Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1950 Special Chapter The Vigilant 1 (Part 2)

Chapter 1950 Special Chapter. The Vigilant 1 (Part 2)

The tide of the times is destined to be accompanied by waves. No one can control the times, and no one can defy the times. Every era has various problems.

There was no light on a silent street, and there was a suffocating coldness in the air. Gene was still checking around to see if there was anyone who had no time to evacuate. He wanted to wait until 12 o'clock.

It is only about 3 kilometers away from the outermost occupied area, Area 101, and less than an hour before 12 o'clock.

The sound of gunfire had faded away. The Xingke Branch did not establish a blockade to resist, but kept retreating. The conflict did not occur. In such a cold night, it was difficult to fight.

The lights were still on in the occupied area, and most people were still gathered in the area. Locke had made a last-ditch effort a few hours ago, but no one was willing to surrender.

A red lightning flashed in the distant sky. Gene smiled and took out a cigarette, then stood next to an electric pole and watched the red lightning flashing in the distance with interest.

"There are still people working hard, Ellie! It's the same no matter what era."

Gene smiled easily. Throughout the whole day today, Gene found that his thoughts would jump back to the past unconsciously. Everything from two centuries ago was still very clear to this day.

Human beings have never stopped fighting for thousands of years. Sometimes it is for land, sometimes for faith, but most of the time it is for interests, but sometimes it is a meaningless fight.

This is what happened this time. Countless problems are stacked on top of each other. The sun has gone out. The darkness has been shrouded for too long. Dialogue can no longer solve the problem. Those who are still holding weapons don’t even know what they are fighting for. Maybe there is only falsehood in their minds. The delusion, everything can no longer stop.

Gene thought of countless plans for this matter, but in the end these plans fell into pieces in his mind.

“What kind of era do you want to build?”

Many people have asked Gene this question, countless people have asked him over the past two centuries, but Gene has never answered.

The correct answer has long been familiar to the heart, building an era in which most people can survive. There are more than 20 million people in the 120 districts of Bright City, and now more than 1 million people have participated in this riot. Law and order The problem can no longer be solved.

The management retreated again and again. In such a cold night, the riots still continued. For the remaining nearly 20 million people to live tomorrow, what we did tonight had only one and only answer.

It doesn't matter who does it, the result is the same, and there is no way to change this result.

The sun will rise as usual tomorrow morning, and all of this will come to an end. No one will want to understand all of this, because all of this is something that everyone in Brilliant City does not want to think about.

Jean looked into the distance. There was the barrier area, which was far darker than the Brilliant City. The people in the 11 districts now in turmoil may only end up in that cold and barren land.

"Is it really wrong?"

Jean muttered and continued walking along the streets. Many of the streets were where Jean had often visited in the past. Everything on the streets was still very familiar.

Didi didi

Gene looked at the phone. It was Locke.

"What's wrong, Fatty, call me now."

"Haven't it started yet?"

Gene hummed.

"The sun will rise tomorrow morning, and the problem of subject 10 has been completely solved."

Gene hummed.

"Little Fatty, let's have a drink later."


Locke's voice on the phone seemed a little dull, so Gene hung up the phone and continued walking forward.


X sat quietly on the edge of the rooftop of a building, looking at the flickering firelight below. All the people with weapons in the 11 districts had begun to spread towards the periphery. The administrative department was still retreating, but everything tonight Everything will come to an end, and when the people in the field have no choice but to retreat, they can only carry out liquidation operations.

Once upon a time, X had witnessed such things countless times, and every time they ended in a tragic ending.

"That guy may have seen the ending, but he still did it, haha."

X held his hands and looked with interest at the bright lights in the dark area in the distance. The wise man was still assigning tasks. It seemed that he was determined to live and die with this incident.

At this time, one memory after another kept emerging in flowed out.

Regarding the eight gods in Brilliant City, .

Thinking back to the world two hundred years ago, X felt a little incredible. However, they had hardly changed much from the era two centuries ago to the present.

In the past 200 years ago, Wiener handed the key to the future into Gene's hands, and Gene successfully opened the future and continued everything about Wiener to the present.

Now think about it carefully, this relationship is a bit incredible. In X's view, they are all a group of vigilants who know the past and present and what color the future will be. However, such a group of vigilants have ignored one thing. One thing, there are two difficulties that lead to the future. No matter how we try to overcome them, there is no way to solve the paradox.

If we want to lead to the future, technological society can only continue to progress, and there can be no gaps in the period. Once there is a gap, in such a difficult doomsday survival environment, it is likely to fall short, and everything accumulated in the past century will be destroyed. once.

The only way is to extend human lifespan and let human working years continue to increase. In the end, most human beings' working years exceeded a century.

In the long years, only a few people can stand up, and most people can only become losers. In this era of solidified classes, once you become a loser, you will never be able to move up, and those who come after you will Exacerbating such class issues, in the end when everything becomes difficult to pry, suffering will accompany the times, erupting again and again, destroying everything in human beings again and again.

No matter what they do, it's too late, and they can't change anything. The times will become violent at a certain point again and again, involving everyone, and no one will be spared.

So now the gods are considering the issues of the next era. In the era of mechanization, control is achieved to the extreme. Everything about human beings is determined by birth. Machines can control everything very well. Occasionally, there may be a very few awakened people. , but it is impossible to do anything in the face of a huge era. In the end, human beings will become a fixed product of the upper, middle and lower classes.

Just like a giant high-precision machine, society and the times will become part of this machine. But in X's view, although this is a good method, it still cannot solve the fundamental problem.

Human beings are emotional animals. Because there is something called the heart, human beings will repeat the same mistakes again and again. Many tragedies are caused by the heart. The only solution is nothingness but a world that can meet everyone's expectations, Utopia. .

The virtual world can extend infinitely, and the information-based space can satisfy everyone. There is no need to worry about life, no need to regret for ideals, and no need to be sad for feelings.

In that false and infinitely extended world, everyone can become the god of their own world, and there will be no more disputes, because everyone can own the whole world and everything, even if it is just a battle that will never wake up. sweet dream.

The gods already know very well what the problem is, but they are powerless under the current situation and can only deal with everything with indifference and cruelty.

X stood up comfortably. The era in front of me did not belong to himself. You did not need to continue to do anything at all. Continue to return to the ground, waiting for a more mature and stable era, and God will raise the city to that way to that way to that. era.

"The future is always in the hands of those in the future, so continue to work hard!"


Li Chu sat on the ground and smiled helplessly. Deguna and Werther also stopped, and the three of them looked at each other and smiled.

"Finally it's all over."

Li Chu said happily, and Deguna hummed.

"The sun will rise as usual tomorrow morning, and it will only take three months for Brilliant City to return to its original state."

Werther walked slowly.

"Where are you going?"

Li Chu asked, and Deguna walked over slowly.

"At least wait until the sun rises tomorrow before going back. That guy Jean is still there."

Werther shook his head.

"I want to wait for the sun to rise with Lolita, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Werther said and closed his eyes. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to face everything tonight.

Deguna no longer tried to dissuade her, but spoke.

"I have already formulated a solution."

Werther hummed.

"talk later!"

Looking at Witte leaving, Li Chu stood up from the ground.

"That's all it can do."

Deguna hummed. After Jean solves the problem tonight, when the sun rises tomorrow, Congress will announce a solution to the problems that have occurred in the past month.

All people in the riot area will be driven to the eastern agricultural base. They will not be able to come back until the original output of the eastern agricultural base is restored. If they are unwilling, they will be expelled directly.

This is the most perfect solution that Deguna can come up with. The prison is already overcrowded, and the agricultural base that was almost destroyed due to the drop in temperature is short of manpower.

"This is probably the best way."

Li Chu smiled helplessly.

After this incident, Bright City has suffered heavy losses. In the next 10 years, the economic situation will be very bad, and the agricultural base as the foundation has suffered an unprecedented blow.

In less than a month, the food supply has consumed the inventory for the next five years, and future urban food production will be completely unable to keep up.

The General Affairs Department has urgently interviewed all the liquid food production companies in the city. Among them, the large companies headed by Sanlian Company have promised to increase the production of liquid food crazily after the sun rises, and the food supply will be given priority. To Liquid Food Company.

Letting most people eat liquid food is the only option that can help the city survive the crisis. Liquid food will accompany most people's lives in the next few decades.

In the next few days, the General Affairs Department will successively interview all walks of life in order to restore Brilliant City to its past life and allow the frozen economy to circulate again.

"If you gave us the choice to do it again, what would you do?"

Li Chu asked, and Deguna smiled and shook her head.

"What else can be done? The result cannot be changed. Human beings must move forward and never retreat. Once they stop, they are finished."

Li Chu hummed.

"Are we the only two here? Those other bastards, I really don't know what to say about them."

Deguna laughed.

"If Ellie was still here, maybe there would be another side to this city."

Li Chu didn't answer, his face darkened.

"She once saved me and all of us. No matter what happens in the future, we can only continue to let the city survive. After all, this is the city we built with our own hands."


Rose returned to the dessert shop she ran. The shop was dark. As yellow particles dispersed, there was a glimmer of light in the shop, and a coffee cup slowly floated over.

A bottle of water was also lifted up by the yellow particles. The water entered the coffee cup. As the coffee fell into the cup, the coffee started to boil in less than a few seconds. Rose held the coffee cup with only one hand. , took a pleasant sip.

Although Deguna and the others asked him to support Jean, Rose did not go there because Jean could help alone with the problem there, and he did not want anyone to intervene.

This place has always made Rose feel at ease. Everything here is like a photo, forever imprinted in Rose's mind. This small shop was built based on past impressions.

Two years before landing on the asteroid, Rose was the happiest time in her life. Her parents jointly opened such a store, and Rose would go to the store every day to help.

As soon as you close your eyes, you can see the bustling shops, the warm sunshine, and the bustling sounds of people.

"It should be business as usual here in a few months."

Rose said, carrying the coffee, she came to the balcony on the second floor, overlooking the firelight in the south. Jean had not taken action yet, but once Jean did, tonight would become extremely peaceful.

You can see streaks of red appearing in the darkness.

"That little girl, it's really time like this!"

Rose put her hands on her chin, looked at the red light flashing in the distance, and smiled calmly. Things always have a beginning and an end. At this time, Rose had a bold idea in her heart.

"If we let her serve as the section chief of Section 5, maybe the future will be much better."

The section chief of Section 5 has already been decided by several other guys. Michelle will be directly promoted to secretary after this incident is over, while Tamai will take the blame and resign. Section 5 without the section chief will be replaced by Michelle is here to manage, and she is the de facto chief of Section 5, but now Rose has other ideas.

"You can see your sister's past figure most clearly, Niya!"


Niya angrily grabbed a crying man.

"Go home and drink milk, you bastards, I've already told you, don't do anything, just go home and go to bed."

There were many people lying on the ground all around. Niya clenched her fists angrily. She had to get these people into the house, otherwise they would freeze to death early tomorrow morning. There were still many people around. The people holding weapons, Niya looked at them angrily.

"Can't you understand people? If you don't understand, I'll beat you up first!"

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