Half an hour ago



Blood dripped slowly from a huge raised stone. A mutant whimpered in pain. Looking at the pierced chest, he closed his eyes in despair.

Ran Zhi sat calmly in the lobby of the District 105 Public Security Office. There was a small round table next to it with a bottle of wine on it. There were some mutant corpses lying around, and blood had been splashed on Ran Zhi's face. But he was still smiling on his body and face. He had no intention of running away or giving in. He just looked at Jean who was walking towards him step by step on the opposite side.

"Hey! Long time no see Mr. Jean, would you like a drink?"

Ran Zhi said as he picked up a blood-stained wine glass on the side, wiped it casually, poured a glass of wine and handed it to Gene, who had already come to him.

Gene's face was expressionless, his eyes filled with murderous intent. He didn't take the wine Ran Zhi held up. He took the wine glass, took a sip, and lit a cigarette.

"If you want to say something, I'll give you a cigarette!"

Along with the smoke he exhaled, Ran Zhi laughed loudly. He stood up, the smile on his face disappeared, and his expression became ferocious.

"What's the difference between me and you? Mr. Jean."

Ran Zhi asked. Gene looked at Ran Zhi with relaxed eyes and shook his head.

"It's not that different."

Ran Zhi laughed happily again.

"You once persuaded me to put down my gun in the past, remember Mr. Jean."

Gene hummed, put down the cigarette in his hand, and looked at Ran Zhi seriously.

"You once said that times will get better, didn't you?"

Gene did not answer, because he could not answer this question. The current era almost overlaps with the era half a century ago. Not only has the system not changed, but it has become more solidified. The era has just changed a layer of skin. Essentially Things still haven't changed.

"The reason why I am standing here is just because you have not fulfilled your past promises. The times need to be reshuffled again, whether it is this time or the next time, right?"

Gene looked at Ran Zhi quietly. What he said was true. Even without Ran Zhi this time, the times had begun to run away uncontrollably. The troubles laid by the Hillman family were far more serious than anyone imagined. many.

This root cause has already been highlighted a year or two ago. The city has begun to enter unprecedented chaos. Not only the management, but also the economy is in chaos. The power of capital has begun to cause chaos everywhere in the city.

Such a situation is very difficult to deal with. It is undeniable that the economy of Brilliant City has suffered a heavy blow. Even if the capital of the medical industry is taken away, everything still inevitably begins.

Human life is too long, and Bright City has begun to enter its first aging society. The root of the problem is not just food. Although the reduction in food production caused by prison riots caused market chaos, this was just a problem. Small part of the reason.

The biggest root cause still lies in the problems between the administrative departments and the parliamentarian factions. If the various systems of the administrative departments had not been standardized and formulated along the way, the system might have collapsed.

When they decided on this system, they also considered the multi-faceted nature of human nature and the fact that in such a power circle, they could not maintain their original intentions as always, because this is a material world.

Not everyone can resist the temptation from the material world after being immersed in the material world for a long time. Problems are likely to occur over time.

So at that time, Jean and several other guys hoped that the business department could become a huge whole. This was reflected a little bit in the Alpha era, but in the end they still chose the city on many major issues. of stability.

Bad things have broken the original plan again and again, and the entire agency has begun to struggle. Coupled with the problems of the Hillman family, the current agency has long since fallen apart, and all kinds of ugliness are hidden in it. In the industry, no one is willing to change, and no one is willing to wait and see, because this is a huge whirlpool, and once you are trapped in it, it will be difficult to move forward.

"Time doesn't give anyone a chance, does it? Mr. Jean, I'm still thinking that I should have pulled the trigger that night. Nightmares will not disappear with the passage of time, but will disappear with the passage of time." As the tide of the times intensifies, what is the essence of crime? Although most crimes occur around profit, what is the core essence? Mr. Jean, you should know much better than me."

Jean still didn't answer. Ran Zhi slowly walked over with the wine bottle, held up the mouth of the bottle, and filled Jean's glass. The overflowing bright red wine dripped along Jean's hand and fell to the ground. .

"The bottom class does not need such technological products. There is only one negative consequence of passive acceptance. People at the bottom need to pay for the city countless times. If the city wants to develop? Haha, no matter what the reason is, this is for ordinary people who know nothing. To the people at the bottom, it is an extremely sharp knife, cruel and cruel!"

Gene looked at the wine glass quietly without any movement. The ripples in the wine glass became calm at this time.

"Every era needs a vigilant, and you, Mr. Jean, you are very keen and can know everything, but you do not have the ability to change everything, because you and I are the same type of people. When I met you, I felt Here we are! So you have no ability to change this."

Ran Zhi laughed loudly. Jean took a sip of wine and raised his head slightly. A dilapidated city under the dim sunlight appeared in his mind. The streets were full of vicious guys. Things were going on every day in the city. With different tragedies, deafening explosions can be heard from time to time.

"If you want to change all this, there is only one kind of person. Even if you know that the world is full of malice, you can still embrace the world with good intentions. Unfortunately, you are not it, and neither am I. People's innate instinct is not I won’t show any kindness to people or things that hurt me!”

Gene was always silent and said nothing, because he knew very well that as the wise man said, the essence of everything lies in the fierce conflict between development and humanities. This has been a problem in human society for thousands of years. In development, Countless beautiful things in the past of mankind will be destroyed and even disappear into the dust of history.

Seeing a glimpse of this beautiful human being that has disappeared, one can only sigh helplessly. It is obvious that all this was destroyed by human beings themselves, and human beings will never wake up and will only repeat everything over and over again.

"Is it time yet?"

Ran Zhi looked at the cigarette in Jean's hand. It was almost extinguished. The wisps of smoke were blown away by the wind. Jean looked at him.

"If possible, I really want to see what it will be like in the future. My grandson will be entrusted to you, Mr. Jean."

Jean looked at Ran Zhi blankly, and he laughed, then looked at Jean with a serious expression.

"Did you think of your family at the last minute?"

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"Either you kill that kid, or you let him bathe in the sun. He is a more talented person than me, and he is talented in crime!"

Jean grabbed Ran Zhi's collar.

"Why do you treat your grandson like this! He is your only relative in the world."

Ran Zhi laughed loudly.

"Indeed, but the key point is that he grew up watching what I did!"

Jean let go of Ran Zhi and raised his hands. Ran Zhi closed his eyes. He saw everything perfectly. This city has no future.

"If there is hell, maybe I can still see my wife, and that guy Eddie!"

Ran Zhi grinned slightly with a slightly crazy expression. The moment he opened his eyes, bloodshot eyes were covered with blood. He was like a monster at this moment, without any fear before his death, only with Endless madness.

Gene slowly put down his hand and closed his eyes quietly.

"As you wish, I'll let you see the future! But everything you do needs to be punished!"

Black particles slowly floated out of Jean's body, and Ran Zhi let out a sharp laugh.



Jean leaned quietly at the door of an operating room in Department 11, looking at Hua Shen, who was still busy inside. He was called over temporarily by Jean and was operating on Ran Zhi on the bed.

"The first stage of surgery is over!"

Hua Shen walked out tiredly and looked at Jean with blank eyes.

"What exactly did you do to him?"

"Can it be cured?"

Gene asked, and Hua Shen shook his head.

"If we can spend tonight safely, we have a chance to survive."

Gene smiled easily, and then patted Hua Shen on the shoulder.

"It's up to you, I have other things to deal with."

Huashen walked up to Gene in one step.

"I just heard Latis say, are you really planning to send that girl up?"

"Is there a problem?"

Gene asked, and Hua Shen shook his head.

"If anything happens to Nia again, the Angus family"

Gene patted Huashen on the shoulder.

"What do you think of that girl?"

"As strong as an ox!"

After Jean left the operating room, he went directly to the section chief's office in Section 11. The door was open and the lights were on. Latis and Song Man were discussing how the prison section would supervise the work of the rioters in the future.

After Gene walked in, the two stopped their discussion and stood up.


Jean nodded and sat down, looking at Latis.

"I need you to convey to me personally that the section chief of the Fifth Public Security Management Section will be Nia Angus from today on!"

Song Man looked at Jean with a serious expression.

"Why don't you tell it yourself?"

Jean smiled helplessly, stood up and walked to Latis, looking at her empty left hand.

"Are you really not going to fix it?"

Latis shook his head.

"No, I don't blame anyone. I will inform Alpha."

Gene hummed.

"Principal, what will the next era be like?"

Gene shook his head.

"The people who determine the next era will only appear in the future!"

After Latis and Song Man bowed slightly, Gene left. Latis put his hand on his forehead and smiled slightly bitterly.

"The principal is still the same as before. Do you need me to accompany you?"

Latis shook his head and left the office quickly.

Ten minutes later, Latis entered the bottom floor of the prison tower. There was a pop of light, and you could see that there were many prisoners dragging heavy stones near the excavation site. Latis walked directly down, The prisoners looked at her in horror.

"Lord Latis, please, please let me work outside. I will die if I stay here any longer."

For a moment, a pair of prisoners gathered around. Latis said nothing but said two words coldly.

"Step aside!"

The prisoners here are all afraid of Alpha, because she is very irritable and leaves no room for attack. Once a guy is hit by Alpha, he will be seriously injured or die.

The lights on the cave walls lit up one after another, and Latis walked in slowly, and soon stopped at the edge of a dug cave not far away.

In the darkness, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared. These beast-like eyes looked frightening. There was a sudden movement, and a huge figure moved.

"Please don't come in!"

Latis nodded, took out a pack of cigarettes and threw it in.

There was a sudden movement in the darkness, and soon a flame ignited.

"Hey, why did Latis come down here free?"

Under the flash of firelight, there was a frightening face, with cheeks full of playfulness and evil.

Is it still the same as before?

Latis took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

"I'm here to tell you, Alpha, that your sister Nia will serve as the section chief of the Fifth Public Security Management Section starting today!"

There were bursts of crazy laughter in the darkness.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Alpha stepped out, stood in front of Latis, and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"That's really good, isn't it!"

Alpha looked at Latis excitedly. Black particles overflowed from his body uncontrollably. Latis quickly jumped back. The next second, a huge hand stretched out and hugged Alpha. Pulling her in directly, black particles fell down in an instant, small pits appeared on the ground in an instant, and the crushed stones turned into powder.

Alpha's mood has become more and more unstable in recent years, and she often goes berserk. Without Quasimodo, the prison would not be able to stop her. The special restraint ring worn by mutants is not suitable for mutants of Alpha's level. It's useless.

Banging sounds came from the cave, and there was a slight tremor on the ground. After a few minutes, everything calmed down slightly. A large amount of dust poured out of the cave. Alpha walked out again, and bursts of collapse sounds were heard.

"Find me a new place to sleep immediately. Whoever it is, give you 10 seconds."

A large number of nearby prisoners whimpered and hurriedly came out. Soon Alpha randomly selected one and walked in directly. She turned back and said with a smile.

"After 100 years in prison, I will be out!"

Quasimodo followed closely behind, and Latis glanced at him. Quasimodo turned back and looked at Latis seriously, as if to say, I will follow her.

Latis once asked this man why he was willing to stop Alpha. He didn't say too many reasons. He only said that she was very kind.

Latis doesn't know when Alpha will wake up, but it may be a long time. Latis has also decided that only when Alpha wakes up will he step down from this position.

"I will always look at your Alpha until the day hope appears in your eyes!"

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