Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1941 Winged Niya 5 Sections (Part 1)

Chapter 1941 Wings fluttering. Niya. Section 5 (Part 1)


As a violent explosion sounded, Tamai rolled out of the smoke and instantly stood up and shot towards a station-type robot not far away. The red particles instantly enveloped the main body of the robot equipped with artillery weapons. The weapon made a creaking sound, and the powerful telekinesis instantly caused all the weapons on the upper half of the robot to bend.

Beams of bright white light instantly appeared behind Tamai. A female secretary fell down, and a large number of scabs appeared on the surface of her body. There was a sizzling sound, and there were burn marks on the scabs.

The scene was a bit out of control. In the metal city inside Section 10, a large number of robots swarmed out. The gods were still dealing with AI matters. There was an endless supply of these robots. Because of the existence of mimics, destroyed robots , some parts can still be recovered, beams of light are running around in the steel city, and there are traces of dissolved metal everywhere.

"Hurry up and retreat first."

Zijuan shouted next to a metal building. When the section chiefs and secretaries who were still fighting heard it, they did not hesitate. The battle had been going on for half an hour. With the help of the section chiefs and secretaries of the 13 sections, As well as a large number of directors, the robot army has not been allowed to approach the wormhole for the time being, and some people have been injured.

No one died. This was the best way to ensure that there would not be too many casualties. Suddenly, the metal ground became like waves. Zijuan was still communicating with everyone, asking the section chiefs, secretaries, and directors to retreat.

The metal seemed to have dissolved, and it rushed towards several passage openings in an instant. With a loud bang, the liquid metal blocked 6 passages in an instant. The robots that were still pouring out were covered by a large amount of metal. submerged.

"Teacher Rose!"

Zijuan breathed a sigh of relief. She was also a little tired. Some retired directors also came over. The current situation in the city was relatively stable. People in Section 10 were producing cleaning robots outside. The light core must be removed. The harmful penetrating rays emitted after the blow must be cleaned up.

On the streets of District 1, the radio warned all residents over and over again that they must not go out.

In a field next to the wormhole, the three gods Li Chu, Gu Yi and Guna are leading an elite AI team from the 10th department to use the source code to try to establish a recovery interface. They need to instantly control all the AIs currently controlled. Partially replace it, and there must be no mistakes. Once a mistake is made, the AIs may sense the threat and directly launch optical nuclear weapons indiscriminately.

Time is very tight, the results of the negotiation have just been sent back, and they have at most 3 days to regain control of the AIs.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Noah walked over with a bunch of service robots with a smile. Some directors sat on the ground casually and rested. Some injured people were treated by the directors of Section 4. Everyone was extremely tired.

"Why are there so many robots we've never seen before?"

Julia asked, and Noah scratched his head.

"This is produced based on AI creation technology, but the actual production is still flawed and lacks stability. However, the attack power is pretty good, including combat calculation capabilities."

"What on earth have you been secretly doing in Section 10 all these years!"

Duan Kong asked, Noah scratched his head, and then said.

"AI creation technology is based on the accumulation of huge basic data, and AI is used to create new technologies and new synthesis of various substances, including all aspects of life. However, even if there is a concept of such technology, it is only In the original stage, it will take a huge investment of time, money, and hard work to realize it. What do you think, it is very interesting! Such technology."

Before Noah finished speaking, he noticed some angry looks from the students around him. Noah immediately smiled and waved his hands. At this time, Rose came over and everyone started to eat.

"What's the worst outcome? Teacher Rose."

King Xue asked. Rose looked a little serious. The students all looked over. Although Rose didn't want to say anything, at this critical moment, if the students still don't know, if something goes wrong , it will be very troublesome.

"The worst-case scenario is that the virus in the underlying virus library is released."

King Xue pressed his glasses and smiled gently.

"That's not a big problem. Nowadays, city residents are at home."

Rose didn't say anything. What she and the other gods were most worried about was the annihilation virus. This virus was not like an ordinary virus. In the past, when this virus began to spread on the planet, it was still there at first. There are certain ways to avoid it, but as the virus breaks out on a large scale among the population.

As the virus continues to spread, the entire human society has become a huge virus incubator. The ability of this super virus variant to evolve is extremely powerful and rapid.

Although humans have suffered huge disasters in the past due to large-scale nuclear radiation, the culprit that killed the most humans was still this annihilation virus. According to Li Chu’s original model calculation of this virus and after considering various factors, we got A shocking conclusion was drawn. More than half of the nearly 9 billion people on this planet died due to the annihilation virus.

This is what Rose is most worried about, because this virus will not give you any chance or time. It only needs to spread, and all life will be annihilated in an instant.

The gods have never told the students about these things. This is the biggest secret in Bright City. Even this virus is related to the successful development of the life-span vaccine. The core insider is only Lolita. This virus can rewrite Human NDA, and recombination.

Although the gods had considered telling the students something about such a top-secret core matter, they ultimately gave up because it involved some secrets of this world.

One day Rose and the other gods will leave Brilliant City, and this core secret will also be taken away or directly destroyed.

Looking at the tired students, Rose looked quietly at the blocked exit. AI would still find a way. After all, AI has evolved over half a century to the point where it has surpassed human intelligence.

Such rapid evolution was caused by the opening up of AI networks in the past. When the urban economy began to experience an overall downturn, this new technology had to be opened up to squeeze out powerful production capacity and allow all walks of life to move. Get up, and what troubles Rose the most now is what will happen next if this incident goes through safely.

The city's economy will once again have major problems due to the impact of this incident, especially in terms of food supply. The current food storage capacity is enough to sustain more than 20 million people in Glittering City for more than 5 years, but now that production capacity is interrupted , the storage capacity of food will be reduced a lot in an instant.

With the major events that have happened continuously in the past few years, the city has almost never been peaceful. Looking at the students in front of them who have been through hardships and have been working hard since they were students, Rose feels a little heartbroken.

Everyone's efforts did not bring about a dazzling city, but brought about negative consequences again and again. Starting next month, it will be Rose's turn to manage. The rotation lasted for a quarter, and Rose felt a lot of pressure. , she still prefers to run her own small shop and talk and laugh with the customers in the shop every day. Such days are the most pleasant.

The same goes for several other people. Witte likes to live on his small farm, while Li Chu will walk around the city and find some familiar people to drink.

Tang Rao likes to stay in his flower house and invite nearby friends to drink every night. Deguna, as the operator of Angel Paradise, patrols his paradise every day.

Although Gu Yi conducts research every day, most of the time, he just stays in his research room in a daze, watching some movies and TV series to spend the day, and occasionally going out for a walk.

Only Jean is the one who works hard every day, working for the city and acting as a nanny, as if he never knows how tired he is. His obsession is the strongest among the seven, an obsession that is deep-rooted and has penetrated into his soul. Jean works for the city every day, but no matter what time, the city's problems will never be solved.

"Too heavy!"

King Xue muttered, Rose took out a cigarette, lit it and looked at him, King Xue smiled helplessly.

"I'm talking about the principal!"


Rose sighed, and then Gene wanted to go to prison. Rose had not told anyone else about this yet. She naturally knew what Gene wanted to go to prison, because Alpha was there in the prison.

"There's nothing we can do about it. He has been like this from the past to the present. He likes to take problems on himself. You should work harder so that he can retire early."

Rose said and patted King Xue on the shoulder, and he smiled slightly.

"If this thing fails, it will cause irreversible consequences. After all, cities have memories."

Rose knew what King Xue wanted to say, but she said nothing and walked towards the busy gods.

3:39 pm

In a temporary headquarters of Section 3 set up in the middle-level area 55, Osman was looking at some situations reported from various places. War is almost inevitable, but the current situation may not lead to any war. Osman took a look and sat aside. , Jean, who was helping to handle some of the reporting documents in Section 5, and Michelle were also working on the side.

"Lord Jean, there is obviously something wrong with this report. Please send it back immediately. I have already marked some key points."

Gene looked at the screen. A document submitted by Michelle was sent back immediately after a quick glance.

"There is also the issue of food supply for residents, which must be solved as a priority. I have already made a map of routes and locations for residents to get food."

Gene nodded, and Michelle immediately submitted a map of each district, with some locations marked in detail, because nowadays, relying on people from the business department to deliver food to residents' homes, the workload is really heavy. too big.

On such an unusually cold day, residents can only go to the streets to get food by themselves, but they need to queue in the cold wind and may cause chaos.


After Gene glanced at the maps of several districts, he immediately agreed. Then Michelle immediately walked up to Osman, bowed respectfully, and then seriously explained some of the points that had been assigned and required the assistance of Section 3. .

Osman nodded with satisfaction. This genius put forward a large number of strategies in this month. These strategies are very convenient to implement, and they are all strategies that take into consideration the people.

"It would be better for you to rest Michelle."

"No need, Lord Osman, four hours a day is enough."

Michelle went on to say that these route maps for collecting food are all cyclic. In order to facilitate the people, Michelle also asked people from the business department to draw marking arrows on the ground of the food collection routes, so that people can go smoothly. At the food distribution location, you can quickly return home after a round of circulation without causing street congestion, and the collection is divided into time periods.

Michelle also sorted out the time periods and made detailed calculations.

This was Osman's first time working with this genius, and he finally understood the reason why the manager had given full authority to Michelle for some planning matters. Michelle was still the regional officer now.

At this time, the door of the headquarters was roughly pushed open, and a wave of cold air immediately rushed in, and Osman couldn't help but cough.

"Please close the door, Miss Niya."

Michelle said something, and Niya walked directly in front of Gene.

"You bastard, you dare not answer my call."

Gene smiled and looked at Niya. Niya grabbed Gene, then dragged him out of the headquarters door and slammed the door.

"What exactly are you going to do?"

Nia asked, and the smile on Gene's face disappeared.

"This is not something you should ask. Lead the special team properly."

Niya let go of her hand and looked at Jean seriously.

"Give me some time. If the problem is solved, I will personally lead the team and go in."

Gene turned around and put a hand on Niya's shoulder.

"Have you considered the cost of casualties? It's not thousands, it's not tens of thousands, it's hundreds of thousands."

Niya looked at Jean blankly.

"Are you going to go in alone?"

Gene took out a cigarette, lit it, blew out a puff of smoke, and nodded slightly.

"Is there no other way?"


Niya lowered her head and grabbed Jean's clothes with a silent hand.

"Then I will go in alone, and I will take everyone away."

"Don't say something like this is impossible Niya. In the past, I was the one to handle this kind of thing, including the previous Hillman family. I should have been the one to handle it!"

Niya's eyes trembled slightly.

"it should."

Gene smiled.

"As a person of power, it is necessary to be kind and kind, but sometimes, what should we do when the problem cannot be solved? Alpha has already paid the due price for her recklessness!"

Gene opened the door and walked in. Niya stood quietly at the door, knowing that she could do nothing about this problem.

In the past, Niya knew how strong Jean was. People in the area that declared independence were not in any danger to Jean.

But after all, it was because she knew that Niya wanted to make the last effort.

"What would you do, sister, at a time like this!"

Niya clenched her fists and pressed them on her chest. Her expression looked a little sad and helpless. If the people from the business department really entered the occupied area, the number of casualties would be immeasurable. The most important thing is What is more, people in the area have taken up arms.

In the past few days, Niya has been outside every day, playing her own recordings, asking some residents in the area to come out, but the effect was minimal. Only a few people came out. Obviously no one stopped them, but many people Still staying in the area.


Niya punched the metal wall with a weak blow, leaving no trace on the wall.

The contradiction has reached the point of being irreconcilable. In recent years, riots have often occurred in the lower-level areas. Because the city's economy continues to decline, there is no solution, and coupled with the impact of chaos in the medical industry, everything has actually reached its limit long ago. In the past few years, Niya has wanted to do something, but every action she took could not break through all this.

"Do we just have to watch this happen?"

Niya asked. At this time, the door of the command center was opened, and Michelle came out. Their eyes met. The two came together and looked at each other face to face.

"Try to make some final efforts. As long as the threat is lifted, I can do something before Lord Jean starts to act."

Niya let out a long breath, turned around and walked slowly.

"What is a good way?"

Michelle followed, and the two of them walked among the department staff coming and going.

"What are their demands?"

Nia paused.

"I want to live a good life."

Michelle hummed.

"Promises are useless, because lies have already destroyed the last bit of trust in everyone's hearts, so I can't do anything about it this time."

Niya laughed and then walked quickly.

"Can you do me a little favor?"

Michelle looked at Niya in a daze. Niya came back to her senses, put her head next to Michelle's ear, and started talking quietly. After a few minutes, Michelle's face suddenly changed, and Niya looked at Michelle with a smile. Son.

"Just give me a little time, Michelle, while Gene makes his move, at least."

"If something goes wrong, both you and I"

Niya nodded.

"Are you scared? Michelle."

Michelle raised her head, looking at the falling snowflakes in the distance, and then looked at Niya.

"Why do you do this?"

"No reason! Because I am human."

After Niya finished speaking, she turned around and walked slowly, and Michelle grabbed Niya's arm.

"I will help you, but I hope you can promise me one thing, Miss Niya!"

Niya was a little surprised that someone like Michelle, whose work style was too mechanical, would actually help her.

"If the future."

Michelle took a deep breath.

"I can stand there. I hope you won't stop me, Miss Niya."

Michelle's finger pointed to the Capitol Hill in the distance, which was still white as day.

Niya stretched out one hand to hold it with Michelle, and Michelle nodded.

"I used to think that a young lady like you who doesn't care about the world is nothing special."

"The same Miss Niya!"

Niya let go and turned around and walked away, then waved.

"How sure are you?"

Michelle closed her eyes and said when she opened them again.

"One hundred percent!"

Niya lit a cigarette and jumped directly to the top of the house and started moving.

Niya must do something within these three days. Only in this way can casualties be reduced to a minimum. Niya knows very well that no matter what problems occur within Section 10, the only thing that is certain is that the problems will be solved. solve.

Michelle turned and returned to the headquarters, and then walked towards Osman who was still assigning tasks. Jean was still dealing with some things in Section 5.

"Lord Jean, I have a proposal."

Jean nodded silently. At this time, Jean's mind was full of thinking about some things in the past, and he did not notice the cunning twinkling in Michelle's eyes.

"Nowadays, there is a problem with the coherence of various subjects, because the section chiefs and secretaries are not here. I have ways to improve the coherence. I hope Lord Jean can give me some higher authority."

Jean looked at Michelle, and seeing her serious look, Osman stood up and walked over.

"I think it's totally fine to leave it to this girl. Now the general manager and the others should have gone to Section 10. The problems there are more serious, including the need for people in the agricultural base."

Michelle lowered her head and bowed her body, and Gene nodded.

"You will be temporarily responsible for some things in subjects 3 and 5, Michelle."

Osman looked at Jean in surprise.

"Don't rest Osman."

Although Osman looked a little embarrassed, he finally nodded. He covered his mouth and coughed violently. Then he took out an injection and inserted it into his arm.

Gene didn't think much about it, because there was no one more suitable to handle these things than Michelle.

"It's just that I need you to understand something, Michelle, you can only be responsible for peripheral dispatch orders."

Michelle immediately nodded and saluted. Gene planned to go to Section 10, but he was still worried. He had to go into the underground virus library with Rose to take a look. This is what Gene was most worried about. Once the annihilation virus was leaked, If so, Brilliant City may cease to exist.

AI's knowledge does not know the existence of underground virus databases, but not knowing does not mean that it will not be discovered.

"Come with me Michelle."

Michelle followed Gene and walked over, and Gene began to dictate some high-level command authority codes to Michelle.


Michelle nodded.

"I have remembered Sir Jean, please rest assured that I will strictly carry out the order."

Osman was lying on the side exhausted, he needed a rest very much now, and Michelle assisted the two of them in their work during this period, and she was very good, and there was no big problem in completing the work independently.

After watching Jean leave, Michelle immediately sat where Jean had just sat, quickly entered the permission code, and then glanced at Osman, who was already asleep, and she breathed a little.

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