Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1960 By your side (Part 1)

Early morning of February 7, 2246

There is a long queue outside the District 1 District Office in District 108. They are all young couples. They came here this morning to get a birth permit. Congress introduced a subsidy for newborns a few days ago. Measures, many couples came immediately, hoping to get this quota as soon as possible.

The number of birth places is limited, and it is not easy to get one. The first step is a physical examination of both husband and wife. Only couples who can give birth to healthy children can get a birth license first, and the financial conditions of a family will be strictly checked. Screening, if the family's past and recent financial situation is not good, it is impossible to obtain the remaining license.

Sections 1, 4, and 7 will jointly conduct strict screening and selection for the remaining licenses. Everything has returned to calm in just seven days. The artificial sun rises as usual every day, except for some shortages of some supplies. Besides, it's basically the same as it used to be.

The biggest problem that occurred in these seven days was that the section chief of Section 5, Tamai, resigned due to illness, and the interim secretary also resigned. The secretary of Section 5 was taken over by Michelle Aibelen, which seemed incredible to many people. of.

There are rumors on the streets that Michelle rose to power relying on her family connections. After all, her mother was a former member of the medical faction, and her father is Charles, who is now one of the eight major families. The dissatisfied voices have been heard in just a few years. The queen stopped abruptly.

Because no one cares about the change in the position of the head of Section 5. Since Alpha left, most people have almost despaired of Section 5 because they feel that it is still the same as in the past. Michelle serves as the secretary of Section 5 and is essentially in control. Everything about Section 5, because the candidate for the section chief has not yet been announced.

No matter who serves as the section chief, most people have the same impression of Section 5 over the years, an incompetent section that is rife with corruption and colludes with gang members in the area.

The current evaluation of Section 5 is almost the same as that of Section 3. Basically, it has no influence on the public. Most people do not want to pay attention to whether they exist or not.

Le Wen and Su Xin were quietly in the team. This was the third time they applied. They had been late every time before, but this time there were so many places. Each district was given 50,000 places. , these quotas will be slowly distributed month by month.

"Then the child is fine."

Su Xin muttered, Le Wen smiled and nodded.

"No problem, Mr. Jean should take good care of him."

Ran Zai has been living in their house for almost a month. In the eyes of the two of them, although the child is very smart, he is just a child after all.

"Do you think it's better to be a boy or a girl?"

Su Xin asked and Le Wen scratched his head.

"I think they're all the same. If you're a boy, you might be a little naughty. If you're a girl, I think you should be quieter. Both are fine!"

Su Xin hummed, and the couple saw that it was almost their turn. They became a little nervous. Their hands were held tightly together. For them, the child was a happy expectation.

The last time they came to apply, the person from Section 1 suggested that they move to the middle class. Now they have the financial foundation, but both husband and wife refused. In their opinion, there is nothing wrong with the bottom class, and it is not as bad as many people think. No, although sometimes you do encounter some uncomfortable things, in the opinion of the two of you, these things will definitely happen to the middle and upper classes.

Moreover, it is very convenient to go anywhere now. Even going to the farthest place from where they live only takes an hour. The couple believes that where they live is not important. What is important is that their children can grow up healthily and happily. They There are no excessive requirements for the child, as long as he is happy all his life.

The two of them have met a lot of people. In this city, whether they live in the upper class or at the bottom, there are always various problems in the city, but most people have a sad face. In fact, happiness is very simple. Yes, if you pursue something too much, you will naturally need to endure more. Happiness may be compressed due to difficulties and sufferings, but in their opinion, it is very important to have a happy heart no matter when and where. important.

In the eyes of the two people, what the people in this city have lost is their smiles. The couple have faced hardships countless times, but they did not become overly sad, disappointed or impatient because of this, they just faced everything with a smile. Well, this is the most efficient way.

"Ma'am, please come this way."

A female member of the 4th Department said. Su Xin hummed, but still looked at her husband behind her with some worry. Le Wen nodded, and the couple smiled at each other and entered the room dedicated to physical examination.

9:29 am

At the entrance of a school located on the upper floor, the principal and some teachers and students were waiting, as if expecting something. Gradually, a helicopter slowly landed, and the principal immediately greeted it with a smile.

"Lord Xue Wang, I'm really troubling you."

Ran Zai carried a bag and followed King Xue out.

"Sorry, I need you to come out in person."

King Xue glanced at the child next to him. He looked smiling and could not see anything strange at all. However, King Xue knew very well that there was a dangerous aura about this child. He was the nominal guardian of the child and was the lucky one. Thanks to him, King Xue can only place this child in this relatively good school.


King Xue said, and Ran Zai looked at him.

"Where's Mr. Jean?"

"He will come here at least once a week. One more thing I want to warn you is not to cause trouble."

Ran Zai nodded happily and walked over. The receptionist teacher came over immediately and started asking questions, and Ran Zai answered fluently.

King Xue talked with the principal for a while and then left. Ran Zai would enter this school. As a boarding student, King Xue had already advised Jean that such a child would be destined to be tragic in the future because he was dyed too dark of a color. .

But Gene didn't take it seriously. Until he graduates from school, Gene will only take care of him until then. If he causes any problems in the future, Gene will arrest him personally.

King Xue has to go back to make arrangements for another important matter. Today, Congress will announce the trust of Nia Angus, the chief of Section 5. The resumption of work is very smooth. In just one week, all walks of life have begun Normalcy has returned, and the first batch of people who caused riots in the occupied areas have begun to work in the agricultural base.

Some people chose to leave the city. Nearly 2,000 people chose to leave. They had already gone to the barrier zone the day before yesterday.

The public's discussion on this matter has come to an abrupt end, everything has been suppressed, and they basically remain silent about the war.

Because Congress has given stern warnings, some people spreading rumors have been arrested on this matter.

The situation has basically stabilized, but King Xue still has doubts. That girl should not be able to handle things in the 5th subject in a short time. Now the efficiency of the 5th subject is surprisingly high, all thanks to Michelle.

The internal affairs of Department 5 have been miserable in just one week. In order to deal with some problems in the city, they are busy every day. Some of their classmates in the past often call themselves, hoping that they can find a way to control Michelle. .

Everyone thought she was just a young lady who was not in tune with the world, but in King Xue's view, she was a working machine.

Didi didi

A phone call came through.

"What's wrong?"

"King Xue, please think of a way, our place is about to explode, that Michelle guy."

After a pause, King Xue smiled helplessly.

"I'll go there tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, King Xue smiled helplessly. Michelle's workload was more than 10 times what they used to do, which was unbearable for many people.

"We can only take one step first and see what happens next."

11:39 am

Michelle sat quietly in the section chief's office, looking at several documents submitted from the directors, her brows furrowed and her expression cold.

"Please don't be so vague in your reports in the future. Please specify the units of measurement to centimeters and the names of each person. Director Zhou, I hope you can solve the problems caused by the power supply in the north as soon as possible."

One of the governing officers looked at Michelle with some displeasure.

"Your Excellency, Secretary, I have been running here every three days to deal with these issues. I will take care of these issues later."

"We can't wait until later. If you can't handle it, I will directly assign someone who can handle it."

Michelle did not give this senior director any face, and the faces of the people on the side looked a little ugly. Soon Michelle selected two regional officers and directly drafted an order document. Sent to two people, asking them to resolve it before 8 o'clock tonight.

In Michelle's view, this issue is not a big and complex one, because the artificial sun has just been restored, and power supply is indeed a problem. Michelle has already drawn up a detailed proposal for power supply issues in some northern areas, but these things It seemed like the director didn't even look at it.

The poor and frail elderly are given priority, school medical facilities and some daily necessities are given priority. Residents who cannot receive normal power supply are given some bacterial batteries first. Some conflicts between residents and power supply stations are due to the price of electricity. Go directly to the local Just check with the district authority. After all, the funds allocated by the association can fully cope with the problem of water and electricity subsidies.

Michelle has decided that if it still can't be solved, she will take half a day to go there and solve the problem directly.

The eight directors in the room saw that the time was approaching 12 o'clock, and one of the women reminded them.

"Your Excellency Michelle, it's time to get off work."

Michelle glanced at the time. It was 11:58. She glanced at a bunch of people and shook her head.

"Please wait for a while, we must deal with the problem first. After finishing the meal in 15 minutes, I hope you will come over immediately."

As soon as Michelle finished speaking, a director said dissatisfiedly.

"12 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the afternoon is our private rest time, not during working hours!"

Michelle glanced at a few people, and then spoke.

"Then bring in anyone who's willing to work."

Michelle knows very well that in the past few days, many council officers are still as lax as before, and they are also perfunctory in the work she assigned. Now there are a mountain of problems in the 5 subjects. Although Michelle wants to use her power, she still wants to use her power. I have just served as secretary for 7 days, and many of the directors were my bosses before.

After the people in the office left, Michelle sighed helplessly. Now she could only deal with as many problems as possible. She had asked the chef to send lunch directly to the office. Sure enough, within a few minutes, Michelle The requested lunch was delivered.


the chef said with a smile.

"Ms. Michelle, if you eat such a small amount of food, you will get hungry quickly. Do you want to add more?"

Michelle looked at the meat and vegetable lunch and shook her head.

"that's it."


A bunch of officials from the administrative department were in the cafeteria of Section 5. Their expressions were not good, many of them were a little tired, and they were very dissatisfied with Michelle.

"We have our own methods. Now that she is here, she is fine. I really don't know what the teachers think."

A bunch of people could only smile helplessly. Michelle was directly appointed by the gods, and no one could fire her. Many officials felt that life in the next five subjects might not be easy.

The most critical thing is the section chief of Section 5. So far, there is no information. Although they have inquired, it seems that several section chiefs know about it, but they are all tight-lipped and say nothing.

Now, the most worrying thing for the Chinese people is that there is no section chief in Section 5. Michelle was directly promoted to section chief after working for a period of time, which will make life difficult for everyone in the future.

When Tamai was still here, they felt very relaxed and could handle many things easily, but now it is different. These seven days were simply very uncomfortable for many people. Even when Alpha was here, they never experienced this. .

Not only in Section 5, Michelle's affairs are being talked about everywhere in the practice department. This woman, who often caused troubles in the practice department before, is now in the position of secretary, which is even more troublesome.


Michelle had already processed many documents and submitted them to the General Affairs Department, but there was no response from the General Affairs Department. She could only get up and call the general manager directly.

"Your Excellency, Chief Manager, I hope you will arrange for manpower to process the five documents I submitted as soon as possible."

"Isn't it time to go to work yet?"

Locke replied confusedly, and Michelle looked a little unhappy.

"I'll come over personally to explain it to you. I hope you'll do it as soon as possible."

"I understand, Michelle, I'll go over now."

After hanging up the phone, Michelle sat down and curled her mouth slightly, looking very uncomfortable. Looking back on some things in the past, her mother often taught her to deal with things first so that these small problems would not accumulate and turn into big problems. , many of the problems in Bright City over the years are small problems that have been constantly superimposed and then evolved into big problems.


The door to the room was pushed open, and Michelle heard a laugh.

"Oh, come here in a few days. Will I die if you let me rest for a few days?"

"If you don't do it right, I'll throw you into the ditch and drown you."

As soon as Michelle looked over, she looked at Niya and Jean in shock. The shock was not that they came at this point, but because of the hat Niya was holding in her hand and the uniform she was wearing.

"Hey, Michelle, you've worked hard these days. I'm here to report, as the new section chief of the Fifth Public Security Management Section!"

Michelle stood up from the chair and looked at Niya in disbelief. Gene on the side smiled and nodded.

"Sorry, Michelle, the formal order will be issued at 2 o'clock today."

Michelle became embarrassed in an instant, and her mind went blank. Niya had already come to her side and stretched out a hand.

"I hope we can get along well in the future, Miss Secretary!"

Michelle hesitated for a moment, then shook it, but there was some dissatisfaction in her eyes. She looked at Jean, who had already turned around and waved his hand.

"Do a good job in subjects 5. If you don't do well, I will come over often and kick your ass."

Niya waved and said.

"I don't need you to teach me how to do things, but I may go too far. Is that okay?"

"As you wish, you are now the section chief of Section 5!"

Niya burst out laughing, and Michelle on the side held her hands and looked at Niya in disbelief.

"after all."

"Don't be too surprised, Michelle, I'm here to solve the problems in subject 5."

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