Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1937 Special Chapter Wise Man 2

Chapter 1937 Special Chapter. Wise Man 2


The door to the room was violently pushed open, and a group of people quickly rushed into the room.


The leader was a tall, burly man with a cigarette in his mouth. He walked to the family's dining table and pressed his hand hard on the fragile dining table. It made a squeaking sound. Ran Zhi, who was eating, was about to get up when he was beside him. The mother held down.

"What's going on? Brother Chen."

"Didn't I tell you before that if you want to live on this street, you have to abide by the rules of this street? Are you turning a deaf ear to my words?"

The man said viciously. Ran Zhi clenched his fists. He wanted to get up but was held down by his mother. Seeing his mother winking at him and the tears in her eyes, Ran Zhi loosened his fists, but Father has been pinned down on the table.

"Listen clearly, don't pretend to be confused next time. This is a small lesson for you this time. It won't be like this next time."

Looking at his father who took out the money and nodded repeatedly, the leader patted his father on the head, and the others laughed and left. Ran Zhi felt dizzy at this time, and he didn't know how long he would have to endure it.


His mother was sobbing softly, and his father was just comforting him. Ran Zhi stood motionless, with a numb expression and blank eyes looking at everything in front of him. Now Ran Zhi has grown up a little, and he has strength, but he has thought about it several times. He tried to resist, but in the end his mother held him down.

Ran Zhi didn't understand why he had to repeat this kind of life again and again, but his parents always endured it again and again. Soon his parents started laughing again, as if this had never happened. Their eyes looked at each other at this time. Ran Zhi will always be avoided.

"Go to bed Azhi, you'll still be alive tomorrow."

"Will this always happen in the future?"

Ran Zhi asked, and her mother wiped the tears from her eyes and said.

"When we save enough money, our family will have a good life. It'll be okay, Azhi."

Ran Zhi hummed. Although he wanted to refute, he could only turn around silently in the end. He really wanted to tell his parents that he couldn't save money this way.

Although Ran Zhi is illiterate, he knows how to count to some extent. The minimum rent for a family per month is 50 yuan, and food expenses are 270 yuan. Plus other expenses are 50 yuan, and the monthly living cost is 370 to 400 yuan. The father can now get 300 yuan a month, he can get 200 yuan, and the mother can get 150 to 200 yuan.

The family's income is around 700, but this must be done with a stable job. Now they have found a stable job on a construction site, which requires them to work in the sun and wind for 10 hours a day.

But the good times didn't last long, and they were targeted by local gang members again. Their father had just taken away 150 yuan from them. This was the rule they set. A family needs to pay 1 yuan a day based on the number of people in a month.

If you don't pay, you will encounter all kinds of troubles and you won't be able to stay here. The administrators here are always talking and laughing with these gang members. Even if they see someone being beaten in the street, they just They talked and laughed on the side, and finally came over to take a look after it was over. Even if someone died, they would just deal with it casually.

The next day, it was another heavy physical labor that started right after he opened his eyes and ate. However, Ran Zhi's work was a little easier. His father taught him some things about mud and water, and Ran Zhi learned a lot.

The most enjoyable time for Ran Zhi every day was after work, during breaks between meals and breaks. During chats with some co-workers, Ran Zhi learned about many different things, especially things about God.

Ran Zhi couldn't understand what the so-called god was. This kind of thing that he only knew as a noun and was unknown to Ran Zhi turned out to be the existence that created the entire dazzling city and set all the institutional patterns.

Ran Zhi felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Finally, during a chat with his co-workers, Ran Zhi learned what God was. People who can do things that are absolutely impossible for humans are called gods.

In the years that followed, Ran Zhi heard a lot about the gods. How they built the Brilliant City step by step, quelled the war, and established the unity of the Brilliant City. In the previous years of war, how did their parents' generation I have experienced it. When I ask my parents, they always say that at least now I don’t need to worry about dying one day, which is much better than before.

But Ran Zhi doesn't know what's good about it, because he hasn't experienced that cruel and bloody war era like his parents. Ran Zhi can't understand the reason for his parents' weakness, and the fear that can always be seen. What exactly are they? What are you afraid of?

Life is hard enough, and with the oppression of those gang members, it is impossible to save money.

Looking at the small town where I live with my parents, a new town is being built here to connect to the newly built city next door. Although there is endless work to do every day, the salary has never been able to increase. No one dares to raise the salary. Once it is raised, They will be fired directly, because the most indispensable thing is workers.

No matter how difficult it is, life must go on. Ran Zhi knows very well that he has no way or ability to solve all this. He can only put more energy into work, so that at least he will be more comfortable and return home after tiredness. , the family sits together and has a happy meal. Perhaps this is the greatest happiness for parents, so they can endure everything.

Everyone on the street is being patient, but I don’t know since when, this patience has become everyone’s daily routine, and no one realizes what’s wrong, because everyone is the same, everyone wants to be like this In the emerging era, keep the happiness that you recognize.

"Why are you back so early today? Azhi, you can come and sit at my sister's house when you have time."

Today Ran Zhi finished his work ahead of schedule. His father asked him to come back home to help his mother, so Ran Zhi came back early. The neighbors next to him would greet him every time. Ran Zhi just responded with a few words casually, looking at this well-dressed man. A beautiful, smoking woman, Ran Zhi knew what she did because every night she heard some noises and saw different men entering.

It's just that this woman looked very happy today. When Ran Zhi returned home, he looked at his mother sitting silently at the table, seeming to be thinking about something difficult. Ran Zhi walked over and asked, and then his mother He came to his senses and shook his head.

Ran Zhi felt something was wrong. In the following days, every time Ran Zhi returned home, he would see the woman next door near his home and say something to his mother. His mother's face looked hesitant.

Ran Zhi didn't know whether to tell her mother about this. Now Ran Zhi can finish the mud work ahead of schedule every day, and his movements are much faster than before. He was also praised by the person in charge and gave himself an extra 50 yuan.

This was the first time that Ran Zhi felt happy, extremely happy. He just worked hard every day, saying nothing and thinking about nothing, because it was the easiest way.

One day Ran Zhi returned home before the sun set and saw his mother in front of the mirror, seemingly dressing up. Only during the Chinese New Year would her mother dress up. Seeing her mother's beautiful appearance, Ran Zhi was a little happy, but her mother's There was bitterness in his eyes.

"Hurry up."

At this time, the neighbor's woman came over and shouted. The mother was still hesitating. Ran Zhi didn't know what the mother was going to do, but in the end the mother said hesitantly.

"Tell me next time."

"What next time? Really, it's your luck to be favored by others, you"

The neighbor woman didn't say anything more. After noticing Ran Zhi's vicious eyes, she left angrily.

For the first time, Ran Zhi realized what the woman wanted his mother to do. He turned around and ran. Ran Zhi had to tell his father about this matter. At this time, Ran Zhi's mind was filled with that disgusting and vicious woman. He was angry. I ran back to the construction site endlessly.

For the first time, Ran Zhi saw his father and mother arguing, but this time it was clear that no one would give in to the other. After a whole night of quarreling, his father finally compromised and apologized to his mother.

Ran Zhi knew for the first time that when he was born, although his family was occasionally harassed by some gang members, his life was worry-free because his father had a good job at that time and was a foreman in a construction company. But because I helped my friend, not only did I borrow money from that friend, but I also acted as a loan guarantor for that friend when he was in trouble.

Everything that happened next was as Ran Zhi knew. In the end, even the house they lived in was taken away, the family was left destitute, and the friend his father mentioned had disappeared, long gone.

Because that person was a close friend who grew up with his father, his father helped him. Finally, when his mother cried, his father continued to comfort his mother, and her mother also said that she would not listen to the woman next door.

In the following years, the family lived here stably for half a year. The woman would still come from time to time, but the mother would shake her head every time.

"Azhi, you are quite smart. Take this and follow me from now on. You can bring your dad with you."

Ran Zhi kept thanking him. In the past, in Ran Zhi's eyes, the people in charge of the construction sites were all vampires and bastards, but the person in charge he met was quite a nice person.

"I'm going to invite someone to dinner tonight. You bring your dad with you."

Ran Zhi agreed, and happily told his father the news with the 100 yuan in his hand. However, he didn't know why, but he always felt that there was a smile in the eyes of the person in charge. This smile made Ran Zhi feel Somewhat worried.

Ran Zhi drank for the first time and ate in a decent restaurant for the first time. His father was also very happy and drank a lot.

Looking forward to the future life, the father and son who returned home talked about their plans to go to the middle floor for a few days during the Chinese New Year.

The lights at home were turned off, and both father and son felt something was wrong. The moment they opened the door, there was a smell of blood in the air. Ran Zhi was completely stunned. He only saw his father running into the bedroom, and then there was news. There came roars, and cries.


Ran Zhi stood at the door of the bedroom in a daze, staring at the messy bedroom. His mother had fallen into a pool of blood, her clothes were disheveled, and the blood had soaked her cheeks. Ran Zhi's eyes were bloodshot, and her head was filled with blood. It was as if something had been smashed, and everything in front of him was even more shattered.

The onlookers were kept outside by the administrators who came belatedly. Ran Zhi saw the disdain and joy expression of the neighbor woman in the crowd. Ran Zhi knew that all this had something to do with her.

However, during the subsequent investigation, the case was characterized as a flustered crime, and the administrators asked the father and themselves to wait for news.

From this day on, there was no smile on Ran Zhi's face. He could only numb himself with work every day. Only on the day of his mother's funeral, Ran Zhi cried. And his father would cry every night. Ran Zhi cried Heard it every night.

The feeling of powerlessness filled Ran Zhi's heart every day. However, due to an incident, Ran Zhi and his father were fired. The person in charge who had treated him well before did not say a word at this time and just married them. The father and son were allowed to leave after receiving a salary.

Some of his father's people were also gossiping, saying that his mother's misbehavior was what caused all this to happen. Ran Zhi did not argue with them, nor did he think about it, but Ran Zhi vaguely felt something.

One day later, his father got drunk. The drunken father said a lot of things that Ran Zhi couldn't believe. His father clearly knew who the murderer who killed his mother was and what caused it, and the man responsible People are also important promoters.

But the next day, when Ran Zhi asked about this again, his father shook his head.

The father and son could not continue to live here, so they could only pack up their things and leave. After that, they traveled around and did some odd jobs.

Ran Zhi has grown up a bit, and the father and son have never mentioned his mother's affairs. After so many years, there has been no news, but every time his father will go to the management office to ask about the situation, but there has been no news.

"Here, I'll give you a little more, and don't tell anyone else."

Ran Zhi nodded awkwardly and looked at the beautiful cafeteria girl in front of him. Her name was Ding Manman. The father and son found a good job in the north and stabilized it. They have been working for several months.


Every time Ran Zhi just said this shyly, it was just because two months ago, when Ding Manman was molested, Ran Zhi stood up. Although he got into trouble and was beaten up, Ran Zhi But I felt very relaxed. This may be the only time I have stood up in so many years. It feels good.

In the years that followed, Ran Zhi had some conversations with this cute and talkative girl. Ran Zhi only answered a few words each time, and most of the time it was Ding Manman who did the talking.

In the hopeless and wasted days, some light shines through, but suffering will not go away just because you work harder.

An accident happened to his father. After Ran Zhi learned the news, he ran over immediately and saw his father who was crushed under the collapsed house. Fortunately, his father saved his life.

Ran Zhi worked even harder, hoping to make life easier for his father, who was recovering from his injuries at home.

"It's okay dad, it's okay."

This is something that his father often said to him in the past. Now, every time Ran Zhi tells his father, Ran Zhi just wants to make money quickly, and then take his father to better medical facilities for better treatment.

Every day after finishing work, Ran Zhi would take food back to her father, change his clothes, and then go to the construction site canteen to eat. Every time Ding Manman would keep some food for herself, Ran Zhi was very grateful to her.

But one day, when Ran Zhi came to the cafeteria after finishing his busy work, Ding Manman was not there. The aunt who usually had a good relationship with Ding Manman told Ran Zhi, and Ding Manman was called over by the boss.

Ran Zhi's head was buzzing, and he rushed out quickly. After arriving at the boss's residence, Ran Zhi rushed in regardless of the obstruction of several people. After seeing Ding Manman's crying face, Ran Zhi rushed forward. , but was quickly held down.

"I'm going to kill him!"

This was the first time Ran Zhi said such cruel words, but Ding Manman hugged her from behind, and she kept shaking her head.

"Thank you, if you didn't come over"

His father's leg injury worsened and required a large sum of money for treatment. However, wages were not paid at the construction site. His father was in urgent need of medical expenses. Ran Zhi and some workers united and went to the boss.

However, the result was that Ran Zhi was beaten alone, while he and his father only received part of their wages.

"I'm going to kill him!"

The second time Ran Zhi said such words.

"You're going to die, don't go, don't go."

Ding Manman cried and stopped Ran Zhi.

"How much does your father's surgery cost?"

His father's injury could no longer be delayed. Ran Zhi went to the medical facility with the only money he had, but received an indifferent response because the money was simply not enough.

During an argument with the doctor, his father committed suicide while lying on the operating table.

Despair filled Ran Zhi in an instant, and the next moment, Ding Manman, who was bruised and bruised, came over because he got the money.

"I'm going to kill him!"

The third time, Ran Zhi said these words, but this time, in just a moment, Ran Zhi had a plan in his mind. He not only wanted to kill the boss, but also took away his money, and then Take Ding Manman away and fly away.

In despair and oppression, Ran Zhi knew very well that the saying that the future would be good could not apply to him.

The plan went very smoothly, but after Ran Zhi successfully entered the boss's room, the boss was not there. There was only a white-haired man sitting by the window, smoking a cigarette. Ran Zhi held up a gun and asked him to take out the key.

However, the white-haired man promised that he would deal with the administrators who neglected their duties, and he would also deal with the boss of the construction company. He would put all the guilty people in prison, persuade Ran Zhi to put down the gun, and introduce him to a Nice work.

"A relatively fair and new era will come, believe me young man!"

New Era?

In the end Ran Zhi put down his gun. Just as the man promised, all the guilty here were dealt with. Ran Zhi also received the wages owed to himself and his father, and Ding Manman also received a large amount of punitive compensation.

On a hazy morning shrouded in fog, Ran Zhi took Ding Manman with a letter of introduction and planned to go to the agricultural base in the east.

"Thank you Mr. Jean!"

Ran Zhi bowed to the man, and Ding Manman was grateful to Jean. Later, Ran Zhi learned that Ding Manman was seen by Jean when she was working in a tavern, with a painful and fearful expression. Then Jean came to find her, and Ding Manman Told Jean Ranzhi's plan.

The two left in the morning mist. When they were about to get in the car, Ran Zhi turned back, as if he wanted to confirm something.

"Mr. Jean, will the new era you mentioned come?"

"I promise!"

Life has undergone earth-shaking changes. After meeting Jean, Ran Zhi and Ding Manman lived a very comfortable life in the agricultural base and were happy every day. With the help of the agricultural base manager Ye Chunwang, Ran Zhi and some administrators Learn to read.

It's just that Ran Zhi will still think of some things in the past from time to time, remembering it countless times, getting angry countless times, the kind of anger that wants to destroy everything, but Ran Zhi is sober every time.

Life is getting better and better. After working in the agricultural base for several years, Ran Zhi and his wife returned to the bottom again and got a good job, because Ran Zhi obtained a grain wholesale license, which is equivalent to a A long-term meal ticket.

The days ahead should be getting better and better, especially after the birth of her daughter, Ran Zhi feels more and more that she has escaped the unhappiness and darkness of the past.

The times have indeed changed dramatically as Jean said. Some of the extremely unequal things that existed for workers in the past have disappeared, because once discovered by the special inspection team, they will definitely lose their money and be thrown into prison. To spend the rest of my life there.

In the past, many management personnel were held by family members, but now they are gradually replaced by ordinary people in the city. Ran Zhi feels that life has indeed become much better.

It's just that the food wholesale license in Ran Zhi's hand was targeted. This time Ran Zhi was no longer cowardly. However, an accident soon happened to Ran Zhi. After being robbed, Ran Zhi fought back and was angered. Robbers, they broke Ran Zhi's legs.

In the end, Ran Zhi handed over the food wholesale license because he needed money to raise his children. Reality always gave Ran Zhi a heavy blow every time, but this time Ran Zhi was lucky and got a vehicle monitoring officer. place’s work.

Times have really changed, according to Ran Zhi, because you can always see some gang members being arrested. Unlike in the past, some places were even completely controlled by gang members and family members in collusion, but now it is different.


"Maybe it's just me!"

Ran Zhi would often talk to himself. He just hoped that his leg injury would get better soon. Moreover, Ran Zhi also knew something. He knew clearly but didn't say a word in the end, because he knew that everything about him now , it was all bought by his wife, and he didn’t blame his wife for anything.

Good luck will always come to an abrupt end at some point. Ran Zhi knows very well that if he continues to be honest, there will be no future. The future that seems to be radiant and dazzling, every time he always Unable to catch.

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