Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 197 Collapse (Part 2) 66 more updates please subscribe!

"Listen carefully, I don't have the energy to teach you how to eat, dress, and sleep step by step. If your plan report cannot be approved by me within five days, please submit it yourself at the city meeting."

Le Xiao kept nodding her head, and her stomach growled. Michelle turned around, sat back, and started to work again. She opened the door gently, her face was red, her heart was pounding, and her head was already It went blank.

Her mind was filled with what Gu Ningning said this morning. She was fooling around casually. She originally wanted to do it seriously, but no one had taught her these things.

"Haha, so does Michelle. You can't be so cruel and walk down to eat."

Le Xiao looked at Locke Jiahui next to him with a smile on his face, and came over to put his arm around her shoulders. But Le Xiao stood at the door and couldn't take a step, and her stomach was growling.

"Just take your time. You're still young. Everything happens step by step. Let's go."

After a while, Le Xiao blushed and was forcefully dragged to the cafeteria by Locke Jiahui, who also gave Le Xiao half of his food.

"Eat, why don't you eat? Only when you are full can you have the strength to work."

Le Xiao curled her lips, she couldn't stand it anymore, and started to eat big mouthfuls. Locke nodded and sighed. Le Xiao across from him snorted, and tears fell on the head of his rice.

"Although the rice soaked in tears is not delicious, since you eat it, you have to maintain a good attitude. Otherwise, if I see you eating rice soaked in tears every day from now on, what will people think of our General Affairs Department?"

Le Xiao sucked her nose, but she felt uncomfortable. She thought about it seriously and did it, but she didn't do it well. Many people around her were laughing.

"Well, Mr. Manager, can I temporarily apply to live in the General Affairs Department for a period of time?"

Le Xiao wiped her tears, Locke handed her a handkerchief, and she wiped it.

"Your department doesn't have a headquarters yet, which is indeed a big problem. You also have the right to apply for accommodation. I will find you a room later. There should be some free rooms on the fifth floor, but you have to find a way to solve the accommodation problem for up to a week."

Locke didn't ask why, he probably already guessed it.

"It's okay, show me the report you made."

Locke took Le Xiao's phone and looked at it for a while before laughing helplessly.

"Anyway, it was done by elementary school students."

Le Xiao continued to eat.

"I've had times like this before, where I was scolded so badly by my immediate boss at the time. It's not so bad for you. My boss used to beat me instead of just talking."

Le Xiao groaned, her eyes widened, and she looked at Locke in disbelief.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. Eat quickly. I will take you to the dormitory after eating."

After a while, Le Xiao followed Locke to the 5th floor. This was her first time here. The layout of the fifth floor was different from other working buildings. As soon as she went up, there was a spacious hall that just got the sun. Inside, there were With flowers and indoor trees, it looks like a resting area.

On the left is the accommodation area, and on the right is the activity room. There is everything you need in the large activity rooms, and there is also a large bathhouse. Locke took Le Xiao to the bottom of the left. Le Xiao's eyes widened. With my eyes, I saw the name Michelle Eberon on door 539, but there was no name on door 540.

"This is the room. I will complete the temporary accommodation procedures later. Come to my office during your break. If I'm done, I'll teach you something."

Le Xiao nodded with lingering fear, but as soon as she saw Michelle's room next to her, a chill rose in Le Xiao's heart.

There was a convex crystal next to us. When pressed, a list of facilities in the 540 room appeared, as well as some options that needed to be added. There were many options. Locke directly pressed the secretary's option, and then entered temporary check-in. The time was adjusted to the maximum 7 days, and then Le Xiao was asked to sign on the light and shadow screen to complete the NDA certification and iris scan.


The door to the room opened, and a scent of fragrance hit her nostrils. Le Xiao swallowed, Locke patted her on the back, and Le Xiao stepped in.

Although the room is not big, there is a bathroom and toilet on the left side. It has a wooden floor and you can enjoy the afternoon light from the west. Le Xiao walked over and saw a large number of light and shadow buttons on the four walls, as well as a list. You can know these What kind of device is the light and shadow button? It can also be turned on at one time.

Le Xiao directly clicked on the one-time open. As the streams of light from the convex crystal surfaces on the wall were swept out, furniture began to be generated quickly. In the 10-square-meter room, there was a soft sheet beside the west window. There is a big bed, a round table in front of the bed, and a dressing table opposite the foot of the bed. A writing desk also begins to form on the right side of the door. The wall also begins to change, turning into a pattern of pink cherry blossoms. In total There are 30 transformable patterns.

Some small objects also began to form, including rag dolls and landscape paintings hanging on the walls. Le Xiao felt soft under her feet, and the ocher red carpet that matched the color of the room jumped up. A pot of violet fake made of light and shadow material appeared on the round table. Flowers, a light fragrance immediately appeared in the room.

For a moment, Le Xiao was in a good mood, lying on the soft big bed filled with sunshine. Le Xiao suddenly thought of Jean, slapped her forehead, and stood up.

Doesn't he have to work?

Thinking of what she had experienced today, Le Xiao took out her phone and dialed Gene's number.

"Gene, where are you?"

"Gene, isn't that the little bitch."

Le Xiao's heart trembled. It was Tian Ai's voice. She was about to ask, but there was a hum, followed by Jean's words.

"Sorry Le Xiao, we are dealing with very important things here, please come on."

The phone was hung up and Le Xiao blinked.

"Just a few words?"

At this time in a room, Tian Ai was covered by Hawke's mouth. Gene hung up the phone and smiled helplessly.

Tian Ai is wearing a black leather jacket, which makes her figure even more curvy. The leather jacket is made of special material and covered with a large number of motion capture devices, which can perfectly allow Tian Ai to perform the tortured and then modified and replaced Mandarin costume. After all, Sha’s image has been in the circle for many years, and Tianai also knows Mansha very well.

"Is it really okay? I have to go to the banquet tonight. What if you hurt me?"

"Okay Ai Ai, don't worry. There are so many section chiefs here. When their fists or torture instruments get to you, you only need to make a corresponding expression. They will use telekinesis to completely block it. These things that greet you.”

Tianai looked around, and Lilian walked over with a smile, bringing three female staff with her.

"How about letting Jean come."

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