Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 195 Psychological Defense (Part 2) 64 more updates please subscribe!

Tian Ai's excitement because of Jean's coming over was gone. She pressed her head, still a little unconvinced. Although Chen Se was not famous in the circle and had long since passed, she was really a nice person. After several cooperations, she , Tianai is also willing to chat with her in his free time, and also invites her to his home.

"It should be true. I just called Chense and left a message saying that I need to rest for a few days."

Tian Ai still couldn't accept it, and she was a little entangled in her heart. Jean would not lie to her. He was arrested in the barrier area and was a member of the rioters. This was unimaginable for Tian Ai.

"Where is she now?"

"Section 3, already interrogated by Section 2."

Tian Ai's eyes widened and he sighed helplessly.

"Then he must have suffered inhuman torture. He fell into the hands of those perverted guys, especially that guy Mo Xiaolan."

Tian Ai stood up, his eyes a little heavy.

"Take me to Jean and let me talk to her in person. If there is any woman in the circle who has an affair with Chense, it is Mansha."

Gene's eyes widened.

"are you sure?"

"I am sure."

Gene stood up and walked slowly, Tian Ai followed quickly, and Hawke grabbed her.

"Don't go to Ai'ai. Once she has an affair with the rioters, no matter who she is, no matter what her identity and status are, the business department will not forgive her, right Jean."

Gene put on his hat, walked slowly to the door, tilted his head and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry Tian Ai, that's the truth. No matter who disrupts order, I will eliminate them without hesitation."

After Gene left, Tian Ai sat down. She knew exactly what was waiting for Chense and Mansha. Hawke looked at Tian Ai in confusion.

"Love, love, how good is the relationship between Mansha and Chense? They have almost never spoken to each other, and"

"It's a woman's sixth sense. Once, Mansha and I sang together on the same stage. Because of a small problem on the stage, there was disharmony. Mansha had an argument with me when we got off the stage. As a result, I lost control. I pushed Mansha, Chense was there at the time, and I saw her expression showing anger and concern for Mansha.”

Hawke stared blankly, seeming to remember.

"It was the support party for that TV series. Many people were there, but you and Mansha have had conflicts more than once. If she is really related to the rioters, you should be careful."

Tian Ai hummed and nodded.

"Maybe it's not a woman's sixth sense, but a feeling. When the two people looked at each other, their eyes were a little abnormal, as if they were lovers."

Mo Xiaolan curled his lips and tapped his fingers rhythmically on the table. Gene actually went straight over. It would have been better to take Tian Ai over. Maybe Chen Se would show his displeasure after seeing Tian Ai, who is also an actor. Comes with the same expression.

Didi didi

"How's it going Gene."


For a moment, Mo Xiaolan showed an extremely excited expression.

"Now that we know the person, we can arrest him directly. Qin Dong, let people from the 5 nearby departments arrest him directly. With the arrest warrant and authority, we have 5 section chiefs present now, which is enough."

"Everyone, please wait."

At this time, King Xue suddenly laughed.

"What do you mean? Don't you believe what my sister said?"

King Xue shook his head.

"As a public figure, if Mansha is arrested rashly, it will cause unnecessary trouble, and there is no factual evidence. If both of them are equally tough and say nothing, and we can't find any evidence, Now there are only more than two days, and the enemy will not wait for half a month to cut off this line. If you want to increase the workload, you can arrest them directly."

Mo Xiaolan grinned.

"Putting a long-term approach to catching the big fish, let people from the 10th department create a virtual reality scene, which must be completed within 5 hours. The content is the scene of how we tortured Mansha. Later, it will be played to the woman, and all the truth will be revealed. "

bang bang bang

King Xue stood up and clapped his hands.

"Chief Mo Xiaolan, you are really good at torture. You are worthy of being the chief of Section 2."

While speaking, King Xue looked sideways at his secretary Zi Yuer. Her eyes moved slightly, as if she said she understood.

Lilian has already started sending emergency contact signals to the 10th Science Research Institute.

Didi didi

After a while, Mo Xiaolan's phone rang. She answered the phone and heard a yawn.

"Mo Xiaolan, your request is a bit difficult. Five hours is enough time, but it is too difficult to achieve a natural flow that conforms to the human body. The best thing is to find an actor and bring a motion sensor capture device to the scene. Drill, and then we technically replace the person with Mansha, and it must be someone who is very familiar with Mansha. The video will look just like paper. How can we deceive criminals? And you guys The machine that was sent has been figured out. It's just the use of simple aerodynamic principles. Children can do it. But where did they get the optical camouflage technology? You'd better find out the source and the material. Get the channels, start with some of the important controlled materials, and if you find an actor who can practice, tell me, and I will bring the equipment there myself. It seems to be very lively over there."

Noah said and hung up the phone, and Mo Xiaolan pressed his forehead.

"We can only let Tianai come."

Mo Xiaolan said, taking out the phone, dialing Gene's number, and started talking directly. After a while, she continued.

"That's the way it is Jean. For a guy like this, the only way is to break through her mental defenses and make her naked, so that we can find what we want."

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, Jewell stood up.

"Instead of going to such trouble, it's better to just bring Mansha over. If the workload is really heavy, I will ask Xiaoxuan to take the directors to your various departments to help."

"Chief Jewell, this approach will only increase the workload. Even if Mansha and Chense agree to cooperate with us, there is a problem. The reason why the fake beads can succeed is because the beads in the beads are real. , and the fish only has one eye. If you want to catch them all in one pot, you won’t be able to find a way to get deep inside.”

At this moment, Zi Yuer's phone rang.

"Our people have been deployed near Mansha, Lord Xue."

Everyone in the room stared at King Xue in confusion.

"Actually, when I just played the movie "Iron Girl", I noticed the change in the morning color. I was worried, especially in the opening scene. Using the elimination method, it is impossible for Tianhen's sister Tianai to be involved in the riot. There was an affair, and the only person Chense was worried about was Mansha, so I asked Zi Yuer to call my men over in advance, and please rest assured, my men are all elites in all fields, naturally in the film industry There are people of mine in there too, of course I still let Miss Tianai do the production of this clip, after all, she is only professional, and she and Mansha both know each other and have seen each other many times."

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