Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1955 Collision! Each's own justice (Part 2)

"It's timeout, miss! I have to solve the problem."

The clothes all over Jean's body seemed to have been torn apart by countless jagged blades. He stood quietly on an upturned stone and looked at Niya, who was panting and squatting on the ground with one hand raised.

The fight has been approaching 20 minutes, but Niya still seems to be able to fight. This is because the power of the red god is the highest among the seven powers of the gods. The alienated cells carry the highest energy. The street in front of her seems to be hit by heavy firepower. The attack was general, and many houses were damaged to varying degrees. A 7-story building was already in danger, with several pieces of the wall broken.

Tear-like traces could be seen everywhere on the whole street. Niya grinned slightly. She still had the strength and could continue to fight. This was the first time that she used her full strength after taking control of the power. However, after In front of God, these powers are insignificant and cannot touch Jean at all.

"Wait for me to rest for a few minutes."

Niya said as she tremblingly took out a cigarette from her pocket, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, lit it and stood up, looking at Jean blankly.

"Which one is better, me or my sister?"

The relaxed expression on Gene's face disappeared, replaced by a hint of sadness.

"Idiot, of course it's your sister!"


As soon as Jean finished speaking, he jumped in front of Niya. With a bang, Jean kicked him and Niya jumped to the left. Red particles poured out crazily and made a crackling sound. After Niya landed, she kicked her directly. Gene blocked Niya's kick with one hand and slid backwards.

The moment he landed, Jean moved forward again and punched out. Niya roared. The two were intertwined again. Jean kept dodging quickly, but he was still hit by Niya's fists. In an instant, his body The skin on his body was burnt black and sunken directly.

Jean smiled and looked at the calf-like girl in front of him. He felt joy in his heart. It was only after the fight that he realized that Niya had grown to such a point. This was what made Jean feel happy. reason.

When Wu Qun and the others proposed that Niya should take over as the head of Section 5, Jean felt hesitant because Niya was not very tactful and what the power circle needed was someone like King Xue who could balance both kindness and power. People in all aspects, but Niya is obviously not, but now Gene has changed his mind.

"Maybe it's a good fit unexpectedly."


As soon as he finished speaking, Gene was punched directly on the cheek. With a loud bang, Gene entered a building. During the fierce battle between the two, many walls and pillars of the building were broken. , something is in danger at this time.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What are you thinking about? Please be serious, I am not joking with you. If others are not going to stop you, I will stop you!"

With a loud bang, Niya fell in front of Jean again and swept over with a kick. Jean quickly ducked sideways. With a loud bang, a pillar exploded directly, and countless flying rubbles were scattered. Being crushed directly under the huge force, Niya moved forward again, arched her body, and punched him with a determined look.


Gene pinched Niya's wrist, and the intense red current instantly scorched Gene's arm. Niya looked at Gene angrily.


Gene's eyes became cold again. He didn't answer anything from Nia, and he couldn't answer anything. The only thing he could do was to finish what he wanted to do. Other than that, he had no reason to stand here.

Preaching and reasoning no longer mean anything. Niya has her own will. She stands here by virtue of her own will. She has the conscience and sense of justice as a human being, but Jean also has her own justice. This heavy And the final expression of unspeakable justice is this stable city.

Jean has seen countless wars and countless disputes in human society. These things have never left his eyes since Jean was born and just came to know the world.

There is no second option in this matter, and there is no time for Niya to carry out his justice. No matter how many times this kind of thing happens, the only way is this. This can only be done. Times will give many people hope, but At the same time, it will also bring despair. Between 20 million people and 1 million people, you can only choose 20 million people, not 1 million people.

The battle was still going on. Niya's fist didn't hesitate at all, and immediately attacked after being thrown away. Only constant attacks could stop Jean. Although Niya knew that it was in vain, but this was her The only thing she could do now was what she was willing to do.

With a loud bang, Jean once again dodged Niya's Linghong flying attack. Niya's knee directly smashed into the pillar. Jean quickly distanced himself. He didn't want to release too much power. This was not good for Niya. It was somewhat unfair. Seeing Niya working so hard, Jean was immersed in such a battle for a while.

In the past, Gene often fought like this with Alpha and other students. After Niya landed, the structure of the entire house was already unstable and began to collapse, but Niya didn't care at all and continued to rush towards Gene.

Red lightning flashed continuously, and Jean became calmer. He began to adapt to Niya's attack rhythm. Niya also noticed that her attacks began to become ineffective, but she knew very well that even if they failed, she could only forward.

There was a loud bang, the ceiling cracked, and the whole piece fell down. Niya had already jumped in front of Jean. There was a loud bang, and along with the exploding red lightning, the falling stone instantly fell apart. Crushed into stone dregs by force.

The fists of the two collided together. Jean's legs were slightly bent, and the ground sank again. Everything around him was directly bounced away. Niya gasped and continued to exert force, but the next second Jean suddenly turned sideways, Niya's right leg also swept towards Jean unceremoniously.

The force of this blow was very huge. Jean crossed his arms, and as the blue scabs on his arms exploded, he was pushed away by the powerful force in an instant.

The 7-story building also collapsed at this moment. There was a rumbling sound, mixed with a lot of cracking sounds. There was a loud bang, and dust suddenly flew everywhere. Jean walked out of a house, surrounded by There were constant clicking sounds all around, and flying rocks and violent dust rushed in all directions.

But the next second, Jean saw a red figure in the dust. Niya was attacking almost non-stop. She attacked again, and at this time Jean discovered that Niya's cheeks and fists were all covered with blood. Some bright substances appeared, like crystals embedded in the skin, shining with a red shimmer.

"Have we reached the stage of crystal painting yet?"

Jean looked at the scene in front of him unexpectedly. This was not like the phenomenon of a mutant going berserk, but a proof that he had completely controlled his power. No black particles appeared. At this time, Niya was surrounded by clouds all over her body. The red current has also changed, becoming more concrete, as if it has an entity.

Gene smiled, and Niya fell down instantly. There was a popping sound, and the red particles gathered in an instant, wrapping Gene's body like ice, followed by a burst of dazzling explosions. Red light appeared, and a crackling explosion sounded.

Countless fine currents spread out in all directions in an instant. The high-heat current began to dissolve everything around. Metal, stone, and all materials covered by the current were dissolving, and bursts of smoke rose.


Niya was half-kneeling on the ground, panting violently. The red crystal stones on the surface of her body that seemed to be embedded in the skin were slowly fading away. Niya's posture just now seemed to be entangled with countless electric whips. When it fell, Like a violent lightning strike.

"Asshole guy!"

As soon as Niya raised her head, she saw Jean standing in front of him with his whole chest deformed. However, blue particles slowly flowed into Jean's body. In less than a minute, Jean's body returned to its original state. .

"Sorry! You can rest now, there are important things tomorrow."

Gene said as he put his hand on Niya's forehead and patted it gently. Niya gritted her teeth and fell to the ground. She had no strength at all. Her body seemed to be completely hollowed out, even her fingers were gone. Unable to move.

"Can it wait?"

Nia asked again, and Gene stopped.

"If you want to ask me why I would do such a cruel thing, I can't answer you."

"I just want to say, will something like this happen again and again in the future? I know, I know very well that no matter what I do now, it will be useless, but"

Gene took out two cigarettes, looked at Niya who was whimpering with sad eyes, and put one into Niya's mouth.

"I'm sorry about the Hillman family. Originally, those things were supposed to be borne by us as gods, but Alpha took on everything independently. I'm sorry about Niya! This time, it's up to me. No matter how many times you do this kind of thing, you will never feel at ease. The future is in your hands. If you don’t want this to happen, just work hard!"

Jean patted Niya's head. She closed her eyes and cried silently. Niya knew very well that if the acting department did not retreat, once there was a firefight, it would not be as simple as thousands of people dying. There can be no casualties, and war will destroy a lot of things.

Is there any way to end the war? Only an overwhelming victory. Only an overwhelming victory can end the war before more lives are lost.

"When is the future!"

"When you decide to do something for this city, just step on it Niya!"

Niya looked at Gene in a daze, her head raised, and two traces of tears hung on her cheeks. Gene turned his head and stretched out a hand, holding the cigarette butt and pointing at Niya.

"From now on, you are the section chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section!"

"What's the meaning?"

Niya looked at Jean in shock.

"There will be a more formal appointment later. It is up to you to decide what Section 5 will look like in the future. If you are not satisfied with all this, then climb up and change everything and turn this city into what you want. I will do anything." Niya can't do it! The only thing I can do is to guard this city and the sun!"

As soon as Jean finished speaking, he instantly turned into a blue light and moved towards the distance, and Niya shouted angrily.

"Asshole guy!"


A beautiful red shadow fell next to Niya. Ling Hong looked at Niya quietly, her eyes a little shocked.

"How should I deal with my current mood?"

Niya tilted her head and looked at Ling Hong. She shook her head and easily picked up Niya and held it in her hand.

"Don't think about anything, but the principal will still do shocking things as always. Congratulations to you, Niya, the section chief of Section 5!"

Niya looked at Ling Hong blankly.

"Everything Alpha has built with your own hands will be continued by you. You are the one who knows her better than anyone else because you are her sister and have watched her grow up!"

Niya, who had regained some strength, clenched her fists. She had never felt so uncomfortable except when her sister had an accident.

"Everything will calm down in an hour at most. Maybe it won't take more than half an hour!"


Located in the area near the middle level in the north, the battle has ended. People in Sections 3 and 5 were stunned at the scene in front of them. Some people covered their mouths and vomited. All they could see were corpses and blood flowing out. The blood had seeped into the ground, staining the entire ground red.

No one moved forward, and no one looked backward. They could only look at everything in front of them and the blue light that had appeared in the distance.

Jean walked slowly to the end of a street. Behind him, a frightened man clutched his chest in pain. He raised his hands and dropped the weapon to the ground. Jean kicked the opposite wall open with a rumble. In the distance is the retreating crowd.

Having arrived at Area 105, Jean walked slowly towards the last stronghold. Soon the sound of people disappeared and the surroundings were quiet except for the occasional sound of wind.

Not far away was the brightly lit Public Security Bureau of District 105. Jean walked in casually, where hundreds of mutant people gathered with frightened faces.

"Long time no see Mr. Jean!"

Surrounded by a large number of mutants, Ran Zhi walked out, grinning ferociously, and the mutants around him were tense and ready to take action.

"Okay, we can start, no matter how many of you there are!"

Instantly, particles of various colors flashed in all directions, and a large number of mutants attacked. Jean closed his eyes with a smile, and Ran Zhi laughed crazily.

"This is the result you want, isn't it Mr. Jean! I said it many years ago, there is no hope here!"

Ran Zhi laughed loudly. He did not leave, but stared at the massacre in front of him with wide eyes. These mutant people had no ability to resist at all in front of Jean.

Ran Zhi knew what his ending would be and what would happen to him, but he didn't have the slightest fear, instead he felt very happy.


Tom stood on the roof of the building, looking at everything in front of him in shock. He wanted to run away and run to a safe place to hide, but his feet could not move. He could not understand what Ran Zhi was doing. All of this was... It's all in vain.

"Perhaps, this is the best thing for him."

A voice came from behind Thom, X walked over, Thom angrily pulled X's collar, and he pushed Thom away.

"I have known him since a long time ago. He is a man who will always stand at the intersection of shadow and light!"

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