michelle immediately remembered that this S-class mutant named Olivia was a member of the Lightning Skull Guild. Vice-President of , and Niya used to be one of them.

"You idiot, why are you here just now? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"You just arrived, right, Miss Secretary."

Olivia looked at Michelle with a smile. Michelle didn't answer, but her eyes indicated.

Nia made a sound and scratched her head, and Olivia came over with a large pile of information.

"This is the investigation result of most insurance companies. Just take it easy. If there is a problem, don't involve us."

Nia laughed and patted Olivia on the shoulder.

"Now I am the section chief of Section 5. You are so scared."

Olivia smiled helplessly, and Michelle came over, her expression suddenly changed. There were many stories about insurance companies using unconventional means to obtain insurance policies, and the use of unconventional means to prevent policyholders from receiving claims, including Help some gang members launder their assets and run some gray and black industries.

"Summon people immediately and make arrests directly."

As soon as Michelle finished speaking, Niya sighed helplessly.

"Michelle, we can't do it now. If we do this, tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs. We can only postpone this matter and arrest some of them first."

Olivia looked at Michelle and felt a little incredible. She became a secretary at this age. She was really amazing. Niya couldn't compare with her. Then Olivia stretched out her hand.


Nia asked and Olivia laughed.

"The investigation fee is 125,000 yuan in total. Thank you!"

Niya scratched her head.

"How can I have so much money?"

Olivia immediately took out Nia's wallet, which only had a few hundred yuan.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Michelle immediately understood that these investigations were also conducted through informal means and could not be recognized by the law. No wonder Niya had to come and get it in person. This thick investigation report should not be collected in a short time. of.

"There have been many such things in the area under my jurisdiction before, so I asked them to investigate them. I will give you the money in a few months."

Olivia sighed helplessly.

"Be careful yourself. Now is no better than before. Your words and deeds cannot be as willful as before."

Michelle agrees with Olivia's words. After all, Niya is now the section chief of Section 5.

"I understand, Michelle, let's go back."

Michelle still felt that something was wrong. After all, if this kind of thing was exposed, it would be a big problem. She never agreed with the things collected by such informal means. It could indeed be cut into in a short time. The core of the problem, but there are also drawbacks. The existence of institutional laws is to regulate everything in the entire city, and breaking the institutional laws in this way will destroy the system and laws.

"You use whatever method you use to deal with any kind of guy. Those insurance company guys are all a bunch of bastards."

Niya said with a smile. After more than ten minutes, the two returned to 5 Core. There were still a large number of reporters outside, but this time Niya generously took Michelle in through the main entrance.

Facing the reporters who came up to her, Niya did not avoid the camera, but listened to the various questions raised by the reporters one after another.

"Everyone, I just took office today. What systems, policies, and what do I want to do if you ask about it? I can think about it in a while, okay? Okay, everyone, please leave now. We will talk about it during the inauguration ceremony. "

Niya dismissed the reporters easily, and quickly returned to the headquarters building of Section 5 with Michelle and entered the conference hall on the first floor.

As soon as Niya entered, she saw the directors and businessmen talking about something. It seemed that the atmosphere was good, Niya grinned and shouted.

"Okay, let's start the meeting."

More than a dozen directors returned to Niya. Niya was all acquaintances with them, but a few people looked at Niya's face a little unfavorably at this time.

"Niya, did you summon them here?"

Niya didn't wait for the director to finish speaking. She jumped onto the stage and spoke with a loudspeaker.

"Okay, everyone, I have called everyone here today. For no other reason than that, I hope you can come up with a reasonable compensation plan, a small amount of compensation, so as to solve the people's demands."

Michelle frowned slightly, she didn't expect Niya to be so straightforward when she came up, and immediately walked over. The people in charge below the stage looked at Niya in shock.

"Your Excellency Niya, our policyholders only pay insurance premiums after signing a contract with us. We do not buy or sell by force. Everything is legal and compliant. We..."

"Mr. Cruz, on July 8 last year, the commercial insurance you launched was very popular. Many merchants bought your insurance. However, due to poor management for some reasons, they asked you to pay compensation, but you refused to pay. , why exactly?”

Michelle looked at Niya suspiciously. On the way back, she had read all the investigation reports and quickly screened out some key points. Cruze's Anxin Insurance had very serious fraud suspicions. According to the description in the report , the reason why merchants bought such insurance was because the extra cash rebate promised outside the contract did not materialize at that time. This had already involved illegal fund-raising and illegal operations, and even involved loan sharking.

It was normal at first, but then the invisible part of the contract came into play. Policyholders must be allowed to develop. If more policyholders come in, they can get higher rebates. In this way, a large number of people are drawn in, and the result is a loss of funds. After the chain broke, the scam was exposed, and their company refused to pay the principal of these policyholders on contract grounds.

In fact, the money had been invested by Cruze's company in the stock market, real estate market, and some industries, and a lot of money had been made. This matter had already gone to court, but the merchants who filed the class action lost the case due to lack of evidence.

"Of course it's because it's clearly written in the contract. This kind of commercial insurance will only compensate policyholders who suffer losses due to poor management due to unpredictable market problems. It's clearly written in the contract."

"Then Mr. Cruz, I want to ask you something about the food, some industrial raw materials, and some illegal commodities stored in your company."

Cruz, who was still looking confident below the stage, suddenly changed his expression.

"Okay, now please cooperate with our investigation in the 5th Section. Your company is currently suspected of multiple violations and has submitted a qualification suspension letter to the 1st Section. Starting today, we have the right to detain you for 48 hours, and because you may be suspected of For urban endangerment crimes, the detention period will be extended to one year. Section 2 will come directly to assist in the investigation. After all, the raw materials in your company are very likely to have supplied the rioters in the 11 major regions that caused the riots before. Come and arrest them. he."

As Niya gave the order, the members of Section 5 standing around were shocked. This Cruze had a very good relationship with many of the directors of Section 5. They were stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do. good.

Michelle felt extremely uncomfortable. What Niya said just now was a lie. There was no actual investigation at all. She was trying to scare Cruze. At this time, Cruze looked completely despaired. The businessmen around him were still muttering in low voices. Their faces changed.

"Okay, why don't you take action? Starting from tomorrow, you don't have to come here to report. If there is a department that is willing to take over your department, you can go there. If not, just report to the college of the Acting Department."

Niya said, taking out the handcuffs, and jumped directly to Cruze's side. Behind her, Michelle was already busy issuing investigation orders and arranging investigation matters. She did not expect Niya to be such a hand.

A bunch of staff standing aside turned pale at this moment, trying to pass but unable to move.


Niya put handcuffs on Cruze, then turned around and escorted him away.

"Everyone, wait a few minutes. We will settle the accounts slowly later. You think about it. I will only say this once. Either come up with a reasonable compensation plan, or I will slowly settle the accounts with you. It can be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. When will the calculation be clear? , when will we leave again.”

Michelle swallowed. Niya's rogue-like behavior shocked everyone present.

Niya, who walked to the door, turned back and added.

"Okay Michelle, the reason for the transfer of these section members is to disobey the section chief's order."

Michelle quickly operated on the light and shadow screen, and had already sent an investigation to Section 2 for help. If this matter was not done quickly, problems might arise. At this time, the entire conference room was silent, and many businessmen kept wiping their hands. Sweating and looking quite scared.

After all, Niya was charged with urban nuisance crime when she opened her mouth. The lightest crime for this crime is 30 years, and she will either be expelled. If she is really convicted of urban nuisance crime by Section 5, she will be finished.

The directors present could not imagine that Niya would suddenly do something like this as soon as she came up.

After a while, Niya was smoking a cigarette and had taken off her uniform and put it directly on her body. She looked quite casual. After she walked in, no one made a sound.

"I will only say this once. Before 12 o'clock tonight, bring your respective compensation plans. The investigation will begin immediately. Your company will be investigated soon. Now you are not allowed to step out of this office and put your Hand over your mobile phone, and you can think about how to settle the claim here. You will be asked to leave after the investigation is completed, but I will see your claim settlement plan at 12 o'clock tonight, and I will consider any subsequent issues as appropriate."

Michelle looked at Niya blankly, and Niya turned around and said.

"If we don't have enough manpower, we can directly transfer from Section 3. I remember that the authority of the section chief can transfer 10,000 people in an emergency, right?"

Michelle hummed, immediately called up the contact channel of Section 3, and sent them a joint investigation letter for emergency help.

"Listen up from now on, don't let me take the initiative to come to you. If you have something to solve, if you don't solve it, I will slowly settle the accounts with you. Okay, everyone, please go to the investigation hall next to you and slowly think about what to do. Make a claim."

At this time, dozens of department staff came over, and a room chief spoke.

"Ms. Niya, we were not notified in advance about this matter. It was a little while."

"Then next time, do you need me to inform you in advance and then issue an order before you can move? I'll give you another chance. Take these bastards to the investigation office immediately and ask me clearly. I will personally review the investigation records. , if there is any omission, just go home, Section 5 does not need people who can't even do such a simple thing."

At this time, the clerks took action, and the businessmen could only hand over their mobile phones helplessly, and were taken out by the people from Section 5. There were only more than 10 directors left in the conference hall, and Michelle was still busy. .

"Niya, if you do this."

Before Niya could wait for a female director to speak, she walked over and grabbed her collar.

"You bastard, when my sister was here, there was nothing else to do but work when I came home every day. I often saw the documents you made. You could just go and have fun at night. You didn't even want to finish the work. A lot of the work was done by me. Sister stayed up late to help you prepare it, and you bastards, take a look at what the 5 subjects look like now?"

Niya roared angrily, and for a moment, several directors present unconsciously turned their eyes away.

"Listen clearly from now on. I don't care about other subjects. If you can't finish the day's work in Section 5, you don't need to rest. I don't care how much private time you have. Do you have to wait until the next time when a riot occurs? You have been used to being carefree these years when dealing with problems. Now you can work hard for me. If you don’t want to work, you can submit your resignation and I will agree to it immediately."

Michelle looked at Niya helplessly. She felt something strange. This approach might still have some effect.

Niya let go of the female director, and then bowed to everyone.

"I'm sorry. You all helped me in the past. I wasn't very sensible at that time. I'm really sorry. Thank you. But now I have to do a good job in subjects 5. I hope you can help me."

The female director, whose collar was pulled by Niya, straightened her clothes, sighed helplessly, and smiled bitterly.

"We are the ones who should be sorry. Let's go upstairs first. After all, such a large-scale investigation has not been conducted for many years."

Michelle relaxed a little, and the somewhat stiff atmosphere softened a lot at this time. Several directors also talked about the past when Niya caused problems and they wiped her butt. Niya also laughed. He talked and laughed with them.

Perhaps she is surprisingly suitable for the position of Section 5 Chief!

Michelle said and followed, but she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. After all, the existence of systems and laws is necessary.

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