Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1927 Wings Niya Red Thunder 7 (Part 2)

Chapter 1927 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 7 (Part 2)

April 1, 2244

Just after 7 o'clock in the morning, in the courtyard of the 5th Section Headquarters, the new batch of candidates are already waiting for the Entrance Examination of the Business Section. This is the most stringent exam in Bright City. The pass rate has not been able to break through 5 since the beginning of the exam. %, only a few hundred people are lucky enough to pass each year.

Most people usually only take the exam for three years before giving up. Nearly 30% of those waiting in line are retakers. There are still many people taking the exam this year, close to 10,000.

At this time, there was a particularly empty place. Many people only dared to look at it and did not dare to whisper. Niya was leaning on a guard booth with a cup of tea next to her. The clerk in the guard booth said with a smile.

"Lord Niya, you will definitely be able to survive this year."

Niya said yes. She could only come and take the staff examination again. There was nothing she could do about it. She was still a special recruit. If she continued like this, she would really be laughed at. Niya was already serious. I have been reviewing for a month, but those things in my head always seem to leak out after a while and gradually disappear.

Especially the law questions were extremely painful for Niya, and she hated them the most. A few days before the exam, Ling Hong and Jean had already helped her cram in some knowledge, but it seemed to be somewhat useful, Niya She still remembers most of the things, so she is full of confidence now.

At this time, there was a commotion not far away. As soon as Niya looked over, she saw Michelle walking over surrounded by a large number of reporters. Niya was a little surprised because Michelle was now wearing the uniform of Section 5.

The people from Section 5 blocked the reporters outside the door. Seeing Michelle walking straight towards her, Niya was a little confused.

"Ms. Niya, Mistress Michelle is one of the examiners this year, and she was just transferred to the 5th Section Headquarters a few days ago and was promoted to the Regional Section Officer. She has the same position as you, but she is the Section Officer of the Affairs Department of the headquarters."

Niya was a little surprised and looked at Michelle with interest. She walked over and bowed slightly.

"Miss Niya, I hope you can pass the exam this time, please take it seriously."

"I know."

Michelle frowned slightly. She really couldn't stand Niya's attitude. If she failed the exam again, it would really turn the business department into a laughing stock. As for Niya's exam issue, she failed to pass last year, which caused quite a problem. She has failed for two consecutive years, and this year is Niya’s third exam. If she fails again, reporters will definitely take the opportunity to launch extensive reports.

Especially some of Niya's random behaviors in the past would break out on a large scale. Michelle walked up to Niya.

"Miss Niya, please take this exam seriously."

Michelle said again. Niya waved her hand and took out a cigarette. Just as she was about to light it, Michelle confiscated it, taking away the cigarette in her pocket as well.

"Smoking is not allowed during the exam. Smoking may affect other people."

Niya blinked, Michelle put a cigarette back into Niya's mouth, and then held up the collected cigarette.

"Please come to me to get it after the exam, Miss Niya. I will take the director's exam next year."

After saying this, Michelle bowed politely again and entered the examination room. Niya scratched her head, feeling that Michelle did this on purpose.

"What does your examination as director have to do with me?"

At this time, the clerk in the booth behind him whispered.

"Ms. Niya, don't you know? Although the section officers at the headquarters are on the same level as the regional section officers, many things need to go through their hands. In a sense, the section officers at the headquarters have greater authority than the regional section officers. , you’d better not offend her.”

Nia laughed and asked.

"Why is Michelle difficult to get along with?"

"She's not just difficult to get along with, she's simply difficult to get along with. Do you know why she was transferred out of Section 4?"

Niya shook her head with a smile.

"Master Niya, don't you usually read some information within the department?"

You shook your head.

"179 people. In just one year, Michelle has dealt with 179 people, including 145 subordinates and 34 superiors. Most of them were dealt with for negligence. Three of the directors were put on the spot. As a result of his dismissal, 57 medical facilities and 18 medical companies have been affected, and even Abelon Pharmaceuticals has had its medical qualifications suspended, and it is still undergoing internal rectification."

"So cruel!"

Niya looked at the clerk behind her in shock. He looked helpless, but he became more and more excited as he spoke.

Niya kept laughing as she listened, and the candidates also entered the venue one after another. Niya was still smoking, listening to the clerk behind her talking happily about some of the things Michelle had been doing for more than a year.

"Hey, another one who likes to get into trouble! This girl!"

Niya seems to see the shadow of her sister in Michelle. Her sister has been like this since she was a child. She studies hard and seriously, and likes to inquire deeply. For things she doesn’t know, she must understand them clearly and become proficient. However, Niya can also understand. Because my sister is a genius herself, she doesn't care about what others think. She always feels that what she does is right, but that's the fact. The foundation of today's business was laid by her step by step.

Many systems are quite reasonable, but it is people who implement these systems. Even on the basis of the system of business established by my sister, we can continue to superimpose it, making the system more and more perfect, and Michelle He seems to be a beneficiary of this system and is already quite proficient.

The clerk behind him also said that Michelle had been impeached and complained many times, but these things ended up being ignored. Instead, the people who complained about Michelle were thrown into prison by Michelle.

Now that the 4th Department is about to collapse, and with the frequent problems in the medical industry in the city, the entire 4th Department is on the verge of collapse. Michelle was forcibly transferred out of the 4th Department, and when she was transferred, it was as if someone was kicking a ball. He was kicked around, and it seemed that no department was willing to accept this genius whose body was covered with spikes.

In the end, I don’t know why Michelle chose subject 5. Niya scratched her head.

"Lord Niya, please come in too."

Niya hummed and flicked the cigarette ashes.

"Wait until you finish smoking this one."

After Niya heard this, she felt a chill running down her spine. After all, if Michelle became her boss one day, her life would be very difficult. Niya was sure of this.

Michelle, like her sister, is shrouded in the glory of a huge family. The two are very similar in nature, but in Niya's view, Michelle comes from the bottom up, while her sister is different. From the beginning, Michelle Like a scorching sun, it finally dims until it burns itself out.

"I have to find a way to pass the exam. What should I do?"

At 8 o'clock, Niya sat in the examination room. All she needed was that her written test results should not be too ugly. Other scores were already irrelevant. The moment Niya saw the question, she laughed out loud in the examination room.

For a moment, pairs of eyes looked over. In the huge examination room, Niya's voice was a little loud. Several invigilators came over, including Michelle.

"Miss Niya, please be careful not to affect others."

Niya nodded with a smile, but she still couldn't hide her excitement, because these questions were basically the same as the ones explained to her by Ji Enlinghong and others before. Niya remembered them very clearly, and she started to quickly Got it done.

The law exam in the morning ended successfully, and Niya felt a lot more relaxed. Niya was at least very confident about the 20-point exam content, and could score more than 15 points.

As long as she scores above 45 points in the three written examination subjects, and definitely gets full marks in combat and weapon use, Niya can get above 85 points. With the extra points in the practical exam, she can definitely get above 90 points.

Niya hummed a little tune and started to eat in the cafeteria of the business department. Then she could go back to her seat to review or rest until the noon exam.

After Michelle had eaten, she entered the building of Department 5 with a serious expression and took the ladder directly to the rooftop. As soon as she arrived on the rooftop, Michelle bowed slightly.

"Lord Jean!"

Gene sat cross-legged on the edge of the rooftop, smoking silently and smiling softly. Michelle walked over and bowed.

"owe you"

"Sorry Michelle, I need you to help that idiot cheat."

Michelle shook her head.

"This is not cheating, Sir Jean. I just inferred the review content based on the examination content of the Acting Department over the years. The examination papers have not been leaked."

Gene smiled and watched Michelle bow again and turn around and walk away. Gene stood up.

"One more thing, Master Jean, don't tell Miss Niya this matter, even until the day she dies."

Gene nodded in agreement.

"Why are you helping her Michelle? Is it simply to repay my kindness for helping you in the past!"

Michelle hesitated for a while and then said.

"I just think Miss Niya is a capable person, that's all. At first, I didn't know why she entered the business department, and why did you pull her, Lord Jean, because she is like a rag? thing."

Gene scratched his head.

"That's too much, Michelle, after all, a rag has a use, right?"

Michelle turned around and bowed again.

"Please forgive me for these rude remarks, Sir Jean! Including Tianhen. I heard that in the last march in the barrier area, only Tianhen's team was intact. I don't know what you used, Master Jean. Such magic, but the two of them are completely different from what I knew in the past, especially Miss Nia. Growing up, everyone around her was basically talking about Miss Nia. She cannot be compared with her sister Alpha. ."

Gene raised his head, held a cigarette in one hand and blew out the smoke with a smile.

"What now!"

"I can't make a conclusion, Lord Jean, because there is still a long way to go in the future. What you pulled out of the garbage pit! Why don't you want to spend your time on some more capable people, Lord Jean!"

Gene looked at Michelle and pointed the smoke at Michelle. The smoke that was originally floating in the wind was wrapped in light blue particles and swayed toward the sky. Michelle was a little surprised.

"Things are not static, Michelle, whether they are blowing in the wind or rising, or they are drifting away."

Jean said as he took out a silver coin from his pocket and slowly threw it up. Michelle closed her eyes. The silver coin flipped slowly in the air, reflecting the dazzling white light. Then Jean held a cigarette in his mouth. , patted the silver coin on the back of his hand with one hand.

"Heads or words!"


Michelle said firmly. The moment the silver coin was thrown, she had already activated the measurement perception in her heart. This was something she had practiced countless times. At the moment when the silver coin was at its highest point, Michelle probably knew the height of the silver coin. And when Gene threw the silver coin at the beginning, the refraction gloss of the light on the surface of the silver coin. Because the convex area of ​​the human head is relatively large, the saturation of the light after refraction is higher, and it looks much softer, while the side with the words is convex. The area is smaller, the overall saturation after light refraction is lower, and it is relatively more dazzling.

The first thing Michelle saw was a human head. Based on the height calculation, the size of the coin, and the speed of its rise, her computer-like brain quickly came up with the answer in an instant.

Gene smiled helplessly and spread his hands little by little, just as Michelle had calculated.

The lie and dazzling light reflected on Michelle's determined cheeks, and Gene smiled happily and nodded.

"Michelle, if one day you really have enlightenment and want to move up, just play a silver coin toss with Mr. Jean!"

This is what my mother often said to Michelle before she died. Her mother once said that she had played similar games with Mr. Jean in the past, but she lost at the time, and the result was the same. She was not able to accomplish much. Things, and messed things up.

Jean walked towards Michelle step by step, holding up the silver coin in his hand.

"This is your mother's relic! Hand it over now."

Michelle shook her head and bowed again.

"Lord Jean, if I do it one day, please return this silver coin to me! Is that okay?"

Jean looked at Michelle blankly. Michelle's eyes looked sad for a moment, and there was a hint of tenderness in her cold expression, which changed from the usual coldness.

"My mother once said, Mr. Jean, you do what you say, and you are the most trustworthy person in this city. I will complete everything that my mother has not accomplished with my own hands. I can't do it now, so I can't accept it. This silver coin.”

Jean put away the silver coins, and Michelle, who raised her head, returned to her usual coldness.

"I'm sorry Michelle, I'm sorry!"

Jean said and patted Michelle's arm. Michelle looked at Jean seriously. It was at Jean's suggestion that Michelle came to Section 5. Jean took out another stick. A cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

"Failed Michelle, spending time and energy on elites who were once like you, Alpha's problem is the same."

Michelle turned around and walked slowly.

"Lord Jean, this is the responsibility of a master, isn't it? Thank you for choosing the city instead of Alpha!"

Gene pressed his cheek, feeling that his thoughts were read by a little girl under 30 years old. This was the first time. It was the first time that Gene felt that this genius was better than Alpha, or more resilient than Alpha.

"Now, as long as I see a good child, I will pay some attention to it. From now on, I will only guarantee my mother, not my honesty!"

The corners of Michelle's mouth raised slightly, but she soon returned to her usual appearance. When she walked to the entrance, she turned around again and bowed slightly before leaving.

Jean was a little surprised. One month before the exam, Michelle would take the initiative to find him. Then Jean had no choice but to attract Ling Hong. After the two of them read Michelle's predictions for the exam, , both felt a little incredible, and then the two of them sang together and forced everything into Niya's head.

According to Niya's past learning ability and past learning foundation, it is impossible to pass the written examination. It would be difficult to pass the written examination, let alone score more than 40 points, or even score more than 30 points.

Michelle mentioned at the beginning that as the most fatal part of a manager, if there is not even a shred of majesty, it will be difficult to manage the future world well. This majesty is not the majesty of dominating others. , but the majesty based on relative fairness, which is the most serious missing part of the acting department over the years.

If Niya fails to pass the exam again, the problem will be serious. Gene did not expect that Michelle, this girl, would have such a human side.

"Maybe it's me who's meddling in Danian's business!"

Jean smiled and thought of Michelle crying silently on the rooftop at night. This was the first time Jean saw this child crying so sadly.

So Jean went over, quietly waiting for Michelle to stabilize before appearing, and then helped Michelle some things. It all started from that night, and he and Michelle gradually got to know each other. Originally, Jean Jean promised Freya not to interfere in Michelle's affairs.

"Sorry Freya, sorry!"

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the noon session began, and the candidates all began to answer questions. At this time, a snoring sound sounded in the empty examination room. Michelle looked over with a solemn expression, and she followed several examiners.

"Miss Niya, Miss Niya!"

An examiner went over and pushed Niya. For a moment, Niya suddenly opened her eyes with anger and jumped up.

"You bastards, didn't I say that?"

In a daze, Niya seemed to realize that she was in the examination room. Niya felt a little embarrassed for a moment. People nearby looked on in shock. Michelle handed Niya a handkerchief, and Niya took it and wiped her mouth. Drooling, he said sorry and sat down.

After Michelle took the handkerchief and put it away, she looked at the confused Niya with a solemn expression. The test question at noon was about economics, but Niya seemed a little confused at this time, as if she was thinking about something.

Michelle took a handkerchief and wiped the sweat that overflowed from her forehead. The reason why the recruitment and promotion system of the administrative department must pass the clerk examination, the section officer examination, the governing officer examination, the secretary examination and the final section chief examination are all It is an audit system based on the principle of fairness.

This kind of system seems very reasonable to Michelle. Those who can pass the exam will be recognized by other people who have not passed the exam. This sense of recognition is very important and will not be affected by nepotism or money and power issues. Only those who are dissatisfied can convince the public by being promoted.

Since the establishment of the Executive Department, up to now, it has been able to maintain its current stability under this strict promotion system. Those who want to rely on nepotism or money and power transactions to get to the top have no way to climb up. .

Nowadays, there are only 51 candidates for directors in 12 departments, only 4 candidates for secretaries, and 0 candidates for section chiefs. Over the years, the only thing that has not been criticized in the executive department is the promotion system. Nowadays, All the section chiefs in office have passed the section chief's examination rigorously and conscientiously, and the examination content was set by the gods.

The reports about Niya in the city did not become more serious because of Niya's misbehavior. It was also because of the strict promotion system, because the details of income, welfare subsidies and other things starting from the third-level section officer were all in action. It can be found on the department’s page.

But now, Niya's salary has not changed in more than a year. It is still the same as the special recruitment at the beginning, 2,000 yuan. Originally, the monthly salary for Niya's position was about 10,000 yuan, and there were many other things. Although Niya still has a monthly salary of only 2,000 yuan.

The examination and promotion system of the executive department is like a scale used by the people at the bottom to measure it. It has not changed for so many years. This is an extremely strict system established by Alpha, and even Congress has no right to interfere.

The supervisory examiners each time are drawn from 12 departments, and the chief examiner is the section chief or secretary. The first stage of the recruitment examination starts on April 1st every year, and the subsequent four stages of examinations, It will be held internally by the practice department after the number of applicants for the exam reaches a certain level.

In February of this year, Michelle passed the subject officer examination with the first grade and was directly promoted to the subject officer of Section 4, but now she has been transferred here.

Michelle felt a little pressure when she thought about working with Niya in the future, because she felt that Niya was too undisciplined. At this time, Niya was still in a daze and seemed to be trying to remember something. Michelle was The sidelines looked a little frightened. Niya's test results came out this morning. She scored 17 points out of 20 points in the law test. This score made all the examiners feel a lot more relaxed.

Finally, Niya seemed to remember something, and then she suddenly covered her mouth and laughed, and immediately started to answer the questions. A bunch of examiners gathered around Niya, watching her answer the questions, and the nearby candidates felt strange. Because looking at the faces of the invigilators, they felt like they were facing an enemy.

Finally, half an hour later, the examiners' expressions relaxed and they began to leave. Michelle breathed a sigh of relief. Basically, Niya's answers were correct.

After the exam ended at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the examiners immediately looked at Niya's answer sheet. It was 16 points. Now everyone breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot. The order given by the above was originally given to some experienced officers. Or the directors went to teach Niya and tried to find a way to make her pass this exam, but Niya refused, saying that she had no time because of her busy schedule.

"Miss Niya, you'd better rest for a while, review, and prepare for the exam on rights in the evening."

In the examination room, the candidates were all communicating with each other, and Niya was about to go out. Michelle reminded her. Niya then put her hand into Michelle's pocket. Michelle was about to get out of the way at first, but immediately restrained herself. Niya took out her cigarette and waved it in front of Michelle's eyes.

"I'll go out and smoke two."

Niya was standing outside the examination room in a good mood. The aroma was already coming from the cafeteria. Niya smiled happily. There was no problem with the exam this time. However, Niya was a little doubtful about one thing. Gene and Ling Hong and the two of them sang together to help him make up for the bad days.

"Really, you two bastards, tell me in advance, it would be great if you knew the answer."

Niya snorted coldly, then looked at the sky in the distance comfortably, then glanced at the candidates in the examination room, and smiled helplessly. At this time, a woman with short hair and somewhat sallow and rough skin passed by her. Get up dejected.

"What's wrong!"

The woman hummed and was a little surprised when she saw Niya. Then when she was about to leave, Niya held her shoulder.

"Why do you want to do business?"

Niya noticed that this lean woman had chapped skin, especially on her hands. Many areas were covered with calluses. She had a weather-beaten cheek. She looked like she was in her thirties or forties, but her eyes were a little childish. She Probably a construction worker.

"I want to have a stable job."

"Are you a mutant?"

Niya asked, and the woman shook her head, looking a little embarrassed, and she lowered her head.

"If you are a mutant, I can recruit you to work in District 29, which is under my jurisdiction. District 29 is currently under construction. If you don't pass the exam, come here as soon as possible. There is endless work. for you."

The woman nodded gratefully.


"May I have your name."

Niya said as she held out a cigarette, but the woman refused.

"My name is Yincai, Lady Niya."

"A very special name. Keep up the good work in the exam tonight."

Yincai hummed and walked away. It looked like she wanted to get some air. Niya laughed helplessly.

Most people who come to the medical department come here for stable jobs, which is understandable. The situation in the city is getting worse and worse. Huge problems caused by the overall problems in the medical industry will soon surface. , there is a feeling that the storm is coming, Niya can feel it during this time.

At this time, the candidates who were still talking outside the examination room suddenly started talking. The examiner came over. As soon as Niya looked over, she snorted coldly. The guy who Niya had hated the most since she was a child came, Xue Wang smiled and walked over with a gentle smile accompanied by several council officers.

This guy with a fake smile on his face is very annoying to Niya. Because of his relationship in the past, many of her sister's deeds were infinitely magnified under his control. And many of the things he did behind the scenes, Niya has been very disappointed in these years. Yacai gradually understood.

"Everyone, please work hard on the exam. Our business department welcomes capable people."

As soon as he came over, King Xue spoke to many candidates who were standing respectfully, and then King Xue walked directly towards Niya.

"Officer Niya, please work hard to pass this exam."

"Okay, okay, I'm thinking about some knowledge right now. It's better if you don't talk to me. If I forget, I'll still fail the exam. Aren't you going to embarrass your elite class?"

King Xue adjusted his glasses, put his hands on Niya's shoulders, and said with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to your subsequent performance, Officer Niya."

Niya looked disgusted, and after King Xue left, she hurriedly patted both shoulders.

King Xue smiled and glanced at Niya through the reflection of the lenses, and then his eyes immediately locked on Michelle.

The exam questions this time were jointly set by King Xue and some secretaries, and King Xue originally planned to leak the exam content to Niya. Just when King Xue was thinking about how to tell the exam questions to the student who had seriously failed the basic education stage When the Angus family became a degenerate member, they noticed that Gene and Ling Hong were already teaching Niya.

King Xue called Gene directly. Gene said there would be no problem this time, but King Xue was still a little worried because Niya's performance was related to the face of the business department. This was the third time. It's time to take the exam. If you fail again, it will be difficult to control the public opinion in the city.

However, after reading Niya's test paper, King Xue became confused. It was impossible for anyone except himself to leak the questions to Niya, because he was the only one who had read all the questions, but those questions that Niya answered correctly, They were all produced by different secretaries.

It’s just that King Xue understood after thinking about it for a moment. No matter how the people who set the exam questions are rotated every year, the secretary will definitely participate in it and account for a larger proportion, and King Xue, as the examiner, will select the appropriate questions. Come.

King Xue soon understood. He had selected questions twice as an examiner in the past, and this was the third time. After comparing the scope and habits of his questions in the previous two times, he came to the conclusion that someone had guessed him. What kind of questions will come up.

Such a thing seemed impossible in the eyes of others, but in reality it happened. Niya easily scored more than 15 points. Then King Xue understood it as soon as he investigated and went to find Whit in person to confirm.

"It's really scary, you're less than 30 years old!"

King Xue looked at Michelle who was looking around in the examination room with great interest. Whit had told King Xue that Michelle had helped some students in the school to cheat more than once or twice, but this was not strictly speaking. It's not cheating, but Michelle accurately guessed what questions the teachers would ask and guided the students in advance.

In addition, Jean helped Michelle when the girl who shared the dormitory with Michelle was murdered. King Xue knew very well that Niya's success in passing the exam this time was closely related to Michelle.

An interesting idea appeared in King Xue's mind. If Michelle can become the section chief of Section 4, the medical industry in the city will be very stable. Once the overall medical industry is stabilized, all other aspects will go smoothly. .

But now Michelle has been transferred out of Section 4 because of her actions. King Xue has also consulted Lolita for her opinion, and he very much hopes to let Michelle come to Section 1, intending to train her to become a subject in Section 1. Next Secretary.

It's just that King Xue didn't know why Michelle chose to go to Section 5. Although Jean had part of the reason, there was another part of the reason. King Xue guessed that it might have something to do with that depraved element.

Is that guy really useful?

This is the doubt in King Xue's mind about Niya. Niya cannot be compared with Alpha. If you want to build a new era of business, you must arrange everything in advance. Although Niya relies on A lot of things have been accomplished by accident, but in the eyes of King Xue, these things have no merit, at least they are unique, and only Niya can do it.

The situation at the bottom has become increasingly unstable, and the medical industry is collapsing. This is because businessmen have always refused to hand over medical care to Congress. King Xue has done a lot of work over the years, which has contributed to the collapse of the medical industry. .

King Xue stared sideways at Niya at the entrance of the examination room. Now she is like a hot potato. The staff of various departments in District 29, including the local councilors, are miserable. Even councilors from several associations are looking for King Xue. Talked about Niya's problem.

"What are you going to do? Do you really want to push this rag up?"

King Xue muttered quietly, and then walked towards Michelle who was patrolling the examination room.

"Lord Xue Wang!"

Michelle bowed slightly, King Xue nodded and patted Michelle on the arm.

"If you are interested, our 1st Division welcomes you at any time. As the number one of the new generation, I am looking forward to your subsequent performance."

Michelle nodded slightly and saluted, then turned around and continued to inspect the examination room. King Xue planned to have a good chat with Lolita after the examination, as well as the other gods, who are now the next candidates for Section 4 Chief. There was some consideration, and they planned to let Hua Shen, a well-known doctor, take over the job.

It's just that King Xue is not very optimistic about Huashen, because King Xue has known him for too long, and he is not suitable for these things in the power world, because he is not interested in all of this, and even has a repulsive mentality. There is no doubt about his ability, but he is not suitable.

The most inappropriate thing for King Xue is the 2nd subject. Now the 2nd subject is completely at the forefront, and the 2nd subject has eliminated a large number of people, including former classmates. Every time King Xue looks for Mo Xiaolan, When they talked about some things, Mo Xiaolan was silenced and had no way to refute, even if he took Billy with him.

The unity of business affairs is what King Xue plans to achieve next. This is also the most critical point in Alpha's letter to himself. King Xue also recognized the unity of business affairs proposed by Alpha when he was in power in the past.

However, each subject is like a gear with different sizes and different functions, which cannot fit well at all. Therefore, King Xue came up with an idea to push students from all fields of his college to each subject, and finally push them to high positions. After all, this is the most practical thing. Only by being able to hold a line in your own hands can the business department be unified.

When I came over last night to do some work on the exam, King Xue had already discussed the issue of Niya's transfer. No matter which district she was transferred to, she would be in trouble. So the next area Niya would be transferred to was District 1. This is After discussion, the two decided that at least Niya would not be so noisy at the upper level. After all, if she did anything outrageous, she would have to consider the family's face.

There is a world of difference between the upper class's money and power and the middle and lower class, and it is in the district where the General Affairs Department is located. This also makes it easier for Locke to slowly teach Niya some things and make her temper her fiery personality.

"Lord Xue Wang, does Officer Niya need to take the mutant combat test tomorrow?"

King Xue nodded.

"It's better to make arrangements, as for the candidates."

As soon as King Xue finished speaking, several directors behind him looked reluctant, and King Xue smiled helplessly.

"Just arrange any director."

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the rights exam officially began. Niya covered her mouth and snickered, because the content was almost exactly the same as what Gene explained a few days ago, and she could definitely do it.

Niya had never thought that the exam was such an easy and simple thing. In less than an hour, Niya finished it. After submitting the test paper, she stood up comfortably, stretched her limbs, and then turned around and started walking.

Tomorrow there will be a test on firearms and mutant fighting. Originally, Niya was too lazy to take the test, but the examiners told themselves that they must at least pass the test in a symbolic way.

Niya looked at a group of directors at the main stage of the examination room and walked over.

"How about it, I can pass this time."

Many council officers nodded, and then one council officer spoke.

"Miss Niya, please show mercy tomorrow."

Niya turned around and waved her hands.

"Don't worry, I only need one blow to knock you down."

Niya had never felt so relaxed. She hummed a little song and ran out of the examination room. Then she quickly looked around, entered an alley and disappeared, and soon came to Rose's shop. Going directly to the second floor, Niya saw a large table of sumptuous dishes ready as soon as she opened the door.

"Eat, little girl, just think of it as a celebration that you finally passed the exam."

"Oh, I can finally eat your cooking Rose."

Jean sighed helplessly, looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"Hurry up and register. The examination for the scientific officer should start this year."

Gene said and Nia muttered.

"Forget it next year."

"Strike while the iron is hot, little girl. You seem to have become even more powerful recently."

Rose's golden eyes flashed with a slight yellow light, and she quietly inspected Niya's body.

"Sure enough, I didn't make a mistake back then. Your potential is indeed genuine."

Gene stood up and walked over carrying a bottle of wine.

"This is."

Niya saw a number on the outer packaging, with the word "Li" written on it.

"I've had it before."

"It was sent here by your classmate Li Ang."

Niya laughed heartily.

"Hurry up and call him and ask him to come over and have a drink with me."

Gene shook his head helplessly.

"He should be busy with chores right now, and he won't be able to come over in a short time."

Jean smiled and looked at Niya who was very happy. Li Ang had been removed from his post and transferred to Section 11. Jean did not tell Niya. It was all because Li Ang leaked the internal top-secret information of Section 7 and told her. Niya, it’s a good thing that she wasn’t expelled. This matter was taken over by Division 2, and the evidence is conclusive.

"You have an exam tomorrow, so you'd better drink less."

Rose said, Nia had already drank a glass in one go, she looked very happy.

Gene then turned around and jumped onto the window sill.

"Where are you going, bastard? Come have a nice drink with me."

"I'll go out for now and I'll be back later."

At 10 o'clock sharp, most of the candidates began to leave and went to a nearby hotel to rest. In order to prepare for tomorrow's battle and weapon use tests, Jean quietly disappeared in the crowd and soon saw the sound.

After watching Yincai walk into an alley with some disappointment, huddled on the ground with his back against the wall, Gene showed his figure.

"What's wrong, miss? Isn't it still possible this year?"

Yincai lowered her head and hummed.

"Or not."

"How about trying again."

After failing the exam for the third time, Jean originally thought that Yincai would not come again after her second failure, but this time she came anyway.

"It's really hard Mr. Jean."


Yincai took out the note that Jean had given to her before and handed it over. The note looked a little older, so Jean didn't take it.

"These are the notes of a former student of mine. The content is similar to the current business exam."

Yin Cai hummed, this notebook was indeed very well done, and many key points were annotated in great detail, with clear layers and meticulous steps.

"I probably won't be able to pass the exam in my life. Now I'm working in a clothing store."

"keep it up!"

Jean smiled and patted Yincai's shoulder, then turned around and walked away. There was a little smile on Yincai's cheek, but most of it was bitter. She lowered her head and stared blankly at the ground. .

Soon Gene came to another place. Under the flickering spotlight, a large number of reporters gathered around an old brown Beetle car, interviewing the father and daughter.

"Okay everyone, it's just a test."

Pullman said gently, and his beautiful daughter Letty looked very happy next to him.

"This lady will pass the exam with first place!"

Jean was watching quietly outside the reporters. At this time, Letty also saw Jean. She ran over immediately and pushed aside the reporters. However, Jean was gone. Letty immediately mentioned it excitedly. The skirt suddenly accelerated and started to run quickly. There was a light blue particle in front of her eyes, and soon Letty ran into an alley.

"I think I have figured out the question last time, Mr. Jean, let's go! Let's have a good chat."

Letty couldn't help but grabbed Jean's arm and dragged him up.

"Another day, miss, you have an exam tomorrow."

"No, if I can't have a good talk with you tonight, I think I won't be able to sleep. Come on, or I'll be restless all day tomorrow."

Gene was a little helpless, but he could only be forcibly dragged by Letty and ran.

Letty didn't stop until she reached a private mansion.

"This belongs to a friend of my dad's. I've been living here these days."

Gene glanced at the neatly tidied room and could only walk in.

At this time, the phone rang. After Gene glanced at the number, he scratched his head helplessly.

"What's wrong, Jiaojiao! Are you satisfied with your work?"


It was just two simple words, but Gene could hear some hesitation in Ye Jiao's voice.

"How about you think about what I said, Jiaojiao."

"Who is it, Mr. Jean, and which family is she from?"

Letty walked over with a smile. At this time, the door of the compound opened, and Pullman came in under the escort of bodyguards. After seeing Jean, he signaled the bodyguards to disperse.

Gene lit a cigarette and exhaled a long puff of smoke.

"There's no harm in giving it a try, Jiaojiao."

"Well, I know, next year!"

Gene blew out a meaningful puff of smoke and then hung up the phone. Letty had already brought up several light and shadow screens, which were all about cases and legal matters.

"Come here quickly and take a seat, Mr. Jean."

Pullman looked solemn, but soon could only smile bitterly.

"Really, what should I do if I meet my daughter in the Law Hall one day?"

Gene looked at Pullman and nodded.

"Teach your daughter a lesson, right?"

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