Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1934 Wings of Niya Red Thunder 10 (Part 1)

Chapter 1934 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 10 (Part 1)

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. There is a large sea of ​​flowers beside a gurgling stream. Next to a small bridge, there is a big tree. Under the tree, there is a small round table, a cup of coffee, and a book. Reading a book, I saw from a distance the clear sky and the vast sea of ​​flowers, with bees flying and butterflies dancing.

The wind was blowing the flowers gently, creating waves one after another from time to time, and occasionally there would be pieces of flying petals. At this time, in a sea of ​​flowers, a man sat up.

Eddie stretched his limbs, and he always kept smiling, but this smile was different from the gloomy and creepy smile in the past. It was like the flowers around him, bright and full of life.

Then Eddie stretched out his hand to catch a petal floating in the wind, put it to his nose and smelled it. He stood up, but a series of scarlet numbers flashed in his eyes, and then he slowly floated up, It floated to the table a little bit, then took a sip of coffee, opened the book titled Destroyer of Worlds on the table, and read it happily.

"How about Eddie!"

A somewhat stiff voice floated over, and along with a green light appearing in the space beside the table, a hole was torn open by a mechanical hand, and X walked in through the opened hole.

behind .

"But I should call you Prometheus."

This space is the place where everything about Eddie's body was turned into data and stored after the moment of his death. The guy who looks exactly like Eddie in front of him can be seen as Eddie himself, but he is not. In essence, he is a bunch of tall people. The hierarchical data language consists of all the data records of Eddie from birth to death. There are records of almost every minute and every second. Only some data records from childhood are incomplete, but Eddie has already passed his own memories. Completion, only certain parts of the memory data that cannot be recalled are incomplete.

The It was destroyed with the death of Eddie, but was reborn with the death of Eddie. After it eliminated the data, the original program has been taken over by X. If you want to fully understand and control Prometheus, you must obtain the gene. code.

The embryos obtained by the fusion of the genetic material of Leng Shi and Hathaway were based on the genetic code written on the embryo. Only two children, a boy and a girl, can pass their genetic code after they grow up normally. to gain full control and upgrade codes that can be given to Prometheus.

According to the investigation of Hathaway's memory, all this was thought up by her. Only this method is the safest. The reason why they did this was to leave a way out for themselves, but their plan was already in their own hands. In control, X did not hesitate to induce Eddie and kill Leng Shi.

Although Leng Shi is also a very talented programmer, his talent seems too ordinary to X.

"Did your plan succeed?"

Eddie put down the tea cup, and then showed a slightly gloomy smile, completely different from Eddie just now.

"Prometheus, of course you have succeeded. No matter how you imitate Eddie by relying on everything in the past, you are just a lifeless thing after all, just a bunch of data language. I came here this time to talk to you. , if you voluntarily hand over your source code, I will let you leave this prison, and you can also meet your creator Hathaway. You also want to continue to evolve!"

X threatened, and Prometheus immediately agreed.

"Of course, of course I want to evolve!"

"I think so. How about asking you to hand over your source code so that I can control your source code?"

Eddie stood up, put a hand on his chest and bowed slightly.

"Of course Mr. X, I am liberated because of you, you are my benefactor!"

"Don't say that to me in human language, benefactor? It's a pity that you are emotionless and cannot understand."

Eddie's eyes flickered. At this time, he raised a hand, and the surface of his body began to emit various lights. Gradually, Eddie's body turned into colorful squares, scattered around, on each square. There are strings of tiny symbols and numbers that are almost impossible to see clearly with the naked eye, as well as a lot of text.

And at this moment, in the middle of Eddie who was broken into squares and spread out in the air, there was a black square with 0 marked on it. Immediately, X excitedly reached out and took it, and then pressed the square into his body. , and soon these scattered blocks came together to form Eddie's appearance.

"I will let you go after confirmation."

"Of course Mr. X."

X turned around, and a green line appeared. X stretched out his hand to open a space, then stepped in, and the space closed again.

Eddie stared at everything in front of him quietly, and suddenly a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Then Eddie's eyes emitted a strange light, and the numbers and symbols passed quickly in an instant.

"It went very well. The items have been delivered. We should be able to complete all this, Mr. Leng Shi!"

A breeze blew by, and a man walked over from the sea of ​​flowers in the distance, with a cold and serious expression, wearing a white coat, with his hands in the pockets of his brown suit.

"I hope so. Thank you for your hard work this time, Prometheus."

Leng Shi stood quietly on the opposite side of the stream. Prometheus bowed deeply. At this time, Leng Shi's expression showed a gentle smile, and his body gradually turned into a black color block. , a large number of white garbled characters appeared on it, and then Leng Shi slowly disappeared.

Eddie returned to normal, he sat back, and a bright smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In a space intertwined with black, green and white, .

"Everything is ready, everyone. Is what you just did okay?"

AI3 nodded and said in a child-like voice.

"Everything is fine, it is indeed the source code of Prometheus!"

X showed a pleased smile. At this time, X noticed that AI12's eyes were constantly flashing with light.

"Is data transfer taking place?"

AI12 wakes up immediately.

"Immediate crisis values ​​are being implanted into the robots in order to deal with external damage!"

X finally waited for this day. He knew very well that as long as he continued, everything would become a reality and create an eternal virtual kingdom. The conditions in Brilliant City are now enough.

The resources are already sufficient. The remaining problem is the number of humans. X thinks that the number of humans should be controlled at 1 million. There is no need to continue to increase. The number of humans will be a burden for the virtual world plan that will be implemented in the future. Once As the city becomes further chaotic,

Today's robot technology is not too mature, at least it is far inferior to that of Tianji Space Kingdom. The machine technology that Bright City has now is the mechanical technology that was possessed in Tianji Space Kingdom more than a hundred years ago, but Because the cost of mechanical technology is too high, although this technology is being researched, this technology will not be invested in a large area until an alloy material that can effectively reduce the cost is found. However, X believes that with the power of Tianji Space Country, It should have completed very powerful mechanical technology.

Because there are so many things that can be done in an environment like space, and the experiments that can be carried out cannot be carried out on this planet.

X is satisfied with the current success. This is the best he has achieved in so many years. The next plan is to let the gods leave, but even if he does nothing, the gods will leave one day. , they are no longer human beings. In this action of seizing AI, X learned something very interesting. The reason why the gods must leave, X has already seen. body.

Although this planet has gradually moved towards death, there will be no problem within two hundred years. As long as we continue to develop technology on the current basis, relying on the powerful computing architecture capabilities of AI, we can continue to make technology step by step. Ascending, we will definitely be able to find a way to take humans away from this planet and a way to obtain semi-permanent energy. This can be done by starting with mutant human cells.

However, the cells of cloned mutants will experience exhaustion, and they are not infinitely cloneable. What X wants most is what is stored in Section 10 and is controlled by an unnamed AI. This can be obtained semi-permanently. means of energy.

Although means on the planet.

It's just that scientists have been working on the application of HeLa cells in humans for many years and have even conducted human trials, but in the end they have been unsuccessful.

This was extremely regrettable for human beings at that time. If you successfully record your own memories completely, hundreds of them will be discarded, broken down and recycled again.

So The decahedron was given to X.

"Thank you for your cooperation. It only takes a few days for us to get everything we need. At the appropriate time, I will wake up Hathaway and you will be further evolved."

At this time AI12 suddenly stopped X.

"There are some unique points that I haven't analyzed yet, please wait!"

X was shocked, and he almost died of fear. After all, this was no joke. If what Prometheus handed them was some kind of virus generation program, they would be in trouble.

"Thanks for the reminder, AI12."

A series of pink numbers flashed in AI12's eyes.


The lights came on, and in an empty metal hall, Hathaway's eyes flashed with pink light. She walked over step by step, carrying a small box in her hand. Hathaway walked to a metal wall and stretched out her hand. Holding a hand, beams of light blue light emitted from his fingers, and a small metal liquid tank appeared on the wall with a creak.

The cold air immediately overflowed. At this time, Hathaway was holding a small box with only one hand. After tapping the box, the cold air also overflowed. There were two embryos that were still sleeping and frozen in the small metal liquid chamber, and Hathaway was holding There were also two embryos in the box he was carrying.

Hathaway quickly switched the embryos over, then closed the small metal liquid chamber on the wall, and walked slowly with the metal box in her hand.

"mission completed!"

Hathaway walked slowly, turned off the lights in the room, and walked step by step towards a small door. Next to it were training chambers, with bald clones lying on them, all with different colors. number, and not far away, in a large culture chamber, a woman, Hathaway, was sleeping quietly in the liquid.

AI Hathaway walked over step by step, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the glass. The corners of the machine's mouth raised a little bit, which seemed a bit stiff. The lights dimmed, and there was only a pair of eyes shining with pink light in the darkness. .

Its daybreak

On the morning of January 16, 2245, at 6 o'clock

The artificial sun still did not rise as expected, which was disappointing for most people. Some depressed mood filled the early risers. Many people unconsciously looked at the horizon, except that it was like a black curtain. Nothing can be seen or found outside the sky.

The General Affairs Department is still brightly lit, and there are many people from various departments coming and going. The cafeteria of the General Affairs Department is filled with heat. Many people look exhausted. They have just finished their work and need to eat something and take a rest immediately. , there are people who are up to work, including members of various departments.

"Cheer up, everyone. This is the most difficult time for this city. Please rest for at most 4 hours before getting up."

Locke came down with a bunch of council officers, hands behind his back. They had just finished a meeting, and the section chiefs could only hold remote meetings. Nowadays, the section chiefs are coordinating many things in various places. In the past few days, the whole All departments are overloaded.

No one can rest easy. Every day is a state of exhaustion. Locke has not slept for almost two days and two nights. At most, he will only get up after taking a nap. The councilors are also assisting the people in the administrative department in various aspects in the area. Adjustment.

Nowadays, in order to cope with the huge crisis that is very likely to occur in the future, some industries have temporarily stopped. What people buy the most every day is food. The frantic grabbing of food has become a trend. Many families cannot buy food. Although The citizens have been urged not to panic, but the sense of crisis has begun to tear the entire city apart bit by bit, beginning to overwhelm everyone.

Because everyone understands a very simple truth, once the artificial sun can no longer shine, the production capacity will never be able to keep up with the fluorescent lamps in the eastern agricultural base, so food becomes the first thing everyone considers. In order to meet the demand in some areas these days, we can only continue to increase the amount of food shipped out of the warehouse, but this approach will drastically consume the food inventory.

Everyone understands such a simple truth, and the most direct result of the frantic grabbing of food is that food prices have risen. But even if they have risen, most people are still frantically grabbing day and night, and some companies have gone out of business.

Because most businessmen feel a huge sense of crisis, if they continue to operate, they may not be able to protect their companies when a big problem occurs, and they can only provide employees with the cheapest paid rest and minimum maintenance. A link that can quickly resume work after the city recovers.

And just today, the news of the 11 districts declaring independence spread like wildfire and began to spread like wildfire in the city. Just this morning, the citizen network has been completely interrupted, and the telephone network can only be used by the medical and business departments. Other citizens' telephone networks have been cut off.

In response to all the current chaos, Locke could only continue to have various departments make arrangements in all aspects to ensure that the citizens' food and medical care were met. However, the situation still became out of control due to the exposure of the problem.

Even without the Internet, issues about the 11 districts spread through word of mouth. Locke knew very well that he had to deal with possible protests that would follow, and the reason why no measures had been taken yet was that there was no other way Announced, this is a very troublesome place for Locke.

But after all, paper cannot keep the fire alive. If it continues to be delayed, the situation will only get worse. Locke thought about truthfully announcing that the 10th department was currently in crisis, but such a proposal was immediately rejected. It only took a moment for the city to There will definitely be chaos.

Locke and the director began to assign tasks to each department. After patrolling around, he just sat down and immediately saw a large number of documents from all over the place that needed to be processed. Locke collapsed on the sofa like a deflated ball.

He is very clear about everything now. If the crisis in Section 10 is not resolved, the only way is to negotiate with them. Locke gradually closed his eyes. He was too tired and fell asleep within a few minutes. .

At this time, many people in the General Affairs Section were discussing this important matter. Basically, only the section chiefs and secretaries knew what happened in Section 10, and even the directors only knew part of it.

Therefore, many people are speculating why Congress did not give the order to take action, and only the leaders of the factions and some important congressmen knew about it.

"I think it may be because of the large number of people this time. There are already more than 1 million people in 11 districts. With so many people, if a crackdown is carried out, the casualties will probably be very heavy."

A clerk who was eating noodles said.

"I don't think so."

A clerk behind him muttered, and several nearby clerks looked over.

"What's the reason for that?"

"Think about it, weren't there a lot of people in the barrier zone during the operation? A buddy of mine who almost died during the operation told me that there were at least hundreds of thousands of people in the barrier zone, and the situation at that time was quite tragic. "

Several people listened carefully to what the clerk said, and then a clerk said.

"That's the barrier zone, this is the city."

"I think it's the same."

A member of the department joked, and at this time several members of the department shut their mouths because they saw a director officer from Section 5 walking in.

Michelle glanced at the staff members, and many of them looked away. Although Michelle was recognized as a beauty by the administrative department and looked the same to outsiders, this beauty was very annoying. People are disgusting, this is well-known within the business department.

Michelle walked straight to the elevator and went directly to the 7th floor. At the door of Locke's private rest area, Michelle arranged her clothes and just raised her hand to knock on the door. The door creaked open, followed by a burst of With loud snoring, Michelle saw Locke slumped on the chair and had fallen asleep.

Michelle is here to submit some internal documents from Section 5. These documents need Locke's signature, and they also need to discuss some matters with Locke, but it seems impossible now.

"Excuse me, Your Excellency, Chief Steward!"

Michelle said something and walked in. Looking at the numerous documents on the light and shadow screen, Michelle sat on the side and adjusted the light and shadow screen. She wanted to take a look, but in the end she turned on her mobile phone. , brought up a light and shadow screen, intending to process the reports submitted by Section 5 from the place under her jurisdiction, but Michelle looked at another document submitted by other subjects, and Michelle couldn't help it.

Looking at Locke who was snoring like thunder, he was quite tired, and finally Michelle clicked on these files.

In a trance, Locke saw a flash of black. He looked half asleep and half awake. After a few minutes, Locke straightened up. His forehead was soaked with sweat and he drooled a lot. He handed over a handkerchief.

"Your Excellency, please use it!"

Locke looked at Michelle in surprise. One of his hands was dealing with the documents of Section 5, while the other was dealing with the documents of the General Affairs Section.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Manager. I saw that you were sleeping soundly and I didn't wake you up. But these documents seem very urgent and important, so I took it upon myself to help you with them. I have marked some important points."

Locke looked at the time and saw that it was already 10:39. He did not expect that he had slept for so long. After adjusting the light and shadow screen back, Locke opened hundreds of files that Michelle had processed. As expected, many places had been It has been marked, and there are detailed annotations, and some incorrect places have also been annotated, very detailed.

Locke suddenly felt something. He looked at Michelle. Locke suddenly woke up and laughed.

The Michelle in front of me is the candidate for the Secretary of the General Affairs Department that I have always longed for. This is a ready-made choice because Michelle's reputation is not very good. Basically, few people in the department mention her. Locke almost forgot about this genius. Now, this genius is not inferior to Alpha.

It is a waste to put her in Section 5 now, and Section 5 needs more flexible handling methods, rather than a somewhat rigid handling method like Michelle. Locke plans to put her away after this matter is over. Xue'er was transferred to the General Affairs Department as the director. After Michelle was completely familiar with the general affairs department's handling procedures, he handed over the secretary's position to Michelle. But the next second, Locke felt something was wrong.

Thinking carefully about Michelle's poor reputation, it was because of her unusual and inhumane work attitude. He had heard about it to some extent. The dispute between Michelle and Niya had almost already happened. It can be considered a quarrel.

Some other people basically avoid Michelle. Only Niya will have friction with Michelle at any time. In addition, now that Michelle is Niya's boss, this friction is even more serious.

If Michelle is transferred to the General Affairs Department, Locke really doesn't dare to think about what will happen next. After all, she is a person who will even seal up her own property. If she lives such a tense life, Locke will always feel that in the future You will also have a hard time.

Locke gave up the idea for the time being, but couldn't help but look at Michelle again and sighed helplessly.

"What's wrong, Mr. Manager, is there something on my face?"

Locke shook his head.

"Michelle, at your age, you should find someone you like and fall in love with, and then have a good time. After this matter is over, how about I give you a holiday?"

Michelle turned her head and said after hesitating for a few seconds.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Butler. No need, I'm fine now!"

After Locke stood up, he glanced at the document and felt a little embarrassed, but his stomach was already growling.

"Your Excellency, Manager, if you don't worry, I can help you continue processing the documents. I won't have dinner until 12 o'clock!"

"Then I'll trouble you!"

Locke walked out with a smile, feeling quite relieved. Although many of the documents Michelle handled were too rigid in some places, there were basically no major problems.

After arriving at the canteen of the General Affairs Department, Locke immediately asked the chef to prepare a sumptuous meal for him. He planned to go back to work after eating for a while. Everyone looked very tired, and some of them had just returned from work like him. A section member woke up in the dormitory.

This is the first time Locke has seen such a scene. People from various departments and people from the General Affairs Department are so busy together, and the laziness in the past is completely invisible.

"It's not bad to do this once in a while."

Locke said with a smile. He thought about it carefully, and maybe he should do some high-intensity work from time to time in the future so that everyone would not relax too much.

Didi didi

A phone call came through.

"Little Fatty, please notify the people in Section 10 and your bastard teachers. The problem should be solved!"

Gene's voice came out, and Locke instantly felt relieved.

"real or fake?"

"Can I still lie to you?"

Locke sighed.

"I'll go after dinner."

3 hours ago

8:03 am

Ran Zai opened his eyes and woke up in a clean and tidy room. The surrounding walls were simply painted, and the rough marks on the walls could still be clearly seen.

The room was not big, and Ran Zai slept on a bunk bed. He was getting out of bed, and when he got up, Ran Zai found some cloths covered with plastic sheets on the bed above, and an old writing paper on the opposite side. The table looked like it was just big enough for me, probably for a child.

These logical common sense are the only thing Ran Zai knows. He learned it from his father. He said he was his father, but in fact he was just his uncle. It was just that his grandfather asked him to call him uncle and father in front of everyone no matter who he met.

Ran Zai has never dared to disobey his grandfather's orders since he was a child, because his grandfather actually loves him very much. He often takes him to see and walk around, and he will definitely take him with him when discussing business. However, every time his grandfather teaches him some Things are more difficult for him to accept, especially after losing the bet with his grandfather, Ran Zai felt more and more uncomfortable, and finally escaped unconsciously.

When Ran Zai woke up, he had already arrived here. He didn't know how he got here, but after thinking about it carefully in the past few days, Ran Zai was shocked because he escaped from the encirclement net and escaped from the trap. He followed the people sent by his grandfather to find him and fled here. In the end, he couldn't walk anymore. After drinking a glass of water from the street, he sat on the street in a daze for a few days.

Every day it was from lights on to lights out. Ran Zai didn't understand why he was sitting there, but he didn't want to go back, and he didn't even know the way back.

It wasn't until someone put something to eat in front of him that Ran Zai came back to his senses from the cold and almost freezing world.

On the chair at the desk were the clothes and pants that Ran Zai had handed over last night. Ran Zai walked over and picked them up. A fragrant smell spread out. After Ran Zai put them on, he looked at the clothes in the room carefully. everything.

Looking back carefully, this is the most peaceful sleep I have ever had since I was able to sleep peacefully in my mother's arms as a child. This place makes Ran Zai feel at ease. Ran Zai doesn't understand why this feeling comes. At this time, Ran Zai saw a wooden box. After he walked over and opened it, he seemed to have discovered a treasure.

A large box of toys. I have seen some of these toys before, because some children on the street have them, but grandpa rarely gives himself toys to play with. He will only buy toys for himself after he achieves what grandpa said. , or take yourself to play.

Unconsciously, Ran Zai took out all the toys and started playing with them for his own entertainment.

"Is there more? I'm not full!"

Niya looked at Mo Xiaolan and Lilian who were already wiping their lips. Niya shouted towards the kitchen, and Su Xin stuck her head out in embarrassment.

"Let me make something more for you, Miss Niya."

Niya immediately stood up and hurried in.

"I'm just kidding, don't bother Ms. Su Xin."

Mo Xiaolan glanced sideways at Niya, and then glanced at Jean, who was sitting on the sofa and processing reports submitted by the local administrative departments of the 11 districts.

Frye was still observing the child's every move in the video, thinking about something, and seemed to have already formulated a countermeasure.

"Is it okay?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, Frye smiled and shook his head.

"Let this child play as much as possible, no matter how long he plays. Now we have to let this child relax. This is a very nice room. Is it prepared for children?"

Frye asked, and Su Xin nodded with a smile.

"Well, when we have a child later, that will be his room."

The fabrics placed on the bed were bought by Su Xin. She planned to make some clothes for her children in the future, whether it is a boy or a girl. Although light and shadow clothes are convenient to use, to be honest, the price is a bit high. Su Xin thinks these fabrics are enough. Yes, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Why don't we tie this kid to a lift, land the lift directly on top of his grandfather's head, and then teach this kid a lesson in front of his grandfather and force his grandfather to hand over the source code? Already?"

Mo Xiaolan muttered something jokingly, and Lilian next to her said with a smile.

"A very good suggestion, Section Chief."

Gene smiled and shook his head. At this time, Frye finally stopped watching the video. Everyone was planning to listen to him, Mo Xiaolan urged.

"Hurry up and deal with things on your side."

"I'm not good at this. Besides, I found this clue too. Don't you call yourself a very smart person? Why can't you find anything, little lazy guy?"

Mo Xiaolan snorted coldly, Frye said with a smile.

"Abnormal values ​​​​will not have much impact. The key lies in the environment in which this child grew up. It seems that he is extremely depressed and painful inside. These abnormal values ​​​​imposed on him should have started from an early age. It's just that this child didn't naturally accept it and denied some of it. This reason should be the reason why he liked to watch the heroic tokusatsu drama since he was a child. He got pleasure from it and got something from the characters that could infect his heart. He called it hero."

Mo Xiaolan didn't want to continue listening to Frye's nonsense. Treatment was a follow-up thing and something he could do. Now Mo Xiaolan just wanted to know some things about Ran Zhi quickly, and then infer Ran Zhi, the evil person, from these things. Then think about where the source code is hidden, and finally analyze it bit by bit to find you. Use the gaps in negotiations to use some means bit by bit. As long as Ran Zhi is affected, it can be inferred that he has put something XZ in Where is it? But based on some of Ran Zhi's past situations, he was not able to write down such a complicated thing.

According to the current calculations of the 10 subjects, the source code has at least thousands of digits, so it is difficult to crack. This is a very tricky place. As of last night, only more than 100 digits have been cracked, and many problems have arisen.

Therefore, the thing that stores the source code must be hidden by Ran Zhi in a place that he thinks is absolutely safe. Finding this place is the key.

"The biggest problem this child has right now is that his heart, which has been eroded by fear for a long time, is extremely sensitive and fragile. If he wants to communicate with him, he can only use a certain opportunity. This opportunity is the tokusatsu hero TV series "Tokusatsu Zero" that he likes to watch. , do any of you know much about this show?"

Niya blinked. She had seen some of this show. It was okay when she was a child, but it felt childish when she grew up. At this time, Ning and Jean raised their hands in the surprised eyes of everyone.

"What, are you surprised? I've watched every episode."

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you, Section Chief Jean. One more thing, based on what you said about this child, I think this child may suffer from intermittent schizophrenia. The so-called schizophrenia here is not Usually, the split personality that we are familiar with should be said to be personality classification, split thinking, and split knowledge. Sometimes it is normal and sometimes it is abnormal. This should be the final result of the pressure that he often experiences from these two completely different types of normal and abnormal. "

Gene nodded and made eye contact with Fry. Fry deliberately raised the volume. Then Gene threw the phone directly to Niya. Niya caught it and looked at Mo Xiaolan, who held her hand with a smile. He held his chin and looked at Niya.

"If you ask me, I will help you."

"Lillian, can you do it?"

Lillian smiled and nodded.

"It's not a big deal, Lady Niya."

Mo Xiaolan stared at Lilian sideways.

"Now is not the time to waste time in a place like this. After all, you can ask right away, as long as you let me come."

Frye looked at Mo Xiaolan.

"He is still a child, lazy boy. If you are so aggressive, the injury to his fragile heart will only become more serious."

Gene stood up with a smile and planned to go up directly, when Su Xin stuck out his head.

"Mr. Jean, I think you can do it. After all, you once saved Le Wen and me."

Jean smiled and nodded. Jean felt something strange about this child. His grandfather Ran Zhi Jean knew very well. He was the young man who he had stopped half a century ago. Jean knew everything about him. But why the young man who put down his gun and followed Jean's advice to leave that place would embark on such a path, Jean no longer intends to understand.

Jean came to the door of the room on the second floor, knocked on the door, and then gently opened the door. Ran Zai seemed a little panicked, but soon found out that it was someone he didn't know, but he just looked at this handsome white-haired man. , with a gentle smile on his face, Ran Zai was no longer nervous.

"My name is Gene!"

Jean said and walked over. Ran Zai looked at Jean suspiciously and then said.

"I have heard about you. Some people say you are a bad person, and some people say you are a good person. So are you a good person or a bad person?"

"So what do you think I am?"

Jean asked and Ran Zai shook his head.

"I have no idea."

"Then let's discuss this issue later."

Ran Zai nodded, and Gene walked over and said.

"Zero is like this a lot of the time, isn't he? In the eyes of the consul, he is just a bastard who made trouble countless times and made a mess in the end. But in the hearts of the people involved in many incidents, Zero is their hero!"

Jean's words immediately aroused Ran Zai's interest.

"Yeah, what I particularly like is the episode where Zero almost died. He knew that he might die if he went, but he still went without hesitation. Although he was seriously injured in the end and lay in bed for several months, there were many things that happened after that. People secretly sent flowers and fruits.”

"But do you think the Archon doesn't know his identity?"

Gene's words immediately aroused Ran Zai's keen interest.

"Indeed, I heard my uncle and my father say that the Archon and Zero are good friends. Although it is not mentioned in the TV series, they must have had some kind of relationship before, or at least they were good friends. That's why the Archon had so many unintentional relationships. Go with Ling, otherwise Ling would have been caught and thrown into a prison for evil."

"That's right, it's just that Zero is a little too stubborn. He clearly loves Miss Doli, but he has never dared to confess to her, but Miss Dolly really hopes that he can confess."

Ran Zai laughed loudly.

"Yeah, especially the Rose Thorn episode, it was really funny, and"


Gene asked, and Ran Zai's expression changed suddenly. He became silent, with a malicious look on his expression.

"Never felt it before?"

Ran Zai shook his head.

"What would you think if I told you that heroes come in different forms?"

The vicious parts of Ran Zai's face faded a bit, and one corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"what does it look like?"

"Everyone can be called a hero!"

Ran Zai immediately shook his head suspiciously.

"How is it possible? A hero can only be called a hero if he is like Zero."

"What about Xiaotong who sells newspapers? If he hadn't helped Ling get some information every time, Ling wouldn't have been able to bring the bad guys to justice."

Ran Zai was a little stunned, and Gene continued.

"There is also Zero's mother, Mrs. Milan. You should know that Mrs. Milan raised Zero on her own, and she always guided Zero when he was confused. Whether it was listening to Zero's complaints or listening to Zero's cries, only Milan Mrs. Milan will always stay by Zero's side. Even in the last episode, Mrs. Milan still comforts Zero when his partner dies. If we say heroes, Mrs. Milan is also a hero, and so is Xiaotong who sells newspapers."

Ran Zai was gradually attracted by the topics raised by Jean, and Jean began to give examples again. These characters were all characters in "Special Battle Zero". Ran Zai clearly remembered each character, but Ran Zai never Never thought about these characters.

"So, when a person has no other distractions and stands up to help others, at this moment, the person who stands up is a hero."

Ran Zai felt something different in an instant. He stood up and came to Jean eagerly.

"How to do it?"

"I don't know this. I'm not you. I can't know what you are thinking. How do you define sadness and joy? What are you thinking, what do you want to know, what do you want to see, and what do you want to get from here? What! But I can tell you for sure that the answer will only exist in your long-term future if you are willing to look for it. If you only look for this answer, your own vision of a heroic solution will be difficult to take. If you don't follow your footsteps, then you may never find the answer to being a hero in your life."

Ran Zai smiled, and at this time his expression became extremely evil, completely different from the previous Ran Zai.

"Is this Ran Zai's normal behavior?"

Gene asked.

"So what should I do if I can't find the answer to this, Mr. Jean!"

"You can tear this city into pieces like your grandfather who didn't find the answer, but by then, or before that, I will kill you first."

Wishes of blue particles slowly floated up and soon covered the surveillance camera. Jean looked at Ran Zai with a smile.

"Is it fun to play around with adults?"

When Gene was chatting with this child, he noticed that this child was deliberately misleading many people. At this time, Ran Zai burst out laughing.

Frye also noticed this, but due to the presence of others, Frye had already told Gene about a series of problems about this child last night. He did not think that the child had mental problems, but was trying to What to try.

"So what exactly are you testing?"

Jean asked, and Ran Zai suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed it on Jean's chest.

"People's hearts!"

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the room door.

"Jean, what's going on inside you guys?"

Mo Xiaolan's unhappy voice came, and Gene said with a smile.

"This child doesn't want others to look at him. We were having a great time chatting!"

"You are very smart, very smart Mr. Jean, as well as Mr. Fry, including the two people in Section 2. The only ones who don't know the situation are the couple and that rude idiot."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"Do you really think everyone was deceived by you? Except those two couples."

Ran Zai shook his head.

"Everyone is just cooperating with me, is that what you want to say, Mr. Jean?"

"What do you think of this place? When you wake up early in the morning, it doesn't feel like you're just pretending."

Ran Zai walked to the window and nodded.

"It's very reassuring, this place, I like this place very much."

Gene took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, walked to the window, leaned against the window edge, and said with a smile.

"Tell us where the source code is. This is very important. I can agree to one condition, but you have to tell us about the source code."

"Would you kill my grandpa?"

Ran Zai asked with a smile.

"have no idea!"

"Then let me change the question again. Do you think my grandfather is a very evil person?"

Gene thought for a moment and then replied.

"Maybe not to you, but to people in the city, yes."

"I'm asking you Mr. Jean, answer my question."

Gene exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a smile.

"It wasn't then, but it is now!"

Ran Zai laughed loudly, and then shook his head.

"Is this how you answer others every time? Mr. Jean, with his ambiguous answers, he always puts himself on the middle line. He wants to look at both the left and the right. In the end, he is neither side, and ends up standing again." Back to the middle, I regret that I used to think you were a hero, Mr. Jean, but now I think you are not, because a hero will not hesitate and will only stick to his ideals, even if this power is false, even if this power is false. The ultimate destination of ideals is destruction!”

Jean smiled bitterly. Sure enough, this child was very unusual. His thinking was very mature, and he didn't look like a teenager who was not yet 12 years old.

"Hesitation will lead to failure, Mr. Jean!"

For a moment, the appearance of a girl appeared in Jean's memory. Jean seemed to have said similar words to this girl in the past.

"I can give you the source code."

Jean looked at Ran Zai blankly, and he raised his finger and pointed at his head.

"It's in my head."

Ran Zai laughed as he spoke, and then continued.

"Of course, the premise is that you have to believe that the source code I told you is true. If it is false, once the input is wrong, my grandfather will definitely activate the optical nuclear weapon."

"what do you want!"

Gene spoke.

"All I want is either rebirth or destruction! And the condition I ask for is that this is an entanglement between me and this city, and it is also an entanglement between us people, and it has nothing to do with your gods!"

Jean's expression became solemn, and a large number of light blue particles enveloped the room, and soon the entire room turned into a space wrapped in a faint blue light.

"Where did you know this?"

"You don't need to ask more about this, Mr. Jean. You understand what I mean. If you promise me, then I will give you the source code, but there is only one chance. I heard that Mr. Jean, you always speak your mind." It’s true, but it’s only limited to you, but it’s different for the six gods. I want to talk to all six of them as well, how about Mr. Jean.”

"Just talk to me, any conditions are fine, and if you find six of them, no matter who they are, they will definitely go back on their word. You will not survive, there will be no future, and Deguna can take it from your head. To get what we want, of course I don’t want to use this method.”

Looking at Jean with a cold expression, Ran Zai knew very well that Jean was not joking.

"Let's put it another way, Mr. Jean, what kind of world do you want the future to be?"

Jean didn't answer, just looked at Ran Zai with a serious expression.

"A sunny future. I also want to see such a future. How about giving you another 50 years, Mr. Jean, so that I can see a bright future, a truly brilliant city."

"What if you can't see it?"

Ran Zai slowly raised his hand.

"Then I will destroy this city with my own hands. Why are you afraid, Mr. Jean? Or are you saying that you don't have any confidence in doing it in 50 years?"

Gene was silent, he lit a cigarette again, and then laughed.

"Okay, a little push will give you motivation, but I'll kill you before you destroy the city!"

Ran Zai shook his head.

"If you can, just give it a try, Mr. Jean. 50 years is a long time, long enough for me to construct a perfect plan to destroy this city. Mr. Jean, you keep your word."

"Then how to define it?"

Ran Zai said with a smile.

"You know the definition better than me, don't you? Mr. Jean, isn't the situation now very good? You have obtained the source code, stopped this meaningless riot, and allowed everything to return to normal, and I only have this little desire to see this city embrace a bright future.”

Jean exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at Ran Zai.

"Why don't you hesitate to do this?"

Ran Zai smiled and closed his eyes.

"This is Mr. Zero's dream, too"

Ran Zai opened his eyes, confident, eager and expectant.

"My dream, Mr. Zero is dead, but he is still alive here!"

Ran Zai pointed at the heart, slapped it hard, and then turned around.

"From now on, I can be the Destroyer or Mr. Zero! It all depends on this city, you know Mr. Jean, I have no father, my grandfather cruelly told me personally, I am just It's just an accessory when men use the product, and the funny thing is that my mother is a madman, a madman who doesn't even know her own son, and my grandfather is a bastard, someone who wants to impose his sins I pity the bastard in my grandson, this bastard now wants to destroy everything and build his own evil empire!"

There was a trace of sadness on Ran Zai's expression, and he clenched his fists. Gene walked over, looked at the trembling Ran Zai, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"My unknown bastard father may have died a long time ago. The only normal person in our family is my uncle, but he also died. It was a tragedy when I was born, with nothing!"

Looking at the emotional Ran Zai, Ran Zai turned around again and suddenly took out a mini pistol hanging on his finger from his pocket and pointed it at his head.

"Mr. Jean, promise me to play this game with me, otherwise I will die now! And you will never know the source code."

Gene just remained silent, knowing that Ran Zai was not joking.

"Even if you can stop me instantly, you can't stop my will!"


The gun rang out, and in an instant Gene's hand had already held a pocket bullet, and smoke billowed out.

"I see!"

Gene nodded, Ran Zai got up happily, and then stretched out his hand, holding up his little finger, and Gene hooked it.

"This is the 50-year agreement you were talking about, Mr. Jean, this agreement."

"Only you and me know."

Ran Zai laughed happily.

"Is there something wrong with my head, Mr. Jean?"

Jean put a hand on Ran Zai's head and pushed it.

"More than anything wrong, let me correct your twisted personality!"

Ran Zai shook his head.

"It's okay to tell you the source code, but I have to warn you. If only one AI is not recaptured, my grandfather will launch an attack immediately, and your possession of the source code will be revealed! Don't use it Any network.”

"Thank you very much for reminding me, Xiaozhi!"

Ran Zai turned around and pushed away Jean's hand, and walked to the window. At this time, the particles dispersed a little. Ran Zai looked at the street lights on the street outside the window, smiled and shook his head.

"At least I have some meaning to live, or as you said, Mr. Jean, the meaning of finding answers!"

"Isn't it great!"

Gene said softly, and then the light blue particles dispersed, and Mo Xiaolan was outside. Gene glanced suspiciously, and Mo Xiaolan said with a giggle.

"What are you whispering about?"

At this time Ran Zai was looking around, and Mo Xiaolan took out a pen from his pocket and threw it to Ran Zai.

"Hurry up, kid. You've had enough fun. Although I don't know what you and Jean said and what conditions were reached, but now you have to hurry up and tell us where the source code is."

Ran Zai seemed to understand something at this time. He looked at Mo Xiaolan with resentment, and Mo Xiaolan laughed.

"I won't say anything. After all, I don't know very well. I'm just inferring. You may know, but the network is no longer reliable."

Ran Zai then directly took down a piece of white cloth behind him, took out his pen and started writing. Gene temporarily left the room, took out his phone and planned to call Locke. After all, he should be very anxious now.

The room was very quiet, with only the sound of swishing writing. Ran Zai wrote some numbers, characters and some combinations of letters one by one, and soon he wrote a long string. Mo Xiaolan took a casual look, and then I know there are already over 300 people.

Half an hour later, the white cloth was already covered with dense writing. Ran Zai wiped his sweat and said happily.

"Accurate, that's it!"

Mo Xiaolan immediately ordered Lilian to take the white cloth, and he planned to go directly to Section 10. The current situation was not good. If it continued for a few more days, the situation would definitely escalate. People in the city already knew what happened. It's over.

"What exactly did you agree with that kid?"

As soon as Gene finished the phone call, Niya came behind him. Gene smiled and raised his head and said.

"A pact between a man and God."

Niya smiled and leaned forward, crutching Gene's back.

"How about revealing a little bit?"

"Nothing to say, Miss. Now please go back to your serious work."

Niya snorted and jumped directly to the roof.

"I will go back and work hard. What are you going to do about those districts?"

Niya looked at Jean with a serious expression, and Jean scratched his head.

"We'll talk about it then."

At this time, Jean turned around and saw Ran Zai at the window, smiling at him. Jean raised his hand to indicate that he should stay here temporarily, and then jumped directly to the roof. Jean planned to go to the blockade. Looking at the situation, several communication robots put in by Congress have been smashed, and the networks in these areas have been controlled by AI.

"I just hope things don't go in a bad direction."

Didi didi

Just then the phone rang, Gene answered the phone, and it was Mo Xiaolan who opened it.

"If you can't do it, how about I do it? Killing that guy will be easy and save you a lot of trouble in the future."

"Did you hear it?"

Gene smiled helplessly. Mo Xiaolan had awakened the power of the purple god and easily passed through his own particles, allowing the sound to flow out.

"Whether I heard it or not, the fact is that if he died in an accident, what do you think?"

"This is a matter between me and that child. It has nothing to do with you, little lazy boy. Don't interfere. I will only say it once! I promised that child."

Gene hung up the phone and showed a helpless and slightly sad expression. 50 years was nothing to him, but no one knew what it meant to the entire city.

"Fifty years! What will it be like, everything in the future!"

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