Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1931 Wings Niya Red Thunder 9 (Part 1)

Chapter 1931 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 9 (Part 1)

July 21, 2244

At the gate of the Law Hall in District 1, a large number of reporters were already impatient. Just after 7 o'clock, pedestrians were already gathering on the street, and many people came to watch the excitement.

Today, the Law Office of District 1 needs to concentrate on trying cases. The cases are all submitted by the local Public Security Bureau of Section 5. There are 43 cases in total. Some people speculate that the trial may last more than half a month.

Such a thing is unheard of. After the Law Office of District 1 announced the cases that would be heard a few days ago, reporters immediately smelled the big news and rushed to District 1.

At this time, many people who needed to participate in the first case had already arrived, including 10 members of the regional office and a large number of merchants on Congress Avenue. The members were sued by Section 5 for as many as 23 types of ultra vires acts, while the merchants were He was sued for 11 violations of the law, such as occupying the road for business, parking indiscriminately and affecting road traffic, refusing to dismantle, and defying the management of the five departments.

As the acting litigation officer of the local Section 5, he is only a newcomer, but his name is familiar to many people. She is Pullman's daughter Letty.

Many people want to see what it is like for this newcomer to take on such an important responsibility in the Law Hall for the first time and how far he can go.

Many people want to see what kind of abilities this 21-year-old girl who passed the professional examination with first place last year has. After all, her father Pullman is the president of the Law Society.

The local people from Section 5 had already entered the Law Hall, but there was no sign of Letty. At this time, a light brown Beetle drove slowly in the distance, and reporters immediately swarmed around In the past, people from the 5 departments who were transferred to maintain order immediately began to go over and form a human wall.

"Mr. Pullman, may I ask if your daughter has only been employed for one year and is able to accept such a major complaint? Is there any internal control?"

"Mr. Pullman, may I ask your daughter, what are the chances of winning this time, facing so many lawsuits?"

One question after another came one after another. Pullman just smiled. After getting out of the car, Letty crossed her hands and was about to take out a cigarette when Pullman held her down.

"Everyone, facts speak louder than words. The Law Office has invited people from all walks of life, including some journalist friends, to come to the scene in person, so seeing is believing and hearing is not! Okay everyone, my daughter has to go in and hand over to the judge."

Pullman pulled his daughter Letty and walked away. Letty stared at the reporters with an angry look and snorted coldly.

"I must let them see that I am not here to play, let alone just because I am your daughter, I can accept all this."

Pullman put his arm around his daughter's shoulders and said with a smile.

"Okay Letty, you are not qualified to take on such a big case, but your section chief values ​​you very much."

Letty said with a smile.

"Originally, my winning rate last year was 100%. I don't care what people say."

After Letty and Pullman entered the Law Hall, the father and daughter hugged, and Pullman patted Letty on the back.

"work hard."

Letty nodded and walked towards the passage on the left, and soon entered the handover room. Several judges were there. Niya crossed her legs and leaned on the seat with her hands folded.

"Here comes little girl."

"Lord Niya, thank you for trusting me."

Niya nodded, and Leti started to go over and handed over some materials to the judges. Niya scratched her head. She knew nothing about laws. She could even make up some laws out of thin air. She took office at the beginning of the month. During the days when she had a headache, Jean recommended Leti in a timely manner, so Niya could clearly know how to use the law.

During that time, Nia and Leti exchanged a lot of things, which was a good start. Leti was very angry after seeing some of the cases that Nia gave her. She was very angry and said that she must resolve these cases. Those who bear legal responsibility are sent to prison.

For half a month, Niya has been arresting people and submitting information, while Leti has carefully sorted out the information. From then on, Leti basically lived in Section 5 of District 1 and was busy every day. In just half a month, the prosecution materials for 43 cases were prepared and submitted directly by Niya a few days ago.

The judges in the District 1 Law Hall made a prompt decision and directly put the trial time on the agenda, setting it for today. From today on, they will continue to hear these 43 cases until the end, because this matter has caused an uproar in the society. .

District 1 has always been the most stable, but so many cases suddenly appeared, which made the entire department and Councilmember Baoquan extremely embarrassed. Congress has announced to the outside world that these cases will be dealt with on a priority basis.

This kind of thing is unprecedented. So many cases are prosecuted by the same department, and many cases have related connections. Thanks to Letty, these connections are clearly listed in diagrams, and the interrelationships among them are relationship, so the judges clearly saw the connections between the cases and were able to start the trial so quickly.

Niya was not optimistic about this little girl who was born with a halo at first, but when Gene was drinking with her, he mentioned this girl many times, and this time he directly recommended Letty, and Niya I plan to let this girl try it.

After just half a month of getting along, Niya likes this girl. She is very serious and careful in her work. She always has a lot of strange ideas and is extremely persistent about legal issues. She will even criticize herself in person. Some practices may destroy the fairness of the law.

Niya somewhat understood why the Hydera case caused such a big problem, and why her sister could not be forgiven later. All of this is to build an orderly society, even if many people may be confused by this set of rules. Everything would be lost, but without guaranteeing this order, the law could not survive.

Niya also gradually understood Jean's original intention as a solid lawful person, to establish an orderly and civilized society, and the law serves as the standard for measuring everything in this society. This standard is visible to everyone, and How to use this standard is something everyone must face.

Niya has seen chaotic and disordered society countless times, especially at the bottom. When the departments start to do nothing, the social order will be chaotic, and the chaotic order will affect many things.

Even though the law has become a weapon and tool for many wealthy people, the law is still acting. It is precisely because of the law that the powerful and wealthy class cannot move further. Nowadays, as long as managers can Making a difference can stabilize the scale of the law. This is what Niya has been thinking about the most recently.

There are so many widely involved cases, and 43 cases is not a small number. The reason why these problems occurred is because the managers used money and power to isolate the incident outside the law at the time, and now Niya has brought the incident back. within the law.

"Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I believe the law will be more perfect in the future."

Leti bowed, the judges left, and Leti looked at Nia happily.

"Lord Niya, I will definitely do my best."

Letty said, and took out the Encyclopedia of Laws from her backpack, an old paper book. Letty put it under her arm and said with a smile.

"This is my battlefield!"

Niya raised her hand and shook it. Letty took a deep breath. The first case started at 8 o'clock. The district office did not sue Niya for obstructing normal operations. Instead, Niya sued them for exceeding their authority. As well as privately reaching agreements with businessmen to conduct behind-the-scenes money and power transactions.

"The focus of the dispute in the first case is whether their behavior affected the passage of pedestrians and vehicles. You did a good job on this point, Niya-sama, really good. If you had not done so at the time , maybe it’s too late.”

The two of them smiled and left the room together, and then came to the law hall. At this time, the law hall was full of people. It would start in 10 minutes. The judges had already sat down and were still looking at the light and shadow screen. For the case, two team captains from the local Section 5 and some staff were already sitting at the complaint table, and Niya and Leti walked over.

The atmosphere at the scene seemed very serious. The team of lawyers opposite were the more famous gold medal lawyers in the city, but their faces were also more solemn at this time, because they knew they would lose.

The case itself is not complicated, and the focus of the dispute is very clear to them. Even if they can get many local residents to keep the same voice, they cannot guarantee that the entire city has the same voice.

Therefore, this case can only exonerate the MPs as much as possible and reduce the impact of this incident on them as much as possible. But no matter what, the impact has already been produced. Once the case is lost, the impact is inevitable, so the lawyers have contacted the businessmen very early. We have discussed it and have selected a member of Parliament to be the person responsible for this incident.

At 8 o'clock sharp, the trial began.

The judges took the lead in making a brief statement on the case, and then asked the plaintiff to speak. Letty immediately stood up and began to list them one by one. The causes and consequences of the prosecution points were very clear. Everyone present Everyone heard it clearly.

"Please submit evidence from the plaintiff!"

Letty immediately put her hands on the table and said with a confident smile.

"We have collected testimonies from a total of 30,000 people who have visited Congress Avenue in the past six months. 80% of them believe that roadside facilities have affected their traffic. This includes people from all walks of life, and 10% of them believe that there will be There is a certain impact, and 0.5% of people think it is okay. Finally, 0.5% think it has not much impact. There is an impact occasionally, but no one thinks it is not affected at all! The above, based on the factual evidence, the majority of people agree that the principle is Based on the cognition after subjective experience, it is enough to prove that the impact exists. We used a software to conduct a survey of 30,000 people. If the defendant needs larger data, we can investigate for one year or even two years. data."

Letty said, the faces of the legal team opposite were livid at this time, and the chief lawyer was a little surprised, because he did not expect that the other party would collect the testimony and opinions of so many people. He only prepared the residents near First Avenue. , there are only 500 people, but these are local residents. Although local residents have more say, roads are public facilities, and every legal citizen of Bright City has the right to enjoy them. This is something written into the constitution.

After the judge asked the question, the leading lawyer immediately expressed his approval and said that he had nothing to add or refute. He felt that the girl opposite was frightened. Once he argued, he would be suspected of violating the constitution.

The district authority's document authorizing merchants to extend their shops to occupy sidewalks in order to increase economic and tax revenue in the area has been proven to be an ultra vires act. The trial went smoothly. Lawyers for the congressmen also admitted that such an ultra vires act was not committed. Make too many rebuttals.

Some congressmen also admitted their faults in court without any explanation or cover-up, and shifted the responsibility to others.

"Okay, next is a question I raised on behalf of District 1, District 5 Public Security Management Office!"

Letty stood on the stage in front of the judge, adjusted a light and shadow screen, and then bowed.

"Your Honor, based on the fact that the congressmen knew that it was an ultra vires and illegal act, they still gave the businessmen on Congress Avenue the authorization documents to extend their stores. Is it really to enhance the local economy? According to my review of the renovation of Congress Avenue in the past two years, Calculated based on the tax revenue of each street, the average sales growth value of all stores in the past two years is between 7% and 11% per month, but the annual growth value is less than 50%. Calculated based on the monthly business growth value, the annual growth value is The growth value must be at least 80%, but where did the missing 30% go? Please answer my question!"

Immediately the lead lawyer for the defense stood up.

“According to tax laws, councilors have the right to levy specific taxes and fees within the region. This is a flexible modification made for the purpose of building the region. The 30% that complainant Letiti is confused about is actually the district tax. The tax collected by the district authority from merchants to help the district authority build the regional economy did not actually violate any legal provisions. This is the details from our side!"

Letty immediately laughed and then asked.

"Then it can be understood that because of the money that the businessmen agreed to pay and was included in the regional special tax, the district office provided various conveniences to the businessmen. May I ask, your honor, whether such a transaction can be called It’s a money-power transaction!”

"Prosecutor Letty, please do not make baseless speculations, as this may constitute slander!"

Letty immediately smiled and said.

"I am just making an inference based on the facts. So besides allowing merchants to extend their stores and park vehicles on main roads, what exactly is this tax money used for construction? I need specific details."

The chief lawyer panicked for a moment, and his face turned livid. Although he had this detailed list, he couldn't produce it at all. Once it was produced, it would be over, and the charge of corruption would be directly implemented.

At this time, the congressman next to the chief lawyer swallowed and stood up.

"I admit that the tax agreed with the merchants was collected on the condition that they would be able to extend their shops and park on the street. I am very sorry for my illegal behavior that exceeded my authority, I am very sorry, I am sorry! "

The congressman immediately bowed deeply and kept saying sorry in shame.

"Your Honor, although the defendant admitted the crime in court, I want to have an in-depth discussion and study on the issue just now. I hope the defendant can submit the details of the tax collected."

The chief lawyer looked at Letty blankly. He originally thought that as long as he admitted the crime, the other party would relent and not go into details. However, he did not expect that the other party would bite the bullet and not show any mercy.

It can no longer be explained clearly in a few words. Once the details are provided, the original 5 subjects, as well as the current 7 and 9 subjects will be involved.

"I apply for a temporary adjournment!"

The chief lawyer spoke immediately, and finally the judge agreed and adjourned the court for 20 minutes.

Niya clutched her stomach and burst into laughter. She happily looked at the group of embarrassed guys opposite and laughed.

"Zhao Song, I know you are very sad, but now"

A congressman looked at congressman Zhao Song, who had just admitted his crime in court. He was covering his face. With his future ruined, he now had to fight against a bigger charge, the charge of embezzling taxes without authorization.

The crimes he committed ten years ago are not included. He will never be able to participate in the parliamentary election in the future. The other parliamentarians looked at Zhao Song with solemn expressions. The lawyers were still thinking of ways. It was impossible to negotiate with the other party. The other party would not do it at all. Give them a chance.

Obviously there can be better words, and aid may be a better word, but aid often involves more things and a wider range, and aid is provided when individuals or institutions need help. The team of lawyers has made arrangements in various aspects, but has still been unable to find all the areas in District 1 where the aid funds need to be used, because the tax revenue allocated to District 1 is very large.

Once the other party investigates, the aid fund will not exist, and it will eventually come back to the issue of corruption. This is the first time this legal team has encountered such a case since the aid fund system was introduced.

"I know, I will take care of everything."

"Zhao Song, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry. Don't worry. As long as you can pay back the money, you can be paroled in three years at most. We will definitely help you then."

Zhao Song hummed. He didn't know why he would take on all this. Maybe it was because other people had families and he was just a lonely person, and these people had helped him before he became a council member.

The trial began again, and this time Zhao Song took the initiative to admit everything, including his misappropriation of the special construction tax collected by merchants, and he submitted some things as evidence on his own initiative.

The trial ended with Letty's angry roar.

"Okay, okay, don't get excited, there are still other cases to come!"

Letty stared blankly at the congressmen who started to leave, pointing at them and yelling.

"You scum, leave everything to one person. Is this what you do?"

"Prosecutor Leti, if you suspect that other congressmen are involved in this matter, please file a lawsuit next time and bring out relevant evidence."

Letty's eyes widened, but her hand was tightly held by Niya. At this time, Pullman came to her emotional daughter.

"That's enough, daughter, that's enough!"

The whole day, when it was close to 6 o'clock, the sixth case ended. Letty seemed to be venting her dissatisfaction with the first case in the morning. She was full of firepower throughout the day, without any hesitation or hesitation, and completely let the lawyers in every case. Everyone was silent. Many defendants admitted their crimes in court and were directly declared guilty in court.

"I've asked the people in the cafeteria to make something rich today, and we'll have a nice drink later. Then you have to continue attending the court hearing tomorrow morning, and I need to supervise them to dismantle the facilities that occupy the road."

Letty was a little unwilling, and her mood was very complicated. Her father told her a lot this morning, a lot of things that Letty had never thought about. But Letty didn’t agree with these things from the bottom of her heart, because she could obviously be better. Okay, but it came to an abrupt end.

The moment Niya and Leti walked out of the Law Hall, a lot of noise broke out outside. Outside the human wall, many angry citizens were already standing on the periphery, constantly moving towards the lift of Section 11. Throwing some things here, the people from Section 11 have already put up their shields, and Letty stared at everything in front of her in a daze.

"Obviously they should know these things better than me. Why?"

Niya patted Letty on the shoulder, not knowing what to say to her. After handing her a cigarette, Letty lit it with telekinesis and coughed a few times after inhaling. This was the 19th day of smoking. I started to contact her after meeting Niya.

"It's because they know it, but they can't do anything about it. But now they at least see a little hope. You've done a good job in the past half month!"

At this time, Niya noticed that Section 11 was escorting the prisoners. Among the members who were handing over to Section 8, there was a familiar man. Niya quickly ran down the steps.

"Oh, what a coincidence!"


A glass bottle was smashed over, and as soon as Niya caught it in her hand, she jumped angrily onto the landing gear and called up the sound amplification equipment.

"You bastards, the trial is over and the criminals have received the punishment they deserve. If any of you dare to throw something again, I will arrest him immediately and send him outside directly for rioting."

Niya's roar instantly caused many people on the periphery to stop. They were completely stunned. Niya immediately pointed to the crowd opposite and said.

"If you have any cases that you have witnessed in the past but have not been handled, you can come to Section 5 to see me. I will definitely investigate. Please stop throwing things away. This is a law hall, not a market!"

The throwing of things stopped, and Niya jumped off the lift. Li Ang smiled and pressed his hat, shaking his head helplessly.

"It's still the same."

"Anyway, I'm sorry!"

Li Ang smiled and patted Niya's arm.

"What are you talking about, idiot! Okay, the work of accepting prisoners is over, I have to go back, just come over another day and you can treat me to a drink!"

Niya raised her hand, and Li Ang immediately patted it over, and the two held their hands tightly together.

6:46 pm

Niya looked at the merchants in the yard and said.

"I'll give you one day to dismantle all the facilities, and give you another day to repair the roads damaged by the demolition facilities. Do you understand me?"

The businessmen all nodded. In the past nearly a month, they were tortured to death by Niya. The streets were closed every three days, either to check the facilities, to investigate the criminals, or to find some weird reasons to let them do this. The income was almost zero for a month.

"But because of the impact you have suffered this month due to this incident, I will apply for tax exemption for three months as a small compensation for the losses you have suffered this month."

The businessmen looked at Niya in astonishment for a moment, and soon cheered. Many businessmen gathered around, hoping that Niya would come over when she was free and invite her and the people from Section 5 to dinner.

The cafeteria was filled with aroma, and more than 90 staff members gathered together to drink and eat happily. Niya was sitting among the crowd, holding up her wine glass happily.

"Listen clearly, even if I leave here, you still need to patrol and exercise for me, don't slack off!"

At this time, Niya saw Letty sitting beside her, dumbfounded in front of a pile of food. There was an empty wine bottle next to her. Niya walked over with a smile.

"First time drinking?"

Letty turned her head, nodded with red eyes, and then with a clatter, along with the overturned bowls and plates, Letty fell unconscious on a pile of dishes. Niya burst out laughing, almost A female clerk rushed over to help.

Niya looked at everything here. She was very happy tonight. She still needs a little candy after a hard fight. Niya knew this.

Everyone will do something wrong sometimes. Think carefully about today's first case. If she were in Letty's position, she would have stopped abruptly after the congressman admitted that he had exceeded his authority and violated the law. She took a look Letty was helped by several female staff members to the bathroom. She had already begun to vomit.

"That's okay, maybe, there needs to be someone like this."

Niya thought of Michelle. This girl's character was somewhat similar to Michelle's, except that Michelle was obsessed with solving problems, while Letty was obsessed with letting the law solve problems.

At this time, Niya noticed a person standing at the door. She walked over with a bottle of wine, and then threw it over.

"Would you like a drink Mr. Pullman?"

Pullman smiled and nodded, unscrewing the wine bottle. Niya took out another bottle of wine from behind, and she and Pullman sat on the side of the canteen. The breeze blew gently, Niya Holding the wine bottle comfortably.

"Everyone needs to grow up Nia!"

Pullman looked at Nia with a smile. This was also the girl that Pullman was most worried about. Because of Alpha, Pullman had been paying attention to this girl from a long time ago, especially after Alpha had problems. I also talked to Jean many times about Niya's issues, and also went to Niya's house in person to inquire about some situations.

"Those guys are now starting to build their own empire!"

Niya said and Pullman hummed.

"It has become an enemy of the acting department."

Niya smiled and nodded.

"Everything has changed since Freya left, Niya. The collapsed fragments of that era have left this era devastated. But I hope that in the future you will call us opponents instead of enemies. Only when you constantly want to suppress In the process of passing each other, talents can make progress, and this kind of progress is much faster than chasing something alone."

Nia laughed and shook her head.

"Maybe, but Mr. Pullman, is your daughter really okay? She seems to be quite stimulated."

Pullman sighed helplessly.

"She is very similar to me when I was young, very similar, but as a father, I have to do something. The child has never suffered any major setbacks since he was a child. This is what I am worried about, so One day in the future, I will become her enemy!"

Niya patted Pullman on the shoulder. She could completely understand this feeling, because in the past few years, she had seen some capable people who would never show any mercy or sympathy. Niya thought again Regarding Qin Dong, Niya made a phone call before. Li Mu said that although the patrols in District 29 have returned to the same casual manner as before, more than 300 people still exercise every morning, and those who do not People will join in from time to time.

Qin Dong was still doing errands. Just as Niya thought, the newly appointed section officer ignored him. He might have been transferred to another district after running errands in District 29 for a year or two.

"I'm sorry to trouble you during this time, Niya. Please take good care of that girl."

Pullman stood up as he spoke, drank the wine in the bottle, and then put the bottle down with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will train your girl seriously every day."

Pullman glanced back at Nia, who had already stood up and returned to the cafeteria. He felt a little relieved. At least the successors of the next era were growing vigorously and there was no need to worry about this anymore.

Pullman has seen many people, young people with hopes and ideals, but in the end, many young people gave up their ideals and hopes and chose to reconcile with fate, or directly compromise with fate.

"Don't compromise, never compromise!"

Pullman returned to the car, and in his mind were the last words Freya said to all of them when she died on the hospital bed. The relationship with the students in the School of God over the years made everyone They maintained almost the same pace and collaborated countless times, but after Freya left, Pullman and the other six people all realized it.

The competitive consciousness of the same kind has been thrown away by them unknowingly, because it is easier to do so, and everyone is tied together. This is the most fatal thing. Born in sorrow and dying in happiness, they have not abandoned the past. Ideals and hopes, but indulged in comfort and stability.

"From now on, we council members must stand on the opposite side of the executive branch. These are the two hands that can lift up the city!"

Pullman stretched out his two hands and made a lifting motion, then smiled, and when he put his two hands together and lifted them up, he felt a sense of awkwardness.

Wu Qun was the first to feel all this, and he had already begun to do something real. However, in these years, the administrative department and the parliamentarians have become too close, and corruption has also been too close to each other. In the process, a blowout appeared.

In these years, the administrative departments have lost their dignity as managers, and in these years, the parliamentarians have lost their responsibilities as parliamentarians, the responsibility to represent the people. In the end, it is the interest groups that benefit, because Interest groups tie the two together with their interests.

If you want to change all this, you can't rely on the seven of them, because the relationship between the current parliamentarians and the current executive branch is inseparable, and it requires the power of the new generation. This is what Pullman has seen. Things became clear after today’s trial.

Pullman started the car and looked out the window at the light shrouding the city downwards. He drove directly to the edge of the original Congress Square. On the west side, a statue of a white tiger was erected, which was emitting a faint light.

Pullman looked up after getting out of the car and saw Gene lying quietly on the huge tiger's head, covering his cheeks with a hat.

"Mr. Jean!"

Gene scratched his head after standing up, then stood down, took out a cigarette and handed one to Pullman. The two sat on the stairs going down, looking at the city in the distance.

"It's very cruel, Mr. Jean, for dragging my precious daughter into the law enforcement department. I'm afraid she will spend her whole life in the law enforcement department."

Gene hummed.


Over the years, the laws have been revised frequently, and each time Pullman would make careful and detailed revisions based on the existing laws. Gene would go directly to discuss these with Pullman. In fact, Gene served as Heath's Kurt was just a mouthpiece, Pullman knew it.

Pullman and Heathcote are old rivals. They both have victories and defeats. Over the years, both of them have been quietly revising the law behind the scenes, hoping to make the law more perfect.

Every time he went home, Gene would always chat with Letty and play with her. Over time, Letty began to ask Jean various questions, and Jean would answer them half-jokingly.

But gradually Letty asked more and more serious questions, and Jean would answer her seriously. Later, Letty originally planned to work in a law firm after graduation, but she dropped out of school midway and joined the practice department. take an exam.

"Don't be sorry, Mr. Jean. Maybe Letty subconsciously wants to have a legal battle with me as a father. I know this, but if we are just lawyers, such a battle will be difficult." It may be interfered by many factors and may even be unfair, but it won’t be now.”

Gene nodded, stood up and said.

"These brats in the new era will be far beyond your imagination. I can guarantee this! They will be the best generation in Brilliant City so far."

Pullman stood up in surprise and looked at Gene.

"Far better than your students, Mr. Jean!"

Gene was a little surprised and looked at Pullman.

"Freya only told me one person, the others are probably just suspicions."

Gene smiled and blew out a puff of smoke and put out the cigarette butt.

"What does it matter? Pullman, times will always change, but whether the city can withstand such an impact next time is a question."

Gene looked worriedly at the bottom floor. In the endless darkness of the bottom floor, the lights in many areas had already been extinguished. Pullman snorted.

"Each of us has been stabbed mercilessly by this deep feeling of powerlessness again and again, but there are no tears in the times, Mr. Jean!"

Gene nodded with a slightly bitter smile.

"We all look forward to the arrival of a bright new era and bask in the dawn of a new era."

"I've heard that word so many times! New Age."

Seeing that this city, which was built with blood and tears from generation to generation, was about to face another test, both of them were heartbroken. After Freya passed away, the medical industry began to lose control continuously, and the medical industry's Losing control is a big problem that can affect the whole city.

"What are you going to do, Mr. Jean? I think it's time to push Niya up. We will help to some extent, although we may be greatly hindered."

Gene hesitated, but soon laughed.

"That savage girl will climb up on her own. Nothing can restrain her, just like thunder!"

Jean said and started walking towards the east.

"Where are you going, Mr. Jean, at this late hour?"

"Go to the Agriculture Department, and then have a hot bowl of fresh breakfast tomorrow morning, and take a look at the child farming!"

Pullman thought for a while and then said.

"You're talking about Larry."

Gene nodded.

"By the way, Mr. Jean, there's a genius in the medical school, did you know that?"

Gene hummed.

"The child recognized by Huashen!"

"Old Wu once mentioned it to me, but it's much better now. The child lives with her mother, the real mother. Thank you Mr. Jean."

Jean smiled and waved, and immediately ejected, quickly turning into a line of light blue light and heading into the distance.

Pullman exhaled slightly.

The times always set off waves, but Pullman felt like he was a little younger at this time. He could feel that these waves were slowly getting bigger and began to converge to the highest point.

11:39 pm

Niya sat drunkenly on her desk, snoring, looking at the case that was about to be tried tomorrow, smiling confidently. Niya probably knew that she would definitely be transferred out of here in half a year, that was for sure. .

In the future, days like this will appear every six months, because what you have done has destroyed the local vested interests, and these vested interests will definitely unite.

It's just that Niya has always been a person who takes it one step at a time. At this time, Niya watched the time approaching and opened a midnight song program. Soon the host's cheerful voice came. This kind of program before going to sleep, Niya would listen to it from time to time, but she had to stay here tonight.

"Tonight's guests are Miss Tian'ai who stood out in the moving singer competition held in District 66! And Hawke, who claims to be Miss Tian'ai's manager."


Niya laughed loudly, Hawke's sinister voice came out, and then Niya pressed a number.

"Idiot, your sister's show has started. Are you listening? Or are you drinking?"

"You're the idiot, I'm listening!"

The other side of Tianhen sounded very quiet, but the wind could be heard.

"On the city wall!"

"Okay, I have to listen carefully and go to bed early, crazy woman."

Niya hung up the phone, adjusted a pair of light and shadow headphones, put them on and listened quietly.

"There is only music in my life, as well as my relatives, friends and lovers. This is a song I wrote myself, called "Breeze". I want to dedicate it to everyone who has helped me and loved me!"

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